Dear NZ voters – promise not to vote early in 2023


Don’t. You. Dare. Vote. Early. In. 2023!

I can not urge this enough from you all comrades.

Don’t vote early in the 2023 election.

I’m not going to tell you who to vote for because this is a liberal progressive democracy and your right to chose who you want in the secrecy of that ballot box is a scared privilege and is your god damned right as a citizen.

But what I will beg of you, is to not vote early in 2023.

Comrades, on our horizon is inflation in double figures, geopolitical shockwave after geopolitical shockwave and a global economic depression.

As a nation we will face some of the toughest choices and decision making  outside of war time and that means you must press those bloody MPs to respond to real policy solutions and make those buggers promise to change things and you can’t do that if you hand your vote over before the bloody election!

Keep demanding concessions and promises for your vote right up until midnight before election day AND THEN cast your vote!

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We only get 1 chance every 3 years to hold these politicians feet to the fire and they only care before the election, so force real concessions out of them before you elect them.

This election is going to be too important to just let politicians waltz into Parliament without being blistered by our scrutiny.

Demand real concessions from them and THEN vote on Election Day.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

If you can’t contribute but want to help, please always feel free to share our blogs on social media


  1. If they can’t win me over before voting starts then they’ve already lost, everything said on the campaign trail is bullshit anyway.

    Besides, and deapite how well managed and polite our elections tend to be, getting in early means less people to deal with. I’m not interested in the spectacle of voting on the day.

  2. The cartoon doesn’t show under the man, the rising sandbank of inflationary costs that feed in to the ultimate cost that any end user pays…..

  3. national-act-labour-green-maoriparty-nzfirst.
    They are segments of the same snake. Why do I write that? Because they’re all fascist-capitalists AKA neoliberals.
    Why segments and why snakes? Because we all rely on agriculture for our primary industry and it is that which they must maintain control over. Primary Industry? That’s the agrarian industry that primarily earns our money. Why? Because to try and generate a first world income internally for a scant few five million mostly urban people by any other means would see us living in abject poverty within twelve months.
    At the moment we have about 50 K people making that which we export to ensure export-generated funds come back into AO/NZ with which we buy our essential stuff and things from outside our country and if you need to ask me why then you’re in bigger trouble than you can imagine.
    Since we have now nine corrupt-politician-enabled multi billionaires, one of whom is one of the 200 wealthiest people on the planet and the wealthiest in humble little ol’ farmer-income-generated AO/NZ ( by selling off what were once our assets.), that being graham hart, now ponder the four larger AO/NZ banks which are now foreign owned and taking multiples of billions of dollars out of our modest-working population in net profits yearly for their generous input in creating a false wealth bubble of insane and outrageous domestic house ‘values’, read foreign investor land-grabs, via a corrupt monetary investiture in our politicians who, it can be safely observed as acting in money’s best interests and not ours while we make do and desperately try to economise on our living standards.
    Our politicians are unilaterally lying to you, even the good one’s, because they must. How can I be clearer than that? Our Big Urban Business are mafia but without the class. You and your neighbours are cowering in your debt-prisons because they know you’ll be too exhausted and are too ignorant to cause the billionaire class who’ve put you there any grief. You do know that the RBNZ is dodgy as fuck, right?
    When we can see the Billionaire owned MSM beating up the Crown for being a family, just like us in many respects, we need to request a very public royal commission of inquiry into our politics and our economy urgently and I mean super fucking urgently, because we’re at a daily and ever increasing risk of losing sovereignty over our country. The alarm bells are clanging so loudly very few can seem to hear them.
    The cross-party Gestapo Natzo neoliberals are becoming ever more emboldened as they goose-step about blaming everyone else for the chaos they themselves have caused and not only have caused, but from which they profit.

  4. Denny Paoa Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokai whenuakitanatahu(Tane/Male/Man, not Female/Woman)

    Vote for a hung parliament. We need a third wheel. Winston-NZF or dear I say it, the Maori Party only if the Labour Maori Caucus jumps Waka at the election and piles on, into the MP Waka.
    I dont want them to govern, or anything, just a hung parliament for about 6 months. That’ll do it.


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