Dear NZ, whatever the crisis, the solution is more Cows! Cow Udder Alles!

National Party Caucus Meeting

Why are we allowing ourselves to be held hostage to a sunset Industry that we allow monopoly power to?

95% of our milk is for milk powder that is used as a filler ingredient in the heavily manufactured global food industry, the millisecond that Industry can replicate a synthetic milk powder our Economy is ruined!

This reality is never ever allowed to be thought about or said out loud and instead the answer to any question is always, more cows.

As the reality of the climate change the polluter profiteers have denied was ever occurring in the first place starts to dawn, all focus now turns to adaptation rather than mitigation so we can have MORE COWS!

I propose that New Zealand urgently spends $1Trillion dollars into research and development so that genetically engineered giant golden Cows can float in the sky with massive golden flying paddocks utilising anti-gravity technology so the cows can never be drowned by the floods their farts create!

Whatever the problem is, this is NuZilind and MORE COWS! is always the solution.

Cow Udder Alles!

Stay classy Aotearoa.

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  1. Sometimes it’s best to put brain into gear before putting ideas in binary. Cows make good fertiliser.
    Q. What would you replace the overseas earnings of the cows with if they all disappeared tomorrow? We would be f..ckd up even faster than you want so I guess you would be pretty happy huh?

  2. Never mind the 100.000 buckeroos that a certain Labour MP got for re-election from the forestry industry. Golden cows. They all have them.

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