National/ACT tax cuts are as insane as Tory UK tax cuts and will help NZF return to Parliament

NZ First's campaign slogan will be - 'The Right only care about the rich, the Left only care about gay whale land rights - vote Winston'.

National vs Winston

I argued that Liz Truss was so far right that she would destroy the UK economy with her crazy neoliberal agenda, and lo and behold, she did…

3 charts show the UK’s market meltdown

A so-called “mini-budget” by the U.K.’s new government Friday has sparked a level of market volatility not seen in the country since the Covid-19 crash or the 2008 financial crisis.

A package of tax cuts expected to total £45 billion in the coming years, combined with a massive spending increase to help households and businesses deal with higher energy bills, left investors nervous about the U.K.’s future as it takes on higher levels of debt. That was despite Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng’s target of a 2.5% growth trend and pledge to release a plan to reduce debt as a percentage of GDP in the medium term.

It comes as inflation remains at 9.9% and the country has likely already entered a recession.

Here was some of the fallout:

humiliatingly they’ve had to u-turn on the entire fiasco but are still badly damaged economically.

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Let’s be very clear, the meltdown in the UK over their insane tax cut proposal is exactly what is going to occur here if National and ACT become the Government.

Because National are so dependent on far right ACT, the romper stomper level of policy they will ram through will be the most radical economic agenda since the neoliberal blitzkrieg of Roger Douglas!

As I’ve been pointing out for sometime, the quick yellow fox will jump over the lazy blue dog, the Roy Morgan Poll has ACT at a blistering 12.5% while National has stalled at 36%.

Seymour is a far, far, far better campaigner than Luxon, he is quick on his feet, funny, and can blow dog whistles one race Luxon won’t.

The only real threat to the extreme agenda National and ACT want to embark upon will be the possibility of NZ First breaching the 5% threshold.

TVNZ has him on 3% 12 months out from the election meaning he’s good for 5% on the day.

Winston has done a deal with The Necromancer. The Necromancer is a Dirty Politics operative who can’t be named, but their foul stench surrounds a People’e Initiated Referendum  that is being planned to coincide with the election next year against Co-Governance. Winston intends to ride the race baiting against co-governance and 3 Waters all the way back over the 5% threshold.

This is currently ACT Party territory and Winston and The Necromancer intend to rob their vote, the only way ACT can fend Winston’s push to take some of their 12.5%+ support is by ruling Winston out of power altogether.

NZ First’s campaign slogan will be – ‘The Right only care about the rich, the Left only care about gay whale land rights – vote Winston’.

Winston will sell himself as a hand-break for both sides of the political spectrum.

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  1. Therein lies Labour’s problem – their push for co-governance will mean there is buckleys chance of NZ First siding with them this time around

  2. When the rubber hits the road unless Labour pulls some really big rabbits out of the bag people will not risk another 3 years of Labour and most know Winston only thinks of Winston so will not risk a vote to him and as a TOP vote could be a wasted vote will
    vote National or ACT.

  3. New Zealand First is ticking all the boxes for people with conservative political views , but without the extreme free market monetary policies of ACT..or National..or Labour….The media and various blogs and polls will carry out an orchestrated litany of deception against Winston by simply ignoring their policy and by making sure a media blackout gives them no exposure , but this will actually increase their votes as the self destruction of the left plays out and dissolution of Labour’s incompetence and Iwi elite driven policy’s become obvious by the day….

  4. Just imagine a Nat ACT Winston administration. There would be no shortage of fireworks. Winston would probably sit on the cross bench and hold them to ransom on anything he does not agree with or threaten to withdraw support on confidence and supply every time Seymour inflicts ACT’s extreme policies.

    Meanwhile the new messiah has admitted that we are a low wage economy something all Nasty Natz leaders do then inflict policies to ensure it stays that way. His idea is to assist the hard up rich with a tax cut and the continuation of socialism for the wealthy and corporate banks and capitalism for the rest.

    And he will deliver these tax cuts because unlike the UK our economy is not that bad after all.

  5. rupture truss and quasi-kharzi have learned the error of their ways kinda, still billions to borrow as the pound loses value on the international exchanges…so yea rightard fiscal rectitude in action there.
    let’s hope fester has taken on board this UK debacle and cans his plans for trickle down as they are a vote killer away from the far right swivel eyed gits brigade…

  6. Truss is a maniacal Thatcher sycophant who doesn’t have a fucking clue about what she is doing.
    What a shambolic corner the U.K has painted itself in to!!

    Seymour is a dweeb who also wouldn’t have a clue about running a country’s finances. Why would he?
    Gets a lot unwarranted of air- time purely because he’s backed by the rich. I see TV’s AM Early Show must in some way be sponsored by Act as he has a regular slot on it where he gets to ‘T’ off on the Government at will, completely unchallenged. Who get’s that privilege. No wonder he thinks he’s better that he is. That’s dangerous. A dweeby greenhorn who’s a legend in his own mind.

    Then there’s Nicola, i’ll bark at any dog, Willis, who is on the same level of experience as Trusso and Dweebo, whereby the IQ level required for speed of learning and grasping complex financial dynamics is just not there. “We’ll cut taxes” as an answer to Labour’s solid surefootedness is hopeless baby steps stuff.

    ‘The right’ are in all sorts of trouble and are about to get found out big time over the next 12 months. The only thing keeping them in the game are media sycophants 1ZB, Media works and TV1.


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