Four Women Block Central Wellington Street – Restore Passenger Rail


An all-woman team of two sisters, a Biology student and a mother stopped traffic at 8am today, at the intersection of Vivienne (SH1) and Cuba Street, Wellington Central.

The women say they will not allow the government to torpedo them and their families into an unliveable future due to the impacts of climate change.
“As a teacher I really worry about my kids’ future” said Jill Jackson, teacher.

“Cyclone Gabrielle should have woken us up to reality yet instead of putting simple measures in place, like restoring a nationwide passenger rail service and making local public transport free, the government is dumping its climate policies. I can’t understand why they don’t act to protect us. These demands would save lives, reduce emissions, and save money.”

Rebecca Finch said “I have chosen this action after careful consideration of the consequences. I felt this the best way to strongly and peacefully communicate to the government. As we know, sometimes asking nicely doesn’t work.”

“Globally, women and girls experience the greatest impacts of climate change, which amplifies existing gender inequalities and poses unique threats to their livelihoods, health, and safety.
“The biggest emitters have lobbyists and big money. By neglecting to take action, the government is siding with polluters and willingly enabling displacement, suffering and death of millions around the world. These women only have their bodies.” said spokesperson Rosemary Penwarden.



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