Meka’s defection was more personal than political.
Being overlooked in Chippy’s last Cabinet reshuffle has ruffled her feathers and she left the flock.
It is very possible that Nanaia Mahuta will also be wooed.
The Labour Māori Caucus were blindsided by the decision and there is genuine sadness at this outcome but far more importantly this is a true test of the leadership of both Labour and Māori Party that the two of them can work together because if rancour spills out from this the way we are seeing with the slow motion train wreck inside the Greens right now, it will be the kiss of death for the election.
It is urgent that the Māori Labour Caucus and the Māori Party behave with respect for each other in this because if they give the Right any opportunity to hold up any conflict as a sure sign they could not work together in Government, the 2023 election falls to pieces.
Meka has initiated a defection that could trigger one more with Nanaia, but Labour and the Māori Party can not disintegrate into the infighting the Green factions find themselves in or the voters will punish them.
This is the moment and this is the test, if Labour and the Māori Party can navigate these waters with dignity then they look like they can work constructively together and that makes an election win possible.
In other news, Barry Soper just learned to count…
A commentator is predicting Meka Whaitiri’s ditching of the Labour Party for Te Pāti Māori will actually benefit another political party – New Zealand First.
…as The Daily Blog has been pointing out for about a year, the 2023 election will be decided upon by who middle NZ fears most, a far right National/ACT Government or a Labour/Green/Māori Party Government.
This seems to be news to Bazza, whose sudden realisation of a Labour/Green/Māori Party has him stammering in fear by suggesting the other possibility TDB has suggested which is National cutting an Epsom cup of tea deal in Northland.
Folks you can read it here first or wait for Bazza in 12 months time.
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Leaving Labour or National fora junior coalition partner pretty much precludes any of the big jobs/major ministries, so why would anyone do it?
Maybe a values thing or a revenge move.
OTOH, it could be strategic. Push the Labour party to not run anyone in the seat in order to ensure a leftist victory. I dont mean this to sound race oriented but Maori were great soldiers not just because of their aggression and physical prowess but because they have considerable strategic nous.
If so, its a great move – it’s saying we arent content to just be an also ran junior partner.
This defection now means that every right wing nut and their hobby horse will start screaming for the abolition of Maori electoral seats. Great.
Oh, you mean the “right wing nut jobs” in the Royal Commission that said there was n ok justification for them with MMP
ACT NZ has it as policy! and Natzos have not had the guts to say that deep down that they agree.
These seats are weird though aren’t they? Electoral commission ruled that with MMP there was no longer a need, representation of Maori interests and politicians in Parliament since then illustrates that.
The initial point of these seats was amongst other things:
1) gerrymandering to ensure that Europeans wouldn’t be outnumbered in certain areas
2) to allow Maori to vote when at the time only landed people could vote as Maori at the time owned land predominately as a collective.
We have universal suffrage (currently) so why do we need a seat system that is both gerrymandering and also only relevant when land is a precursor to voting rights and a certain group holds land collectively? Most Maori don’t hold land collectively now, nor is being landed relevant to voting rights…
I feel this may be made out to be more than it is and I think that there has been previous election years where Maori MP’s in the Labour Party have left and joined the Maori Party. It isn’t that unusual.
Daniel Lang Not unusual, but the manner in which she did it, with no prior signalling, and with her party leader overseas, was discourteous and sneaky. But the massive He Puapua agenda was developed secretly by the Ardern government unbeknown even to her own Deputy PM, which may be where Meka learned to behave this way.
Underhand may be the current dialectic, exemplified also by the Greens who not only hate huge chunks of the populace who they want votes from, but, each other, which is easily understandable. The whole damn lot of them blatantly misrepresented the Albert Park women bashing as a celebration of love and inclusion, so expecting basic good manners may be too big an ask.
Well said.
Second that.Accurately put Snow White.
The underhand tactics developed by Ardern and Chippy coming home to haunt them. ( No room for this level of dishonesty.)
Snow White, “the massive He Puapua agenda was developed secretly” Only in the minds of Maori-bashing far-right brainwashed slaves who pushed their damndest to gerrymander the issue! The govt had more important matter of question to attend to like the “White Supremacist” murdering innocent NZers at a Mosque in Christchurch, or Covid19 that was ravaging the world. Not everything is about european exceptionalism.
100% Snow White
Snow White an accurate picture,thank you.
Well said, this puts the whole of parliament into disrepute.
So an MP (a minister no less) can just wake up one day and decide, “you know what I’m going to go join another party today. I’m not going to tell any of my colleagues I’ll just leave.”
It makes a mockery of the whole institution. What if tomorrow she feels like she wants to become a Green?
Its hard not to come to the conclusion that the whole charade is nothing but a game to them, and actually working to help New Zealand a better place for all is the farthest thing on their minds. Bunch of wankers.
They had to act surprised!
Oh Snow White time to climb out of the rabbit hole these remarks are unlike you. You usually make sense even though we never agree.
I think what is being overlooked here is the covid pandemic and the effect that it has had on most people, politicians included, and this was evidently one of the factors considered when our previous prime minister decided to resign.
You’re dreaming mate. Even the left think its a crock
I am all for increased transparency in Parliament
The previous PM’s biggie covid error was smiling when she agreed that she was creating ‘ a two-tier’ society.
Snow white this country was founded on a two- tier society we saw that when our Maori soldiers came back from the war how poorly them and their whanau were treated. And now we have a multicultural society and that has been weaponised against the tangata whenua who have had no input into immigration despite being a TOW partner.
It will be very interesting to see how the two current leaders of the Māori Party react to having a more experienced and higher profile former minister join their current caucus of two.
I’m sure they knew about the defection but how much did they agree with it?
Mega will know how to bully them into shape
Should be Meka, not mega
Her one fingered salute to Labour and the taxpayer stinks of bratish self indulgence and the way it was done just plain stupidity. And so disrespectful. Imagine if Phil Twyford, whose been dumped, and highly unlikely to return to the cabinet fold, defected to whoever for people of European decent only. And with the PM finding out via social media! The progressive left would be inconsolable at the sheer racism, at least.
I couldn’t care less if others of Labour’s Maori caucus joined the other race based party, Willie only uses Labour as a vehicle for his cause and when its use is suboptimal, he’ll quit it in a heartbeat. It seems to me this government have been backed into a corner by threats not dissimilar to Meka’s defection by this caucus within a caucus. To borrow Meka’s word, Labour need to be “emancipated” from them if it stands a chance of reforming as a major party some point in the future.
I think you gravely overestimate the attraction of TPM as some sort of coalition because they simply couldn’t be relied upon, nor trusted and definitely not to the advancement of this country!
You can’t genocide maori from their ancestral country Xray this isn’t the USA.
Fabulous XRAY.
Not even the Aryan Knights of Aotearoa would take Phil Twyford, even if he came with a suitcase full of cash. He reeks too much of Labour “success”.
Martyn – Good riddance to Meka – without Labour, she will not win…
And she will be aware of that Nathan, but this is an MMP environment where parties need friends/alliances as your aware the reason why National didn’t get in last time as they had none and why the Māori party got ousted because they had the wrong ones (friends that is)
Soper, one of the true degenerates of the Parliamentary Press Gallery.
A relentless and aggressive misogynist, a psychopathic love for all things tory.
The left wants females to be public property, the right private. To females its all the same mysogynistic shite.
And neither side would ever dare to define women as anything else then ‘something that someone identifies at but no one really knows what that is”.
And Mallards best man at his wedding. So obviously a Labour Man
I rather like Barry a man of integrity.
The inability of the Speaker yesterday to explain why the Waka-jumping legislation did not apply was very questionable.
To protect the integrity of the Office of Speaker, and his own reputation, he had better explain it and release any advice or correspondence he received.
Let’s be blunt, Labour are starting to run low on MP’s and to cling power, this is what they’ll do!
They’d sell their collective souls to the devil, it’s all the same!
Absolutely , Xray, Arderns pre arranged departure sold as a sudden shock, Hipkins quite willing to backtrack or lie about backtracking policy he voted for himself, anything to win.
There is a pattern here.
Yes there are no principles in Labour except win at all costs.
The Chipster put controversial issues on the back burner which has now backfired on him.
There are more defections to come from the Maori Caucus.
Second that XRAY.
The integrity of the Speaker of the house is based on custom, not reality.
Trevor Mallard had no integrity whatsoever.
Yes Nationals David Carter was the first evidence of this.
America, House of Commons, you name it.
It is a custom!
Under the Ardern Labour Government integrity of the speaker was done away with for political gain.
” Under the Ardern Labour Government integrity of the speaker was done away with for political gain ”
As was the case with David Carter during the Key – English regime and his outrageous partisan rulings that allowed the gangsters and their ” its almost legal ” rule of law in the parliament during 2008-17.
“The Daily Blog has been pointing out for about a year, the 2023 election will be decided upon by who middle NZ fears most, a far right National/ACT Government or a Labour/Green/Māori Party Government.”
Labour has been a disaster, Labour driven by the Greens & the Maori Party…
Anyone at this stage who thinks that TPM is not just a retirement vessel for used up Labour Diversity and Quota Persons has blinders on. Rawhiti, ex Labour. Tamihere, ex Labour, current Labour Party Quota Person also ex Labour. TPM is not more indenpendent then the Greens, they are both now fully owned subsidiaries of Labour and thus even more unelectable then they were before this very dumb stunt.
My question is where will Willie go?
Then the Labour Party vote will collapse. The retarded gweens won’t make it to 5% and TMP will end up with the Nats. 2023 October NZ General Election bitches!
Or, a Hung Parliament will prevail for 6 months or so, until another election occurs.
You should join the theatre Denny Paoa you are so theatrical.
There is NO WAY the Greens won’t make 5%, it is simply NOT possible.
NZ has too many people who are ignorant and/or stupid that will vote for them cos it “feels good”.
No green party that knows a single thing about engineering and science would ever push solar, wind or EVs.
They are an absolute nightmare.
Solar MAY become viable in the future, although wind is unlikely to ever be so as the materials science just doesn’t support it.
If you want green, it is hydro or dare I say it, nuclear.
Yes dare to say it. Thorium nuclear. Aluminium ion batteries.
My my there’s some grumpy bum people on this site, who cares if Mekas has switched alliances the world hasn’t caved in, and people need to stop making a mountain out of a molehill. And some people are showing how racist they are (because they have had it all there way for too long) when they say our millionaires will leave the country if the left block get in power this lot are acting like petulant kids when they don’t get there way.
No, they are saying that if a wealth tax is imposed on NZers that wealth will flow out of the country.
Whether this will prove to be correct is another matter.
covid is pa. It’s not so much what she’s done, many of us are beyond caring about the sociopaths in the Beehive, it’s the way in which she did it. There’s little excuse for politicians showcasing bad manners, and race doesn’t come into it at all- nobody brought up race when Muldoon behaved politically impetuously.
The people that elected that person might have a different opinion then you do, and may forgo elections altogether cause why bother, if the elected officials don’t serve their term.
You might care that Meka defected if you are in her electorate and vote for her cause she was labour, not cause you wanted her as an mp
I am in her electorate, and I did vote for her (Meka), and I will split my vote this election and hopefully so will many others if they have any brains.
Only 24 comments in and the racist card is played. Can anything Maori be discussed without labeling everyone a racist? Or are Maori only allowed to comment on New Zealand constitutional matters?
Their refers to people, there refers to a place. I guess it is racist to correct spelling mistakes?
No, they are saying that if penalty taxes for doing well are introduced they will leave, it’s just that the envious on the left are more likely to do this.
Yes Covid New Zealanders remember the whinging Poms in the day, my goodness New Zealanders have taken their place they now want it all and they don’t actually want pay for any of it. Whinge ,whinge whinge thats all they do not a constructive bone amongst them, yes and racist too.
Meanwhile Chippy travels to a faraway land to eat sausage with the king and later, if he brings more tax money from his brothers and sisters for weapons, turkish delight.
I didn’t realise Whaitiri was the Hawkes Bay disaster relief minister. Jesus wept, talk a out putting one’s self before community. People are going it very hard down there, she abandons them. What a disgraceful woman!
The Maori party will be the “Kingmaker” come election time and they certainty won’t vote for the NATZOS. I believe it’s a strategic move as whaitiri wasn’t going nowhere in the Labour rankings.
Both the Left Block and the right block are going to need a Hand brake. It’s all setting up nicely for NZ First to be King Maker – that’s what Middle NZ needs right now. Some common sense.
Barry can count.
And she will be aware of that Nathan, but this is an MMP environment where parties need friends/alliances as your aware the reason why National didn’t get in last time as they had none and why the Māori party got ousted because they had the wrong ones (friends that is)
And she will be aware of that Nathan, but this is an MMP environment where parties need friends/alliances as your aware the reason why National didn’t get in last time as they had none and why the Māori party got ousted because they had the wrong ones (friends that is)
Chippies swan song?
Once again Ada you are spot on.
Soper is like a pimple on your nose , unsightly , embarrassing , painful and encourages unwanted attention.
He is the epitome of everything that should be fought against and resisted.
Then we might get the bottom 35 % of people fed , housed and have their rights as New Zealanders returned to them including their dignity and aspirations of something better.
Soper is like a pimple on your nose , unsightly , embarrassing , painful and encourages unwanted attention.
He is the epitome of everything that should be fought against and resisted.
Then we might get the bottom 35 % of people fed , housed and have their rights as New Zealanders returned to them including their dignity and aspirations of something better.
Just like all of the people with excessive wealth are afforded.
Wow imagine that !
Te Pati Maori, are fundamental agains deals with the nats, more probable, we need help Meka, to understand this parliaments rules and we are not out of our depth, in our culture, but the depth of parliaments rules.
Bommer, dont give the game away, thanks not printing.
Snow white this country was founded on a two- tier society we saw that when our Maori soldiers came back from the war how poorly them and their whanau were treated. And now we have a multicultural society and that has been weaponised against the tangata whenua who have had no input into immigration despite being a TOW partner.
Snow white this country was founded on a two- tier society we saw that when our Maori soldiers came back from the war how poorly them and their whanau were treated. And now we have a multicultural society and that has been weaponised against the tangata whenua who have had no input into immigration despite being a TOW partner.
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