Copout 27 – isn’t it time to be honest about climate change?


Copout 27 will resolve nothing as the interests of the polluters and their power to buy off Western Governments from anything meaningful persists.

The reality is that Catastrophic Climate Change is already here…

Climate crisis: past eight years were the eight hottest ever, says UN

Report at Cop27 shows the world is now deep into the climate emergency, with the 1.5C heating limit ‘barely within reach’

The past eight years were the eight hottest ever recorded, a new UN report has found, indicating the world is now deep into the climate crisis. The internationally agreed 1.5C limit for global heating is now “barely within reach”, it said.

…I’ve been following the IPCC reports on climate change from the beginning, and the criticism made against the IPCC was that due to its strict need for only unilaterally agreed science to make the official report, it was always underplaying the urgency and severity of the climate crisis.

There was always a section in each report where the science was presented that wasn’t universally accepted but included to show the reach and scope of debate.

Increasingly over the years, the worst case scenarios in the IPCC are playing out in real time.

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The scientists were wrong, but only in their optimism.

You understand that each year that passes now will get worse or remain as starkly bad as they are now right?


You get that it doesn’t go back to normal after this right?

The extreme weather will get worse and worse.

More extreme than these extremes now.

Consider this baseline extreme normal now.

Sure the war run Ukraine is hurting food prices, but that’s damage on the baseline reality of a mega drought that has interrupted the agricultural calendar of major food producers.

The radical adaptation required to get us ready for what’s coming will splinter the political spectrum whether we like it or not.

Why shouldn’t we have our own basic pharmaceutical industry?

Engineering industry.

Industrial industry.

The supply side shocks caused by Covid and war are not going away, and they are being compounded by catastrophic climate change.

Radical adaptation and communal community resourcing alongside a Big State approach to lynchpin infrastructure for basic self-reliance as an Island country facing enormous economic shockwaves is the only means to build the muscle mass to respond to the ever intensifying external disruption of late stage capitalism.

The need to increase military spending to 3% alongside the new costs for this infrastructure must be funded via new taxes aimed at corporations and banks.

A financial transaction tax and windfall profit tax would take the yoke of taxation off working people and place it upon the shoulders of the wealthy.

National and ACT  see mass immigration as a means to create fake growth at a time when we should be focused on de-growth.

Climate Crisis is here and adaptation is now.

We need to start rethinking Isolationism as a strength and Think Big as Economic Sovereignty.

The geopolitical shock waves are only getting more intense.

Can we change in NZ?

I doubt it.

Look how in NZ the Corporate Quisling Farmers run NZ politics so much so that the merest hint of them being forced to pay for their own pollution is met with howls of persecution!

Farmers are 1.16% of the population, represent 5.5% of GDP, make 48% of greenhouse gas emissions and create 70% of NZ’s contribution to global warming yet they are able to run roughshod over any legislative reigning in because the Left are more focused on freeing the nipple than challenging the neoliberal hegemonic economic infrastructure.

If you think being carbon neutral by 2050 is the solution, you are the problem.

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  1. Not much response to this as the activists have been deactivated in this by the woke trade mark of stopping progress by arguing about the pronouns and racism instead. Now Greens need safe spaces to debate things.

    Every time someone did something they were infiltrated and labelled by woke as too racist – a strategy that has worked – part of the disinformation brigade.

    Sadly woke disruption is fully entrenched in the Green Party NZ and Labour. Obviously most Natz and ACT are already climate deniers. NZ First are dinosaurs for climate. No one left. If a new party emerges then people would vote for it.

    It is not just climate change, Chinese boats are aggressively stripping the fish/sea life out of the sea and asset stripping is being allowed .

    “The Associated Press reported the Chinese fishing fleet’s presence in the South Pacific has increased by eight times what it was in 2009, to about 476 vessels operating in the region last year. The size of China’s squid fishing haul has also reportedly grown from 70,000 tons to 422,000 tons in that time. Some scientists are beginning to fear that level of fishing could become unsustainable for the squid population.

    China’s massive fishing efforts have added to tensions between China and other countries throughout the Pacific and the South China Sea in particular.”

    • C’mon Gargar back in the early 90s they told us to get over the Venice because it was going to sink within 5 years. Still above water

      Just sayin…..

    • gagarin — yeah, I think a lot of people are going to look back embarrassed about their over the top actions on Climate Change

      • the thing is if I’m wrong we get a lucky escape if you’re wrong we all get to die…don’t really fancy those odds do you?

          • Humans can adapt to changes in climate, that’s why they are still here, they are very adaptable. Plus it is easier to adapt to a different Earth climate than to try to survive on Mars, but Elon’s willing to give that a go.

            Can they “solve” it? No, not unless they undertake some serious geo-engineering (see Snowpiercer) and if something like that gets tried, the question will be “fix it for whom?”, here’s a clue, it probably won’t be for drought stricken parts of Africa or South Asia.

            The deaths of millions in poor, developing countries is of little real consequence compared to driving a giant SUV or holidays in Fiji. Wealthy nations will adapt, those on the front lines will attempt to move elsewhere or die. Borders will harden. It won’t be pretty, but you can bet no one will do anything meaningful to change what is coming.

    • Wrong, massive amounts of people in particular families were protesting climate change in NZ a few years ago and the school kids were protesting too.

      However green activism has been disrupted in NZ, the Green Party are more interested in self promotion, gender pronouns, more mass lazy immigration and creating policy based on their belief that apart from them, all white people are bad and self identification and self obsession is very important.

      Labour’s nuclear free moment never happened, they seem to be subsidising petrol and airlines instead and promoting fake science like green hydrogen which requires more power to make the hydrogen than actually directly using solar/wind energy. Marketing is big in NZ, Science has become disrupted by fake shaman memes in NZ.

      The environmental long term MP Greens have been pushed out of the party. We have to wonder how did so many Green MP’s get to the top of the leadership table when they just suddenly appeared in the Green Party and then promoted by MSM in Metro Mag etc.

      Remember it only took $5 membership to vote for the Green MP’s. With low Green membership and very easy entry to vote, very easy to skew the voting and put the most obnoxious polarising people in charge who do not believe in the environment to destroy the movement from the inside out. All around the world, the promotion of men turned woman have purged the Green Party feminists as woke in political parties relentlessly cancel the word mother, breast feeding and anyone who stands in their way.

      In NZ schools privately clubs encourage children and teens to think that gender is as easy to change as getting earrings or a tattoo and pronouns are everything. Surprisingly teens are becoming suicidal and confused with their mental health as the planet burns while they are encouraged to think internally about their identity not externally about their environment, society and the planet like teens of the past.

      Shaw the only member of the Green Party who seems to do anything for climate change, was put under a leadership challenge and only kept it, because the other Greens were too lazy to run. Probably not a safe enough space for them to lift a finger.

      Don’t blame the public they tried and voted the useless Greens and Labour into power where they blew it, blame those that were voted in to do something, and have done the opposite.

  2. Copout 27 – a piss up on the Red Sea. Cairo will never see so many private planes again in aggregate for 20 years.

    Brought to you by the WEF, UN and other 1% organizations. I wonder whether King Chuck will talk about his Aston Martin that runs on potatoes and whether BMW Jimmy brings home some magic beans this time.

    Topics for discussion
    – Pine trees are cool, Red Meat is bad
    – How to screw the middle class by indoctrinating their children at school and Uni
    – How to offset your carbon by contracting it out to a third world shit hole

  3. We need to start rethinking Isolationism as a strength and Think Big as Economic Sovereignty.
    Autarchy for the win then. This time and at long last after all its previous failures. In one respect I can see it; after all as the rest of the world turns to shit you’re average North Korean will look around and shrug.

  4. Surely food and water will be the new oil in coming years. Nobody can eat trees but they want red meat and milk and seem happy to pay for it and we did do the whole sheep and cattle rearing so well .Crops will be important as well and as the weather gets hotter we can grow different crops .Water is going to be essential to grow thinks and putting it into the hands of government (any government ) would be a disaster. We need to get back to exploring for gas to help swell the pot to have money to mitigate the effects of global warming and a change in weather patterns. Man has always adapted right back to cave men so I have faith we will still be here for many more years.

  5. picking on a child again tom, bit low for an adult but SOP for the rightard climate deniers….
    playing the man not the ball as the football term goes.

    • Gagarin If she’s prepared to stick or neck out, then Tom and anybody else has the right to comment.
      No need to try to silence him – or anybody, leave that to Joanne and co.

    • Yeah, nah nah, that ‘kid’ is a legal adult. And fwiw, they are travelling the world sprouting their ‘truth’ and as such are fair game to scrutiny.

  6. Great ideas Martin but surely by now you realise NO PARTY in Slavelandia is going to honestly adopted ANY of these GREAT ideas.
    So unless ‘we’ start up a new left wing party and get a great start in the polls (for the necessary momentum before the Lying corrupt media attack dogs ‘get stuck in’ to kill the party off), you are just highlighting how stuffed we are and the fact there is no democracy here.

  7. The ‘culling’ of the european population going on now will solve most of that.
    The northern hemispheres population causes 89% of pollution, emissions, and the destruction of the natural environment across they world.

    By depopulating the northern hemisphere will reduce total consumption, therefore the demise of the world.


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