The Working Group Labour Leadership Special with Matthew Hooton, Matt McCarten and Damien Grant


Brothers and sisters, comrades and free radical thinkers WE ARE BACK!

As you are all aware by now, The Working Group is New Zealand’s bestest and greatestest Weekly Political Podcast THAT IS NOT FUNDED by NZ on Air.

Despite getting NO MONEY from NZ on Air, our little weekly political podcast keeps hitting number 1!

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Now we are moving from the Mediaworks Studio to a specially built bunker podcast studio ADJACENT to Mediaworks Auckland HQ and we are now putting the show out live 7.30pm Tuesday nights.

We needed a specially built bunker podcast studio to contain the talent, insight and ego of the greatest political panel in NZ broadcasting history!

This week Matt McCarten, Matthew Hooton and Libertarian Damien Grant to debate the Labour Leadership Special!

The podcast broadcasts live 7.30pm Tuesdays from our purpose built studio bunker ADJACENT to Mediaworks studios on Facebook, YouTube & The Daily Blog and posted up afterwards on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Rova & YouTube 


  1. Matt and Matt & Dim-ian- its going to be good! 3 different perspectives from insightful and knowledgeable commentators.

  2. ” Brothers and sisters, comrades and free radical thinkers WE ARE BACK! ”

    This should be a doozie and well timed Bomber.

    Go hard on the Hootz and turn the sound up for Matt he seems so quietly spoken these days and I appreciate his honesty and in depth acumen when it comes to the Labour party and the left ( such as it is ) in general.

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