MEDIAWATCH: Ummmmm – Cough. So about Kiri Allan ranting at RNZ….


Kiri Allan apologises over comments at RNZ farewell for fiancée Māni Dunlop

Cabinet minister Kiri Allan has made a public apology after criticising RNZ’s culture and treatment of Māori staff during a farewell event for her fiancée, Māni Dunlop.



Bout that.

So I think it was weird the way Māni spat the dummy and quit RNZ because she was passed over for promotion to Morning Report.

The insinuation for her being passed over was because of Cracker and the white heteronormative white cis male patriarchy which is hilarious because we are talking about RNZ, the wokest woke fest in woke world.

They are so woke they orgasm in te reo.

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It had NOTHING to do with her being engaged to a Cabinet Minister.

Well. Actually. Of course it was because she is engaged to a bloody Cabinet Minister!

Come on, could you imagine the uproar if the State Broadcasters most important political show, Morning Report, was co-hosted by someone engaged to a Cabinet Minister?

Folks. Come on.

So I thought it was weird to walk out on the show she had to make a point about how supposedly racist RNZ are.

Ok. Fine.

But then her Minister Fiancee launches into a scathing attack on RNZ at the leaving Party.


No one is asking the following questions which are going to get uncomfortable.

1. Why didn’t RNZ publish a story on Saturday. Clearly this was in the public interest.

2. Why did it take until Katie from the herald asked more questions

3. A recording? They always record farewell Teams meetings so people who miss out can see them later. Where is it.

Cough: Under the Radio New Zealand Act 1995 “no responsible Minister or any other Minister… may give direction to the public radio company in respect of a “a particular programme or a particular allegation or a particular complaint”, “the gathering or presentation of news” or the “responsibility of the company for programme standards”.

If the Labour Party have finished shooting themselves in the fucking foot, can we please get back to the issue at hand of putting together a new economic frame work to resist the looming recession and winning this election?

This isn’t Bread and Butter Politics! It’s Dumb and Dumber Politics!


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  1. The problem is that the woke don’t actually want to win. In woke world the currency is victimhood. My view is that all of this is designed to help the woke lose so they can blame cracker for the loss. There is no credible left wing, and the right will sail into government using fake concern for the middle and destroy the state entirely when they get there.

  2. Martyn – You seem surprised, why?? Kiri Allan has a huge chip on her shoulder towards other people…listen to her interviews, Hate Speech laws, Conservation concerns…you will pick it up

  3. More entitled Labeen ministers tell all parts of society to suck it up and do what their oh-so-competent authoritarian masters want. Just more of the authoritarian nastiness of the incompetent woke.

  4. I’m just here to criticise Kiri’s culture and treatment of Māori and anyone else questioning the corruption of those in power. I’ll be making no apologies for the criticism either.

  5. Entitled, woke, arrogant, lacking intelligence.
    And that sums up not just Allan and her partner but the entire Labour caucus.
    This isn’t an attempt by Allan to subvert RNZ, it’s yet another insight in to the character of the Labour Party and it’s ugly.

  6. RNZ are so beyond woke they now speak in pigeon English or Maori, depending on who is speaking. It hurts them to even have the “NZ” part remaining in their title!

    So to not take on a person identifying as Maori in the top host spot, just because, is unthinkable. Something genuinely concerning must have stopped them. Maybe she simply wasn’t good enough, like epically bad, or as you say, a Ministers fiance may have also not helped. But to play the race card Kiri…really? The hallmark and last refuge of a scoundrel. Pathetic. It also reinforces Allen’s bullying minister persona DOC staff let leak.

    Labour are showing that they’re tired, stale and arrogant. Like Davidson for her racism, Allen should have gone for this and yet by not doing so, Chippy looks weak. Again.

    Between the Greens idiot of the week competition and Ministers burning the cabinet manual at their leisure and Chippy only doing something when the stench won’t die down, is not a good look in election year!

      • I have to agree. She’s better suited to documentary and investigative journalism work.
        Straight news and current affairs seems like it’s one bug joke. Almost as if she’s doubled up on the meds. A ha ha ha he he he – oooo thankyou for your time.
        No doubt her colleagues all think she’s a regular gal, and she may be very nice. Just not suited to any sort of role on Midday or even Morning Report.
        The hissy fit says it all too. And now she’s goween away. Aw thankyou Mani for your time. May your do well elsewhere

  7. RNZ wouldn’t want to draw attention to the obvious conflict of interest caused by having a senior on-air staff member married to a cabinet minister.

    Once that gets talked about, all sorts of other relationship-based conflicts between RNZ, MSM journalists and the politicians would appear in the public’s eye

    • The relationships between the press gallery and pollies were legendary, but like you say, Mani wasn’t all that good anyway. I assumed she was a diversity quota person, still incubating.

  8. “I can’t believe you didn’t give my girlfriend the top job. It just shows how racist you are!”

    But it’s good that Allen, Wood, Robertson and Hipkins have been showing their true colours in the past week – it makes voting easier.

  9. North Korea, Russia come to mind. State officials tell media what to say. She should have been demoted same way as Nash when he instructed Coster.

  10. Well she might just put not employing spouses and future spouses of Cabinet Ministers in the Hate Act. That will fix that racism.

    • Seems like TDB and Bomber is the only outlet who will raise this issue which makes the rest of msm shameful poltroons, toeing the party line.

  11. I’ve never actually been to a fair well do where the leavers partner even gets up and says anything. During the presentation bit I mean. Is this some new modern tread?

  12. Ba Ha ! “Orgasm in Te Reo” . Very funny. I beg forgiveness while praying to Jesus as my partner falls about in gales of hysterical laughter.
    RNZ is a drain pipe to feed the feeble minded masses with neoliberal propaganda. That, is all RNZ is and does.

  13. so it does raise the issue are groups automatically ENTITLED to promotion even if there are are other more competent applicants? and is that a way to run business/government? it’s a practical NOT a race question


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