March 2nd – One year on from Parliament Lawn Protest – Winners and Losers


One year on from the Dumb Lives Matter Parliament Lawn violence and we still don’t know what the fuck happened.

Scars that have never healed in 12 months remain raw and the desire to frame the protestors as Nazis and have anyone who suggested economic factors as a reason for the protest cancelled from their job is still as strong amongst the woke as is the feverish revenge fantasies from feral antivaxxer Qanon sovereign sherif lunatics who vomit violent speech into the moral void of social media hate algorithms.

Lumpenproletariat who had suffered and felt alienation from necessary vaccine mandates had their pain manipulated by Far Right fear grifters who had dark designs, while the woke screamed at Police Commissioner Coster to bash the Nazi protestors from the lawns with all  force necessary.

The veneer of the civil rights championing Woke evaporated as the Wellington Middle Class Maoists freaked out and demanded the Riot Squad be used against their fellow citizens as any pretence of civil liberty concern was dumped with all the self control of a frightened child.

Through out it all Trevor Mallard only served to make everything worse by winding up the protestors and making appalling strategic blunder after appalling strategic blunder.

His fuckwittery birthed 5000 radicalised stormtroopers the true damage of yet we haven’t comprehended.

I disagreed with these feral antivaxxers, I believe Jacinda did an incredible job navigating us through a once in a century pandemic, I believed that while the mandates were harsh, they were necessary however I absolutely supported their right to protest.

For Jacinda, rudeness is the greatest sin and that the Protestors made school kids cry was worse than their threats of violence towards her. She refused to meet the protestors and that triggered an ongoing response.

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The damage to the reputation of the political Left means we have lost voters forever.

Jacinda ignored the feral lumpenproletariat and Trev goaded them.

In the end there were no adults left in the room and instead of de-escalation, we allowed the worst angels of our nature to win.

There are of course perverse winners and broken losers.

You want me to do what now?


Trevor Mallard – Out of this entire disgusting debacle, Trev is one of the biggest winners. He managed to enflame and provoke protestors into the spastic rage it became and he gets NO BLAME AT ALL! On Thursday February 10th, the protest movement was fading. Their attempt to gain entrance into Parliament had failed the day before, the factions had splintered into disagreement and the leader of the biggest faction had left Thursday morning. Instead of allowing this to implode because of its own philosophical instability, Trev threw a tantrum on the morning of the 10th and stupidly demanded Police clear the lawn. That created a common enemy and ended up being a 10 hour live streamed recruitment video for every crazy with a chip on their shoulder. He added to this strategic blunder with petty psyop tactics that were childish and beneath the mana of Parliament. Trev then pressured the Press Gallery into filming from the balcony automatically creating an us and them mentality and threatened journalists if they attempted to interview the protestors there would be consequences. The need for the Government to paint every protestor out as a Nazi to justify the heavy handed tactics means Trev will never be held to account for provoking this violence. Everything that happens from this point on traces back to his manchild tantrum. Disgustingly no one held him to account and he ended up getting a plumb Ambassadorship in fucking Ireland.

NZ Far Right – The other big winner in all of this is the NZ Far Right. They can not believe the propaganda coup we have handed them by provoking the Police into heavy handed over reaction. They leave empowered and plotting the next move. We helped them recruit 5 000 new stormtroopers. Well done everyone.

David Seymour – Is the only MP who tried to de-escalate this and has stood for the right to protest. ACT do best when they are a right wing values party, this will give ACT ammunition.

Winston – By wandering through the protest, Winnie hopes to harness those former rural Labour voters for his 2023 campaign.

Willie Jackson – There only MP who would walk through the Lawn to Parliament each day through the front door while the rest went in behind under heavy Police protection.

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster – By resisting the middle class marxists and not sending the tanks in, Coster walked a fine line between giving into Woke vengeance fantasies and starting a civil war. His Police were professional right up until they took over a firehose from Firefighters (The FireFighters Association have now lodged a formal complaint about Police doing this) to attack protestors with and opened fire on protestors with rubber bullets.

Dr Bryce Edwards – Not so much a winner but a hero. Ever since he disagreed with Woke Queen Morgan Godfery on Radio NZ, the woke have tried to cancel him and have him sacked from his University job for daring to challenge their narrative that everyone at the protest was a Nazi. His reporting that undermined their narrative was some of the best at this protest.

Mass Surveillance Security – The SIS and GCSB have had a field day playing up the fear of domestic extremism and have launched Nark lines using bewilderingly pathetic polls to ascertain what are national security threats are while having Woke puritan academics appointed to groups to help target the new mass surveillance of Kiwis in the wake of the protest. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy, we’ve made extremists, so go find them.



Public Broadcasting – Why did so many people fall down the rabbit hole of social media hate lies? How has CounterSpin been so successful? Why is Nz On Air public broadcasting elitist echo chamber opinion and faux journalism like ‘Furries work in your IT department‘ held up as investigative reporting when it has lost the trust of so many citizens? The less said about Stuff’s middle class docudrama ‘Fire and Fury’ the better.

Press Gallery – NEVER doubt the power of middle class Wellington or the Press Gallery to get the order their privilege demands. Their coverage was utterly compromised in all of this and they are less believed than when it started.

Jacinda – By ignoring the protestors she only enflamed it. By refusing to hold Mallard to account she enflamed it. By refusing to acknowledge the pain of the poor she professes kindness towards, she damaged her reputation. This was Jacinda at her worst: aloof, haughty and as disapproving as a head girl while people her supporters despise suffered.

Labour – Labour will see the damage they’ve caused their rural and provincial electorates as protestors return home with toxic anger and an oath to never vote for Jacinda again. This has permanently lost Labour 5%.

Greens – Where was the great political party of protest in all of this? Hiding like cowards.

Political Left –  Watching middle class Wellington Marxists cheer the filth for smashing smelly lumpenproletariat reminds us how far the NZ Left have drifted intellectually and philosophically. The arguments I’m hearing from the Left about how underserving these protestors were are exact same arguments the Right have used previously.

CTU/PSA/ETU – Gutless middle class Wellington bureaucracies who have sold their self interest as the pillars of NZ egalitarianism. A revolution came to Parliament & it was middle class woke activists who were revolted! The Middle Class Marxists want a revolution that knows its pronouns! It doesn’t want the smelly lumpenproletariat spoiling the aesthetics of their dinner party activism.

NZ Democracy – This was a dark moment for NZ Democracy. Instead of de-escalate, we wanted a fight with these feral lunatics. Instead of compassion, we reacted with hate. Instead of any attempt to understand their pain, we called them all Nazis. These scars from Parliament’s lawns won’t heal because both sides refuse to admit they were wrong.

1913 – 1951 – 2022




This protest didn’t happen in a vacuum.

Last year the Salvation Army released its report on dire poverty while house affordability rose to another obscene level while Covid assistance has mostly gone to the rich…

Wealthy nearly $1 trillion richer since Covid began – Hickey

An economic and political commentator says since the Covid-19 pandemic reached Aotearoa, the rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer – in part due to the Government’s policies.

…this protest may not have been working class politics, but it was working class misery that was manipulated by the far right on the lawns of Parliament!

That is the Left’s fault!

Imagine if Labour and the Greens had done something meaningful over the last 5 years for the lumpenproletariat so that there wasn’t this rage to exploit by the far right in the first place?

We have allowed Labour and the Greens off the hook for transformative change for too long, and yet act surprised when those most punished by the mandates rebel.

Let me be as clear as I can be – I support Labour for their magnificent Covid response! I salute the courage and skill to have navigated us through this most horrific of tempests and believe the mandates were the best way forward.

I believe NZ having some of the lowest death and hospitalisation rates is a public health victory of extraordinary magnitude.

Yes as a post-marxist anarchist environmental socialist I detest the State up in my grills as much as the next free individual, but I agree with the curtailing of my civil liberties for the public good.

B-U-T we on the Left have failed to challenge the neoliberal economic hegemony that continues to devour so many lonely lives and fills them with such hopelessness that they are bait for Facebook hate algorithms.

I have zero truck with these feral lunatic’s arguments, hell I was attempting to goad them into voting me in their Nuremberg hanging list a fortnight ago, but they have a right to protest and their rage has been manufactured by the Left’s lack of transformative change.

I have yet to see one interview with a protestor that after a terrible & painful personal mandate experience – that truly pulls at your heart strings – that then doesn’t veer off into some crazy demented conspiracy theory – there is no doubt this misery is being manipulated by far right propagandists with malicious intent.

If we don’t want so many angry, frightened and hurt working class people turning to the Nazi’s, maybe do something meaningful about their anger, hurt and fear first?

Instead of de-escalating this, the Speaker of the House and the Government provoked it.

This will stain us.

We lost something last year.

All we succeeded in doing was recruit for extremism and I’m still not sure how that dark treacle of hate will ooze out next, especially with the political polarisation and economic recession.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre   
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst   
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.   
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out   
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert   
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,   
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,   
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it   
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.   
The darkness drops again; but now I know   
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,   
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
William Butler Yeats


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  1. LOSER The Census. For every person who was at the protest was there 1 person who wanted to be there but couldn’t go, or 10 people, or 100, or 1,000.
    I think we will find out the level of support these “feral antivaxxers” had at next week’s Census. The degree of non compliance with the States order to forcibly collect surveillance data about “it’s” citizens will show the levels of mistrust that still exist.

    • Definitely, you can’t create 2 classes of people, exclude them and then expect them to conform to the societal norm with something like census. The widespread mandate dumbfuckery will reverberate for years.

      • The mandates did a great job of pointing out those teachers that should never be a Principle of a school .They have shown they do not believe in any social contract to work together for the good of all especially the vunerable.
        The country already has the details of these antivaxers and if they do not comply with the law to complete the forms I hope they get chased up by the law.

      • Cricklewood Ardern smiled when confirming that she was creating a “two- tier society,” phraseology straight from the WEF playbook. Not ok.

  2. Martyn, the other day you speculated why Chippie Connects. Well, you have provided your own answer:
    “This was Jacinda at her worst: aloof, haughty and as disapproving as a head girl while people her supporters despise suffered.”

    • Kraut – Ardern wasn’t the only political leader too inept to engage with the protestors, National and the Greens were just as bad. I think the ACT chap was the only one who did. Peters came and was subsequently illegally trespassed from the Parliamentary precinct by puerile wee Mallard. It’s fitting that Bradbury quotes an Irish poet here, and nauseating that the little turd is now Ambassador to Ireland, and if he is this government’s idea of a diplomat, then this alone suggests not just a deficiency of competency on their part, but of commonsense and human decency.

      I see no winners here, unless Trevor Mallard dragging a possibly initially quite diverse group of citizens down to his own tawdry level is some sort of win for anarchy.

      • Agreed, they were all complicit including ACT.
        However, it was the single source of tooth and her minions that instigated it.
        There isn’t a single MP in parliament that deserves to be there.

  3. The Council of Trade Unions probably missed the boat on this one.

    If they had shown up very early on, they could have both provided positive leadership AND quickly changed the character and size of the protest.

    The local Trades Council could have mobilised 5,000+ members near the downtown area, outnumbering those already there.

    At this point, the union leaders could put forward genuinely progressive demands addressing the needs of the original protestors: returning to the Full Employment Policy, bring back manufacturing, state aid for small farmers, no mass surveillance, proper healthcare, no foreign wars etc.

    Except the current union leadership are under the thumb of factional warlords from the Labour Party, and such a thing is impossible. So there needs to be a new organisation who can put up candidates, and try to throw out the old leadership.

  4. Pretty fair summation Martyn on the most part but there is one significant issue you have omitted. Ardern ignored the advice from the MoH and DGoH regarding the necessity for vaccine mandates. This was one of the main incitements at Wellington. People lost their jobs because of government over reach and Ardern was the architect (recall the Derek Cheng interview). You can’t fuck with peoples lives on that level, especially off the back of business being forcibly shut for months on end, and not expect some blow back. I note that this has not been included in the terms of reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry.

    • And Chippy on her side ever single time, approving it all. He was Covid Minister.

  5. And fwiw, neither L nor G have done anything since to win any of these people back, nor will they ever. Not in a long long time.

  6. Never mind that the government actually depended on Citizens to patrol other Citizens. Papiere bitte, but with kindness.

  7. Winner: Trevor Mallard is definitely by far the biggest winner of the day, absolutely agree. A career bully with a history and liking for violence, who should never have been in any position of authority during these events.

    Loser: Jacinda Ardern who was driven out of office in the wake of these events by a vicious hate campaign, hyped up by the Mallard’s ordered police violence. Unfortunately for the Prime Minister, you reap what you sow.

    Loser: Climate activists. I know for a fact that before these events Extinction Rebellion had been in the planning stages of a protest to surround parliament. All forms of civil disobedience and protest have been damaged by the precedent of heavy handed police action against the anti-mandate protesters.

    Winners: The banksters, who made record profits all through this period never suffering in the slightest any of the pain suffered by many of the protesters and many others who had los their jobs or their businesses because they still had to pay their rents and mortgages with no income coming in.

    Losers: The Labour Government so committed to neoliberal ideology could not bring themselves to impose a rent and mortgage moratorium to share some of the burden of the lockdowns with the banksters, as the first Labour government had done during the depression.

    Losers: The media. Many who were seen as apologists if not cheerleaders for the state violence unleashed by the Labour Government on the protesters.

    Winners: War. Continuing their conspiracy arc, far left and far right conspiracists are joining up the conspiracy dots and joining with each other to support Russia’s bloody invasion and slaughter in Ukraine.

    • “Winners: The banksters”

      Agreed. Workers accepted less pay. Some employers paid workers who did nothing. Some landlords cancelled rent due.

      Bankers gave “repayment holidays” where they stacked up months of interest payments and stacked interest on that amount for the next 20 years. Meanwhile, they were given the lowest-cost money in history which they are now cranking up interest rates on.

    • Pat+O’Dea. The New Zealand Police were aghast, tried to get those sprinklers turned off when Ambassador Mallard ordered them turned on, but they were over-ruled by Parliamentary Services, aka Trevor Mallard. So much for the separation of powers.

  8. Now imagine the protests for one second if it were National/Act in charge and they locked the country down, told you they were your single source of truth, told you not to talk to your neighbours, left you country-less overseas, used mandates to get you to take the jab that made people lose their jobs, allowed loved ones to die alone and isolated, and used fear to get you to comply to their wishes.

    I have to be honest, luckily it was Jacinda in charge rather than English, for only the one reason that those on the left really know how to protest, these guys looked like amateurs. Many on the left stayed away because it was Jacinda, it wouldn’t have been the case if we anyone else.

    If the right were in charge and exactly the same course of action was taken, the left would be screaming blue murder, and many more thousands would have turned up with many here in front of the protest lines.

    • What right wing garbage, You sound like a 5 year old who had his lollipop taken from him Grow up BG

    • Imagine if your opinion was a right wing opinion posted to attack the left?
      Imagine if it was just propaganda and actually has no basis of fact, now imagine that.

    • See Mosa below…

      It completely debunks your “imagines”

      “Interesting. When Seymour supported the last National , United , Maori government he was silent when Bridges moved to stop environmental protests at sea against dirty oil.”

      I guess your imagination runs amok when it is so clearly tainted with hard right theories.

  9. ” David Seymour – Is the only MP who tried to de-escalate this and has stood for the right to protest. ACT do best when they are a right wing values party, this will give ACT ammunition ”

    Interesting. When Seymour supported the last National , United , Maori government he was silent when Bridges moved to stop environmental protests at sea against dirty oil.

    ” “Energy and Resources Minister Simon Bridges told media this morning that he had been approached by the industry to make this law change. He needs to tell the New Zealand public which companies asked for this change and whether any deal was done in exchange for investment in oil and gas exploration ”

    ” The Government’s decision to ban protesting within 500m of commercial vessels in New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is a massive over-reaction and yet another example of National kowtowing to foreign multi-national companies says Labour’s Energy and Resources spokesperson Moana Mackey ”

    He either supports the right to protest when it suits his own political agenda.

    He can’t have it both ways.

    • Mosa the most sensible comment all day. None of these anti government comments would be made if the Nats were the government from the usual suspects. This support from the usual suspects is hypocritical Seymour is the biggest hypocrite of them all. He goes running to his mother when people hurts his feelings. Its only free speech when he says it is and when it suits his political agenda. Remember it didn’t rain in Epsom during the cyclone because Seymour went to Christchurch politicking.Its the same with all the politicians who chose to interact with this diverse group who supposedly had one thing in common but they came with many different agendas. It was nothing but an excuse to violence for the sake of it but with a right wing connotation .History will show how the media encouraged the protest along with the likes of Bishop et. al. We have seen this week how the right wing businesses in Hawkes Bay denied the right to entry in their law and order meeting to certain members of the community who they see as lawless, yet here we have the hypocritical comments on this blog supporting the lawlessness in Wellington only because it was anti government and unfortunately anti Jacinda.

      • Queeny. If you assume that they who support the right to protest also support lawless or violent behaviour, then you assume wrongly. Such behaviour on the part of protestors, police, or politicians is a separate issue, and few condone it.

  10. The Left were worse than a complete waste of time over the issue of the mandates – they were collaborators and quite willing to put the boot into the mandate protestors. Martyn Bradbury gets some things right but his Dumb Lives Matter coment ( yes agree his own dumb life matters too) was typical of the spiteful slandering of people’s motives.
    In the end Michael Baker admitted the mandates were to ‘nudge’ (love that self satisfied little comment) the more reluctant to get the vax – which in the end never stopped transmission as the govt promoted and made no difference except to create this continuous division in NZ society.
    The mandates were the beginning of the end for Ardern, and of her kindness and empathetic branding.
    When it finally mattered the Left weren’t there.

    • Well that’s just another conspiracy

      “they were collaborators and quite willing to put the boot into the mandate protestors.”

      The National party were also complicit in not car toeing to the rabid protestors, so there goes your conspiracy on “The Left”.

      • The word you are looking for is kowtow, an oriental term meaning grovelling submission. An apt description of your posture towards light weight thinking.

        • Speaking of light weight, your inept grasp of humor shows how poor your black and white right wing thinking blurs the line of reality.

  11. “Winston – By wandering through the protest, Winnie hopes to harness those former rural Labour voters for his 2023 campaign”.

    Here’s Winston making hay today,

    “A year ago today the weeks-long parliamentary protest ended in a day of unnecessary violent scenes. It is an important reminder that in a democracy people have the right to protest and the right to be heard.

    Never in the history of our democracy has every Member of Parliament and Party in the House of Representatives collectively agreed to not meet, acknowledge, or address a protest on the grounds – something the so called ‘representatives’ did last year.

    Not only were they ignored, they were subjected to having loud music blasted, labelled ‘a river of filth’, and had water sprayed on them – including children.

    As we warned at the time, from that point on a violent end that could have been avoided, was the only inevitable outcome.

    When we walked around amongst the people at that protest, it showed that all it took to establish dialogue was decency and courage to be shown by any one of those sitting MPs watching down from the beehive.

    All any MP needed to do right from the start is the one thing the protesters needed – to be met, acknowledged, and heard.

    Democracy and equal citizenship is a core pillar of what New Zealand First believes in and something that we are fighting for, in and out of Parliament.” – Winston Peters

    • Looking at the footage of the people at the end, violence was inevitable. More the fool to Winston for believing anything else.

  12. “A year ago today the weeks-long parliamentary protest ended in a day of unnecessary violent scenes. It is an important reminder that in a democracy people have the right to protest and the right to be heard.

    Never in the history of our democracy has every Member of Parliament and Party in the House of Representatives collectively agreed to not meet, acknowledge, or address a protest on the grounds – something the so called ‘representatives’ did last year.

    Not only were they ignored, they were subjected to having loud music blasted, labelled ‘a river of filth’, and had water sprayed on them – including children.

    As we warned at the time, from that point on a violent end that could have been avoided, was the only inevitable outcome.

    When we walked around amongst the people at that protest, it showed that all it took to establish dialogue was decency and courage to be shown by any one of those sitting MPs watching down from the beehive.

    All any MP needed to do right from the start is the one thing the protesters needed – to be met, acknowledged, and heard”.

    Winston Peters

    • Joseph they were asked to leave on numerous occasions because they were trespassing. They had made their point ,however they wanted to make a bigger point. By the end even they didn’t know what point they wanted to make . No one stopped their right to protest. You can blame Trevor Mallard as much as you like however he didn’t start it. These people were on their way to wellington horns blaring all the way looking for a fight. One wonders who paid because supposedly most of these people had lost their jobs because of the mandate. So how did they stay for so long with their children ( who should have been in school ). The right wingers are blaming everyone but the protesters. Who in their right minds throws excrement at police, who condoned this behavior. Don’t blame Jacinda, Trevor Mallard or the police themselves its all down to the behavior of protestors who went too far.

  13. The fascists have been emboldened and are moving on to pushing new far right conspiracies.

    From the documentary the Fire and Fury, at 58:29 minutes;

    …With exposure from the protests over it is a risky time for our key players, they need new ways to keep their audiences attention, so they pivot from covid to new topics. It’s called ‘Agenda Surfing’

    “We’re not going to let you threaten our children any more”
    Amy Benjamin celebrates the US overturning of abortion rights.

    …. on Telegram and the Counterspin chat groups, they post parts of the prohibited manifesto of the Buffalo mass shooter calling it a ‘False Flag’.
    And Kelvin Alp uses the discussion to post a page calling the Christchurch massacre a false flag too. The page includes banned video from inside the mosque.

    “Putin, and yes I support Putin and his people, so you can stick your Ukrainian flag up your arse.”

    And Alp repeats Russian propaganda spread by Qanon about the invasion of Ukraine. So does Chantelle Baker.

    “Why are the mainstream media not looking into this? Why are they saying, Oh my Gosh poor Ukraine?”

    It’s an alternative reality, but it’s no longer fringe. Voices For Freedom now has three times the followers on Telegram that it ever had on Facebook, and over 100 thousand members….

    • How to get hot and sweaty in moments without even thinking about politics and any ism – chilli peppers.
      (For the benefit of nitwits and numskulls – don’t try this out on yourself or any living creature. Purely for information and awareness only.
      The ranges of Scoville Heat Units (SHU) typically used to call a pepper mild, medium, hot, or extra hot are:
      Mild (100 to 2,500)
      Medium (2,500 to 30,000)
      Hot (30,000 to 100,000)
      Extra Hot (100,000 to 300,000)
      Extremely Hot (above 300,000)
      Levels of Hot Peppers & The Scoville Scale –

  14. I can’t get through my disgust.

    Though I regularly support Trump supporters, just for the US Left’s non-recognition of their non-recognition by the Freemarket elite. Not to the extent of their duff coup of course.

    Things are different here — by my 4 foul sibs.

    ‘Dissatisfied’ is all that can be summarized about our fools.

  15. Well, I guess we just learned what percentage of NZ are easily led into violent acts based on misinformation…

  16. You over-complicate things, Martyn. Those confused, contused people on the lawns we didn’t understand were inchoate fascism. Inchoate is fascism’s best intellectual position. My knitting, crocheting, macrameing for all I know, sister-in-law recently posted summat from Counterspin.

    My four foul sibs are just confused dissatisfied middle-class souls without the parental foundation to do anything but grab on to the nearest warm ‘certainty’ that turned up. So BAC, like Yankland. Nowt the Left could do with them.

  17. The lawn people were sputed out by the transfer of wealth to the rich of the early 80s. That they go Right populist (fascist) rather than Left is down to there being no Left populist, despite our best efforts. Hurrahs to you and Trotter and many more for those efforts.

    I disagree muchly about how you’re going about our righteous cause these days.

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