New Jacinda has stood down – how she resets Pakeha/Māori relations at Waitangi with her final ever speech

...part of the problem here is Labour’s refusal to front foot the issue which has allowed a vacuum that the Right have exploited with fantasy nightmares of a Māori Theocracy secretly taking over NZ.


No guarantee Māori-stacked Cabinet will continue – Ardern

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern won’t commit to maintaining her record number of Māori MPs in her Cabinet during her impending reshuffle but says she is committed to representational diversity.

Ardern told it was crucial Parliament is “representative of our communities”.

“Half our Parliament are female; we’ve got increased Māori representation, Pasifika and ethnic communities because Parliament needs to look like New Zealand,” Ardern said.

Asked about the record one in five Māori MPs at the Cabinet decision-making table, Ardern declined to say she was setting targets.

The manner in which the Right have feverishly whipped up a conspiracy that a silent Māori coup is secretly taking over NZ via co-governance while Socialist Cindy is held hostage by WEF Communists who are implementing mass fraud using Climate Alarmist Hoaxes really highlights how fucked the political debate in this Nation over race relations has become.

When you consider the toxic bile spat at her and her family by an ungrateful nation, you understand why Jacinda quit yesterday.

We are all alone together on these lonely Isles on the far side of the Great Southern Ocean, and yet all we manage to do is squabble and defend exploitative Capitalist systems that rob us while empowering Plutocrats, Duopolies and Oligopolies.

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Race relations are difficult in New Zealand.

We have an entire generation of Pakeha Baby Boomers who grew up being taught NZ had the greatest race relations in the world and learning the truth that our colonial Government immediately abused the values of the Treaty of Waitangi and ended up taking 90% of Māori land in less than a century doesn’t sit well alongside our preconceived notions of egalitarianism…

Waitangi Tribunal report finds Crown breached treaty principles, should return all Crown-owned land in northern district to Māori

A major Waitangi Tribunal report has found the Crown’s interactions with Māori between 1840 and 1900 breached the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and caused “severe and lasting prejudice”.

…When Elizabeth Rata coined the phrase ‘Ethno-Nationalist State‘ to describe attempts to share power with Māori as promised by the Treaty, every right winger wanting to be racist found glee in the shielding of their bigotry by the pretence of intellectualism.

What is most hilarious about Rata’s claims of Ethno-Nationalist State is that she is 100% right, it’s just that she’s right in a way she doesn’t want to admit to, which is NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, it’s just a White Ethno-Nationalist State.

Our systems of power and control are all white, our dominant culture is white, our benefitting from colonialism is white, our purposeful laws aimed at taking more Māori land were white, our confiscations are white, our dominant narrative is white.

So sure, NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, but for white people.

Any attempt to rebalance the damage caused by taking 90% of Māori land in less than a century and any attempt to live up to the promise of the Treaty must be denigrated and appallingly decried as apartheid.

The two pillars of the economic success story that is NZ, is in stealing Māori land and never ever paying the full cost of that confiscation back.


We are a shallow juvenile settler country with all the  cultural maturity of a can of day old coke, we are a low horizon people who lash out at others who see stars. Our imaginations are glued to cow udders, rugby and cars. To attempt a debate about identity when so many micro aggression trigger snowflakes are screaming is a feat beneath our collective dignity.

Co-Governance is the EXACT model that National and ACT developed, to now decry it because post covid stress has exacerbated economic anxieties isn’t leadership, it’s gutless capitulation to the lesser angels of our nature. What I find most hilarious is those screaming that Māori are taking over can’t name 3 councillors on their own local council.

3 Waters was an attempt to serve two maters, the Waitangi Tribunal ruling into water ownership triggered by Key selling 49% of the hydro assets and the need to find a way for Local Councils to fund water infrastructure. The way it has been manufactured into a racial smear on Nanaia Mahuta and her family DESPITE DECLARING ALL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST is proof positive that the angry and confused trump any attempt at rational debate.

What its most egregious is how these small attempts at creating basic consultation between the dominant culture and the indigenous culture they signed a Treaty with is now portrayed as a giant attack on the values of Democracy!

We are too brittle a people for the challenges in front of us.

The issue of tens of thousands on emergency housing wait lists, 200 000 kids in poverty and a million being spent daily to kettle beneficiaries into unsafe motels are still here begging to be solved. Our inequality, our damaging mental illness crisis, the underfunded health system and education systems  – all these things are demanding attention from Labour and if the price to advance those is to cut off 3 Waters and co-governance progress, then cut them off!

A National ACT Government will be the most extreme right wing Government this country has seen since Roger Douglas, Labour can not afford to lose if those policy platforms have become welded to a toxic race debate that the Ethno-Nationalist Right are winning.

To this end, the Labour Government have already singled they are pulling back on co-governance…

Co-governance plan kicked down the road to 2024

The Government has slammed the election-year brakes on New Zealand’s plan for upholding the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

…part of the problem here is Labour’s refusal to front foot the issue which has allowed a vacuum that the Right have exploited with fantasy nightmares of a Māori Theocracy secretly taking over NZ.

As  Audrey Young pointed out last year, the only one attempting to debate and defend co-governance was Willie Jackson, the rest of Labour are too frightened to enter the debate because they don’t know how to balance the nationalistic desires of activist Māori who want a seperate Parliament and poor white people whose economic desperation sees everything they don’t get as separatism.

We constantly forget that there are numerically more white children in poverty than Māori, and we need far more universalism to bring everyone own board or these political attempts get hijacked by the Right as the end of Western Civilisation.

Now we have broken Jacinda and she has resigned because of the toxic invective thrown her way, she MUST use Waitangi Day to put forward her actual vision and clearly define what co-governance is.

If she can’t draw a line under this on Waitangi Day, the Right will continue to dog whistle race baiting around the issue.

Jim Bolger has called for Jacinda to define what co-governance is to avoid this very threat.

I believe Jacinda must pivot from co-governance to co-operation not only to save her legacy but Labour’s. Now she has stood down, she will be able to articulate that vision with out the viciousness accompanying her speech.

We are one big family here, we do need a collectivist drive towards community values and I personally fear nothing from Māori having a strong identity with their own worldview, we must focus less on the injustices of the past and focus directly on the ongoing injustices here!

We need universal services that are fully subsidised that brings everyone along without generating resentment.

  • GST off food.
  • Free public transport.
  • Free breakfast and lunch in every school.
  • Free dental.

These ideas do more to counter the ongoing poverty and impacts of colonialism than giving Iwi more voting powers than white people.

We need to work together to overcome the challenges of the past, but that requires the courage to actually tax the wealthy more and redistribute that money.

If Jacinda can not clearly articulate a vision for moving co-governance forward and pivoting it to co-operation, Labour’s legacy from her Leadership will lose the middle and ACT/National will win.

I don’t think we comprehend what breaking our own PM will do not only to the Left but the wider Nation itself not just on race relations, but all aspects.



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  1. After the Left completely collapsed, racialist nationalism was dished up to try and control the angry plebs.

    You’re not allowed Jeremy Corbyn or Bernie Sanders, because the Wall Street donors said so.

    Instead, you will get the anti-scientific demagogy of Critical Social Justice, dividing the working people into multiple warring camps.

    Never mind that working people the entire world over all have common interests. Instead everyone must obsess over race and sex, to a tune eminating from Wall Street funded N.G.O’s.

    Back before the old Second International parties like Labour had abandoned left wing ideas, they already had solutions to the racial question. These were far more advanced than what is on offer currently.

    Integrationism, slum clearance, abolition of ghettoes, mass public housing projects, jobs for all, free education, land to the tiller, state industrial development, compulsory unionism, an organised working class with real political power — remember all that?

    What the black nationalist elite don’t want you to know is that A.N.C. style, B.E.E. capitalism doesn’t resemble traditional tribal life at all — back when the land was trapped in the epoch of savagery, there was virtually no property whatsoever: it was a (primative) communal society.

  2. Seriously what is setting race relations back is the shit and crap coming out of some of these task forces.

    “In TVNZ’s November documentary Web of Chaos (described as “a deep dive into the world of disinformation, exploring how and why it’s spreading at pace throughout NZ and the world”), she gave advice on how to spot a white nationalist:

    “I’m working on what is known internationally as the kind of trad wife set of viewpoints, which is white Christian, lot of pseudo Celtic, pseudo Nordic ideologies behind it.

    “They use Pinterest and Instagram to draw in other women who are interested in interior design, children’s clothing, knitting, healthy food for children, and it does draw people in towards a set of white nationalist ideas.

    “… if you see a very beautiful, fair-skinned blonde or redhead child with beautiful braiding in her hair and some flowers just step back a little bit.”

    In response, one wag tweeted:

    “Today I noticed that my wife, who has Scandinavian ancestry, was browsing an Instagram group showing images of blonde children with braids. She’s also into knitting.

    “Difficult decision: Do I dob her in now or just continue to monitor her bizarre behaviour?”

    Perhaps he had been listening to New Zealand Security Intelligence Service director-general Rebecca Kitteridge, who appears very keen on citizens dobbing in neighbours, colleagues and family members.

    At the annual He Whenua Taurikura hui on terrorism in late October, she effectively proclaimed: “Your country needs you (to snitch)!”

    Kitteridge: “Recognising a potential warning sign and then alerting New Zealand SIS or police could be the vital piece in the puzzle that ultimately saves lives.”

    At the hui, Kitteridge launched a handy manual for identifying possible terrorists — “Kia mataara ki ngā tohu — Know the Signs: A guide for identifying signs of violent extremism”.

    The identifiers included anyone who “starts using burner phones, which they dispose of after a short time” or “has suspicious or unexplained injuries, such as burns or skin irritations”.

    Of course, that might include those conducting clandestine extramarital affairs and anyone suffering from psoriasis.

    No doubt realising the agency was running a serious risk of looking stupid, the SIS added that such behaviours and activities “are concerning when they occur alongside other activities listed in this guide. These behaviours on their own are not considered signs of violent extremism.”

    Alice in Aotearoa-land

    While this commentator is comparing NZ to Alice in Wonderland, I would suggest NZ is now more like Harry Potter, the ministry of magic taken over by identity fascists (government ministries) while pretending they are the righteous and Delores Umbridges everywhere.

  3. From

    “This was made clear by a tweet in the new year by a mischievous person going by the name “Julie” (@Julie_nzkiwi) on Twitter.

    On December 29, she (or maybe “he” or “they” or “ze”… who would know?) tweeted:

    “Tangata whenua across the Aotearoa motu were not drowning before Pakeha introduced colonial swimming methods of freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, backstroke, and doggie paddle, which negatively affected tamariki and don’t align with Te Tiriti o Waitangi.”

    “Julie” attributed the quote to Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi, although he soon made it clear he had never sent such a tweet.

    The point, of course, wasn’t so much whether it was something Waititi had actually tweeted but that it seemed quite possible he might have.

    It was quickly passed around as a genuine tweet — which says an awful lot about the bizarre position we have ended up in as a society.

    Lawyer Stephen Franks summed up the problem:

    “I don’t know if [Julie’s] original ‘quote’ was genuine. But the terrible thing is how true it seems, given the crap that routinely goes unchallenged.”

    Nothing surprises a nation anymore that has been asked to believe Māori discovered Antarctica; that Māori have a connection to space that spans millennia and predates their arrival here (as if devising a lunar calendar qualifies as space research); or that the spiritual concept of “mauri” (life force) is a precursor to atomic theory and should be included in science syllabuses.

    Julie, flush with the success of her original tweet (84.2k views), offered a follow-up a few days later about the egg shortage:

    “The government will establish Hua Manu Aotearoa (Bird Eggs NZ) to oversee the production and distribution of all eggs across the motu. The new agency will employ 29,000 bureaucrats. Greater understanding of Te Ao Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi will help with equal supply of the kai.”

    I don’t think Jacinda was leading the charge into this stupidity and magical thinking but NZ under her watch is defiantly going backwards fast in our knowledge, division, equality and practically all internationals metrics.

    • And the irony is that Nanaia is one of the few LINO caucus members who will be interested in taking on the top job. She knows there’s no hope of winning the election, but meanwhile she can advance the He Puapua agenda.


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