MEDIAWATCH: How can Erica Stanford return to The AM Show with any self respect?


One of the most hilarious things about National’s knuckle dragging redneck reactionary vomit masquerading as social policy military boot camps (aside from the fact they don’t work and just create fitter criminals) is that Luxon sacrificed the dignity of one of his leading stars to implement it.

When National Party MP Erica Stanford first commented on ACTs insane idea to put ankle bracelets on 11 year olds, she wailed and gnashed her teeth at how awful the idea was on The AM Show…

Last month, the Government didn’t rule out putting ankle bracelets on youth offenders but National Education spokesperson Erica Stanford said at the time she didn’t think they were the answer

“I, and the National Party, are not wanting to see 11-year-olds with ankle bracelets,” she told AM in October. “Firstly, I think we need to look at how we got here and these kids are so far away from the education system because we’ve done nothing over the last years to keep them attached.

“We’re going to whack an ankle bracelet on them? I mean, it just breaks my heart that we’re even talking about this,” Stanford added.

…When it was ACT putting ankle bracelets on 11 year olds, it was the saddest policy on earth, fast forward a couple of weeks and in an act of desperation, National have put forward policy EVEN MORE DRACONIAN than ACT and want ankle bracelets on 10 year olds!

So where is poor wee Erica Stanford’s sense of decency now?

Who cares, Chris threw her and it under a bus all in a sad attempt to woo back ACT Party voters to National.

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The biggest question is how the hell Erica Stanford can dare front the AM Show now…

Speaking to AM on Friday, the day after National’s latest youth offending plan was announced, Stanford said she was discussing ACT’s policy when she made those comments.

“If you take a look at our policy, which I’m really proud of actually, it’s a suite of things,” she said. “It talks about monitoring to make sure that we’re keeping young offenders safe and the public safe but, actually, it talks about them being repetitive, serious, ringleaders. We’re not talking about ACT’s policy anymore where we’re just going to whack an ankle bracelet on anybody – but to actually give kids boundaries, to keep them safe, we have to be able to monitor them in some circumstances.”

…let’s get this straight, when it was 11 year olds with ankle bracelets, that was ACT policy she was saddened by, now it’s 10 year olds with ankle bracelets, it’s great policy?

She is a fucking hypocrite of the highest level and doesn’t even the decency to at least acknowledge  that her leader destroyed her credibility and like a good little soldier she’ll suck it up and agree with bullshit policy.

This desperate attempt to steal back ACT voters has destroyed the reputation of Stanford WHILE losing the middle.

What a shit show, and the Trolling Right dare to pretend National are competent, these guys have spent all last week u-turning on a whole range of issues! National have no core values underpinning decisions other than ‘we are not Labour’.


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  1. I have meet Erica once before and yes very nice person. But doesn’t understand what like to disavangted. In regards to that show is the National Party Bridge and Chan Green can say anything nice about this Government. Chan Green and Bridge are dum like Erica.

  2. I know its hard to believe but it can be both.

    There should be no kids in ancle bracelets at 10 or at 16, but it beats the alternative of locking them into juvenile detention centres or doing nothing and waiting for them to progress from petty thief to ramraider to murderer – even if accidentally.

    Maybe rather then constantly complaining about the opposition tell us what Labour/Green/TPM are doing to get the kids away from crime back on the right track?
    Unless of course we do nothing and just live with the fact that these kids will crime, grow up, crime some more until one day they get locked up in prison for adults because the grown ups on the left and running government could not be arsed finding a solution to this problem.

    The ball is on the left side of the court, will someone come and pick it up? I doubt.

    • What are Labour doing? Absolutely nothing.
      They are encouraging criminal behaviour that’s why ram raids have ballooned,its that simple.
      Classic Labour policy do nothing and hope it goes away.

      • What utter tosh Bob. How are they encouraging crime? You think these youths have any idea what the repercussions are one way or another? No. When you have little to nothing and think you have no prospects I doubt you care what policies are in place of who is charge.

      • Yeah, doing nothing. Same as with gangs, doing nothing.
        The regular reports in the media about gang members being in court, hauls of drugs, money and stolen stuff being recovered are just ‘fake news.’

        Give yourself a treat by going to courts in your region and seeing what reality looks like. (The mass of happenings there aren’t in the media.)

        Here is the real news: If you do attend you will not see gallows with bodies hanging, overtly heavily armed cops stationed everywhere to show who’s in charge, alleged wrong doers being dragged into their hearings the chains around their legs and arms clanging, those found guilty being hauled out screaming because they’re off to suffer their death penalty or to spend the rest of their lives in jail.

        Tended, looked after ruthlessly, by those who are so keen on the terminally punitive approach they are determined to dedicate their lives to being jailers for those who have no hope. In the spirit not ‘doing nothing and hoping it goes away’ I’m sure you’ll be signing up for that job and feverishly encouraging every family member and relation that their aspirations should lie there.
        When National and Act are in after the end of next year Mark Mitchell will be knocking on your doors to sign you up.

      • FFS Bob “they are encouraging criminal behaviour” if any one thing that has contributed to our current state it’s three decades of neoliberal policy that has resulted in marginalisation, loss of hope and a foreseeable future for a whole cohort of despicably described “ bottom feeders”. Bob, just hope these kids don’t become radicalised. You and the Trevs and the Denny’s and the Krauts and your ilk by you support for neoliberalism, have sown the wind, so stand up and take responsibility for the whirlwind.

        • I would think that the reasons for the rise in crime by youngsters are many.
          1. tiktok and wanting to go viral

          2. general boredom and wanting to prove oneself to peers, gangs and elders

          3. Covid lockdown, lack of in house schooling, lack of meeting friends in meatspace for while, lack of internet access etc.

          4. general dis-association from society due to press, politics, education etc painting a picture of ‘no future’ ‘all will go to hell’ ‘you shall not have a house, a car, a vacation, a steak cause global warming’ etc.

          5. Lack of decent housing for many, living in over crowded housing, not enough food to feed everyone all the time, and the resulting disassociation from society

          6. wanting to make a quick buck, and maybe prospecting for a gang

          a ten – eleven year old kid was 8 – 9 years old when we went into lockdown in 2020. They have been fed a steady diet of crisis and fear.
          Maybe they have just run out of fucks n bothers to give and the adults in the room are so blinded by their own importance that they are not only misreading the room, they are literally blind to what is happening.
          And then these kids are adults, suddenly. Feel safer yet?

          And while not all of it is the fault of Jacinda, it is their government that currently rules the land and thus it is their responsibility to come up with a plan to get these guys back on the right track. If not, they will end up in adult population soon enough at high cost to the treasury, their families and the communities they terrorize.

    • RB Do you seriously think these children will even keep them on ? if nothing else this policy is an absolute waste of money and nothing but politicizing a serious concern for the sake of the treasury benches. Who uses children maybe Mike Hoskins and his ZB zealots.

  3. Yes leave it to the do-nothing Tories – their last attempt at crime busting was reducing police numbers as they invited the 501’s into Aotearoa to take their place.

  4. The parents of these offender’s need a boot camp also. If they are under 16 it’s the parents responsibility

  5. Labour are useless on crime, but unfortunately I don’t think National and Act will be much better. They never reverse anything Labour brings in. We do not have any truly socially convervative options out there – perhaps NZ First, but they also do sweet fuck all when they get in.

    Key opposed the anti-smacking law I believe, but made zero effort to reverse it

    The anti-smacking law encourages of course a culture of disrespect for authority, in this case parental, but it spills over into all other spheres of life. We are now reaping what we have sown.

  6. I don’t those in the NZ National Party political knives drawer are all that sharp or intelligent.

    What National has demeaned itself to thanks to its Flip-Flop current leader is something of a joke.

    I now get the impression that a National government would come down hard of those offenders that are NOT WHITE, PRIVILEGD AND SUPPOSEDLY EDUCATED.

    In fact National will be back to their usual Beneficiary Bashing that they have partaken of for well over 40 plus years.

    And lets face it with National is they will always do a Replay/Repeat of the Same Old Same Old Tried and Truly failed policies of the past but with different wording and names in the lead up to the next election.

    But this time they have the now traditional Party Faithful that is the mainstream NZ media to help and guide them along the way.

    And so we are most likely to see such Village Idiots as Erica Stamford and Luxon on the now Jenny May and Matty Show that used to be called Breakfast tv trying rather abysmally on their part telling us what is wrong with this country whilst holding no accountability that the problems of today(2022) were in fact generated whilst there was a National government.

    To admit making mistake requires a sense of humility and humanity. Something that National is so lacking in.

  7. I now refer to the mainstream NZ media as being the NZ National Party Faithful.

    It’s now practically impossible for the media to hold any credibility let alone an MP like Erica Stanford.

    She talks about ‘monitoring young offenders..’ but exactly which organisation will be expected to do the ‘monitoring’???!!!! Will it be down to the NZ Police who are already over-worked? Will it be the Justice Dept who are also over-worked??? Will it be MSD who are in the same boat as the Police and the Justice Dept i.e over-worked????? Or will it be up to each individual National MP to ‘monitor’ the offenders in their very electorate???!!!

    Somehow I get the impression that whilst Stanford says something that sounds pretty impressive in reality there will be NO Organisation that will be able to do the ‘monitoring’ let alone make it effective.

    So she may as well just hold her out-stretched hands to the wind and demand it stop blowing.

    National are so full of re-hashed failed policies of the past that they again want to re-create these failed policies but all in all they will only contribute more so to a problem in years to come.

    They have no idea of what to do than regurgitate like vomit things that have never worked in the past and are unlikely to work in the future. They haven’t learnt anything but will continue to also beat an out-dated Mantra on their outdated National Party Blame-Game Drum i.e it’s always someone elses’ fault and never their for what happens even whilst there was a National government.

    • Yes justme you are so right, by the time this 3 page policy is implemented “ if its implemented “ all these ram raiders will have grown up. If these children ram raid is anyone seriously saying they will keep ankle bracelets on ?.. Luxon is feeding the likes of the pale stale males of Remuera bowling clubs and Mike Hoskins talk fest . How can Erica Stanford go from being broken hearted to praising ankle bracelets is beyond my understanding. This just shows that their quest for power is now using children to fuel a political fire.

    • Brilliant JustMe, you hit the nail on the head. National are so far from ever being a competent government, global warming would have destroyed our country before they are capable.

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