Green Party Statement On Events At Auckland Protest


Statement from Green Party Co-leader James Shaw:

The Green Party stands with our trans and non-binary whānau. Aotearoa should be a place where everyone can live their lives without fear of hate or discrimination.

Following a public rally in support of trans and non-binary human rights in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland today, Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson has reported an incident to Police. It appears a motorcyclist failed to stop at a pedestrian crossing and Marama was knocked to the ground.

The incident has been reported to Police and Marama is seeing a doctor. Until Police have confirmed their next steps, we will not be making further comment.

The Green Party’s commitment to non-violence is at the heart of our founding values. This news is upsetting and we are asking people to show care and love.

We ask everyone to give Marama and her whānau some space and time to process what has happened.


  1. I’ve a question for James Shaw. How many kids do you think you can convert with that statement Huh papi???

    I’m not on Shaw’s side!

    How many kids do you think you can convince to cut and burn little bits off of themselves in the name of human rights?

    It’s sickening and we need to come up with a new term for grooming.

  2. So that’s that then. Party leader James Shaw, by sin of omission, has stated that he does not support freedom of speech for biological born women.

    We are just as entitled to have our voices heard as transgender women are, but no, James has endorsed our being silenced. He should say why.

    • Mother courage, women (ie born with female organs) have always been second class citizens. To think that woman are the same as transgender women is preposterous. A transgender woman starts life as male, then for whatever reason becomes a woman. Therefore transgender women are up here in status with us men.

      No female should be surprised by this.

  3. Marama’s comments were dreadful as were the comments from Golriz.
    Both were not in keeping with your commitment to non violence,indeed both were intended to incite violence.
    Does Marama resign today?
    Golriz to resign as well?

  4. “On events at Auckland protest”

    Really? – was that the title put by the Greens to the statement?

    and that’s their statement about events at the protest?

  5. ” The Green Party’s commitment to non-violence is at the heart of our founding values.”

    This dude…….this spineless gutless coward.


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