Posie Parker threatening to come back is the last thing NZ needs – Immigration NZ must block her this time


Oh sweet Jesus no…

Posie Parker says ‘I will come back’: Controversial British anti-transgender activist plans return to NZ

Controversial British anti-transgender activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull plans to come back to New Zealand.

In a Twitter broadcast, Keen-Minshull – who is also known as Posie Parker – told her Kiwi supporters she “will come back”.

The message comes a week on from her aborted two-event New Zealand tour, canned after her planned speech about women’s rights in Auckland’s Albert Park was cancelled amid scuffles.

…amid scuffles! Oh fuck off NZ Herald.

It wasn’t a protest, it was a fucking Mob, and if this Toxic Trans Troll anger grifter had slipped a second time, the Mob would have trampled her to death.

Don’t believe the lies of RNZ, look at the fucking footage…

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RNZ, Mediawatch et all will tell you the images you see with your own eyes above were not a mob violently attacking Posie Parker.

According to the apologists it was, and I quote, ‘Pure Trans Joy’.



This time immigration NZ has to step in and refuse her entry.

I know, I know, I know, bowing to the woke Lynch mob is a capitulation to the thugs veto, but a second visit would lead to a riot and we can’t ignore that now.

The woke’s reliance on cancel culture and deplatforming has generated a movement incapable of persuasion and instead now justifies street violence as a means to an end.

When respected commentators are actively defending street politics that lead to the mob violence we saw at the Posie Parker protest, we are already on a slippery slope.

The Left minimised the Mob violence WHILE justifying it!

They screamed ‘Pure Trans Joy’, while the rest of the country saw a mob assault and literally chase a woman from the town square.

I’m no fan of Parker, as far as I am concerned she is a fear grifter who loves this reaction and attention. I think she is inflammatory and grotesquely offensive, however she is a manifestation of a cancel culture where these issues can’t be debated without woke social media lynchings.

If Posie Parker returned, the woke could not help themselves and would once again turn up wanting to rumble, the problem now is the far right have seen the rules changed and can now enter the fray behind the noble defence shield of Free Speech rather than their darker motives.

5 pissy little white kids dressed up as Nazis for a protest no one thought would turn into what it became is one thing…

…every far right nutter with an Axe to grind prepped and ready to turn up to a fight is completely another.

The woke are drunk on their own sense of power after the Posie Parker deplatforming and are justifying the violence, if Posie Parker is allowed back in the country, there will be a riot and as citizens of a liberal progressive democracy we must do all in our power to stop the woke dragging the rest of us into a very dark place.


Immigration NZ must step in and decline her entry because we can’t trust the hysterical self righteousness of the woke activist base who want conflict on the streets and a darker political anger from the right who are gleeful in manipulating the defence of free speech into social conflict.

This is where we are now. This is what we is.

We urgently need de-escalation in this. Preventing Posie Parker from entering the country again would force a de-escalation.

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  1. Oh fuck off. Let Women Speak. Police need to deal with rioters swiftly, arrest and charge. Women have every right to gather and discuss whether we want women with penises in our private spaces and the rest of it. This topic has not even begun to be discussed here. Those causing violence need to be exposed. As do those covering it up.

      • Because Ardern bailing out on her party was because of misogyny but the thugs veto on a group of predominately older women wasn’t.

      • Whats to fear is the 435 anti lgbt+ bills currently before various usa states houses of parliament that has now crossed the canadian border into Canada.

        The religious right of National and act would love nothing more than introduce similar bills here.

        All of the LGBTQIA+ community are watching what is happening in eastern Europe, Africa and the USA hence why the big turnout in less than 24 to 36 hours notice.

        It isn’t the woke turning out it is the total LGBT plus community, their straight friends and family members turning out.

        If she comes back it wont be just Auckland Wellington and Christchurch turning out.

        This let women speak is nothing but a front for the far right to attack the LGBT community through them they attack everyone else.

        • Well then, women with vaginas will turn up too. It’s time this was discussed, amongst all parties affected. Democratically and peacefully.

          • And their brothers, father’s, husbands and sons. Kiwi blokes who have for generations believed women in this country deserve equal rights with men won’t want to see their mum’s, wives and dyke sisters being dealt to by giant drag queens again.

        • Would you be so kind as to identify “the religious right of National and ACT”? Names? Only Simon O’Connor and Alfred Ngaro come to mind – and theyre not exactly movers and shakers, are they. And ACT is a thoroughly secular party.

    • Everyone including Posey parker new what would happen choosing such a dumb venue and gay joy people where stupid enough having there proud boy twitter fights exposed to the media. Play stop games. Win stupid prizes.

      Thing is there wasn’t a vien sticking out of any of them. It’s like they’d given up. They’re all skinny. Small shoulders, no one was putting on muscle mass. And if they where putting on weight it probably because they identify as a whale. No one from that crowd is getting signed over to the UFC. Thing is with low testosterone Betta trannies is there’s no consequences for the cops ignoring this gay joy fight.

    • Are you suggesting women in this country can’t speak without this individual coming back? I couldn’t care less if she comes back but what are her actual credentials? Shit stirrer extraordinaire? There must be loads of NZ women more qualified

      • Wheel She was invited here by Maori women to help all New Zealand women to have freedom of speech. It’s a girl thing, their choice, and it’s not your place to criticise these women’s decision.

    • On the button Sinic I’m utterly sick of mobs running this country,mobs that seem to be endorsed by our current Labour Government and their mates,the Greens.
      What a mess.

    • Yes, pretty spineless to capitulate, Martyn.
      I’m not interested in Posie Parker’s opinions, but I am interested in preserving the right to speak, the right to be heard, and the right to hear.

  2. Martyn – No, she needs to come back — and have her ideas listened to, and debated…if some crackpots cannot handle that, then they (the crackpots) need to sort it out.

    • We don’t want debate in NZ. It’s better those in charge are left to do anything they like, it seems. Only the ‘right aka male’ protesters are allowed to be heard. (Due to health and safety reasons, of course, Sarc).

    • Having ideas listened to and debated, what century do you live in?

      Ideas and debate were cancelled 2023. Get with the totalitarian programme.

    • exactly.

      8th rule of misogyny: Men are whatever men say they are and women are whatever men say they are.
      9th rule of misogyny: Men always know the “real reasons” for everything women do and say.

      • Tipene – We could use that reasoning for ALL thinkers, speakers, and other leaders…should we say no to other leaders coming into Aotearoa??

    • She has a plethora of YouTube videos and her views are widely known. Her ideas are already ‘listened to and debated’. Its 2023 and the internet is alive and well. This is the Information Age gone Wild!

        • Nathan. They were fed by the lies of politicians, and of dirty media wanting to keep their jobs, and some got their thuggery funded unknowingly by you and me.

        • Thugs are just that nathan,thugs,encouraged by the Labour Government.
          A Prime Minister ( the Chipster) who cannot define “ woman. “
          What a mess we find ourselves in.

    • Debated in the media? I haven’t seen anything worthy of being called debate in the mainstream media for quite some time.

  3. If Keen gets elected to Parliament in the UK, it could be rather awkward to refuse her admission to New Zealand. Nor would it be fair to deprive PM Chris Hipkins the opportunity to engage with her about why he is opposed to women having voices. Michael Wood should also have the chance to tell her why, in his opinion, Keen has an “incorrect world view”. The judge who said she was “vile” must also expand on this, if only for the benefit of future law students. Forget about the lying, defaming, inflammatory media, most are woke spoilt brat kids who need to start future-proofing and honing up on their shop shelf stacking skills.

    But what about we women still stuck here with a police force which has an aversion to adult human females? Surely re-education of the New Zealand Police, and explaining to them that we are all equal under the law, and that we are all entitled to protection even if they don’t like us, would be in the interests of maintaining law and order?

    If Keen is banned, then the thugs and bullies who already have politicians and police kowtowing to them, will have won. That’s not a good idea at any level. We need more outside speakers coming here and sharing ideas, instead of behaving like Medieval China and shutting ourselves off.

    Many males have said that they’ll step forward and stand by women at any future attempts to give women voices. We can do it together.

    • Well said Snow White. I actually hope Parker thinks twice about coming here again – she’s already done her job of busting Hipkins’ “bread n better/bloke from the Hutt” pose. This is still a hard-woke government that runs on Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology.

      • Pope Punctilious 11. The Auckland police inflicted far more damage on the psyche of New Zealand women that day than anybody else did. Bastards.

    • No need for her come again and spray her ideas they’re all ova the internet. We live in an online world these days Snow white we can debate her ideology like we are doing now online.

      • Stephen. Apart from anything else, audio and visual records make it harder for politicians, journalists, or anybody else to tell lies. Today GB News, which has run videos of the violence in Albert Park a couple of times, reports that New Zealand media are continuing to deny that any violence took place.

      • So what are you advocating for exactly Stephen?
        Anyone with differing views to you should not be allowed into the country.
        Listen to yourself, your bordering on facism.

    • Snow White you are so correct.
      The current Labour Government listens only to thugs,mobs,bullies.
      Minority dictates to majority,is our new form of democracy.

    • Well Snow White, this women does not speak for me, please don’t assume she speaks for women. People like her only speak for herself. It speaks volumes that she was welcomed by Pauline Hanson in Australia . Yes lets welcome speakers with an agenda to help others not hate at the expense of other oppressed communities . We need speakers who are genuine in what they believe not a polarizing disingenuous shrew

      • Well I for one haven’t yet heard what she has to say, so I am open to that for a start. Followed by civil discussions with my fellow kiwis.

      • Queeny. Queeny. Queeny. This woman speaks for herself. More importantly, this woman wants other women to be able to speak for themselves too.

        This woman provides them with a platform and the opportunities to do so.

        This is what is scaring misogynists, the notion of freedom of speech for women.

        I’ve never been silenced, and I’m as small as Kellie-Jay. I’ve addressed MP’s at Select Committee, City Councillors, students at every level, and not once have I ever been been subjected to rude or offensive behaviour. Mind you, I’m not nearly as cute or buxom as this woman, something else our pathetic Kiwi yobs struggle to cope with. If she frightens them, then they should see shrinks.

        If they or you don’t like what you assume this woman may say, then you should engage in dialogue with her instead of chasing her back into 17thC
        Salem, Massachusetts.

        • What utter drivel. Are you now saying women in this country don’t get to speak? Women like Ardern speak and half the people commenting on this site blame her for absolutely anything and everything, including the fact that she was only PM from 2017 but is somehow responsible for people being thick as two short planks.

        • Oh Snow White I have been called emotional however this post takes the cake. I am not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing however tell me why I would like to talk or listen to this woman. What is so special about her. Its not assumptions of what she may say that’s harmful its what she actually does say . Everywhere she has gone in the world there has been trouble and protests, she is inflammatory for the sake of it and will do more harm than good to women’s rights in the long run. I am surprised that you are giving this woman such kudos, kudos she certainly doesn’t deserve.

  4. Headline should be “ Posie Parker threatening to come back is the last thing the NZ Labour Party needs in an election year”.

    Much more ‘Pure Trans Joy’ on the streets would expose the hollowness of progressive’s claimed tolerance.

    • Exactly. Diversity now does not include woman.

      Woman written out of history.

      How can you have positive discrimination for woman, if any man can self ID and be a woman, now.

      And it’s pretty obvious that opportunists, academics and predators are doing that. It’s not just the trendy greens transgenders that like to artfully attack woman with juice and punching them out on twitter, anyone can self ID.

      • Oh please the left has always used these dirty tactics much more than the right who use tactics of a different kind, much more devious and deceptive.

    • 100%
      If she does try and come back the left are fucked either way. I see two outcomes:
      1. ban her, and look like the fascists the government are – result is lost votes to Labeen
      2. she comes, shout her down and beat up more women in the streets – result is lost votes to Labeen
      I hope she does come. Teach these woke fools a lesson

      • I supsect if she came back there would be 5 times as many men as there were woke fuckwittery clowns.

        And they’d be there to do what the cops refused to do last time, and that is protect those women.

        And rather than a low point of New Zealands history, it’d be a proud one.

        Count me in.

        • Ma. It was Hannah Tamaki who provided a safe place for women fleeing from the transgender mob when the police wouldn’t. Mrs Tamaki was interviewed about it by the now- banned Sean Plunkett and she was pretty impressive. Not anti-transgender, very relaxed about men in frocks, but like many of us she doesn’t want them sharing girls’ toilets. She’s also spear-heading protest about the sexualisation of children in New Zealand schools, which our major political parties support, but which many of us do not.

  5. I don’t think that Trans Athletes should be able to compete for a world title and the World Athletics body agrees with me. But I do think that they should be able to compete for national titles if that nation deems it okay.

    Trans gets to compete and woman get to earn a decent prize after years of slagging it out for free essentially. Sound fair?

    • Women – human females have their category and it includes Transmen – female humans, non binary – female humans and then the non modified from women – female human. Males should never compete in that category.

    • Nothing is stopping them for competing for national titles in open competition.
      The problem is when the competition rules state that it is for women and trans people want to compete as women.
      Maybe one can manage this by giving biological women competitors the right to invite non biological women into their competitions.
      The other idea would be to change the entire system and base competitive sport on gender identity and not male/female.

      • John Thisrt. The science is in males have a significant advantage over females in sport.

        Men who identify as women can compete with other men

      • The solution is to allow women to compete in the men’s category. Then tell the trans women to compete in the men’s category but that everyone aknowledges that they are still women.

    • @Sam
      “But I do think that they should be able to compete for national titles if that nation deems it okay.”

      Can you elaborate on why you think that?

      • I don’t think being trans is a delusion. We let boys and girls play competitive rugby up until a point in New Zealand we can allow trannies to compete as well up to a point because if enough trannies are allowed to play then one day they can make there own divisions just like how we did it for the black ferns.

    • This is all about males who ID as women. they still have male bodies, that have more explosive speed, stronger bones and muscles and bigger lung capacity. there’s are males who ID as females competing in college athletics in the US, and they are winning titles. That means that can get college scholarships that should have gone to young women. This will put of many young females from competing.
      At college level, there’s 100ys of teen boys who can run faster than Olympic women athletes.

      And if self IDed males compete at national level then many young women will lose confidence and stop trying as hard because they can’t compete. For each transwoman who gets to compete nationally, a woman loses out. That’s hardly encouraging girls to compete.

      It’s obvious there is a sex difference, because we don’t see transmen competing and winning in men’s competitions the way we see for transwomen in women’s competitions. Transmen are the ones we should be focusing on because if they take exogenous testosterone they cannot compete in women’s sports. Yet no-one is campaigning for them in sports that way people are campaigning for transwomen to compete in women’s sports – same old where the males get higher priority.

      Why should transwomen compete in women’s categories? Because they believe the lie that they ARE women?

      World Athletics is looking at an open competition for men and trans women and transmen. That seems fair, rather than compromising women’s competitions just when women’s sports are on the up, and young girls see them as something to emulate.

  6. I will not allow this gender grifter control of our whenua. She’ll need a damned brilliant idea if she wants to convince New Zealanders of another way.

    • She does. 🙂 It will be so much fun to watch many heads splode. How dare women exclude males from their space. Don’t they know their place.

    • Yes agree. If I had to call it I’d say let her speak in the town square, regardless of clucking from the activists.
      The flock are crowing about their success, next time if they break the law, they should be caged.

  7. So is Posie going to dare the PM to try and stop her? She might be hoping he does so she can get more air time. Let’s face it the only reason she goaded Hipkins was for the publicity. I can’t believe people actually think this self promoting proud girl is all about women full stop.

    No that doesn’t excuse what happened in Albert Park but Posie should just sod off.

    • So what? She uses her platform and skills to raise awareness for women’s issues. That’s just how it’s done the world over.

      • Hey Sinic, more than that She uses her platform to provide an opportunity for other women to speak about what’s concerning them. You know, about women being dehumanised, about being chest-feeders not breast feeders, children being sexualised in the school system, puberty blockers, issues also being discussed elsewhere, but upsetting to misogynists.

        • Yes, thanks HH. I have been learning. I watch GB News sometimes. Women have a huge voice in this and it’s good we’re trying to begin to discuss it in NZ.

      • Yeah, but that is not ok in her case cause her raising awareness for womens issues is what upsets some of the males like Shaneel or the dude in the pink dress and his tomato soup.

      • Und zen she uses ze platform for ze goose step cabaret. Did you just “so what” the ‘proud’ reference? Good to know

      • And the trans community used their platform and skills to difuse Posy, sinic, what’s the difference?

    • Wheel She goaded Hipkins ? He said vile untrue things about her before she got here, primed media against her, and is partially responsible for what happened at Albert Park IMO.

        • On the button Queeny I’m utterly sick of oversees activists running this country,mobs that seem to be endorsed by our current National party and their mates, Act
          What a mess.

      • Free speech isn’t free at all. If our four fathers hadn’t fought for our rights during WW2 that are being taken for granted by these wonderfully ungrateful members of the mother and father Karen community. They sure as hell wouldn’t have any rights to do anything.

        It was men who won these privileges and if these wonderful specimens of low testosterone community want to punch on then go for it because they ain’t winning no wars.

        • Thanks Sam, for remembering our forebears and their families who sacrificed so much for ours’ and others’ freedoms.

  8. Good to see you endorsing signs and people who call woman bitches. Maybe back to the kitchen next in the name of helping men’s rights. Sarc.

    When ‘Shore Fathers’ set up, who knew the secret ingredient for men’s groups to be successful is to self ID as woman to get widespread condemnation for woman and stop them speaking in public.

  9. I wonder why kids are now feeling anxious and mentally ill. Not safe to be a woman, not safe to visit a mall or go to a protest anymore.

    • saveNZ. What’s being imposed upon kids right here in New Zealand by the gender ideologists in the Department of Education can create major anxieties for children.

  10. So utterly predictable. Block her from coming here, trans joy is the only pure joy, everyone else shut up.

  11. You might well see a riot if she’s blocked. Would also be the height of hypocrisy, she was let in already AND wasn’t the threat anyone claimed.

    Frankly, we need her to come back /and keep coming back/ until we can deal with the whole thing like a civilised society. We might get bloody before we can heal, but otherwise this just festers.

  12. Of course she’ll be back, she enjoyed every minute of her time in New Zealand, it was pure media gold & has pumped up her brand no end. She got to be a martyr without being harmed, pure gold. Probably even chose the cream dress so the signs of her martyrdom were clearly visible. She’ll be back and I’m sure plenty of New Zealanders will be happy to welcome her back.

    • Michelle Sinclair. She won ‘t be back any time soon. Job done. Politicians shamed. Lying media globally exposed. Police, alas, also shown to be misogynistic ratbags. Job done.

  13. Again, i must believe that you have yet to actually check out Posie Parker and all the interviews and things she has said and done since that shameful day in NZ. Shameful for NZ. If you would have done that you would know that this women will get up every time a maleman or a malewoman will try and beat her down. Seriously, i suggest that maybe just maybe you listen to what she has to say and apply that to what is happening in NZ.

    • RB what I have read about her is very concerning. As a woman I wouldn’t want her speaking for me in any shape or form From what I have read she doesn’t discuss she godes people, her tours are nothing but trouble, her views every where she goes she attract the worst in society . People all over the world have protested against her so her faux outrage is just a sham just to promote her brand to alienate a whole section of society.

  14. The right wing parties all supported Self ID woman.

    They all knew it would be a shit fight when the parties that traditionally supported woman like Labour and Greens were discovered to be more interested in supporting men self IDing. Now to make it worse, they are stopping woman’s voices and debate in this space.

    Labeen fell hook, line and sinker for it, and even now when it’s pretty clear what is going to happen, they still can’t go back and say they made a mistake.

    Think about it going forward, how are they going to plan mens and woman’s health care, prisons and positive discrimination if anybody can claim they are one or the other? The litigation will be an on-going nightmare.

    Thus Labour and Greens are going to be tarred forever as the government that stopped woman’s voices and positive discrimination for woman and still doing it with their representatives in government waying in, against woman’s voices in a particularly disgusting way.

    It shows how Labeen is so tied to woke causes, they can not think for themselves anymore and have abandoned their traditional best supporters (woman) to help men turned woman, throw juice and punch out woman in public and trying to ban public debate, with their supporters, government and media going along with it.

  15. Ffs sake Martyn. The women of NZ owe much to PP. she has exposed the authoritarian thugs who masquerade as social justice warriors.

    Prior to Posie, many many women were too bloody scared and intimidated to speak up. She has brought the nastiness of the trans rights activists into the open and the hypocracy of the likes of Marama Davidson to light.

    Without Posie the silencing of women would have gone unnoticed.
    I don’t believe a word of what any tras say about her. They will lie about her till the cows come home.

    She should come back.

    • Women – human females must stay at home, if they don’t, they will get assaulted. See Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia to name just a few countries. NZ is in best company.

  16. Start by building more public toilets and changing rooms in sports grounds for either unisex or exclusively Rainbow community usage.

    We need a 3rd space, not 2 factions fighting over the same space.

    • Yes public toilets for self ID is more important use of money, than helping those in poverty get a house and getting the health waiting list down so that people are not dying in NZ.

      Disabled people are getting health cuts while speech therapy for transgender is funded.

      Schools and councils and other public places, have to spend more money on separate toilets for this pet cause, rather than help our woeful rates of literacy and numeracy.

      Councils raise up rates, stop kids swimming pools and reduce library hours, during a massive cost of living crisis , while those (many of those who don’t seem to even have a real job – just jetting around the world for celebrity transgender activism while telling others – work harder, pay more tax for separate toilets and shut the fuck up, woman, (bitches) while you are about it).

      Can someone please find out if these celebrity activists have a real job – and maybe a census on what people think if more important to fund with our taxes (than many greens celebrities seem to not need to contribute too) since they keep cutting services.

      What is more important to fund, cancer waiting lists and disabled people’s health or speech therapy for transgender to sound more like their new gender and new single toilets for transgender?

    • Problem is Black, the trans authoritarians don’t want the 3rd option. The 3rd option implies they are not the same as Biological women and the hardcore ones see this as utterly unacceptable.

      This is why this ‘fight’ has been going on for 5+ years now. Its unsolvable. Thus women must be shut down and deplatformed immediately and every time. Not getting what they want is unacceptable and I think (sorry guys, dont mean to tar you with the same brush) that what this is telling us – the violence and lack of compromise is because they are all still Men.

      I dont mean that glibly, I mean you can wear a dress or partly or fully transition but girls and boys brains are a little different and these differences are firmed up as we grow through possibly societal gender or other differences. But the nub of the problem is they are still men and whilst brain chemistry may be affected by some hormones you cant change the hormone balance completely or the brain structure.

      Men expect to win when the speak (on some level – gross generalisation I know) but women (again generalising) expect to have to compromise. And I think in my bush doctor medical opinion this is what this is all about.

    • Are all of the freaks happy to share a bathroom, or do they need different cubicles for every gender? One for trans women, one for trans men, one for intersex etc? It won’t be long before we need 26 different bathrooms.

    • @BwaV
      Agreed, that model also could be rolled out to all the current points of conflict. Sports, prisons etc with a roll back of excessive politically correct language (birthing bodies etc) that tends to confuse rather than inform.
      Most transmen are mature enough to not take offence when terms like ‘pregnant women’ are used.

    • That’s not a solution. The hardcore want to access women’s changing rooms and toilets. They are women in their view. To deny them access to women’s spaces directly challenges their fundamental premise.

  17. So your response in the face of violence is to give up. The response to intimidation is to give up.

    This is why the traditional left are doomed against middle class Wokeborg. Their first instincts are they are our side as opposed to they are wrong we have to stop them. Rather than form an alliance with the right to fight the fundamental disintegration of free speech they would rather sit back and ignore. And thus the 9% win for the 1%.

    Neville Chamberlain would be proud.

  18. The media is becoming complicit on empowering violence against woman, led by woke, from the ‘male’ point of view.

    How an interview with a rapist fired up Serbia’s feminists
    A controversial article sparked street demonstrations in Belgrade, which mobilised a women’s movement to fight for bigger change.

    Fight to disenfranchise woman’s voices – from all directions and being done politically and through media.

    Donald Trump, Peter Thiel and the death of democracy

  19. Surely she should be let in, and the police should show up in force?

    No thugs veto. If you attempt to use violence to silence someone’s opinion the state must show it is willing to use violence to stop you. No capitulation Martin. The ‘woke’ need to realize they also have to play by the rules for discourse to be restored…

  20. For those that say ‘her message is foul/wrong/transphobic? What actually do you mean. Like it is OK for males to participate in female sports? Ok for them to get places in female refuges and rape crisis centers? Ok for them to use the same toilet / washing room/changing facilities as females, dick out semi erect and all that?

  21. PS: Posie wont be back for a long while and there is no need to ban her. She just wants you to know, she isnt going to drop it and she wants to signal to NZ women that the fight goes up and we need to speak up.

    (More bush doctor opinion!)

  22. Sensible, Martyn. Sad and leaves a bad taste in the mouth, but sensible.
    Only proviso is who would immigration deny entry to next, JK Rowling? (insert any name here)…

    Ka pa heke heke nga maaku, ne?

  23. She should be welcomed back with open arms! The mentally deranged incels and frockettes need to learn to not hit people they don’t like.

    And the Police should do their fuck’n job properly.

  24. “And then I will come back and I will come back at the invitation of the Prime Minister who wants to make an all-out apology to everyone,” she [Parker] claimed.

    If Parker’s return to NZ has to be prefaced with a personal invitation from the PM, and a public apology, then what are the odds that it is going to happen? Less than sweet fuck all.

  25. I’m one of those lefty that actually support some of her ideas on women’s safety. Years ago when I lived in Rotavegas (Rotorua) I can remember a trans person raping a Rotorua woman after befriending her at a nightclub. The trans person was convicted and sentenced to prison for 7 years I believe. The reason I remember this incident because the trans person was related to a Rotorua Mongrel Mob member a well known Mob family there.

    • She has weekly meetings in public parks UP and down the whole of the UK. And she has done that since 2018.

    • Ethan Woke She’s running for Parliament in the next UK elections. Gets invited to speak in the USA, the originators and promulgators of extreme sex/gender ideology, now being embraced by our pollies.

      • Which is exactly why there are 435 anti LGBT bills before usa states houses of parliament and growing by the day.

        You obviously are not affected by any of it if this bullshit arrives here.

        • Would that be like legislation to prohibit sex re-assignemnt surgery aka breast amputation, penectomies etc on minors? Cause that is a good bill. Let them wait until they are 25 and have a fully grown brain?

        • This ‘bullshit’ is pushback.
          It’s what happens when an ideology is not supported by the majority.
          It’s when facts, science and biology is trashed in the name of militant woke authoritarianism.
          The ‘bullshit’ is coming to a town near you.

  26. Let her come back and ignore her this is the best medicine, no media coverage full stop, let’s pretend she isn’t here like we have done with the Australian who killed 51 innocent people praying in a temple. Now what his name again as I can’t remember.

  27. NO. Absolutely not.
    Ban her and the violent mob wins and they move on to their next victims.
    The police need to do their fucking job.
    We need to stand up to this bullshit. It has already gone waaaaaaay too far.

  28. she doesn’t give a flying fuck about womens rights, she’s your bog standard rightwing grifter….none of that means she shouldn’t be allowed to speak

    • Nonsense. You’ve just swallowed green, labour, tv1 trans ideology spin. LOOK online at video footage and LISTEN to women speak.

    • Think she was a paid up member of the Labour Party in Bristol; has not identified as a feminist which is a slightly soiled word nowadays, got silenced like Sean Plunket, leads events at Hyde Park Cnr where those loud hooter things used at Albert Park are banned so that those who choose not to walk on by, can stop and listen and hear what the ladies have to say. Jolly good.

  29. Yes, banning women coming to New Zealand because they stand up for women is definitely what we should do! This is a great leap forward for progressives and feminism and those who support free speech! Oh wait…

  30. OMG, We should of course never given women the vote. There is too much housework to do, children to look after etc. This along with educating the natives was always a bad idea.

    What is needed are more “white woke blokes” who have the proper skills and attitudes to ensure women and the natives are not taken advantage of.

  31. If she wants she should come. This is not free speech otherwise Martyn.

    Could someone point me to stuff she has said that is anti trans.

    It is my understanding that she is pro women being able to have their own spaces which do not include anyone with a penis END OF STORY.

  32. I think the National Party, ACT and their fellow travellers need to take a good hard look at what happens when ostensibly centre right political parties pander to the far right as they have over the Posie Parker affair. This weekend, the Liberal Opposition lost the formerly safe seat of Aston as a consequence of the extremism of one of its Legislative Council members, militant fundamentalist Moira Deeming, who continued to speak at Ms. Keen-Minshull’s rally even after neo-Nazis from the National Socialist Network had turned up and delivered Nazi salutes. Mainstream Victorians were probably repulsed at those antics and that Deeming was not expelled from the Victorian Liberal state parliamentary caucus over her disgraceful behaviour. And how do you know there were a small number of far right activists at the demagogue’s Auckland rally, Martyn? The Herald noted masked teenagers wearing Azov Brigade and Boogaloo Boys insignia, white nationalist and former New Conservative Botany candidate Dieuwe de Boer, and opposing the Christchurch trans pride rally, notorious white supremacist Kyle Chapman put in an appearance. Still, it’s good to see you’ve realised that her presence here potentially endangers our fellow trans inhabitants of Aotearoa/NZ.

    • Standing for women and Moira Deeming had nothing to do with the bunch of black clad incels that showed up and were allowed in by the Police.

  33. She threatened Chris Hipkins when her Visa was ‘under review’. That was Strike 1. She then presented a video in which she threatened to ‘annihilate’ all women who opposed her view. That was Strike 2. She invited Tamaki and his gang along with assorted homophobic, transphobic, diversityphobic, white supremacist garbage either directly or implicitly. That was Strike 3.

    DoziePozie is the kind of *unladylikeword* Aotearoa New Zealand does not need.
    She and her faux feminists are persona non grata. Immigration NZ must halt her entry now and in the future.

    • She did not invite Destiny Church, t heard Hannah Tamaki say she reached out to Parker but it didnt happen. They drove by Posie in support of her message because they were meeting on something a little bit similar – education and what young kids are being subjected to in schools eg: Gender issues etc

  34. The absurdity of this being an issue aka woman not being allowed to speak, and government endorsed legal action to stop them speak in NZ, when we just lost 5000 more nurses.

    Rotorua nurse Tracey Morgan joins thousands moving to Australia

    Where is government interest in real issues that effect the majority of people in our health system? It would be a lot more valuable (and election driven) than this bizarre focus.

    Few care about the trans – go off and do whatever fragile rainbows, but don’t fuck up woman’s rights and language and pretend to be the victims – then the fight is personal and the people supporting such bizarre actions are under scrutiny by at least 50% of the population.

    Finland is going right. UK is going right. US went right, then left if you can call it left. So maybe, just maybe focus on what ordinary voters are worried about, and it’s not trans getting speech therapy and special toilets and calling woman chest-feeders.

  35. It ain’t our NZ Polices job to protect people like Posie if she wants to talk her nasty vile negative divisive shite in a public space that is her choice our Police have bigger problems to deal with than an assault with tomato juice.

    • This seems to be rather than an inflammatory emotional comment itself. cispa; ‘nasty vile’, ‘negative divisive shite’. And suggesting that tomato juice doesn’t constitute an attack, though it is a red substitute signifying blood, and a very awkward stain to get out of clothes! Just try to maintain a balance will you, and a hold on reason.

    • It’s the police jobe to stop people disturbing the peace. Her talking to a couple of hundred women does not disturb the peace. The peace was disturbed by. NZHerald columnist writing a column to incite violence in a public park.

  36. Moreover, there are other questions to be raised in this context when it comes to (i) the Right’s blithe dismissal of the psychological consequences of Marama Davidson’s traffic accident and refusal to consult anyone from the NZ Psychologists Society when it comes to the abundant medical and scientific evidence that yes, traffic accidents have traumatic consequences for their victims, which places the whingeing from Ms Keen Minshull over having tomato sauce poured over her in proper perspective and (ii) the Right’s appalling ignorance of the provisions of the Land Transport Act 1998, particularly Sections 7,8, 22, 38 and 59. Note that if Ms Davidson’s assailant was driving under the influence or while disqualified, it gets worse. The tomato juice thrower came forward- why hasn’t Marama Davidson’ s assailant, given the matter is still under police investigation, which indicates its potential seriousness.

    • Yes Craig I wonder whether the Platform or Sean Plunkett covered Davidson accident?
      No need reply you right wing trolls, it was a loaded question.

  37. It would be instructive to confirm just how much Posierama in Albert Street cost to police, all to pander to one alt right agitator’s egotism and delusions of grandeur. And why the National Party and ACT have no problem with it being diverted from street crime and ram raid intervention. As for the political denouement involved here, I think you may be missing something, too, Martyn, namely the comparative youth of the pro-trans contingent and the electoral significance that might have. It did in 2020 when it came to climate change and younger voters tend to be liberal and inclusive when it comes to transgender rights too. It’ll be interesting to see if this ends up backfiring rather badly on the National Party and ACT, just as the Moira Deeming debacle did when it came to the NSW state election and Victorian federal Aston by-election last weekend, not to mention the terminal condition of the British Conservative Party, unable to pull itself out of its populist electoral death spiral.

  38. The huge number of comments is a good indication why she should put off coming here till after the election. That would be a rational understanding action in this time of irrational brouhaha. It would be an adult and mature choice on her part. We are in a mire of people choosing to think about important life-changing measures who have hardly ever thought at all in the past. It’s too much for their tiny brain cells.

  39. Invite her on The Working Group with the young New Zealander of the year and let’s hear what each camp has to say or see who loses their rag first.

  40. For goodness sake. So many of you are incapable of the understanding and usage of the difference between woman and women. (Thank goodness I can’t hear you trying to pronounce the difference). If only I had the money to leave this nasty narrow-minded chunk of rock and live in a more open-minded country. To my dying breath I will speak my English and I will not hesitate to use him or her, nor say that I AM A FEMALE and I will not be silenced by aggressive nobodies. Anyone with a penis is potentially worrying/threatening for those of us with vaginas, for good reason, as we cannot instantly distinguish those who do mean us harm from those who don’t. This was explained to me by female students in my French university classes. I arrive back to a very changed NZ full of this wokecrap nonsense that makes me feel I am not welcome here. I despair with what NZ has become. It can only get worse and this Posie Parker reaction stuff so clearly illustrates the nastiness currently building in NZ. Free speech no longer exists, equal rights for women no longer exist.

  41. “We will win this war!”
    Posie Parker April 1, 2023

    No pasarán

    “Immigration NZ must block her this time”
    Martyn Bradbury -April 3, 2023

    Far Right anti-trans activist, Posie Parker, claims that she will return to New Zealand at the invitation of the Prime Minister who she claims wants to make an apology.

    What makes her so confident?

    Who has Posie Parker been talking to, that she could be so confident in making such a prediction. Is it someone in the National Party?

    is it possible?
    Is it possible, that Far Right curious, Christopher Luxon is the future Prime Minister that Posie Parker has in mind, who will be welcoming her back to this country and offering his apology?

    Anti-trans activist Posie Parker says she will return to New Zealand 
    Auckland reporter 17:00, Apr 01 2023

    …“We are going to win this war, women,” she said.
    “And then I will come back, and I will come back at the invitation of the prime minister who wants to make an all-out apology to everyone.”

    On Thursday afternoon, the woman who tipped the juice on Keen-Minshull was charged with common assault.
    A police spokesperson said a person has been summoned to appear in the Auckland District Court.
    “As the matter is before the Court no further comment will be made at this time,” the spokesperson said.
    The woman charged with assault flew to Australia earlier this week after receiving threats to her safety…..


    The Far Right have nothing to offer

    Because the Far Right have nothing to offer, the Far Right are always looking for some sort entry wedge issue where they can gain some political traction. In the past it was racism and antisemitism. Recently it is anti-immigrant bigotry and Islamophobia, then it was covid denial, now it is anti-trans bigotry. 
    Other than blaming Blacks, Jews and Gays, the Far Right have no answers to the many problems that afflict humanity.
    The Far Right have nothing to offer up to us except scapegoats for us to focus our attention on.
    The only things the Far Right have to offer society is human degradation – intolerance, and fear and hatred of the other.


  42. Women with genuine concern are not listened to in New Zealand,our Prime Minister cannot define “woman” so what chance have they got.
    Green Party women are listened to because they make such a fuss.


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