So Simon Bridges was right about Maureen after all?


Simon Bridges infamously called National Party MP Maureen Pugh, ‘Fucking Useless’, and everything he said about her has come to pass.

Pugh’s position that she had not seen any ‘evidence’ of climate change in the wake of a once in 250 year flooding event in Auckland and a once in 200 year cyclone is an insult to all those who have been damaged by these storms.

Luxon moved like lightening to shut Pugh up and has hilariously outraged the Right who also don’t want to believe in the science.

Pugh sums up the NZ Right’s perspective on climate change perfectly, it’s not that they don’t believe the science, (truth be told they don’t understand the science rather than not believe in it), their real fury is the culture issue.

Those who benefit from cow pollution don’t want to even accept they are wrong because they despise the Left.

Climate change in NZ isn’t a Science issue, it’s a culture war issue.

It’s a bit like the feral antivaxxers, they don’t comprehend the science and jump on any quack who sells them a different snake oil, because what really drives the feral antivaxxers is the ostracisation they face.

For the feral antiovaxxers, it’s not a crusade against science, it’s a crusade for all their hurt feelings, which is the same way the Right feel about climate change now, everyone has jumped on them and they feel angry and sad and so refuse to accept the science.

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Climate change and antivaxxers are a cauldron of hurt feelings eclipsing logic and reason.

Pugh”s refusal to ‘believe’ the science is perfectly normal for a clique who refuse to acknowledge they are wrong.

She sums up the resentment of the Right who are losing the battle to convince you that their cow pollution doesn’t cause climate change.

I enjoy watching her philosophical discomfort.

Simon Bridges was 100% right, she is fucking useless!

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  1. Freedom of speech only for those that we agree with. Everyone else please go get some re-education. Maybe we need some camps for that. Chinese stylez.

  2. Listen again. I think she acknowledged the reality of climate change but questioned the role of human actions in it. Because she “hadn’t seen the evidence” Lots of people believe that climate change is a normal or natural cycle. But lots of people also think that if we stop using plastic bags, recycle and buy an electric car then we are doing our bit to save the planet. Delusion is everywhere.
    If the very last ship full of diesel berthed in NZ today, no more visible on the horizon, ever again; how long would it be before we had rationing
    2.martial law riots
    4.mass starvation
    5.the complete and final end of capitalism

    • “I think she acknowledged the reality of climate change but questioned the role of human actions in it.

      She was playing vacuous word games to avoid the question. She was being disingenuous and essentially dishonest.

      It’s a common reality denier ploy, a variation on the strawman tactic. Climate science has never argued that climate isn’t changing yet these deniers skew their responses to address that issue.

      She’s pathetic.

      She needs evidence? IPCC reports are a click away on the internet.

  3. she’s entitled to her fucked up views but others are entitled to call her on them, if she then retracts due to cowardice that’s on her

  4. Political play to win votes of the right of politics. She is perfect for such a role. She was so good , has all you seasoned political operators fooled

  5. “confirms everything the Antivaxxers said was true!”

    Proof please? Stats, data and evidence, otherwise your just another “Bob the first” daily blog feral lunatic troll.

  6. Maureen was saying what her red-necked supporters want to hear. she has strengthened her hold on the dairy farmers and miners of Westland and it will be difficult for National to demote or ignore her— a cunning plan or more likely stupidity the effect will be the same.

  7. What a red neck farm moron, as that Naki,other, elect these shallow greed care,as their intelect is as far,as that fence streach, to the next post.

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