The Māori Party have managed to gain Takutai Moana Kemp as their candidate for Tāmaki Makaurau…
Hailing from the iwi of Ngā Rauru, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngā iwi o Mōkai Pātea, Ngāti Tamakōpiri, Ngāti Whitikaupeka, Ngāi Te Ohuake, Ngāti Hauiti, Ngāti Hinemanu and Ngāti Paki, Kemp has spent most of her life in South Auckland.
She is passionate advocate for her whānau, for rangatahi, for iwi, for Ngai Māori and the community of Tāmaki Makaurau. Takutai Moana has served in many leadership roles in South Auckland for everyone from growing Māori leaders to world hip-hop dancers, and most recently as the CEO for Manurewa Marae and director of Hip Hop International.
…her work with Paris Goebbels and Hip Hop International will already give her enormous mana amongst Tāmaki Makaurau’s young Māori demographic and her ability to take votes from Marama Davidson alongside Peeni Henare’s slim majority makes her a real challenger for the seat.
The demographics of Māori this election are far younger and far stronger in their identity.
Peeni Henare better be getting his Tik Toc account sorted or Tāmaki Makaurau could be an upset in October alongside a few other electorates.
The Māori Party could take 4 electorates this election and if they get a lower Party vote than electorate tally, they will create an MMP overhang making it far more difficult for ACT/National to form a Government.
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She worked with Goebbels – great!
Are young Maori even going to bother voting?
Even with being given earlier access to the Covid vaccines and essentially bribes Maori still took longer to get vaccinated than non-Maori . .
Let’s be honest outside of Mahuta I can see all the other Maori seats falling to the Maori party with Davis’ fate hanging in the balance in terms of who the Maori party sit in Te Tokerau.
Particularly given Hipkins has wedged himself with co-governance and 3-waters
Frank the Tank Maori Party ? With a clown in a cowboy hat who has tantrums about wearing a tie ? These racist jerks are more divisive than the Greens, and aim to be, and Kelvin Vanilla Davis is no better.
They might appear racist to you and me but for the majority of their electorate they are the exact opposite. That’s democracy.
They are entitled to views just as much as we are and rather than labels we on the right should pick apart their argument to demonstrate how fundamentally wrong they are.
Frank the Tank One can’t argue with persons with no readily discernible knowledge or reference points eg Waititi’s recent rabble-rousing attack on Captain Cook 14/2/23 , addressed on The Platform; the Arts’ Council’s astonishing and historically nonsensical dismissal of William Shakespeare.
Of course democracy needs freedom of expression, but as somebody said, say something often enough, and people start to believe it. I’m not right wing, even though currently inclined to winglessness.
Is there a voting app on tictoc
Nothing in this write up would get me to vote for her….sorry
So you are on the Maori electoral role, are you?
I think Henare has done very well in his roles.No missteps at all.
The youth vote/Paris…are not motivated…they can’t be give up is their attitude…understandebly.
Maori conservatism can only be good for New Zealand – one good reason to vote conservative (where are the eco-conservatives) and they will moderate ACT – no love lost there, yet they do have conservative cross-over. National ACT Maori and NZF – what a conservative cluster – lol – I wish the Greens were more radical.
The fight between TPM and Labour will be close. I think TPM will definitely win two seats, but gain more support from the party list. It’s not going to be the rout you seem to think is going to happen.
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