Comrades – if Labour, Greens and Maori Party fail us this election we will need a new political party


One of the reasons the Left have utterly failed is not just because our middle class woke are so incredibly alienating, it is because our current political leadership are fucking hopeless.

In 2017 Labour didn’t expect to win so had no 100 day plan and in 2020 they didn’t expect to win a majority so again, had no 100 day plan.

If you have no 100 day plan to ram through legislative changes the neoliberal Wellington Bureaucracy shuts it down and screws the scrum against change. As far as the neoliberal Wellington Bureaucracy are concerned, they are the real power and they make decisions, not the politicians.

If Labour, Greens and Māori Party fail to win 2023 and fail to bring real transformative change, there must be urgent discussion for a new Left Wing Political Party that is focused on economic justice, not the woke social justice that alienate so many.

Dr Bryce Edwards, the Left Wing Political Academic whom the Wellington Middle Class Woke have attempted to cancel and have sacked from his job for pointing out they are middle class, argued last year that Labour (and by extension the Greens who are propping up this Government even though they aren’t needed) have failed the poor…

What will it take for this Labour Government to start paying attention to the worsening state of economic inequality in New Zealand? The evidence is mounting that, under Labour’s watch, the problem of wealth and income inequality is spiralling. But the signs are that Labour ministers have put this crisis into the “too hard basket”.

According to the investment bank Credit Suisse, New Zealand has led the world in a spike in wealth as a result of the housing crisis and inflation of business assets.
The report released this week should be alarming for Labour, as it’s an indictment on a Government that was elected on a campaign to turn around worsening inequality.

…of course they have overseen worsening inequality, Labour and the Greens are now collectively the Professional Managerial Class propped up by activists on social media who are also members of the Professional Managerial Class – all smugly over educated and ready to cancel.

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What else can we expect from a Parliament of Property Speculators?

In this new woke world of identity, diversity is in everything except class, because policing micro aggressions is easier than changing the economic hegemonic structures and because many of these Professional Managerial Class now own a house and are benefiting from the rigged casino of property speculation in this user pays society.

The gender pay gap, pronouns, aggressive pronunciation correction of Te Reo and outrage olympics are the virtue signals most cherished by this class, not taxing the banks and moving the tax yoke from the citizens to corporations – that’s hard and might personally cost them a chance at owning a Tesla one day.

The poor rot while the the performance art of middle class virtue signalling replaces genuine material progress.

Spending a billion each year on consultants while beneficiaries waste away kettled into corrosive Motels is an abomination that can not be tolerated.

We know what needs to be done, why pay the Professional Managerial Class to talk us out of doing it?

We need a Left focused on economic justice, not middle class social justice and if Labour, Greens and Māori Party fail to gain 51% this year, it is time to create a new political movement focused on people’s material well being, not woke middle class virtue signals.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

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  1. You don’t say? Take it as a given. You may want to work on making voting for citizens only too, like every other democracy on the planet.

    • Hate to say, why do we need a new party? Labours problem is one of execution! There is too much talk about making pigs fly, not that anyone asked for those, and then spending millions to achieve nothing. Net result, achievement 0, nz debt up $millions. The public sector looks busy spending millions, and achieving pie in the sky..I.e. nothing.

  2. Agree strongly about the need for a new political party in NZ. There are some options out there waiting to be noticed that is just starting up from scratch so to speak. One example is the Liberty Party which aims to provide policies related to economic justice and the subsidization of basic services such as dental care for all NZers and free public transport.
    Here’s a better view of their policies, of which they have plenty more.

    • That’s quite the detailed party platform, Mr. Laurie. More in-depth than many other independents ever manage.

      My main critique is that it stops short of restoring all of the pro-labour, pro-industrialisation policies that were abolished in the late ’80s. In other words, it doesn’t fully abolish Reaganomics.

      Unless you do that, your party is still to the right of the Post-War Consensus: that is, to the right of both moderate Tories (Hollyoake, MacMillan) and moderate Labour (Savage, Atlee). The neoliberal extremists that now dominate the Uniparty would live to fight another day.

  3. Martyn
    Don’t waste time. Start that new economic policy party now. Because your current lot will not get 51% at the election, you know that. If your new policies are good, you get my vote.

  4. You of all people Martyn should know how hard it is starting up a new party and hitting the 5% threshold.
    The old grassroots ‘lets start a new party’ may have been a thing back in the day….No 8 wire and hard work should do it!
    Nowadays it needs a millionaire to get it running and just as much to keep it running.
    Just look at 2 failures and many millions spent! (For nothing)
    Gareth Morgan – TOP
    Kim Dot Com – Mana

  5. ” According to the investment bank Credit Suisse, New Zealand has led the world in a spike in wealth ”
    A spike in debt more like it. To be a debtor, means to be beholding to one’s creditor. And, in today’s vile world, it can also mean to be enslaved. I’ve watched the debt-spiders at work here for generations and as I get older I witness the debt-webs tighten around us all. There are forces at work who manipulate our economic systems and politics to keep us just that little bit fucked, just that little bit off-balance and the reason why that is, I believe, is that there are individuals who see AO/NZ as a prime piece of real estate and all they have to do is keep tightening the debt nooses around our necks until we panic and try republicanism and when that happens, and it will happen because we’re terminally fucking stupid, our goose is fucked, plucked and cooked.
    I’m going back to bed to be wrapped up in my beautiful female human’s arms once I soak the heat out of my side of the electric blanket because it’s fucking freezing cold in my neck of the deep dark woods. But before I go, I’m going to draw your attention to this. Just replace the word Palestine with Aotearoa/New Zealand and you’ll get my meaning.
    The Daily Blog.
    “NZs shameful abstention against Palestinian human rights”

    • indeed cb they think a million dollar mortgage makes them a millionaire what they have is a million dollar debt

  6. I’d say the corporate political donors will be very pleased with the performance of Labour. Wages are down, profits during COVID. were good, they are supporting the U.S. proxy war, and they have managed to crush any strikes and protests.

    Perhaps most importantly, they have crushed any hopes of a Bernie or Trump like figure emerging. Anti-war sentiment and demands for local manufacturing have been successfully repressed.

    The lobbyists are now looking forward to a sell-off of the hospitals, the technical colleges and the water system.

    Labour have done their job for the donors, turning each of them into one huge organisation, with any pesky elected officials now banished from management. What better way to reward your political donors than a fire-sale of assets after the election?

    You will know when a real alternative presents itself, because the media will be totally hysterical. It will be the Corbyn/Trump witch-hunts all over again, with enormous amounts of grey and black propaganda.

        • @Nat / @Wayne

          The value of the paper currency is falling faster than any wage growth.

          I am looking at a chart from the Gov’t. Statistician, dated June.

          About 21.6% absolute wage growth, measured in local paper currency, during the two Labour terms.

          But NZD. fell about 36% against gold bullion (i.e. hard money). The brokerage chart I am looking at shows $1 buying 6mg less coinage, by the end of that period.

          The collapse in pay over the long term is extreme: try charting out wages priced in bullion, all the way back to the peak in 1970 (when the gold window was still open).

          Look at the graphs yourself. It doesn’t look like rising living standards to me!

    • “Wages down.” When?
      Overall salaries and wages are up during the last five years, even taking inflation into account. Well reported in Stats NZ, taking into account both median and average wages.

      • Are you absolutely certain that’s how it works, Wayne?

        Because we’ve had the past couple years as proof that when wages need to be raised to keep up with cost of living increases, what actually happens is that corporate scum use the media as a mouthpiece to complain that “nobody wants to work anymore” and propose cutting welfare and government spending in order to put the squeeze on the poor so that they’d have no choice.

        • So what inflation measures are you accepting as satisfactory Wayne? House prices and rent costs have gone through the roof. Are they realistically counted in our official inflation figures? I think not, because they dirty the pure stats for inflation as they have some feedback affect. Perhaps you cqan explain why all prices do not get into the stats from which important financial decisions affecting ordinary people are made.

  7. Denny Paoa Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokai whenuakitanatahu(Tane/Male/Man, not Female/Woman)

    Have you got stockholm syndrome? Fuck right off voting for those muppets ever again!

  8. Labour has for the last 10 years felt like the old liberal party, once a giant of the center left but now a tired unrepresentative centralized party with no new ideas and actively gets in the way and opposes any new left wing ideas. Labour should have died a natural death in the 90s.

    The green party isn’t what the upstart radical labour party was a century ago, it’s more like one of the satellite splinter liberal parties if a century ago.

    The Maori party doesn’t even consider themselves left they consider themselves a party of the center so .. meh.

    We need a party of the working class in this country , a new party with NEW voices.

    The problem with new left wing parties in NZ is dinosaurs from the left the public doesn’t like, attach themselves and take over. Everytime.

    Not going to go down well here but A new left wing party should immediately ban the Harres, The Bradfords, the Mintos, from membership. Them being attached to a new party goes down like a cup of cold sick with the media and the electorate and political nerddom

    We need a party that isn’t attached to old political voices, that isn’t associated with some rich German dude, that has good coms and uses the Bernie Sanders style of POSITIVE optimistic populism, not the negative and controversial coms of previous failed attempts.

    A class left party. Run by the working class. For the working class with a goal of reaching 5% and an electorate while building up brand recognition over a period of 3 elections.

    It can be done.

  9. Can I risk sounding like a bit of a dumbf@#£ knob here but what exactly is the working class circa 2023?
    And wouldnt the policies being discussed here be merely written off as populist by our media and never given much further thought by those who truly would benefit from them?

    • In 1970, the average hourly wage was $4.52.

      I take a weekly pay-cheque to the bank, and ask to exchange it into sovereign coins.

      I would have received £23 (face value), and £0.46 in silver change (5.49 Troy Oz. XAU., total).

      If right now, I try taking a weekly pay-cheque, at the new average hourly rate, to the bullion desk, and ask to exchange it into new sovereign coinage, how much would I get?

      £1.63 at face value, or .3836 Troy Oz.

      Just one sovereign coin and change, instead of twenty-three!

    • Not really too bothered with Australian politics Ted. But let’s see how they go in 2025 after their current turn in government.

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