The Daily Blog Open Mic – 17th November 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing. There’s no point complaining to Bomber.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. 3 Waters becomes 8!
    Just add Geothermal, Fresh Water & the 3 Harbours (Settlements)
    Waitemata Hauraki Gulf
    Tikapa Firth of Thames.
    Plus Tainui Waikato’s claim for almost all of Auckland, Tamaki Makaurau.
    Now go nuts!

  2. And how many imports of ‘NZ residents’ have set us up to be the world leader in digital recognition or what? This is happening in the USA at present, using their systems already in place. With a 5-Eyes and Palantir connection?
    They’ve got the hang of using Maori in these business technocratic deals to show their integrity and integration to our country and people – these business wonks and political ones too.

    …This is another step towards our ambition to become the world’s leading digital airline, and is the result of months of hard mahi, planning and collaboration.”…
    Air New Zealand Chief Digital Officer Nikhil Ravishankar says this technology will speed up the boarding process, creating a seamless experience for customers and airport staff.

    Then there is the fake-following overwhelming demand from customers
    Last week, Air New Zealand customers were some of the first to experience biometric verification at the boarding gate after a successful trial at Los Angeles Airport….
    It’s all part of Air New Zealand’s plan to take the friction out of travel and to make the journey through the airport that much smoother. No sighting passports and no scanning boarding passes…
    “Contactless technology changes are coming thick and fast and we’re continuing to learn and adapt to new innovations that will make travel easier. In the new travel era, we need simplicity not complexity.”…

    Earlier this month, the airline launched its improved Air NZ App, which has had close to 2.3 million downloads.
    “Using biometrics at the boarding gate is only the beginning and we’re in talks with industry players, globally and here in New Zealand, about how we can use biometric technology throughout the whole airport process.”..

    • And everyone thinks the Chinese system is bad.

      Someone tell me the difference with what is happening in the West and its current direction and China now?

  3. A picture of NZ as being akin to a bunch of chickens has come to me and stands further contemplation.

    We crow like cocks when we lay a new idea and get it rolling (with hens’ help). Meantime most hens just go about clucking and pecking for titbits then back to fight for a place on the perches, and get fed as well till it is decided that they are extraneous and externalities and exterminated probably. Some older ones get to live longer and get first go at the mash at feeding time. Squawk!!

    Meantime here is a view of our near future and only the brave and fleet of foot will survive. Don’t follow the money follow the active chickens who can find a way through the machinery of gummint.

    Us after next election – obermaster/mistress variable –

    And a plan for the route out – bravery required and fast thinking.

    I think the organists need to give their monkey some new tunes.

    Its policy would create a new criminal category – Serious Young Offender (SYO) – to capture 10 to 17-year-olds who’ve committed a serious offence more than once.
    National wants judges to have the power to sentence SYOs aged 15 to 17 to military-style boot camps, run by the Defence Force alongside other providers.

    Former Hamilton City councillor Mark Bunting, who led a crime task force during his time in office, was initially sceptical about the policy but has had a change of heart.
    “Originally I thought, ‘Oh, God, here comes another boot camp’ but then I got to thinking if this is a really solid wraparound programme and there’s a genuine desire for rehabilitation then I’m all for it.”

    Bunting said crime had permeated the Waikato district, hard-hit with ram raids in recent months, and National’s policy put forward a solution he couldn’t see anywhere else.
    “The minister himself has said we need to take these little toerags out of circulation for a little while and the only place they’re got at the moment is prison and that’s a breeding ground for further crime and gangs.”


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