MEDIAWATCH: Newshub Nation Auckland mayoralty Debate: Wayne Brown hates journalists


The Newshub Nation Auckland Mayoralty Debate yesterday was another glaring example of the polish of Wayne’s ZB advertising vs the reality of Grandad losing his carneys in the fridge routine.

The more voters see of Wayne’s confused Grandad routine, the more they feel the difference between the advert and the reality is vastly misleading.

Wayne Brown is like going into a shop to buy an iPhone14 and coming out with a fax machine.

Wayne’s weird hatred of journalists and wanting to piss on Simon Wilson is creepy…

Auckland mayoralty: Brown’s off-camera jibe deemed ‘undignified’ by rival

Auckland mayoral candidate Wayne Brown has described a prominent journalist as “a prick” and said if elected he would stick pictures of him in urinals so people could “pee” on him.

The comment was caught in what Brown thought was an off-camera moment with a Newshub crew earlier in the week, but it was replayed in the television channel’s live mayoral debate on Saturday.

…Wayne does understand that if he is elected as Mayor, he can’t just banish journalists from press conferences.

TDB Recommends

You are running Auckland Wayne, you aren’t Putin and this isn’t Russia!

If you want free public transport, vote Efeso.

Efeso Collins will be joining Damien, myself and Minister Michael Wood on The Working Group 7.30pm Monday (tomorrow).


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    • Totally agree Andrew.
      They are increasing numbers of anti-left media toadie-journos who are either paid to denigrate the left, or are seeking to undermine the costed and patriotic policies of the right., and it should be investigated thoroughly.

      Funding should be removed from any Government agency or PPP that denigrates one party over the other, especially fiscally responsible parties like National; and ACT..

      Posters on this site who are anti-National and anti-ACT should be banned and vetoed permanently. It’s a disgrace to journalism and social media etiquette to allow biased comments in the year leading up to an election. Someone should put one of those private members bills in to stop this sort of media bias.

      ACT and National’s policy of 20% personal flat tax; 20% business tax; and 20% tax policy, is too good to be undermined by the Loonie Labour and Goofie Green borrow and spend parties.

  1. People without Class, Style and Panache` squabble over the leadership of a greedy Zombie town walking. Not even a pointy gambling Spike and an ugly bridge going to nowhere is going to help pull Auckland out of its nose dive. I’m thinking a kind of Kiwi Las Vegas. After all, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas which would be a huge relief for the rest of AO/NZ.
    I’d personally suggest turning Auckland into a decriminalised cannabis and MDMA zone with free public transport along K Road. Auckland would boom like a Boomer. A perfect match for TDB’s report here

  2. As competent a journalist as Simon is, one can sort of understand Wayne Brown’s dislike of the Corduroy Kid.
    He was a pain in the rrrrr’s as a priviledged teenager from Burma Road as he is now – right down to the rehearsed mannerisms that are now second nature.
    All part of life’s rich tapestry of Nu Zull kulcha though eh? Give it time and we could even see him as the wonder boy expert on public media. Entertaining to watch at least

  3. I have posted a number of Wayne Brown’s weird and questionable behaviours as FNDC Mayor on TDB, having lived in the Far North since the 90s, his track record is clear. Insider trading for his personal development projects, setting up Sister Cities in China and Canada to facilitate Mining with no mandate, sacking PSA members on Council staff, it goes on and on.

    My partner ran into him at the Mill Bay Mangonui Cruising Club a couple of months back. He was serving on the cash bar, and repeatedly got orders and change muddled. A great “change manager” eh Aucks?

    • LOL say hello to more votes. Watch the next poll. It’ll reflect that lefties have no humour whatsoever.

      • SK, toilet “humour” is juvenile and unbecoming of any potential civic leader. It is an example of the antithesis of quality leadership imo

      • Agree Sour, from your perspective.
        Please don’t project your Germanic lack of humour onto Kiwis.
        And I know your name says it all. S-O-U-R.
        K-R-A-U-T (abbreviation of Unkraut – W-E-E-D!)
        Which is also a right-wing Tory attitude!
        A sour and Nazi attitude towards your fellow men and women and kinder in NZ.

        How did that last war go for you Sour Kraut; and your right-wing fascists?

        • Folks
          I said that most right leaning voters don’t express their leanings in public because the reaction from the left is viscious. World Democracy proves my point beautifully. He also proves that radical lefties have no humour and more often than not need anger management. What a crock of shit. But I do like his name. Imagine putting that in his passport.

      • name a right wing comedian who’s funny might get lous ck but that’s about it….juz sayin

        • Most of the earlier comedians from the UK were right wing albeit in a satirical manner.
          Sadly most of them have been cancelled.

    • Agree MK, you can’t get any more sneakier than right-wing Mayoral candidates than Wayne Brown, looking at a journalist, who is just doing his job!.
      Thanks for your insightful contribution.

    • Agree Mikesee, now that Liz Beck has gone, it galvanizes the white, right, Act and National voters wing who will pile their votes towards Wayne Brown en masse.
      The people of Remuera and more affluent Auckland suburbs always get out and vote, so that’s a given.
      We’ve just got to hope that the unemployed, brown and bottom-feeders stay home playing play station and smoking meth, are too wasted or apathetic to worry about what political party rules Auckland.

      • So what if a brown person votes for Wayne? Does that make them non-brown, or vanilla brown?

        It’s that you Kelvin??

  4. Simon Wilson is not the new Matthew Hooten, metrosexual face of Dirty Politics, but, with a better haircut.
    Simon has more friends, and a little more personality than others, for example, than John Palino – remember him from 2011?

    Wayne Brown, closer to the centre than John Palino and Luigi Wewege. Jared Savage described Wewege in:
    “A South African of Italian heritage, Mr Wewege moved to New Zealand in 2011 and began moving in Auckland political circles, including joining the youth wing of the National Party.

    He is described as affable, charming and a smooth networker who was always “keen for a photo opportunity with anyone important”, according to several National Party sources.

    Mr Wewege had also been involved in the campaign for Simon O’Connor, the National MP for Tamaki.”

    Others described him as an acolyte of Simon Lusk, a campaign strategist for right-wing political candidates, saying he had attended several of Mr Lusk’s summer camp training sessions.

    Wayne Brown, is more of a 70-something grumpy grandad, with crusty credentials, who walks into the living room and sprays the cat with diesel, for sitting in his Laz-i-boy. Another Barry Crump, who has never been in the bush, and the only Nat that hasn’t been caught ringing up a Talkback radio station pretending to be ‘Wiremu from Waitemata’ complaining about the racism of ‘Te whai wāhitanga me ngā tūru Māori’

    Brown makes John Palino sound more palatable than Richard Nixon after the Watergate ‘scandal’.

    And who says racism is ‘a woke left-wing media construct!’ in New Zealand?

    Not me!

  5. You are entitled to dislike who you choose; but Simon Wilson is the only redemption the Auckland Herald continues to publish. He is an evolved voice in this sea of violence. Tamaki Makaurau is redeemable with EFESO soon to be our MAYOR. The idea of the FORTH estate is to share truth. Long may it continue via the intelligent media!

    • True. He’s the Herald’s saving grace, even though for a while there he had a bit of a ‘don’t you know who I am’ attitude.
      And Chardonnay socialists are OK too as long as they keep the feral right at bay and at least TRY to maintain a little humility

  6. One running not understanding, just running, words of not care just running words, other knowing bugger them im like, bugger them, winner, greed exploit, of this weird tele speak Mayor, of highland knowing.The money class his,weird talk,and tv persona,basic corp shall win the day,how,offeso,talks like a text book, of not knowing socialist abuse of capitalisms abuse, and prattles on, like a non understanding.

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