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Prime Minister’s office apologises for misleading comments about New Zealand’s child poverty figures

The Prime Minister’s office has apologised for misleading comments about New Zealand’s child poverty figures. 

Jacinda Ardern has claimed poverty figures are improving but incorrectly suggested the data included children living in non-private dwellings.

TDB’s own Professor Susan St John critiqued MSDs ridiculous poverty survey first here on TDB 10 days ago and pointed out MSD were leaving out the poorest children so that the stats looked good.

The AM Show picked the story up and Jacinda was caught flat footed.

Folks you can read it here first or wait for the mainstream media to catch up.

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  1. Great work bomber and Susan. Lets hope more of the excellent posts on here make it into the wasteland of investigative former journalism.

    Stand up fight back….any way you can.

    • The PM didn’t lie about the numbers. The PM had been incorrectly told by officials the data included “children living in non-private dwellings” Child poverty has still substantially reduced under Ardern’s government.

  2. ah huh…look, if any parliamentarians are caught bullshitting, hold them to account, but really Jacinda is an absolute amateur compared to a previous PM…

    John Keys lies list

        • Maybe you can convince your goddess Jacinda to personally apologise for once and take the utterly shit job that she has done on the chin. You do that and all will be forgiven.

          • The past 30 years, no matter what govt left or right, more seems to be done to help rich people get richer while totally ignoring poverty and disability. There is nothing healthy about our political system.

  3. As soon as I saw the news clip I said to my spouse, “Jacinda is lying again”. It would be charitable to say she didn’t know she was giving out misinformation but this is her portfolio and child “poverdy” is her number one concern remember! Well done Susan and Bomber. I never expected an apology from the PM’s office but the social media focus required action to stem the attention the lying/misleading by the PM was getting.

  4. ” ’ the LINOs were caught lying ”
    Should anyone really be surprised ! She is a POLITICAN and an Amateur in 2017 when she got carried away and said the following. I will lead the most open and transparent government ever.

    You can’t then decide to be authoritarian and then forget you promised that and hope people won’t notice.

    They are a sham and don’t deserve re election.

  5. There aint many scholars amongst the right wing and especially the Natz and their Tory ZB radio the “Tory am” TV show and the ignorance displayed by Ryan and melissa. The Tory am show should engage technical experts to explain when numbers are numbers are mentioned. Melissa and Ryan have shown their ignorance about ‘the margin of error” and their general view that all those (4000) children in Motels etc were in poverty – the families came from poverty into those motels, that was pure ignorance.

    Tory am show is an embarrassment when they bring some disgruntled ignorant Tory to interview and the they cant ask the technical questions. Jacinda was correct and Government had no reason to apologise.

  6. WTF is this from the Chief Press Sec? “Accidentally told her it does?” How did he get this wrong?

    “The Prime Minister asked me to clarify if the Material Hardship Survey picked up people in non-private dwellings which I checked with officials who confirmed it ‘doesn’t’ however when relaying this to the Prime Minister… I accidentally relayed it as ‘it does.'”

  7. no not particularly bark but she’s marginally less offensive than the alternatives….it’s a shit choice but our pollies are all 3rd rate.


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