ACT flex in Tamaki trumps Luxon in Auckland as fight on the right heats up


Another audacious raid deep into National Party territory as ACT show everyone they are here for 15% on election night.

The announcement that Brooke van Velden will challenge National Party God Boy Simon O’Connor for the deeply safe Tamaki Auckland electorate over shadowed Luxon because of what it says about the fight on the right this election.

The Right have had dangerously accurate polling that details the resentment Aucklanders feel towards Labour thanks to the lock down and that resentment has turned some electorates into actual ACT majorities.

Tamaki is one such Auckland electorate.

Brooke in comparison to O’Connor is full charged electric car vs a broken wheelchair. She is a candidate of surprising quality and beating a National Party boiled ham like O’Connor is absolutely possible.

It shows how confident ACT are going into 2023 and the deeper polarisation that isn’t being appreciated by the mainstream media.

This political move is so big, it actually eclipsed whatever it was Luxon said in Auckland.

What did he say?

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Something something tax cuts something something law and order something something Jesus loves Landlords and hates renters something something I love Jesus.


It’s only because Luxon is so weak ACT are attacking like they are.


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  1. Sorry to get a little off topic but it has come up a bit lately.

    Boiled ham?? Can someone please explain what that means? Thank you.

      • When ‘they’ step out the door to go to functions and the like. Theyre wearing no more than $10k in clothing plus jewellery. It is just a different class to the ferals in Act.

        Like any other political party. There is a code for the elite within the inner sanctum and then there’s the rats and mice.

        BvV is part of the latter.

  2. You’re on the money Martyn!

    It’s worth attending conferences of National and ACT to compare the demographics:
    National: Mostly old 75+ old farts and their wives.
    ACT: Mostly 20-40 year olds, tertiary educated.
    Guess where the future is!

    • National have just released their firearms policy, trying to woe back shooters. Sadly too little, too late and we haven’t forgotten who stood with us when it mattered.

    • Yes Andrew the 20/40 year olds have no idea of the ACT history “ Rogernomics”, “Mother of all Budgets”, “Save the Rail Prebble”. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer and with the smart arse little twat in power along with “ get to know me Luxon “ we will be the laughing stock of the world.

  3. If nothing else it will give Act exposure which all minor parties need to get that important second tick. She is strong enough to win the seat as National’s man is not that popular

  4. Alot of boiled hams in the National ranks. To many. Full credit to Seymour, his team has present Ed like a govt in waiting. 15%might be Abit light. The Auckland resentment of Labour, probably extends to Hamilton, as they had a redicurlous lock down as well.

  5. I wonder if anyone would have noticed if the photo for this article and the obituary for Jerry Springer had been “accidentally’ swapped over.

  6. ACT will freeze wages, and take an axe to public services. They will put cash registers back in hospitals and flog everything off not nailed down.

    • As long as they kick out the 88 people working in PR at NZTA, then I’m happy. What’s 88 people doing in PR, why does NZTA even have a POR agency??? That’s NOT public service!!! There should be 88 more people on the roads fixing potholes. Please Seymour, get in there with a sledgehammer – just for Millsy, come on, you can do it!

  7. This will be fascinating on election night for this community.

    I wonder if by doing this that ACT will gain simply more of the deny Labour vote to National to ACT instead as a local MP has more of a voteable aspect?

  8. Meh. It just reflects the changing voting patterns coming to the right worldwide. Act is the vehicle for the populist right like me who are sick of the establishment right that National and Luxon champion. Act aren’t faultless and Seymour and co need to reflect they will need to move further right on many issues to hold the base post election.

    • Further right? So what are we talking here? Full privatization and asset sell off? Turning the country into a tax haven? Is there a line that is too far right? And if so what is it?

    • But what will you do Frank, if you have a heart attack and need to go to a public hospital?
      Once it’s all been sold off, even you may not be able to afford treatment.
      In the end it all comes down to us. Do we want to receive publicly funded emergency healthcare or not?

  9. I don’t see an issue with that. No more then I see an issue with the Queer Party running candidates in electorates next to the Labour Party and causing them to not get elected as happened to Jacinda Ardern twice in Auckland Central during the John Key years. Both times J.A lost by the numbers of votes the Queer Party candidate got. As i was told by a Queer Party supporter at the time, its their good right. And it is.

    In fact, bully to them. At least the public will have the impression – even if that may be misguided – that there are a difference of opinion, and that there are different candidates to choose from.
    MMP in action. Ladida.
    The issue that some on the left really have is the slowly dawning realization that while the Queer Party desperately tries to become irrelevant and seemingly is successful at, that Labour sadly needs them.
    Without the Queer Party Labour will get its 33 – 38% share, and without any decent parties to support them they are as dead in the water as National was in 2016. No mates, no play. And the mates of the Labour Party are toxic.
    ACT – for good or for bad – does what any self respecting Party should do, go out, into the community and present themselves to the public. And fwiw, if Labour does not want to lose and lose badly, maybe they should start listening to the people – he tangata, rather then listen to their million dollar speech writers.
    Because i don’t think that Labour can actually afford to lose anymore support from the large middle center of politics – the people that vote according to the times, that are not members of any party, and that are not mindless followers, that are not single issue voters, you know the ones that are currently being maligned as ‘captured’ potentially ‘rightwing’ cause they are not on the far left, and so on. I mean, why would anyone want to vote for proponents of that divisive bullshit.
    Never mind the failing health system, the failing school system, the fucked roads, the high cost of living, the closing businesses and all that jazz.
    But i guess Labour can’t do that, because it firstly would have to admit the many times it pissed people off for no good reason.
    Ditto for the ‘women’ vote – will Labour be able to define what a women is in order to harvest their votes, or will they hope that enough male/women – any one who identifies as a women- will be voting for them, while the real deal will go with anyone who will keep these male/women out of their sports, changing rooms, prison cells and so on?

    ACT is not your problem comrade, Labour is. ACT is just a political party out to win, and chances are they will win more then just Epsom, thanks to the utter incompetence, arrogance and ignorance of Labour.

  10. Luxon has been taking drama and movement classes so as to project a vibrant personality with
    vitality and confidence to take youall in the 22nd century. Don’t think the transformation will turn him into a George Vi type with real integrity to his personal role, as in The Kings Speech.


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