Looters and the soft on crime marching band demanding the military be sent in


Christopher Luxon calls on Government to get tough on ‘low-life, scumbag’ looting in cyclone-hit areas

National leader Christopher Luxon has doubled down on National’s law and order focus in the wake of reports of looting and crime in cyclone-hit areas, calling it “a pretty low life, scumbag thing to do”.

“The reality is you’re taking advantage of Kiwis at their most vulnerable,” Luxon said.

National has proposed doubling the sentences for people found looting in areas under a state of emergency.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has been hosing down reports of looting and crime as has Police Commissioner Andrew Coster, with Hipkins saying Monday that there was “no state of lawlessness”.

What makes a natural disaster even sexier in the ratings? CRIME!

You woulda thunk after the claims of homeless tricking 5 star Covid lockdown rooms, supposed sex workers touring the North Island with hidden gang members in the trunk and now its gangs looting in a mad max apocalyptic end of days dystopian wasteland that apparently needs the military to be sent in under martial law according to silly gooses David Seymour and Winston Peters.

I’m not saying there aren’t bad buggers exploiting the misery, but come on, the majority of this so called looting is desperation driven by people barely surviving in a catastrophic event.

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The Police Commissioner has been very clear that the social media frenzy of lootings allegations couldn’t be confirmed by any actual facts.

The Right are singing the get tough on politics chorus line special, but will it play off?

National have pointed to their planned Police response unit, ‘Raptor Force’,  as evidence that National would sort out these gang lootings, but how would a heavily armed paramilitary police force being dropped into a disaster zone to attack Gang members who may or may not be looting hep with the rebuild?

When the woke got spooked by the dumb lives matter parliament lawn protests last year, they demanded the police come in with tear gas and police dogs, there are unsubstantiated mass looting claims and ACT want the military sent in?

It’s military level state interference when private property rights are threatened is it?

The ease with which the Right want to send the military in is deeply concerning especially when they have so little evidence to justify that.


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  1. Running with National and Act call for martial law, one redneck vigilante caller to talkback, not only wanted martial law declared, wanted Chris Hipkins deposed, the RMA repealed and the Labour government replaced by the military. The talkback host verbally assented to every crazy right wing demand of this nutter congratulating and thanking him.

    Calling for Martial Law to be declared, are Act and National also calling for our government to be replaced with military rule?
    The Centre Right sharing the same talking points as the Far Right you gotta wonder.

  2. Ahhh the return of “Raptor Strike Force”.

    Yes the Nat party with all of its policies from the Jurassic era, fitting really.

  3. I do not think the hand held radios and equipment stolen from Piha surf club will be eaten by the looters and despite trying to throw cold water on the story the road crew has confirmed they were threatened by guns being pointed at them.
    As many gang members are Maori both Labour, Greens and the Maori Party have held back from criticism and they are now flawting their power.

    • Someone else who wants to start summary executions willy-nilly. I really dont want to go down the USA road of going on about crime, and wiping out civil liberties for the sake of law and order, or what is happening in NY, with social service budgets being cut to fund police.

    • Trevor can you just imagine the ground-force reaction to the military being sent in with guns to a disaster zone. Why are the “gotcha” media not calling out the right wing politicians who are constantly extolling their freedom virtues against the government’s own left wing non democratic ideals. This is hypocrisy at its finest. Obviously the right have the bottom feeders in their sites. There is a new catch cry its only freedom when the NACT opposition dictate’s it is and only the non bottom feeders deserve military intervention. The rest can eat cake ( gluten free of course )

      • I know the militaryis 3 sectors was sedan in the Chch earthquakes but I cannot say if they were armed but there was a tank in the intersection of zTuam and Durham st which I passed going to work for a week

  4. National and ACT want to impose USA style policing in this country, which means cops going around shooting and beating anyone they want to, and not have anything happen. All the while being on the take from the gangs.

  5. Disagree – too much crime in NZ is being enabled by woke, government and paid for agencies enabling criminals and destroying their victims.

    It is NOT a victim less crime to steal, attack and intimidate your neighbour, family, community, society. But criminals are now being heavily supported by government, woke, media, charities that are preying on a broken system that taking from others is ok. The criminals get the help, the victims get very little.

    As Trevor said, criminals are stealing equipment from Piha surf club as well as generators used for cell coverage and this is a huge, disgusting turn of events that everyone has the right to be outraged by. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/spark-boss-on-spate-of-five-stolen-generators-direct-financial-cost-of-cyclone-gabrielle/TKX2H2K3HFHWTF642ZATFXWYZQ/.

    I would prefer the government message to be ZERO TOLERANCE!

    Speaking on preying on others, – US Red Cross has been a shocker so would never trust them in NZ – and the media are more interested in virtue signalling raising money with a ‘brand’ name, than ensuring that it gets quickly to where it is needed to help the victims.

    After the Haiti earthquake, Red Cross were donated half a billion dollars, years later the money has disappeared and infrastructure not repaired.

    In Search Of The Red Cross’ $500 Million In Haiti Relief

    In NZ millions raised for Mosque victims.

    Victim Support on distribution of funds for mosque victims

    Mother of terror victim not pleased with Victim Support

    I personally would prefer the cyclone relief money to be sent directly to community leaders that are already helping via digging out people’s places (schools, places of refuge aka Piha surf club, maraes, NZ firefighters, that sheltered people) etc to be distributed directly to those that need them, straight away. Charities should provide volunteer services NOT be the people that dole out millions in donations (slowly or ineffectively) and are not at the coal face.

    • Better the donations spent on houses for humanity, type things. Victims will need help with housing and the $7 million to Red Cross is better spent on something that is real and gives people hope, aka help building a new house for victims – which is a different charity than Red Cross.

      We already see from past floods that people are still homeless or waiting for help years later!

      Spend the donations on real help and real charities that have proven capacity to build things, solar panels so that they can be self sufficient next time, water collection on high ground, etc.

      Disasters are not going to stop in NZ, so the plan should be to plan for the next disaster and make homes that are quick, non polluting and inexpensive to rebuild. Sounds like many victims were already living in caravans, etc, – not very expensive to replace these types of homes and that is where the money should be spent.

    • Volunteers doing so much, where is Red Cross $10 million? Tired of people being told to donate to big name charities by media, when it is the government taxes and services and unpaid volunteers that are doing the work and public requests for donations better spent on keeping these open!

      Some displaced Auckland families bounce between accommodation and shelters

    • So you support lynchings and summary executions. I would hate to live in your world. we would have bodies hanging from lamposts and beatings for the minor indescretions. Police state on steroids.

    • Agree strongly on the red cross. Even giving out grants to residents after the ChCh quakes they declared publicly how much they got in donations, then declared publicly a small fraction of that disbursed – then declared they were out of money. Where’d the other 90% go? And why didn’t media question the very numbers they were reporting?

      I don’t donate to charity in NZ because it simply isn’t policed or trustworthy.

  6. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that when there was true full employment and high living standards, there was barely any crime at all.

    We were still allowed guns for protection, and yet barely anyone ever needed it.

    The reality is that any progressive government would have to both raise living standards, AND have a large number of (community controlled) police. The criminals won’t disappear overnight, nor will the economy be rebuilt in one day — the crooks will have to be locked up while the country is still in the process of becoming an advanced economy again.

  7. I’m sorry but how did jonky become a multi millionaire again? He’s just a polite little bandit with a pony tail fetish and I personally don’t want to see his ugly little mug here, or anywhere else for that matter, ever again.

  8. Amateur politicians playing who’s the biggest dickhead in a Crisis situation!

    So far. Even stevens! Theyre both wrong! Stop wanking on about what you’re thinking or gunna do and just mobilise a workforce to get in there and start helping!

    Whoever over-eggs this and fucks this up will lose the election.

    Winters coming!

  9. I never seen to be amazed at how concerned politicians appear to be over some things being stolen by gangs.

    There are many gangs out there, the police and the many service clubs we have are all gangs.

    Did I heard someone chirping in the background about the billions of dollars in tax payer and other fraud we miss out on every year. Oh no doesn’t really suit the mates of ACT, Nat and the Labour party, I mean where would the big donors come from.

    Can someone please start jumping up and down about this instead of rattling on endlessly about a very very minor issue in the big scheme of things.

    Imagine our health and education services if all the money came rolling in. No don’t it will never happen.

    • The problem is if money came rolling in it would not be spent on education or health another depth would be set up to debate how it was to be spent. This definitely applies to this government but I fear National would notbe too far behind .

  10. “National has proposed doubling the sentences for people found looting in areas under a state of emergency.”

    Except they’re not found.

    “the majority of this so called looting is desperation driven by people barely surviving in a catastrophic event.”

    When it’s a shop, ok, fine – there’s no-one there to let you in and help you out. When it’s houses, or generators powering infrastructure, fuck no.

    • BS. These fucks are just thieves, opportunists. Even on TV we see important communication gear ( two way radios) stolen from damaged surf life saving buildings at Piha. Also bikes being stolen from a store where the owners couldn’t be on site in Napier. In war time they would be shot and in China probably still are. Thats fine by me. The Nats want to increase the sentence fine.

  11. My friend in Wairoa lives next to a couple of mobsters, and they were all shovelling silt together and laughing about the moral panic looting claim.

    In disasters many things both odd and bad can happen, and I have no problem with people helping themselves to essentials from businesses if they are desperate–but opportunist theft from individual citizens is another matter. The numbers will be in eventually.

    When society breaks down people have to handle things themselves as best they can. No communication, no power, no petrol, no food deliveries, no money, fractured road and bridge network, destroyed houses and farms–sounds pretty close to a break down to me.

  12. Yes, Michal we have double standards in our country as white-collar criminals and pedos get light sentences in our country. And if one gang member goes rogue and is dumb enough to loot or steal at a time when people are vulnerable and emotionally charged what a dumb stupid idiot. But does that equate to an entire gang out looting, who knows and where is the evidence. So, we have to be careful. Also, some locals are patrolling their areas to stop looting but Māori were patrolling their areas to stop the spread of Covid and prevent more deaths, yet they got poo pooed on just more fucken double standards in a country that’s prides itself on being fair.

    • ‘well known businessman’ convicted of sex crime has just lost appeal but still has name suppression..WTF just WTF

  13. Election time Labour rolling out;
    Houses build thousands.
    End child poverty.
    Gosh it’s exhausting.

  14. ‘ Chris Hipkins climbs down from criticised crime claims as roadworker says politicians are ‘covering backside’. Who’s your soft on crime marching band now Martyn? Those folks in Hawkes Bay?

  15. It’s not all about Hawkes Bay, people are paying because we have built on flood plains. I live in the Hutt Valley the most densely populated flood plain in NZ we are also at risk of earthquakes, what can we do? prepare and plan, get yourself ready, it’s worrying but its life, we choose to live there. My father was born in Tolaga Bay and our people up that way have been suffering for many years and you don’t hear them bitching and moaning to the same degree as some of those in the Hawkes Bay and what about Wairoa 220 houses munted.
    The last thing we need is people being so negative and stirring the pot, trying to change our laws, people’s lives are more important than material stuff.

  16. Will a National government do anything about White Collar Crime and the likelihood of corruption. Or will White Collar Crime receive scant attention by National because some of the white collar crims are donators to the NZ National Party????!!!!
    Whilst I am sure National would resort to their usual tried and true methods of Beneficiary Bashing and demeaning low income NZers they will protect those who have the funds to donate to National even if the donators are less than ethical in declaring to the IRD their incomes.
    Whilst he was prime minister of New Zilland John Key turned out to be soft on crime. He was light on punishment on the Roast Buster Boy Gang perhaps because Max Key had links to that gang.
    I doubt a National government would ever possess the guts or ability to stamp out White Collar Crims who rip off NZers by many millions of dollars. And so it highlights that the multi millionaire NZ National Party will never do what is right for the country but what is right and money gaining for themselves.
    Sadly in many events there are those unscrupulous ones who take advantage of the suffering of others by thieving. Fortunately those sorts of thieves are a minority because as is human nature many people come to the aid of others in times of need.
    And into a perspective it is also conclusive during a time like now that a political party like National will apply manipulation of information to distort the truth in order to gain votes from others. That is National uses the actions of a minority to mislead NZers into thinking they(National)hold the Key to the answers of the problems of the world.
    The one main feature about National is even during difficult times eg the Canterbury Quakes, the Pike River Disaster and the Rena running aground they showed an uncaring about low income NZers but had manipulated the events for their OWN intents and purposes.

  17. National
    “were gunna get tough on crime, double officers on da beat, and build a 1 bil mega prison”!

    Also National
    “tax cuts”!

    • The broken English suggests you are seriously tested Cd nearly as much as Bert’s comments clearly show how juvenile he is.
      Never mind you both contribute to my daily amusement.
      So please keep it up.

      • I always enjoy your kindergarten comments Bob, time for your afternoon nap.
        Your constant whining and crying displays your immaturity young Bob.

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