ANOTHER BANK MAKES $1.4B! Dear simpering gimps defending the obscene profits of the Aussie banks – can we at least agree on one thing?



Bank of New Zealand increases annual profit by 7% to $1.4 billion

Bank of New Zealand has announced an after-tax full year profit of $1.4 billion​, up 7%​ on its record profit last year.

I’ve never heard so many simpering gimps defending the unholy profit rampage of the banks.

You corporate wealth worshipers should be ashamed of yourselves sucking up to the fucking Australian Banks!

Asking if Bank profits are ‘excessive’ misses the point – with 27 000 on emergency housing wait lists, 100 000 food parcels a month & underfunded health, education & welfare social infrastructure collapsing, Bank profits are fucking obscene!

Windfall tax those rich pricks!

If you are going to turn a blind eye to the obscene profits made by foreign banks using the rigged casino of oligopoly can we all at least agree on one thing, that when the economy predictably ruptures next year and the corporate banks come to the Government with their giant golden begging bowl, encrusted with diamonds, emeralds and sapphires, carried into the room on the backs of homeless children, when the 4 big Foreign Banks come begging to be bailed out, we collectively tell them to go fuck themselves right?

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Surely you simpering gimps sucking up to the banks by refusing to tax their obscene profits can collectively agree not to bail these greedy fucks out when the economy goes belly up right?


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  1. ” The finance minister has confirmed the Government has no work underway to address banks’ large profits in a similar way to how it directed Commerce Commission to undertake market studies into fuel companies and supermarkets ”

    Why ?

    The banks are all powerful and have us by the short and Curlys. The only intervention Robbo will consider when it come to the banks is bailing them out when the coming collapse eventuates.

    Just shows again who actually governs this country for the many who are being financially assaulted by greed.

    It certainly is not the elected government.

  2. ” The finance minister has confirmed the Government has no work underway to address banks’ large profits in a similar way to how it directed Commerce Commission to undertake market studies into fuel companies and supermarkets ”

    Why ?

    The banks are all powerful and have us by the short and Curlys. The only intervention Robbo will consider when it comes to the banks is bailing them out when the coming collapse eventuates.

    Just shows again who actually governs this country for the many who are being financially assaulted by greed.

    It certainly is not the elected government.

  3. A profit shows the banks are successful and a good place to put your savings .This means they have more money to lend to help people buy homes either for themselves or as rentals in both cases it is putting a roof over families. A profit means they pay tax and keep plenty of people employed who pay tax .
    If they went belly up there would be many people and businesses destroyed is that an outcome anyone would want .

  4. Banks make a lot more profit in a booming house market.
    And even more money when they get very cheap money from the central bank. And the prudential loan restrictions are removed.

    The PM’s complaints about bank profits is a bit like someone who gives an addict a huge whack of free drugs, plus some needles and pipes, and then is upset the addict is using more drugs than before.

  5. I heard Granny Herald had to close the comments section on the banks profits at 1pm because it was getting a bit worrying about this windfall tax and they needed to protect the banks position and their advertising/adverterial profits.

  6. I guess Grant Roberston wants a job somewhere once people stop electing him as a MP and once Labour is back in the opposition lane to nowhere.

    • Well like all the rest of them, no doubt he will get a plum overseas posting. Bugger them all, none of them should get ambassadorial jobs they have already sucked the sav dry.

  7. Westpac’s earnings dropped one percent and their dividend is still not back to pre-pandemic prices. Howerver they are paying ten percent more tax.

    What is more concerning is Brown’s proposal to sell the Airport shares they stole from South Auckland. I am sure none of that will find its way back to South Auckland in the from of community housing.

    WBC 19 May 2022 Interim 61.000c 0.000c 8.000c
    WBC 05 Nov 2021 Final 60.000c 0.000c 7.000c
    WBC 13 May 2021 Interim 58.000c 0.000c 7.000c
    WBC 11 Nov 2020 Final 31.000c 0.000c 0.000c
    WBC 12 Nov 2019 Final 80.000c 0.000c 7.000c

  8. God no! Don’t tax the bastards. That, in a way, is legitimising their criminality. The four NZ→AU→U$A banks are crooks. We should asset strip them, repurpose the money they steal from us to those they’ve rendered most vulnerable and beg for a royal commission of inquiry into their very existence in the first place.
    We don’t need four major banker players here. So why are they here? Well, the money, sure, but why else. And how? Who, is behind four U$A banksters stealing our fucking money?

    • I’m all for the asset strip. It is a long time coming, really. Reaganomics stuffed things up big time for all of America, so much so that that era was actually the direct precursor to, and major contributor of, the global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008.

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