Attacking Chippy for being a solo dad highlights how damaged our political debate has become


Chris Hipkins appeals for his family’s privacy to be respected ahead of swearing-in as Prime Minister

The new leader of the Labour Party has asked New Zealanders to respect his family’s privacy as he prepares to be sworn-in as New Zealand’s 41st prime minister next week.

At a media conference this afternoon Chris Hipkins revealed that he and his wife had made the decision a year ago to live separately but to “do everything we can to raise our children together”.

“Being a politician’s partner and being a minister’s partner … when you’re in the public spotlight as I have been – particularly during the COVID-19 response – it’s bloody hard,” he said.

“Families come under an enormous amount of pressure.”

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Hipkins said he was aware of the “Wellington rumour mill” and wanted to put the decision he and his wife had made on the record, but added it would be his “final comment on the matter”


Fresh from having to farewell a Prime Minister who was goaded out of Office after the feral hatred thrown at her, Chippy is facing attacks from the ‘Wellington rumour mill’ (aka the woke blacklist network) over him being a solo father.

As a fellow solo father who spent 5 emotionally bruising years in the Family Court fighting to gain shared custody of my beloved daughter, I know full well the hatred and pain that can be whipped up during that process and used in these very same rumour mills to smear and destroy.

I have met many solo fathers while I was in the Family Court who were all doing their best in terribly difficult circumstances. I hear the Backbone Network claim the Family Courts are biased against women and from my half decade in there I believe that is bullshit!

There is an engrained bias AGAINST solo fathers in our system! The entire system is aimed at punishing solo fathers with deplorable rates of penalty fees on their child support payments and lack of access to fair processes.

The number of Fathers committing suicide as they attempt to gain access to their kids in the NZ Family Court process is always ignored!

There are hundreds of thousands of good men being good solo fathers in this country and to use Chippy’s solo fatherhood as a point to attack and smear him shows how disgusting those Wellington woke blacklist networks are and how damaged our political debate has become.

There are plenty of reasons to criticise Chippy, those sunglasses for starters, but to smear him for being a solo father is a new low.


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  1. Anyone without seven properties is a bottom feeder, pure and simple. teachers, nurses and police officers included. If you’re not on the ladder, you’re a waste of space. NACT 2023.

  2. Martyn they are just feral inbred pieces of excrement that need to relieve themselves on a power line.

    I am aware that comment is at the same level of discourse that these people spew forth but to hell with it.

  3. Well Chris Hipkin’s kids are fortunate in the respect of their dad being economically ok at least! Jeezus does this single parent bollocks have to be raised at all? New Zealand has thousands of blended families, kids raised by grandparents and other arrangements.

    Right wing degenerates pursued Jacinda’s partner Clarke Gayford for years with a nasty rumour campaign–to the extent that the NZ Police actually issued a rare pre-emptive statement on the matter–Mr Gayford was of no interest to them on any matter, and there was no investigation, was the gist of it.

    “Turn the other cheek” and “kindness” need to be put on hold and the Rottweilers bought out whenever local Fox News copyists turn on their filth pumps.

    • Tiger M. All single parents hoe a tough row, but the right-wing degenerates seize on anything they can to mindlessly annihilate others. The ageing commentator from Nelson published in Australia is still on record referring to Helen Clark as childless. So what ? Trashes Sue Bradford’s broad Kiwi accent. Crouches at this blog I suggest waiting to pounce on Trotter at dawn, for being what she is’nt a competent commentator and writer.

      I hope Chris Hopkins has good support. Navigating any adversarial situations without someone to come home to is very hard, and the well-being of the children and both of their parents should be respected. “Dirty Politics “ documented the sickening lengths gutter dwellers resort to to try and destroy their opponents. Nothing’s changed.

  4. Pretty deplorable to start attacking someone over such unavoidable life events.

    But this is why I keep banging on about the urgent need for the labour movement press to be rebuilt.

    If the corporate press corps will not cover the real issues, instead dishing up ‘analysis’ that reduces politics to a battle of personalities, are we at all surprised?

    The state of the press throughout the U.S. Alliance is poor, but locally it now borders on incompetent. It repeats the same sort of dishonest nonsense, but without any of the polish of CNN. People in all these countries are switching off, but they have few alternatives.

    The corporate media will never tell you the truth about the wars, they will never tell you the real reason everyone is broke, and they will always tell monstrous lies about Bernie (and Jeremy Corbyn, and any other genuine progressive, and even Trump).

    Labour movement newspapers and broadcasting will inevitably have to return. How else will people ever learn the truth?

  5. Thank you for this post. Mathew 5:25 is the most prudent Nay the only, course to follow, for any man seeking anything, through Family Court. They say everyone has a book inside them mine would be of believing the hype that the court exists to correct wrongs etc; then spending years going through it’s tortuous processes, just to come out the other end, much worse off than I was in terms of legal issues (access); and utterly broke.
    The upside, no thanks at all to Family Court, was that by this time, children were able and allowed to make their own determinations about when and how long for, they would visit with me. Could have saved myself enormous grief and expense except, that would have felt to myself like a cop out.
    As Martyn alludes Family Court is a crock, excuse my going a bit off topic, thank you.

  6. Well may be Chris Hipkins will do something about the way fathers are treated.

    I know a guy whose exwife comes from a very wealty family. He is more than happy to have full custody or half shared custody but only gets fortnightly weekends with the kids. She is extremely highly paid at a hospital and works very very long hours so just dumps the kids with her parents all week. Hes in a median income job and has to pay her $500 per week.

  7. I see no one has pointed out that our new prime minister is also of Ginga extraction.

    Another devious plot from the MSM team of 55 million to hide the truth? I need to borrow me Mam’s pearl necklace to clutch in a most theatrical manner.

  8. because our rightards have no actual arguements they ‘play the man not the ball’ if he had a limp they’d be calling him a gimp if he had red hair it’d be ginger abuse…no marks trying to get the approval of their fellow no marks

  9. The largest, most complex and plainly difficult thing we Kiwi’s must keep doing, whether we like it or not, is to keep turning multi millionaires into multi billionaires. That takes a lot of effort on our part, you must admit.
    Poorly paid nurses, teachers, Dr’s, etc, privatising what were taxes paid for resources etc. It all takes time and effort to build worthless billionaires paying low or no taxes. No wonder then that we have exhaustion, burn-out, high worker turn-over and hospitals with patients cuing up in corridors. Poor old billionaires, it’s not their fault they’re all cunning and no intelligence. We need more billionaires not paying taxes, especially american ones arguing against paying taxes while we pay taxes so they can use our taxes-paid-for infrastructure. Thank God there’s no sucker tax or we’d be constantly shovelling money into the IRD.
    In case you missed this:
    ‘US billionaire spent 12 days in NZ before citizenship’
    “The entrepreneur was granted citizenship in June 2011 under exceptional circumstances despite not having lived in the country previously and not intending to do so in the future.”
    So ‘Entrepreneur’ is a new word for cunt then? Huh? Fancy that..? He must’ve had a pony tail back then to garner jonky’s attention. I see thiel gave donald trump $1.7 NZ to trumps re election. That’s $700 K more than he gave Ch Ch so not that “Mr Thiel was “extremely generous” after the Christchurch earthquakes, Mr Key said.” Well, he was a billionaire buying our country so I don’t think a $mil’s that fucking generous, jonky.
    Here’s what I’d do. Kick thiel out, kick out the four foreign owned banks and request a verified-as-independent commission of inquiry. SIS? SAS? What’re you guys up to over the next six to twelve months? We team of 5 million have a special op’s task or two for you.

  10. “Attacking Chippy for being a solo dad highlights how damaged our political debate has become..”
    Or. It’s an indication of how efficient all bought and paid for Pro Natzo influencer’s have become.
    These, are strange times, and if it’s via the MSM we really have no idea what’s real and what’s not.

    • No countryboy the reality is Christopher Luxon denying women politicians are attacked more than. Men politicians .

  11. NZ is broken as shown by the nasty comments to Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins. The Family Court and Property (Relationships) Act is a major part of the problem. The law (and the parasitic lawyer class) does this via permitting via legal means of the pursuit of narcissistic entitlement. Coupled with the two other “Es” of covert narcissistic personality disorder (Exploitation and non-Empathy) and accompanying antisocial sociopathic vengence behaviours and you have current NZ on a plate (following behind USA). If the defaults we not 50/50 (asset split) but child care was, and child support didn’t exist, perhaps the shitfights in the Court would be minimal (i.e. both parents have to share costs), and we have livable welfare (e.g., UBI, e.g., TOPs proposition) or insurance, and any non 50/50 care restricted to evidenced based rationale, such as abuse behaviours, perhaps at least the teauma IMPOSED by the Family Court and 50-yr out of date law, MIGHT be reduced on all involved. My observation and experience at least.

  12. His parenting is admirable. His politics can appear too austere though as he is considered to be to the right of the Labour Party.

  13. What’s this bullshit claiming Chippy was “ATTAAAAACKED”? There was some stupid online crap and he batted it away. Problem solved.

    • The kraut me thinks you protest too much, are you really Ryan Bridge in disguise, he too shamefully denies that misogyny and hate speech doesn’t exist for Jacinda Ardern and now nothing to see here about Chris Hipkins. Me thinks the so called political journalists ( for want of a better word) need to hang their heads in shame for allowing and publishing the misogyny and hatred against the PM, and thats why Ryan Bridge is making excuses.

      • Queeny you will see more and more political commentary attacks on Labour, after all those massive donors want big bang for their bucks. Dirty Politics 2023.

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