Chris vs Chris in the House


The first chance for Luxon to cross swords with Chippy as Prime Minister happened in the House with the State of the Nation speech from Chippy as he opened election year Parliament.

It was watched for clues as to how they will joust against each other and over what issues.

Chippy was confident and clear in his delivery. We all praised Jacinda’s communication skills, but Chippy has become Prime Minister in the wake of that dreadful Wayne Brown media stand up where Chippy’s calm pragmatism trumped Brown’s wide eyed panic.

Stressed out people want pragmatism, they don’t want the performative art of emotional kindness.

That’s not to say Chippy is an emotionless robot, his choking up when he spoke of the death of Firefighters was real and authentic and genuine and ultimately very kiwi.

The pride he speaks of when highlighting the manner everyone has rallied around is real and it is something many will feel deeply connected to.

Chippy’s bold claim to do whatever it takes to rebuild and recover is the kind of certainty this country needs right now and he manages to provide some sense of hope.

Chippy is making it clear we have room to borrow and makes the challenge that climate change has changed everything.

TDB Recommends

“Now is not the time for austerity”.

Let’s get cracking!

It is a class act and Chippy has stamped his style on this Government.

This is the power of leadership in a crisis and it makes gaining any political oxygen almost impossible for Chris Luxon.

Simon Bridges may have been right when he criticised Covid, but his tone was felt to be totally off in the face of a mass challenge and he was politically punished.

Luxon misreads the room and instead of focusing on the enormity of the Storms begins with political jabs.

Feels petty. He should be a Statesman in this moment, not a politician.

Has the political intelligence to thank those who have helped clean up, appreciates this is part of our identity.

His respect to First Responders is genuine and reminds you he can step up when he needs.

The problem is while he can be constructive, National still have no actual vision or policy for the problems.

Their climate change policy is to repeal everything Labour did over the last 5 years, so what actual solutions are they bringing other than the interests of those profiting from cow pollution?

Chippy’s speech was a quiet victory for decency and his style connects with a Kiwi mindset that is willing to trust and listen.

Luxon’s speech was professional but felt like a Timeshare pitch for a holiday home in Queenstown that you can’t really afford.


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  1. Unless Labour reall b*gger things up between now and the election, I think they’re pretty well certain to go back.

    Essentially the election’s Labour’s to lose – but they may yet manage it.

    • Chippie has done well. But people will vote with their wallets…and for any party promising to fix our justice system. NZ becoming gangsters paradise.

      • Load of bollock Kraut (by the way is that sour Kraut) National have never fixed justice more prisons and high incarceration rates particularly of the Tangata whenua is exactly what English proclaimed to be ‘a fiscal and moral failure’. Might I add also not good for social cohesion or race relations. You fix justice when you fix all the other social ills we have in this country, sustainable jobs, somewhere decent to live, good education, opportunities to upskill and train, counselling and rehabilitation for those that need it, inclusiveness, respect and equal opportunities to name a few.

        • Definitely need to take a long term approach bit it doesn’t mean baddies should get off lightly while we fix society.

        • Covid
          Wake up. You get yourself looted while your house is trashed in a storm, and your dumbarse PM stands there and says ‘don’t worry, nothing to see’. So when someone comes along and promises to deal to the justice system and install some hard policing – as an ordinary punter (not some hyper privileged life-long socialist student leader come career politician Labour PM) you’ll vote for it like students voting for No Fees or Free Beer. Truth is, NZ is in shocking state with law and order. There is none. But hey mate, you go and fix all the things on your list, and only then…in about 50 years, we’ll put away the murderers, looters, drug dealers, and all other crims. Happy days until then under PM CovidIsPA. WHAT BULLSHIT!

      • The US approach of cutting funding on health, education and welfare to pay for police and prison not only doesnt work, but is morally repugnant.

  2. ‘Simon Bridges may have been right when he criticised Covid’.
    Well Martyn many people give that filthy disease a right tongue lashing and tell it is completely irresponsible and threatening the physical and mental health of the whole world but that self centred bastard of a virus just ignores us all.

  3. I saw the speeches too.
    Chippy was measured, pragmatic and leader-like.
    The LotO gave a gabbled 20 minute speech in 15 minutes. Slow down! You’ve got 8 months to convince us you’re The Man – or otherwise!.

    • Chippy has dropped the title 3Waters and thinks that will fool everyone.
      Already following the Ardern smoke and mirrors technique.
      Being dishonest.

  4. I can’t think of a meh big enough. Isn’t it just a tad OMG-ish that labour, what ever that is, has had a run of good fortune at the hands of our miserable misfortune. Isn’t that weird..? First, there was the mad man’s slaughter house in Ch Ch, then covid, and now the swamp that’s fallen on the Northern North Island…
    Unfortunately, I must ask… are we any better off overall? Never mind the tears Hipkins, how about a basic living wage for the deliberately impoverished and an anal probe up the four foreign owned banksters who’ve deliberately inflated house prices so as they can suck out our money to their overseas share holders? And lets spare a moment for our now nine multi billionaires who must have worked an hourly rate of about $1,980,000.00 plus overtime an hour, 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. Boo hoo aye Chippy?
    Luxon. I mean, what the fuck is the Luxon about? Where’d it come from? Did jonky hatch it after a sleazy scuffle with the pony tails of Natzo’s old front bench hens? The old boilers who only get a heart beat when they smell the money of others.
    What a ghastly lineup of dull farts. If we get invaded by aliens, which is likely the next disaster, I can see Luxon standing there at a national party garage sale selling box lots of cheap Kiwi kids to inter galactic carnivores while chippy blubs behind with a tray full of a nice selection of sauces and pickles.
    People. We’re still under the deathly, suffocating weight of neoliberalism so everything’s about the money. YOUR money. Until that’s no longer the case then everything politically misty eyed will be about costs eroding the profits of lobbyists.

  5. Load of bollocks Kraut (by the way is that sour Kraut) National have never fixed justice more prisons and high incarceration rates particularly of the Tangata whenua is exactly what English proclaimed to be ‘a fiscal and moral failure’. Might I add also not good for social cohesion or race relations. You fix justice when you fix all the other social ills we have in this country, sustainable jobs, somewhere decent to live, good education, opportunities to upskill and train, counselling and rehabilitation for those that need it, inclusiveness, respect and equal opportunities to name a few.

  6. Popularity through dumping policy he was Party to.Does that mean Hopkins bends with the wind,has no principles,do anything to win?

  7. I personally, like a lot of voters, would watch Luxon’s ascent to power with a degree of apprehension, if National were to be elected in October.

    However, Chris Luxon has many good points about his character such as dedication and commitment, passion, integrity, enthusiasm, a good approach to people, a while host of skills in many areas.

    • A good approach to people???

      Are you talking about the same guy who, when he was CEO at ear nu zlid had to be called Christopher?

      I most certainly won’t ever be voting left again but he sounds like a pompous git.

      • Who actually cares what either Chris says in the house? All I know is that one of the Chrisses denies any crime happening in Hawkes Bay. Along with his sidekick Coster. That’ll go down really well at election time. There goes the Hawkes Bay for Labour. Ah well, after all the hype turns out that Chippie might just be another Jacinda…see no evil hear evil.

      • I quite often call people Christopher if that is their name, or Richard, or Steven, or Daniel, probably even Timothy if all the Tims I know weren’t so against it.

        This is not necessarily an example of Christopher Luxon acting above everyone else, all high and mighty. More than likely, it’s a value associated with Christian respect that many Christian males in this country hold dear.

  8. Luxon is much more qualified and experienced than Chippy.
    Chippy is already getting on people’s nerves.
    Labour’s tactics of using others misfortune to win elections must be wearing thin.

  9. After watching Chris Penk on the Working Group last night I think National have the wrong Chris – he’d romp in if he was ever put up for the role but I guess he’ll have to turn back-stabber to get anywhere in the National caucus

  10. Who actually cares what either Chris says in the house? All I know is that one of the Chrisses denies any crime happening in Hawkes Bay. Along with his sidekick Coster. That’ll go down really well at election time. There goes the Hawkes Bay for Labour. Ah well, after all the hype turns out that Chippie might just be another Jacinda…see no evil hear evil.

    • Yes he’s in fact accused people from the Hawkes Bay of being dishonest.
      What does that say about our Chippy/Chirpy Prime Minister?

  11. Let’s just get one thing straight….Unless Labour retract the 5 waters fiasco they are brown bread….It’s a long way to October, unless there is a change of date , but this obsession with this unworkable policy will destroy Labour for several election cycles….There will be a change of name for this policy and some people from Labour that had a very high profile will be hidden from view , but , the Labour Maori caucus will finish Labour for a long time…..they are out of control and many people in Labour have known this for a long time…Forget Chippy….his reputation will be destroyed by the mob with this latest disaster…as usual…mad hatters tea party running the country…..The only thing that is going to save this country is engineers….people with dirt under their fingernails…practical people…not academic soft cocks , not computer modellers and certainly not most politicians….anyway….My thoughts are with the people of East Coast North Island…

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