MEDIAWATCH: Of course trust in journalism is going down – list of things you can’t talk about in NZ Media


Well duh

Since our first Trust in News in Aotearoa New Zealand report was published in 2020, general trust in news in Aotearoa New Zealand has declined. In 2020, 53% of New Zealanders trusted news in general. In 2023, the same figure was 42%. In December 2022, a NZ Herald poll revealed that New Zealanders considered media (38%) as the most untrustworthy institution of those sampled6. The Government was distrusted by 33% of responders and big businesses by 30% of Kiwis. Additionally, the Acumen Edelman Trust Barometer 2022 showed that 41% of New Zealanders trust the media and 57% trust the Government. In contrast to JMAD’s survey, the Acumen poll showed that trust in media grew from 31% in 2020 to 41% in 2022 (JMAD’s research shows a decline of 8% in 2020- 2022). The Acumen poll ascertains trust in the media whereas the JMAD poll surveys trust in news and news brands. Furthermore, the survey shows that 58% of New Zealanders trusted “traditional media”, 49% search engines, 34% “owned media” and 19% social media. Of those surveyed 36% trusted journalists.7

…of course Trust in news media has fallen.

Most News media are either corporate or State.

Corporate News want ratings clickbait and the State media want to social engineer.

No wonder people in the middle walk away in disgust.

  • In 2023, general trust in news in New Zealand continued to fall (-3%), but trust in news people themselves consumed increased slightly, indicating that people trust the news they choose themselves the most.
  • In 2023, general trust in news declined from 45% to 42%. However, trust in news people consume themselves increased from 52% to 53%.
  • From 2020-2023, general trust in news fell by 11%, and trust in news people consume themselves fell by 9% (table 1).
  • In 2023, major news brands suffered a considerable decline in trust. Trust in RNZ fell 14.5%, Whakaata Māori 14.3% and Newstalk ZB 14%. Smaller brands such as, BusinessDesk and Crux were less impacted (table 4).
  • In 2023, RNZ, the Otago Daily Times and TVNZ were equally regarded as the most trusted news brands. In 2022, RNZ was the most trusted news brand followed by the other two. In 2023, the top three were followed by, NBR, Newshub and Newsroom.

Internationally we are fairing poorly

TDB Recommends

Interesting is the number who now avoid news altogether…

News interest and news avoidance

• In 2023, we asked New Zealanders for the first time about news avoidance. Approximately 69% of those surveyed said that they actively avoid news often (11%), and 58% sometimes or occasionally.
• When compared internationally, news avoidance in New Zealand is on a higher level than in other comparable markets (figure 2).
• On the other hand, New Zealanders are interested in the news with 75% expressing their interest. Approximately 37% are extremely interested, 38% interested and 20% somewhat interested in the news.

…with newsrooms now 60% female, identity politics and social media trends are the dominate narrative for what passes as journalism in NZ.

Journalists are now held hostage by woke Twiiter Lynch mobs who will lead cancellations against them if they speak outside woke dogma.

This cultural and economic dependence on donations means Corporate and State Media are telling the donors what they want to hear rather than what the news is.

With trust in NZ Media at an all time low, I wondered what was the list of topics that you simply are NOT allowed to discuss on NZ mainstream media.

Here were my thoughts over 30 years in NZ media.

Palestine: You can not talk about the brutal occupation of Palestine by Israel in NZ media. It’s just not allowed, any discussion has to be framed as ‘Poor Israeli’s being terrorised by evil angry Muslims’, there is never focus on the brutal occupation and when it ever does emerge in the media it’s always insinuated that any criticism is anti-Semitism.

Child Poverty NEVER adult poverty: We only talk about child poverty because they deserve our pity. Adults in poverty can go fuck themselves. Despite numbering around 800 000, adults in poverty are there because they ‘choose’ to be there. The most important myth of neoliberalism is that your success is all your own, as is your failure. If an adult is in poverty, neoliberal cultural mythology states that is all on them and we have no obligation to help. That’s why we only ever talk endlessly about children in poverty because the vast majority of hard hearted NZers want to blame adults in poverty on them so we can pretend to be egalitarian without actually having to implement any policy.

The Neoliberal NZ experiment: You are never allowed to question the de-unionised work force that amputated wages, you can never question selling off our assets, you can never criticise the growth uber allas mentality, you are never allowed to attack the free market outcomes and you can’t step back and evaluate the 35 year neoliberal experiment in NZ because you remind the wage slaves of the horror of it all.

Class: You can not point out that the demarcation line in a capitalist democracy like NZ is the 1% richest plus their 9% enablers vs the 90% rest of us. Oh you can wank on and on about your identity and your feelings about your identity in a never ending intersectionist diversity pronoun word salad, but you can’t point out that it’s really the 90% us vs the 10% them class break down because that would be effective and we can’t have effective on mainstream media when feelings are the currency to audience solidarity in an ever diminishing pie of attention.

Immigration: It must always be framed as positive. It can never be argued that it is a cheap and lazy growth model that pushes down wages and places domestic poor in competition with International student language school scams and exploited migrant workers. Any criticism of Immigration makes you a Xenophobe and because the Middle Classes like travelling and have global skills for sale, they see any criticism of migrants as an attack on their economic privileges.

Hyper Tourism: We are never allowed to ask ‘how many is too many you greedy fucks’. The tourism industry that doesn’t give a shit about us locals, live for the 4million tourists who visit annually. We are not allowed to ask why that amount of air travel is sustainable, we are not allowed to ask why selling Red Bull and V at tourist stops is somehow an economic miracle and we are certainly not allowed to question why these tourists aren’t directly being taxed meaningfully for the infrastructure they clog.

Dairy as a Sunset Industry: We are never allowed to point out that the millisecond the manufactured food industry can make synthetic milk powder, they will dump us as a base ingredient and the entire Dairy Industry overnight will collapse. With synthetic milks and meats here within a decade, it is time to radically cull herds, focus on only organic and free range sustainable herds and move away from mass production dairy forever. No one is allowed to mention the iceberg that is looming up in front of the Fonteera Titanic.

B-E-L-I-E-V-E victims: It’s like ‘How to Kill a MockingBird’ was never written. People making serious allegations should be taken seriously, not B-E-L-I-E-V-E-D. That’s a tad fanatical Christian for me. It’s led to a change in our sexual assault laws where the Greens and Labour removed the only defence to rape so as to get more convictions, which when you think about it, is cult like and terrifying. Gerrymandering the law to ensure conviction isn’t justice, but in the current B-E-L-I-E-V-E victims culture it sure is and anyone saying otherwise is probably a rape apologist who should be put in prison immediately.

The Trans debate: This debate is so toxic and anyone asking any question gets immediately decried as transphobic. I’ve seen nuclear reactor meltdowns that are less radioactive than this debate. I’m so terrified I’m not going to say anything other than ‘please don’t hurt my family’ for even mentioning it.

It’s never climate change for this catastrophic weather event: Catastrophic weather event after catastrophic weather event but it’s never connected to global warming! It’s like the weather is changing cataclysmically around us but because it’s not 100% sure that cigarette you are smoking right now is the one that causes that lump inside you to become cancer, so we can’t connect this catastrophic weather event with a climate warming model that states clearly that we will see more and more catastrophic weather events.

Scoops: No NZ media will ever acknowledge another medias scoop despite a united front being able to generate more exposure and better journalism.

Te Reo fanaticism: You are not allowed to point out that barely 5% of the population speak Te Reo and that everyone who militantly fires up about it being an ‘official language’ never seem that antagonistic about the lack of sign language use. Look, my daughter goes to a Māori immersion class and when she speaks Te Reo it makes me cry joyfully and I feel more connected to NZ than any other single moment, but endlessly ramming it down people’s throats seems woke language policing rather than a shared cultural treasure. You can still be an ok human being and not speak Te Reo.

Māori land confiscation: Māori suffer losing 95% of their land in less than a century, they were almost decimated by disease and technology brought via colonisation, they endured the 1863 Settlements Act, they survived blatant lies and falsehoods devised to create the pretext for confiscation and saw violence in the Waikato. Māori have lived throughout that entire experience and still get told to be grateful because Pakeha brought blankets, tobacco and ‘technology’.

The Disabled: Almost 25% of NZ is disabled, yet for such a staggeringly huge number of people, their interests get sweet fuck all mention in the mainstream media.

Corporate Iwi: You can’t bring up that the corporate model used for Iwi to negotiate settlements is outrageous and has created a Maori capitalist elite who are as venal as pakeha capitalists.

House prices will increase FOREVER! Too many middle class folk are now property speculators and they must see their values climb to afford the extra credit cards the bank sends them. We can never talk about house prices coming down. They must never fall. Fuck the homeless, fuck the generations locked out of home ownership and fuck the working poor. Buying a house is only for the children of the middle classes now. Fuck everyone else. Boomer cradle to the grave subsidisations that didn’t extend to any other generation uber allas baby! Free Ben and Jerry Ice Cream for every Boomer forever! ME! ME! MEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Is anyone really surprised people have lost trust in the Media?

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  1. Corporate Iwi
    I like the iwi basis for TOW Settlements. Hapu are too small. If your group, in any situation, has 10,000 people then chances are you can find 10 competent leaders (although even Tainui almost pissed their money away at the start) If you have less than 1,000 you will probably think giving all your money to a Gold Coast real estate soft ware start up is a good idea.
    Dairy Farming
    All the problems of intensive dairy farming have been caused by the willingness of banks to lend money to what they view as the second safest option after houses. Although only 5% of our GDP, dairy accounted for 23% of our exports. While we should keep milking that cow as much and fast as we can till the iceberg hits, Fonterra should also be the world leader in the development of synthetic milk.

    • Are we allowed the promotion of Dairy and Fonterra during the Helen Clark led Labour years or would that be upsetting?

  2. In the Listener of Jan 17 1998. in the economics page Brian Easton says:
    “Moreover, since 1984 there has been an ongoing governmental strategy to suppress economists who dissent from the government’s views, a strategy that those economists on the inside have regrettably supported. The intellectual oppression has extended from the trivial -who gets invited to official Christmas parties- to the awarding of positions , status and financial rewards only to those who proclaim the official line. No wonder economics is seen to be riddled by dogma, and why one hears so little dissent from economists. The costs of disagreeing are high.”

    In the Listener of May 26th 2001 (pg 38) there is more on pressure on the media to avoid criticism of Rogernomics. (“Continue to use the same small group of commentators.”) is PR complaint. The consultant had a list of suggestions. No mention of he lobbyist’s interests. … a letter from another media chief on why, about the same time, certain opponents of Rogernomics were banned from media outlets. “Shortly after, a number of journalists told me that they were to various pressures not to use critics of government policies.”

  3. Roughly a decade ago I used to read The Press in the staff room at my work. I started noticing articles had a ‘fact sandwhich’, some facts in paragraph one, agenda in the middle paragraphs, and then a final paragraph with remaining facts which negated the agenda. They were banking on getting people outraged enough to not finish the article. What took the cake was the Chinese president outright stating China is using the wests own economics against us and playing the long game – it was page 14 news, and we still can’t talk about our reliance on China even in the wake of pandemic and global recession.

    These days I read blogs. I check the news to see what the current mainstream agenda is, never seeing anything anymore that I can recognise as a possible fact. Facts are dead, long live agenda.

  4. Martyn – As soon as certain media organisations took those bribes from Government, and then parroted the Government line, while at the same time crushing opponents to the Government…they shot themselves in the foot.

      • The fact that the then Prime Minister could say as something as outlandish as “we will be your single source of truth” and no-one in the media (who’s read any history at all) thought, ‘hang on, aren’t we supposed to hold these guys to account?’ is the evidence that the media was bought and paid for.

        Are you really suggesting that the $55 million dished out to msm didn’t come with any quid pro quo? Surely you’re not that naive?

      • I give you Chippy and his need to know about questions before had so as to ‘Preformulate answers”.

        • Pope Punctilious II – is short, Mike Horse Kings is not interested in ideas, evidence, or thinking…likes the echo chamber in his/her head!

      • Mike Horse Kings – Right back at you. I am guessing you still worship the ground Jacinda walks on…despite increasing evidence of media being bribe by Jacinda Government.

  5. Journalists will start gaining trust only once they show that they respect all their readers.
    Respect is an underrated value. Customers are not always right but they are all entitled to respect.
    The arrogance of the media is so harmful to their relationship with their audience.
    Advocating for a group does not have to come with showing disdain to others who think differently.
    One can support trans rights and women’s rights at the same time.

  6. An excellent summary of verboten subjects and situations. Is this list on every pundit’s, journalist’s and Editor’s screen saver, on the back of the staff toilet door, subliminally messaged while they sleep? Because it sure seems like it–such an accurate list.

    I can’t resist commenting on some of them.
    –Palestine; the longest running, ugliest, unresolved injustice during my political life. Israel would be gone by lunchtime if the US turned off the money and arms tap. In the meantime us ordinary folks need to BDS–Boycott, Divest and Sanction this filthy Apartheid State.
    –Adult Poverty; elder poverty is a thing, especially for women. Not all boomers have multiple properties, a number of super annuitants have none and eke out miserable lives in caravans, granny flats and overpriced rental dumps. Councils flogging off pensioner flats, an out of control property binge, has put the 40% that live off NZ super alone in precarious situations.
    –Disabled; you see them in public everyday, particularly in the provinces and usually look away–the bent and misshapen limping along often in pain–or waiting for a fucking hip op that will never happen as their health declines. Others have mental issues not so obvious or sight/mobility/hearing issues. Plus these poor sods often have to deal with the punishment maze that is MSD/WINZ.
    DAIRY!!; dirty industrial dairying has hogged aquifer water, poisoned natural waterways, exists on animal exploitation and suffering. Wind it down and grow plant based crops including Cannabis and Hemp.
    Trans?; if people with cocks want to believe they are women good on them, just don’t expect me to believe it too. I support Trans rights in society though in terms of this sector not being bullied, harassed, or punished for their beliefs and lifestyle.
    Class/Neo Liberalism; it is wakey wakey time for the new gens–time to get up on their hind legs and get politically organised & active rather than rot away on precarious employment and being good compliant consumers. Roger Douglas 1984 coup has to be rolled back by a new political movement leading up to the 2026 General Election, when boomer numbers will be in decline.

    • “–Adult Poverty; elder poverty is a thing, especially for women. Not all boomers have multiple properties, a number of super annuitants have none and eke out miserable lives in caravans, granny flats and overpriced rental dumps. Councils flogging off pensioner flats, an out of control property binge, has put the 40% that live off NZ super alone in precarious situations.”

      shhhh all boomers are rights, money, property hording evil people who refuse to share their ill begotten wealth with their children/grandchildren.

      also, what is a women? And remember if they are white cis males their poverty is probably just gods revenge on them being cis white males.

  7. Another issue that is never mentioned is that this world has a finite time, I guess if people understood that it would make a significant difference to some of the problems you do cover although human nature being what it is denial is still the default option.

    • Some would ask Bonnie if that’s earth-time or intergalactic time. We are but a globe in the orbit of a sun, suspended in a vast cosmic field, are we not?

      • I feel that lots of people will ask your question & similar thoughts since most of the last 200 years have been spent brainwashing people to believe that we are just a bit of cosmic good luck. Even though natural disasters are increasing in frequency & intensity, “All these are the beginning of sorrows” (sorrows as in labor pains) is how it is described in a well-known history book yet most people still refuse to accept any other explanation regarding the past or the future. It is essential that all of us are free to choose what we believe & Martyn is more deserving of public recognition for his work than many of the people who do get awards. I am confident that future events can be accurately described as “men’s hearts failing them for fear” although I have no idea about the precise timescale.

        • if you’re right bonnie why does the evangelical god hate the bible belt states so much in terms of inflicting his will in the form of natural disasters

  8. I went to a party last night. Yes, I was actually invited. I know, I was as shocked and surprised as anyone.
    It was less a party and more a group of people hanging around a fire pit secretly hoping someone would fall in for a giggle. The people were professionals and government employees and their families.
    There was no pot smoking much less smoking the anti-Christ’s tobacco. There were a few bottles of wine mostly still full and standing to grim attention on a table by the toilet door and eyes followed me as I slunk to the reds for a second glass. ( Not my usual second bottle.) As I chittered out small talk and made my best attempts at humorous anecdotes I started to realise that these people were, in fact, aliens. Actual, literal aliens.
    They whisper-smiled as they softly coo’d. They wore sensible shoes and rustled in their quilted, hooded, puffer jackets and if I’d been lucky enough to have scored good LSD they’d have all looked like two legged escapee barbecue sausages.
    I had to wonder..? Where were the actual humans? They really did appear to be a legion of Stepford wives out with their Stepford husbands. I could hear their chain mail underpants grinding against their mechanical arse holes as I searched my cloudscape for memories of proper parties. Of loud and fresh new music, of getting pissed and pleasant, being stoned and stealing the deserts, of being horny and smelling the perfume on that girl who was now standing delightfully far too close, of meeting fellows who were smart, cool but also like minded… where were they? Had they too all been repurposed into pot plants? Had their minds been polished with Jiff? Or was it something far more insidious and dangerous. Were they watching… The News… Were they too watching be-suited cyborgs death-rattle out mindless low-fat, zero-calories junk food for the hungry mind? TV and Radio’s soft focus plasti-people warbling out corporate fascist propaganda that had the effect of an opiate on anxiety. Except the media is the anxiety AND the opiate.
    These, are strange and dangerous times.

    • Party?–muted gathering perhaps

      I try to avoid such things but friends summer BBQs can be worse when some person (bloke) you are likely not going to meet again, insists on playing 20 questions, starting with –“so, what do you do?”. My stock answer now is “I facilitate advanced sexual fulfilment techniques for women in relationships…”

      A real party should involve a strong fire–furniture or winter wood supply burning if it really gets rolling–and good spirited mayhem.

      • “so, what do you do?”. My stock answer now is “I facilitate advanced sexual fulfilment techniques for women in relationships…”

        My stock response is ” I’m a part time volunteer paedophile ”
        Thankfully it only happens once or twice a year

    • The real humans had to go underground. It was no longer safe to mingle amongst the props and pseudo humans and be our unique and flawed selves. Some still mingle on occasion, at work events and such, but they have to wear masks so their more colourful nature’s and brain rolling activities are not exposed. Either that or we’re all just aging “sensibly” as our social circles deplete as our families leave the nest, friend groups dissipate and people die. Makes that second bottle a well-deserved respite at times.

    • Excellent! An encounter with the plastic people is an old expression for this sort of experience, but not so old that it was coined before plastic was invented of course.

  9. Yes I no longer trust msm.

    But I am deeply appreciative of your blog Martyn, because you platform a range of voices, particularly on the wonderful working group.

  10. Firearms: You can not put a positive spin on a firearms related story. Firearms must be referred to as weapons at all times, even if they are purely hunting or sporting equipment. Never point out that the “firearms” involved were toys, replicas or airguns. All firearms related stories must be accompanied by a file photo of a semi-automatic pistol or assault rifle, preferably black & scary looking, even if it is in no way relevant or related to the actual firearm used. Photos of heavily armed Police officers with pistol & assault rifles can also be used, even if not relevant. Use as many of the following adjectives, even if they are incorrect or not relevant: semi-auto, deadly, high-powered, powerful, machine gun, armor-piercing, assault, high-capacity, lethal, dangerous, automatic. If in doubt, make something up. Truth is not important, selling fear is. All articles must include a quote from Chris Cahill.

  11. Martyn I can see you need a little help with your German. Here are a few important phrases you should understand if you’re planning to visit our German friends:

    Natürlich ist der Zug pünktlich, Dummkopf – das ist nicht Neuseeland
    (Of course the train is on time, fool – this isn’t New Zealand)

    Aber für diese amerikanischen Schweine solltest du besser Deutsch sprechen
    (If it weren’t for those American swine, you’d better speak German

    Deutschland uber ALLES! (NOT allas)
    (Germany above all!)

    • And here’s some Latin for you, Holy Father, to be passed on to the sneaky politicians who pass legislation with greater urgency than fire fighters saving lives:

      “ Omnis festinatio a parte diaboli est.”

  12. NZ news has been taken over by the paid woke lens, which cancels most people based on their physical appearance, so not surprising less and less interest and trust in news here.

    When most NZ news can’t even report a woman’s group by their name, speak up for woman and instead label them anti trans group, you know that something is seriously wrong with objectiveness and accuracy in news in NZ.

    Making up claims against other researchers and then refusing to back down on printing it, is another sign that NZ woke are not journalists they are propaganda machines.

    Media Council finds Wiles column breach of press standards

    (What a pity the scientists did not sue for defamation).

    NZ funding is pretty much full woke.

    $6000 for preliminary work on a potential film about Souxie Wiles

    $2.6m from NZ On Air funding for a Telefeature on the political scandal as told from the perspective of the ‘other woman,’ Bevan Chuang,” NZ on Air said when announcing the funding.

    $5.3m funding from Creative NZ for We are indigo.

    Meanwhile creative NZ declined $31,000 in funding for Shakespeare programme.

    Huge funding to be paid to the MSM for the ‘Maori lens’ but seems to be more a woke lens than a Maori lens. and shouldn’t MSM pay for itself by actually doing real journalism not paid propaganda?

    • link for student scam

      Even the reporting of this by the media is bizarre – clearly something is very off if the student does not realise that paying upfront $42k for a job is probably not a real job …. instead through woke, lens as he now has to work harder to pay for being part of a hotel reviews scam.

      Is this they type of foreign student NZ now attracts and our future wokeforce, while NZ students are starting to flee offshore to get real degrees that increasingly are not being taught in NZ just like our expert workers are fleeing offshore to earn real wages and not be paid poorly or have to pay for the job to work here?

    • saveNZ. School Shakespeare funding out, but funding for an opera ( an insult to opera) about unruly UK tourists, readily available. The latter discredits bad white people, important to deranged decolonising clowns. The great bard demonised proves that deranged barbarians control the gates.

  13. Two body blows for journalism:
    1) Parliament protests, where MSM stood horrified and afraid on the palace balcony next to the rulers they were meant to be holding to account, and broadcast straight false propaganda rather than go and see.
    But livestreams told no lies. And everyone knew someone that was there.
    A poll showed the protestors were mostly left leaning not nazis.
    Everyone could see we were being fed a constructed narrative.
    Media and government integrity went south.

    2)Posie Parker: again we had a media and government narrative that she was a far right anti trans nazi, newshub blurred her playing with a zip and spun her as a white supremacist.
    But we could watch the unblurred footage and spot the bullshit.
    The “pure trans joy” of the counter protest was revealed as punches to the head of the elderly by trans allies.
    We were very obviously being lied to again.

    Both these events have similarities in the MSM not just failing to hold power to account, but selling a false government message to the people whos public good they are supposed to serve.
    It surprises me msm are still polling as high as they are, but they will continue to fall as they are all woke cultists and in thrall to government money, they cannot be seen to question the narrative in either case.
    Clearly they are unaware this makes them completely useless to democratic society.
    Ask Tova and Duncan where that’s going to end up.

    • MSM are still polling so high because most of the people voting are what are known as sheep. They listen to the news (or not) as they have always done and dont question it. They either dont think what is on the news is relevant to them or they have never questioned whether they should believe the media (or the government). They continue with a 20th century view of the media that it is just reporting what is going on around us relatively unbiasedly.

  14. Firearms: You can not put a positive spin on a firearms related story. Firearms must be referred to as weapons at all times, even if they are purely hunting or sporting equipment. Never point out that the “firearms” involved were toys, replicas or airguns. All firearms related stories must be accompanied by a file photo of a semi-automatic pistol or assault rifle, preferably black & scary looking, even if it is in no way relevant or related to the actual firearm used. Photos of heavily armed Police officers with pistol & assault rifles can also be used, even if not relevant. Use as many of the following adjectives, even if they are incorrect or not relevant: semi-auto, deadly, high-powered, powerful, machine gun, armor-piercing, assault, high-capacity, lethal, dangerous, automatic. If in doubt, make something up. Truth is not important, selling fear is. All articles must include a quote from Chris Cahill.

    Also, under no circumstances can you write an article railing against the pathetically weak sentences handed down to armed criminals, using illegal firearms to threaten, rob, wound, murder or otherwise cause mayhem. These criminals are just victims of an uncaring society, and need support & understanding, not additional punishment. Life has punished them enough already. Plus they justify increased law enforcement budgets & powers, so leave them alone & focus on the real danger, law-abiding citizens with firearms.

  15. I feel for comedians how do you satirize modern news..brass eye and day today were wild eyed piss takes exagerrated to the Nth in their day…now they are bog standard news presentation

      • yes but he satarises individuals and trends not politics as such…and we all know rightists by editing a 30sec clip to present him as one of them..just like they try to misrepresent carlin….it’s not big it’s not clever just sad that the right have no decent comedians of their own

  16. Forgot to include co-governance. How to reconcile Maori aspirations with democracy. Is Co-governance even the answer? How to give Maori a greater say while reducing the voting power of the balance 83%? I would love to see some real discussion on this.

    Don’t agree with everything you say Martyn, but you’re one of a handful of honest commentators on the left. I’m donating.

    • Yes, you are right, CM. The entire He PuaPua/ Co Governanc subject comes with a tag of Racist if anyone even tries to touch it. We are still waiting for a cogent explanation.

  17. The biggest thing one can’t talk about and which mostly underpins all the others is…

    Toxic White Cis Male Culture.

    • Dont make me laugh. You do read dont you?

      Oh you mean like Marama Davidson did and all the column inches devoted to that topic. Like how the statistics are all lies because white family violence is underreported (No mention of the fact that Maori sexual family crimes are vastly under reported and something that has been talked about for the last 30 years). The systemic racism that leads to Maori being over represented and heck, I cant remember all the excuses that have been made by white apologists.

      Or did you mean the fact that within the beltway if you are over 45, white, male and straight you are virtually unemployable these days even if you are brilliant at your job. And it is so widespread that it is perfectly acceptable for recruiters in the public service to seriously make comments like, well you’re not quite the demographic we are looking for.

      By all means Black believe that white cis male culture is never touched by the media.

      • I know what causes violence in the world, and it is toxic white cis male culture.

        A culture that since the 19th century has been developed by white cis males and adopted by nearly all world governments.

        Capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, liberalism, conservatism, blah blah blah…

        The left and right are nothing more than flip sides of a single white cis male coin.

        How often does that get talked about ?

          • Indeed !!!

            Apparently GOD himself is a White Cis Male and from what i gathered
            from the King James Bible is an Englishman to boot.

            • Nope. The Holy Ghost is the spirit of the collective unconscious. ( Jung). That’s all of us. More or less the same concept as the perennial philosophy found in the Vedas, and pre-Christianity. And what’s more, Jesus was a Semite.

        • It’s good to know if you are a white cis male, all is forgiven if you self ID as a female now, so then you get to the top of the victim hierarchy and can knock out old fashioned biological woman and others for the job and funding as you are sooooooo marginalised. Yipee.

        • Blackwav.e
          Can you people keep your mind on the country you live in please. Sure there is much violence going on overseas and we are not able to separate ourselves from that completely. But when you are making comments please state exactly what you are talking about. Otherwise your. and Marama’s comments are just so many mud pies you want to throw at whoever is passing that doesn’t suit.

          It is reverse racism and sexism. And it makes you lack verity and no-one will take you seriously in order to improve the situation as people will say ‘which situation’.

    • lmfao what news are you watching? White straight men = bad is rule number one in modern news rooms.

      Are they not bashing 30-35% of the population and voting electorate enough for you ?

      I’m a working class gay from a mixed race family, Wait till the greens find out that they get bugger all votes from Maori, Pacifica and asian voters (who vote labour, national, NZf and Maori party… just look at the greens vote share outside of central urban electorates it’s almost non existent) and that 30-40% of their vote comes from straight white men.

      Oh the next few polls are gonna see major copium from the Greens, sub 5% incoming! not only do the greens not do very well with non pakeha voters, most non pakeha voters don’t hate pakeha men and are absolutely disgusted with the way the left has been demonizing pakeha men instead of focusing on rich v poor and housing

      And labour who do really well with non pakeha voters are gonna see support drop from non pakeha voters and working class pakeha.

      The greens, a white upper middle class party and their obsession with identity politics have sunk any chance the left had in this years election.

      It’s gonna be funny when national and act win, greens lose Auckland central and fail to meet the 5% threshold. Instead of reflecting on why the greens and their identitarian allies will quadruple down on alienating identity and become unhinged and feral.

      While the planet nat/act unleash economic horror after economic horror on the poor and working class with undiluted neoliberal reforms and hyper immigration levels keep wages down and rents up and more and more kiwis end up in motels the new left will be staging feral protests about the most ridiculous identity issues while people starve.

      And if the left continues to scream about identity instead of class while the neoliberal right wages a class war, the populist right will take advantage.

      The funniest thing about the smug, viciousness of the identiarians is that they haven’t been in politics long enough to know what the left does to things considered a liability after an election loss. It’s called a purge.

      If race, gender, sexuality activists and policies are perceived to be the reason for an election loss, race, gender, sexuality activists and policies will be purged from positions of influence inside the left, just as the left purged left wing economic policies and activists from the left from positions of power.

      The times they are a changing.

      • “The greens, a white upper middle class party and their obsession with identity politics have sunk any chance the left had in this years election.”

        So true, and I say that as a white, cis gendered, straight man, with a salary & a house on a leafy street, who won’t be voting Green again.

        • …and I say that as a white, cis gendered, straight man, with a salary & a house on a leafy street, who won’t be voting Green again.

          As long as you don’t infect your kids with toxic WCM ideology, the Greens would be happy.

          You’ve had your day in the sun. Time to sit back and bitchmoan from the comfort of your leafy suburban house and let every ‘other’ identity breathe.


  18. The other problem with such right wing / woke controlling all the media stories in NZ is that it is not showing the problems that are happening in NZ that are important problems to address.

    Practically every news story in NZ is told from a pro immigration, pro male, agenda. The same is happening with lobbyists controlling the narrative around export themes in NZ.

    For example we all hear about how tourism and agriculture (in particular vineyards and fruit picking) is so important in NZ and all it’s woes are apparently due to worker shortages – and easy access to export markets, thus they must sell off our industry to overseas buyers and bring in low paid overseas workers to address the problem.

    However increasingly it is showing (due to liquidations, murders, disputes) that many people coming to NZ are unable to actually run the businesses they buy – they are using the business to buy residency and citizenship in NZ.

    Instead of helping NZ exports, they destroy the once flourishing business, often leading to IRD and creditors including workers being out of pocket and multiple court costs put on NZ taxpayers to sort it all out.

    Waiwera Group sinks into liquidation: Pools remain deserted, shut

    Elizabeth Zhong homicide: Business partner Fang Sun guilty of ‘clearly planned’ murder

    A former Manhattan property developer who sailed to New Zealand on a luxury yacht and bought a Canterbury vineyard has been jailed over document forgery and GST refund fraud.

    Same happening with OZ but they seem to at least run the vineyards!
    The 41 Chinese-owned wineries on boycott hit list

    Chinese buy five vineyards

    At least in France they check big overseas companies are paying their taxes.

    Chinese-owned vineyards worth US$64 million seized by French police in tax fraud investigation

    In NZ tourism has become a joke, with many venues now bought up and operated as worker scams and then rating scams operate to hide the appalling experiences tourists are having on once well regarded tourism in NZ. When people complain about the terrible conditions (cleanliness first to go) nobody seems very interested. Doesn’t seem to be protecting NZ’s reputation very well.

    Nor is there much interest in the scams against IRD by not paying wages. It seems that medias idea to stop worker exploitation is to bring more workers in on to be able to do whatever they like – not stop and prosecute and deport those exploiting others or not on proper wages and seize the assets which would be more appropriate than the current slap on wrist.

    This foreign student who managed to be scammed out of $42k when he applied for a job on seek to put in hotel reviews. The idea of having to pay to work and put so much cash into a crypto account (which he was interested in) didn’t raise any red flags. This overseas student studying in NZ ‘job’ seems to be part of a wider scam to put positive hotel reviews on travel sites.

    Thus people go to a 4 star hotel with great reviews but it actually run more like a backpackers with 1 star service and cleanliness.

    NZ ‘tourism’ industry. And it’s not pretty.

    NZ is further along than most countries, largely because our media is so captured by the small amount of money it takes for government and industry to take over the discourses into their paid ones and minimise news on wider issues that are growing by the day and will have a very negative effect on our children futures.

  19. This is the sort of statement of fact that I don’t trust.
    In 2023, general trust in news declined from 45% to 42%. However, trust in news people consume themselves increased from 52% to 53%.

    It’s too broad. Which and how often and to what extent and why – these need to be inserted in different ways here and there. But I trust this blog to be generally right in its posts and info given and it watches the confreres here to see that they are true to their pseudos or names. And I know their turn of mind and allow for it when I am reading their statements and opinions. I also trust Wikipedia and have got past that scary tale of how they weren’t right a number of times and trust their methods aiming to give correct balanced info with sources or warnings that some of the page’s material is unverified and requests for help to rectify it.

    Verify, rectify, good words. Also pseudonym is a good word enabling people who are scared of being even tiny negative carriers and small whistleblowers, even having an opinion that doesn’t suit the rest – to have a go under controlled conditions. And I don’t really trust those either; but everybody is being got at by some overly interested party of regressives.
    So we soldier on – in a non-material way, there is risk whatever. and dropping out at early signs of difficulties is too limp-wristed. The old civilisations didn’t last by everybody talking about the wants of their particular group. And quite often the mere wanting set destructive measures in place. But brains are given to sift the evidence and find a way, hopefully it will have good outcomes, soon and in the future.

    Deciding to withdraw is not pulling one’s weight in this tug of life. But also we must realise that enlightenment doesn’t come to everyone at the same time, even the Bible has a message about this : Pal and the road to Damascus where he ‘sees the light’.
    King James Bible Online › Acts-9-3
    Acts 9:3 KJV: And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven…

    And I don’t trust this presentation of the supposedly King James Version when it says
    ‘it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.’ So add sceptic to verify and rectify.

  20. It’s simple folks: when you hear any govt is paying media 55 million, then all trust is fucked right there and then! Then we know, the media are The Voice of Kremlin. From now on, they will say anything any govt wants them to, so they can get another 55 million. TDB – thank you for refusing!

  21. Further to my comment, just watch TV 1 these days. It’s just Maori TV Volume 2. It’s pathetic woke over-compensating TV low quality tv…in fact, truth be told, Maori TV itself is better than TV1!

  22. Greetings, comrades! Today, we’re going to talk about the role of AI in journalism and why quality journalism is not under threat from new AI improvements.

    It’s no secret that advancements in artificial intelligence have revolutionized many industries, including journalism. AI-powered tools can now generate articles, analyze data, and even assist in fact-checking. Some people worry that this will lead to a decline in the quality of journalism and put journalists out of work. However, this view is misguided.

    Firstly, it’s important to understand that AI is not a replacement for human journalists. While AI can certainly assist in the reporting process, it cannot replace the skills, expertise, and judgment of experienced journalists. Quality journalism relies on in-depth research, analysis, and investigation, which requires human insight and critical thinking.

    Secondly, AI tools can actually help journalists to be more efficient and effective in their work. For example, AI-powered software can quickly analyze large datasets and identify patterns and trends that might otherwise be missed. This can help journalists to uncover new stories and angles that they might not have considered before.

    Moreover, AI can help to enhance the user experience for readers. For instance, personalized news feeds that use AI algorithms to suggest content based on readers’ interests and preferences can lead to more engagement and loyalty.

    In conclusion, quality journalism is not under threat from new AI improvements. Rather, AI tools can complement and enhance the work of human journalists, leading to more efficient and effective reporting and a better experience for readers. As journalists, we should embrace these new tools and use them to our advantage while continuing to uphold the highest standards of integrity, accuracy, and ethics in our work.

  23. Still, know thyself and know how to look other people in the eye and know them. There is a truth out there, a moving scented fog and it may change slightly in a short time, but if you are looking for the right truth and know most of the factors involved, you are likely to find a good similar. So look past those who wail and curse and have nothing to offer society but bad cess.

  24. “The greens, a white upper middle class party and their obsession with identity politics have sunk any chance the left had in this years election.”

    So true, and I say that as a white, cis gendered, straight man, with a salary & a house on a leafy street, who won’t be voting Green again.

  25. Much truth. A bland gravy overlay which I first noticed after ’84. Angela d’Audney pronouncing away on what I called ‘the children’s news’ to Mum. Not interested in my interests, so I might as well have enlightened the wall.

  26. I remember someone I think, Nigel Roberts? being an apparently galmorous figure taking over from public tv, with a motorcycle. I think he was racing up and down a beach. That’s the image of private tv and the path that media follows ever since it seems – though I may be wrong.

  27. Some journalists live on into the ether.
    Fearless to the end: Remembering Margaret Moth
    By Jessica Ravitz, CNN
    March 22, 2010 — Updated 2125 GMT (0525 HKT)

    NZ Journalists of note: Remember.
    This is an interesting list. Riddell certainly – great verve and experience.

  28. Pope Punctilious II – is short, Mike Horse Kings is not interested in ideas, evidence, or thinking…likes the echo chamber in his/her head!


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