How are you loving the potholes? Welcome to catastrophic global warming!


The funniest thing about the howls and screams of anger over potholes in NZ is that it’s mostly coming from the very type of people who also scream that global warming isn’t happening when in fact the extreme rain fall that is causing these potholes is because caused by the very global warming they claim doesn’t exist!

The pothole story sums up all that is glorious about Nu Zilind.

Rural volk driving on poorly maintained roads damaged by a trucking lobby who never pay their fair share of maintenance  because of their stranglehold over the political right having those roads washed away by extreme weather events they don’t believe are happening!

Increasingly as the global warming phenomena becomes more and more impossible to ignore, these same Volk will start blaming everything and everyone else rather than accept the science of global warming.

We are locked into a global warming future that will only intensify, it won’t ever stop now, and the volk’s denial will melt away like a snowflake under the midday Sun.


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  1. Yeah right! I guess the total lack of bitumen production in NZ and Australia missed your narrow perspective there Bomber. We are importing inadequate supplies of bitumen . It is being supplied by North and South American suppliers. Can you join up the dots and yet ANOTHER CONSEQUENCE of shutting down our only refinery so the PM looks like she has done something about climate change emissions. No NZ Reining was not a wholly privately owned company. A third of it was owned by ACC and the Superfund!

  2. if we are importing tarmac from south america shona, the real question is why isn’t it being laid? anything to do with penny pinching councils I wonder.

    this issue has taken decades to build not the time since the stupid oil refinery closure.

    and one issue is the ‘cheapest job possible’ doctrine…there’s a pothole out on the main road near us, they fill it with gravel, it washes away(I suspect an underground rivulet is taking the base out) now each individual time it costs little on that years budget but the CUMALATIVE cost of doing the same cheap job again and again??you tell me…..cheapskatery saves nothing in the long run.

    • who says it is not being laid???? Ships from Mexico have arrived loaded with bitumen and been unloaded i n ……Tauranga. Not anywhere else.It’s because we are not getting enough gagarin. Because the halfwits in ACC and the Superfund who pulled the rug on Z and the refinery didn’t understand what bitumen production was. Those idiots usually have accounting and management qualifications.

    • But of course, a lack of a steady reliable supply of bitumen would have nothing to do with the number of potholes! Duh. As I have said before how do you know enough is being imported? Where is it being imported to??? How does it get from the Port to the places it is required? Who decides any of this process? Are backhanders being employed? Is there enough being delivered on time?who decides this? What is the system ? Who is responsible for deciding volumes of supply ? And of course having to travel the Pacific Ocean rather than from Marsden Point wouldn’t affect any of this now would it gagarin? FFS, Do you just comment cos you can?

  3. It’s nothing new.

    “I read the news today, oh boy
    Four thousand potholes in Blackburn, Lancashire
    And though the holes were rather small
    They had to count them all
    Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall..”

  4. We are in the middle of a rare, three-year-long La Nina weather pattern that brings more rain and more potholes to be fixed.
    When we, soon enough, have another El Nino we will have more dry winds and fewer potholes to be fixed, assuming we have fixed them all.
    However, we all know there has been underspending on road maintenance over many years. Add in the larger, heavier trucks that were permitted about 5 or so years ago and the trucking industry not paying their share; Bingo what have we now?
    Add in NZTA spending millions on Road to Zero with four road safety teams who have no idea what each other are doing. Giving millions to councils all over NZ for road safety projects such as islands at tiny intersections that congest traffic and cause road rage, speed bumps x 5 in 600 metres of suburban street that every second vehicle heads across the centre-line to avoid (great safety outcome that one as they just head into oncoming traffic) and lowering city/suburban speed limits just for the sake of it, more road rage.
    Roll on 2023 and wholesale replacement of Departmental Chief Idiots of NZ.

  5. Two issues – one of which I can answer – Climate Change is real. Too many Kiwis don’t appear to be capable of understanding that fact. Irrespective of who or what caused it – it is real. The unprecedented persistent rainfall has damaged roads which were unprepared for such pluvial devastation. The other, confounds me – why would Auckland elect a frail, champagne sipping, white male, heading down the slippery slope to octogenarianism who refuses to be interviewed along with other newly minted Mayors. What were you thinking? Although if he can fix Auckland’s potholes, then Simmy Brown will be a happy wee chappy!

  6. Nothing to do with NZTA spending 26 million in refitting their offices and hiring a footie team of ‘communications experts’ ( ie spin merchants)?

  7. I want to change to an EV to save the planet. Does that qualify me to complain about potholes when they fuck up the suspension of this EV? Or should I just resign to the fact that keeping roads maintained is not as important as..oh..3 Waters maybe?

  8. On a ever so slightly related topic I see how E.Vs react rather badly when salty water, say from inundation from a hurricane or storm sea swell gets in contact with the batteries and causes a very hard to put out fire inside the car itself. This becomes a problem for the emergency services at an already difficult time.

  9. There’s a co2 shortage, believe it or not , use to come from Marsden point refinery .
    Some Breweries can’t fizz there beer.
    This is serious…


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