MEDIAWATCH: AM Show validates the political toxicity of Judith Collins while attacking climate changing students

The way adults who have done sweet fuck all about climate change judge the kids struggling to live in the shit world we have produced is a reason we deserve all the climate damage coming our way. 



The AM Show validated the toxicity of Judith Collins who turned up to the weekly political panel looking like she was dressed for a Cocktail party on a elderly cruise liner.

I didn’t realise silk ruffles were back.

By having her back The AM Show are saying Judiths style of politics is acceptable. Labour should just point blank refuse to be on the Panel with her.

What was most eye rolling about The AM Show today was their shitting on young people for climate protesting. You would think AM Show would be embarrassed pulling these kind of comments right after a climate disaster but they played the same game as ‘you are part of the system too so you are a hypocrite’ crap that ZB pulls.

The way adults who have done sweet fuck all about climate change judge the kids struggling to live in the shit world we have produced is a reason we deserve all the climate damage coming our way.


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    • She won’t be part of the next government. But in the unlikelihood that she is, probably ministry of prehistoric thoughts.

  1. ” looking like she was dressed for a Cocktail party on a elderly cruise liner.”
    judging a person by their dress, how hateful and mysoginistic. Do better.

    • Simple don’t watch . We all know how complicit these so called journalists are with their right wing misogyny and their on going treatment of especially young activists aka. Mrs. Barry Soper . These youngsters are our future. They get “it” while people like Judith Collins doesn’t. The media are once again complicit with the dirty politics brigade and the climate change deniers

    • OK then. Challenge accepted, on MB’s behalf.
      She looks like a toxic sea anemone the reef can no longer stomach. Is she the mutant hate-child of Barney the Dinosaur and a melted, bin-fire Barbi Doll? Is there a fault with the camera lens or are her lips really that thin?
      Her hairdresser? Also a stone mason? You knew when she turned up at the studio because the pot plants either wilted, ran for it or set themselves on fire.
      Is she a stumper or a strider because nothing suggests to me that, that female human is elegant. Even in free fall she’d still look like a Brunhilda on a bread and sugar diet. Is it true that her gaze turns kittens and babies into cash money? Her neck. Where is it? Imagine being a shoe and having her trotters up you all day?
      How sure are we that she’s not rob muldoon in drag? I wonder why she decided on a career in politics? Too cruel for a position where capital punishment’s still a career option?
      @ reactionary bullshit. Your time’s up. In the old days a phone call to an editor would get a retraction so you could keep spreading your toxic lies and misinformation with the help of fresh-skin aliens like hideous collins. But not today. You’re at street level with your victims now so sharpen up or fuck off.

    • RB, full on National party protection. Never once heard you protect the misogyny against Jacinda.
      You hateful, despiteful biased opinionist, Really, you need to do so much better to gain any sort of credibility.

      • I am not one who yelled poor Jacinda in the first place as I assume that they are made of sterner stuff. In saying that, it is the left – so called left – that when into a tizzy about all the unpleasantness thrown at Jacinda who is as female as the women in the picture above. So either being rude on accounts of looks/age is not ok, or it is ok and then it is a free for all. What is it?

        • Shortening my name is appallingly lazy. Nothing new from the lazy and unintelligent hard right Bob.

    • Martyn’s comment is exactly the sort of rhetoric Judith Collins understands. How you can be a fan of this vile individual is beyond me. Don’t let your National Party fanboy delirium cloud your judgement. If it helps she started politics with Labour.

  2. How about the children plan a strike on a weekend.
    How many would turn up then?
    Not many I’m guessing

  3. I saw the AM show and thought Judith added balance and had some nice words to say about James Shaw flying everywhere. Michael Wood looked Abit worried what she might say next.

  4. Judith is very rude and I see her I the same way I saw Mallard both are obnoxious bullies. You can find them in all walks of life.
    Seeing these students on TV I was struck by how rude they were to the speakers .A real,rabble lead by good intent but no real idea how to get there. If we stop driving ,milking cows ,mining and all the other things not to do it would not be long before mummy and daddy would have to stop sky ,nexflix, holidays ,fast food ,and picking them up from school and most other events they get now .

  5. So many people happy to be ageist and rude to a female who they don’t like, and i get it they are generally unlikable. But either we are striving for a world were people are safe in their appearances, and beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, or we are not striving for that world and then we can call those that we don’t approve of all sorts of names. We can mock old people for being old. We can mock people with big teeth for having big teeth, we can mock fat people for being fat and we can mock short people for being short. And its ok , cause the left does it too.
    And this coming from the ‘kindness preaching left’. Its actually quite funny. So concerned about the shit others do, but quite happy to do exactly the same. Maybe neither the left nor the right are ‘kind’ and ‘polite’, maybe both sides of the political aisles and enablers of said parties are just some silly scared little people who literally have run out of good words to use in order to make a point. Sad.

    • Fair enough on the physical appearance comment. I was calling her vile for what comes our of her month ( and let’s not start on her husband). Top it off with popping into a church for a quick prayer. Please!

  6. You’ve got to hand it to Judith Collins. She has had skin in the game for longer than most and she’s managing to create hysteria around her hairstyle and her shoes, (which is petty imo, at least she has shoes)
    You can tell from my moniker I’m no day old chicken either and toxic comments from some of the above just get louder and louder- why? Methinks the lady doth protest too much, not referring to Collins there.
    Once upon a time in the dim and distant past I went to school. Our latin teacher, a staunchly garrulous woman did not absorb or acknowledge any rudeness or insubordination. We actually learnt something about the roots of language and the construction of roads and bridges still in use today. Now I hear the disrespectful and high pitched squeals of resentment over the voice of an experienced woman and it is disturbing to me. I have seen the video of kaumatua Paumea McKay being forcibly shut down at Waitangi and find that disgusting, disturbing and just wrong.
    If Greta Thunberg has three cars you can’t pretend that her lithium ion batteries are presents from Zeta Reticulae instead of being mined by children who don’t have a chance of attending school or wearing shoes ffs.

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