GUEST BLOG: Pat O’Dea – Looters


Communities  in flood ravaged zones are having their food and generators taken by looters. There are looters and then there are looters.

Government goes into bat for the big looters.

Government bows to mining industry and developers and weakens protections for wetlands

Andrea Vance,, Feb 20 2023

“Wetlands reduce the impacts of flooding, absorbing heavy rain and releasing water gradually.

So, environmental lawyers are questioning why the Government recently rowed back protection for these valuable natural buffers to appease property developers and the mining and quarrying sectors….”

I don’t think there needs to be a government inquiry or any sort of enquiry

Forestry Minister Stewart Nash, RNZ, Jan 16 2023

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…this is probably just further clear out of historical harvesting slash…..

….after 2018 a whole lot of solutions were put in place and it is my very clear understanding that forestry companies have followed those to the letter….

…It is my understanding the forestry companies all complied with everything that they were supposed to do….

In weather events like this you are going to get trees coming down, whether they’re natives, , whether their full trees and hopefully not harvesting slash….

… that is historical cleanout, I’m not saying that is good, all I’m saying is that since 2018 forestry companies have modified their harvesting practices, certainly their clean up practices….


Pat O’Dea is a trade unionist and human rights activist.


  1. looting like helping is a feature of disasters…all we can do is stamp on it with long sentences….and I don’t wanna hear ‘state ward’ ‘fetal alcohol syndrome’ ‘hard life’ ‘gang prospect’ just don’t wanna hear it.

    • If my family were left without food and power by a disaster I wouldn’t steal someone else’s, and I certainly wouldn’t steal from a cell phone tower that may be vital a vital communication link for the missing and injured. But that is just me.
      But this post is not about people in a disaster zone stealing from each other, this post is about comfortable fat cats stealing homes and livelyhoods by making flooding worse.

  2. Funny how setting up roadblocks to protect peoples’ properties from looting is fine but setting up road check points to stop the spread of covid and reduce deaths is not acceptable sounds like double standards.


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