Federated Farmers claim Greenpeace is lying about Farmers poisoning water when that’s exactly what is happening

Most pictures paint a thousand words. This one paints 3, 'Gimmie more now'.

You know when Greenpeace are being effective when Federated Farmers come out swinging.

On the early morning segment of the AM SHow this morning, Federated Farmers were on attacking Greenpeace of spreading disinformation about nitrate in water causing cancer.

I know.

Gasp inducing right?

Here’s Otago University, hardly an outpost of anti-Farming sentiment…

An oversupply of nitrate, particularly in the absence of antioxidants, can cause formation of N-nitroso compounds ( NOC ), many of which are proven causes of cancer.


Federated Farmers are panicking that the obvious impacts of farming intensification are now impossible to scientifically hide…

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‘Sobering’ snapshot of NZ’s freshwater decline released

One expert says a new report on New Zealand’s declining freshwater quality is a “sobering snapshot” of how the country’s “economic and physical well-being” is being harmed without additional Government action.

The report, jointly authored by the Environment Ministry and Stats NZ, collates and outlines the latest data and research about the country’s water bodies.

Otago University environmental health researcher Tim Chambers said it was a “sobering snapshot” of the state of New Zealand’s freshwater ecosystems.

He said the report “clearly showed” that further action is “required to protect our freshwater for our physical and economic well-being”.

“An estimated 45% of our river length is not suitable for swimming due to bacterial contamination. In 2017, 1200 people got sick after reporting contact with recreational water.”

Chambers said bacterial contamination at tested sites was either getting worse or not getting better.

…of course 45% our rivers are poisoned!

A cow shits the same as 14 humans, we have 10 million cows, that’s the equivalent of 140million humans pissing and shitting into our rivers, but fuck that – MORE COWS!

Right wing climate deniers, Boomers who don’t like being told they’ve contributed in any way shape or form to the current climate catastrophes and those who profit from cow pollution will scream climate change is a socialist hoax and that’s why not one precious cow life will be culled ever because every calf is scared!

Farmers are 1.16% of the population, represent 5.5% of GDP, make 48% of greenhouse gas emissions and create 70% of NZ’s contribution to global warming yet they are able to run roughshod over any legislative reigning in because the have such enormous political and economic power!

They will claim every criticism of them is disinformation and their vast political muscle will ensure that message is dutifully conveyed in the media.

The ease with which their message is accepted shows how bovine our heard like debate is.


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  1. What are the trends. Or are we just going to abandon everything that makes humans flourish in an attempt to make the planet a better place?

    If you fail to convince through argument, just should louder!

    Science tells us that decreasing stock numbers creates better value for farmers. Science tells us that trees are great at absorbing CO2. But science also tells us that some trees cause more problems that others. So all trees are not equal.

    We need to develop plans that improve our lives not storm down the first alley we find. Not understanding the risks associated with your actions in an effort to save the world can do more damage than good.

    If rational thinking based on experience and an understanding of physics makes me an alarmist. Then FU all.

  2. Jesus Christ. That’s a triple jowler right there I tell ya.
    federated farmers is a trumpet for the natzo’s and their neoliberal minions and many fed members are politicians and all of them are natzo’s.
    ( Oh God! I’ve just had a terrible realisation as I was swirling to The Daily Blog plug hole… I’ve suddenly realised I’d be better off doing my washing then walk my poodle than spend another second here, in no persons land, ranting and writing in between the terminally stupid and the terminally greedy. I’m out. Good bye Martyn Bradbury and good bye everyone who isn’t a dumb, crooked cunt and to those I say, don’t worry. You’ll flourish. You can’t go wrong. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m out.

    • Yes countryboy it’s about time you took a break. Probably you have laryngitis. Do put your feet up with a cuppa tea or some home brew and get refreshed ready to re-enter the fray. The place wouldn’t be the same without you. That old country flavour and twang is bracing, as long as the twang doesn’t come from a crossbow. But your invective is well seasoned enough to fell the lot of us with a sweep of your mind. We’ll look for you soon to stop the pussy-footing around.

    • Don’t be too hard on Martyn Countryboy,,,, he’s a townie, ,he’s rightfully upset at the state of our rivers ,,, and he has not properly identified the system under which farmers exist,,,, and the flaw or problem with this broken system, which you’ve repeatedly identified ,,,, the dirty banksters.and white collar swindlers.

      My Grandfather was a farmer in the Waitaki river valley ,,,he ran his farm in such a way that it was sustainable, built up the soil, and could be farmed in that way for hundreds of years ,,, he also voted Labour.

      But farmland is valued and sold based on the dollar returns from it,,, which rely on international commodity markets (dirty white collars),,, and ‘flogging the arse off the land’.

      Farmer debt has ballooned because of high prices for those buying into this ‘flog the arse off the land’ financing model ,,,, ,,, or they take on debt/invest in ‘intensive agriculture’/flogging the arse off it, for the higher returns,,,,which is most often not sustainable for the land over longer time frames.

      Lending for non-sustainable intensification of agriculture is worse than reckless ,,, it’s damaging and a clear case of deliberately ‘not giving a fuck..’.

      ….This dangerous lending/debt should be wiped,,, ecocide is a crime,,, and the money engineering it is contaminated

      Farmers being able to farm in a system which does not require the ‘flogging the arse off the land’, is the only way to start fixing things.

      Help the farmers ,,, fuck the Banksters ,,,, and everyone in AoNz will be far better off.

      But I will finish off by saying, that any townies or farmers, who do not give a fuck about our water ,,, Should be made to put on white disco pants and drink it,,,that way we can spot who they are easy,, https://www.bitchute.com/video/ogSU8LX74q87/ ,,,

  3. All that has to happen is the creation of some clean green industries to replace this.

    Exports The top exports of New Zealand are Concentrated Milk ($11.1B), Sheep and Goat Meat ($4.35B), Rough Wood ($4.31B), Frozen Bovine Meat ($3.77B), and Butter ($3.28B), exporting mostly to China ($22.5B), Australia ($8.03B), United States ($7.18B), Japan ($3.76B), and South Korea ($2.06B)

    This has been NZs economic problem for 150 years. Dissing farmers doesn’t solve it. Farmers just enable the rest of us to buy shit at The Warehouse.

    • I don’t think all farming forms pollute at the same rate. Isn’t Dairy way more problematic than dry stock or sheep farming etc? The water quality in the Ashburton area has deteriorated due to dairy conversion. And banning synthetic fertilisers is not the same as stopping farming. Everyone deals in absolutes, like it’s all or nothing. Bollocks

      • Fairy-minded federated farmers eh. Show them a scientific paper giving them facts and they swoon. Trouble is the people at the top have stopped thinking along farming lines and gone to people-herding and not piles of manure but piles of money.

        It makes scaredy cats of them all and certain words set them off, exchange rate, inflation, pollution, stocking rates and they won’t even allow their wives to wear stockings to avoid that word cropping up, but then even ‘cropping’ is sensitive. But irrigation of pockets and irrigation of pastures are so entwined that it is impossible to ban that word from dairy farmers and financiers and farm owners’ lexicon. Dear dear, please handle these big men and women softly as their bulk has illusory strength. The bigger they are the harder they fall – and that thought bothers them.

      • I’m just saying if you want to cut back dairy farming or provide greater environmental protection then you need to remove the export income economic incentive that reinforces the status quo. To do that you need new export industries otherwise you have a balance of payments problem. Alternatively you can stop immigration. Every immigrant requires a few more dairy cows to earn the required overseas currency to keep the immigrant in the lifestyle they are seeking here.

    • Seeing the big picture is useful. Since it was set up, NZ Inc has exploited the environment in order to export primary produce, notwithstanding a very few niche industries. And you’re spot on Joseph, it’s what gives us the foreign exchange to buy all the stuff we need and dont need. It couldn’t be clearer.

      What has changed is increasing intensification, especially in regions that shouldn’t support dairying in the first place. But ya know what is said, the lure of white gold is hard to resist in the age of corporatization and free markets. What hasn’t changed are ways of fertilizing land that cant sustain stock numbers.

      Really, it’s just bs when the farming industry denies the science around water quality.

  4. simple question—why then our most of our water ways so full of cow shit that they are unswimmable?
    are the evil chinese using blimps tro drop millions of tons of shit in NZ rivers in the dead of night?

  5. When arguing nitrate pollution lets do it properly. Firstly I’m a retired sheep and beef farmer and don’t deny we have a problem thats built up over many years and is now being exacerbated by by climate change. The problem didn’t start with dairy cows it started post second world war when it was discovered that tiger moth aircraft could get superphosphate onto our hill country. There was no science then that showed that fertilisers were so harmful to our environment, and those farmers who could afford to put the most fert on grew the most grass. Dairy farms followed that principal. Cows are now an issue and I personally don’t want to see their numbers rise but they are a convenient target. What is never talked about is the huge amount of fertiliser containing nitrogen that is used to grow your Wheatbix, oat milk and your veges. these fertilisers also end up in our waterways and aquifers. The reason we don’t hear about them is that we don’t really want to hear about that, as our grains, and veges are clean, right!. The other problem is the rubbish tips and oxidation ponds beside our rivers. Both our rivers in CHB have rubbish dumps and oxidation ponds right next to the rivers just waiting for the next fresh. The Fed guy Martyn is having a crack at is being defensive but I wonder why. Do you ever see those market gardens south of Auckland being asked about their fertiliser use. Do we ask what fertiliser goes on those maize and barley crops. We don’t even give the dairy farmers credit for the huge changes they are making and have made.

    • Fair call on pollution from dumps and other fertilisers. I guess your wheatbix doesn’t shit your water ways but when it comes to synthetic fertiliser its about the fertiliser not who uses it

      • Well done giving it a thought Wheel. An example where just plain old sheep and beef have had an accumulated problem is Lake Tūtira in Hawkes Bay that virtually died because of run off from top dressing. No concentrations of cows there. Important to note farmers have strict rules on applying fertiliser now but eighty years of bad fertiliser application will take years to fix. Our weather has worsened the problem with low water ways at times encouraging growth from nutrients and high water exposing dumps and flooding oxidation ponds. In cities the drainage just doesn’t cope. Comments like Sinic has written just show ignorance.

    • While fertilizer use in crops is a potential problem in Ellesmere they have rules regarding application rates to limit any damage, there is a huge difference between fertilizer use in crops & cattle peeing concentrated Nitrogen in their urine as well in regards to nitrate levels in the ground.

      • I agree Bonnie that cattle peeing straight into a river needs to and is being stopped. All farming has rules on the application of fertiliser but cropping requires high quantities as compared to pastural farming and more often than not the same paddocks are used for cropping albeit in rotation. Many of these crops are near to or on the banks of rivers everywhere. Rivers have the potential to be polluted by all farming. I’m a retired farmer so have a good idea. So called organic fruit orchards are free of the fertiliser problem but hidden effects of so called chemical free sprays is also rubbish but never talked about because fruit is healthy isn’t it. Huge concentrations of copper sulphate can build up in the soil under these trees which isn’t desirable imo. I have also sprayed In organic orchards so know what I’m talking about. All I’m doing is shining a light on the so called clean farming that isn’t so clean.

      • If you actually read what I’ve written Bonnie you see that you don’t need large concentrations of cows to adversely affect water ways and lakes.

  6. Yes Joseph, I blame the Warehouse as well for all our climate challenge s. In the old days we used to Knitt and weld things back together. Now we just buy cheap goods to end up in land fill a month later.

  7. Looks like a man with his gun that I saw on a duck shooting magazine. He had a keen eye and some dead ducks, a woollen cap and a large jowl. A large practical man who looked self-satisfied that knew all he needed to know. It seemed a template for backwoods country man.

  8. New Zealanders pay triple for primary industries: we pay for the pollution, we pay highest retail price of product on the international market (even if it’s grown on the farm next door), and we pay in fear for the day that dairy has to finally clean up its act which will absolutely trigger Mr. Porkchop above, transforming him from environmental abuser to economic bandit with threats of supply chain disruptions and higher prices.

  9. Oh well I can put up an argument about these claims of pollution so I’ll let the other blighters get on with it and do my own thing. It’s not my bloody responsibility to take on any problems – the government should be making it easier for us farmers and ‘cow cockies’ and Queen Street/Oz/Californika owners and assorted others to get on with the solid revenue stuff. That’s
    what everyone is yelling out for isn’t it? /Sarc

  10. Lamb/ButterMilk prices went straight to his cheeks. Fat cunt.

    Farmers in NZ are arseholes.

    They have zero care for our land of people. They are bank puppets.

    Meh. Get a fucking spine rural NZ!

  11. Agree with ya Sinic the farmers have far too much to say and should shut the fuck up M bovis cost us millions and when there is a flood or disaster they cry and bitch and keep putting their hands out yet when others want help, they are quick to put the boot in.


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