BREAKING: TVNZ Poll – National + ACT can form Government




ACT – 9



NZF – 3

13% – Don’t know

Big Poll tonight.

TDB Recommends

Firstly though, how great is it that John Campbell is hosting the News?

He’s so good, I actually watch TVOne News now.

So good.

To the Poll, exactly what TDB predicted would happen has happened, we are seeing fracturing of the political spectrum post Covid, look at the smaller parties…

…that’s 7% to  fringe parties PLUS the 13% don’t knows – that’s a 20% electorate angry enough to become politically engaged in a. country where civic apathy is the default setting.

Jacinda is more popular than Luxon because Luxon has all the personality of a gumboot.

National have stalled, Labour grind up 1, the Left and Right of ACT and Greens are static, Māori Party is under polled here and NZ First is in hunting territory for the election.

TDB is predicting a fractured MMP spectrum and a full Parliament where overhangs and odd quirks erupt mirroring the spastic pain and anger of the post Covid electorate.

We are going through a shared Post Traumatic Stress Disorder where polarisation and rationality rule.

This will be an election of cults and wounds.

People will vote with their feelings in 2023, not their thinkings.

The level of rhetoric is going to become an insanity.

These are going to be challenging times for New Zealand.


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  1. Sounds good to me. National and ACT plus a few others.
    Now we’ll get some progress on reducing personal taxes for everybody.

    Time to see GST go up to 20%, personal tax go to down to 20% flat tax with no threshold or tax bands.
    Business tax at 20% to stimulate the economy.

    ACT and National, will get this country going for business in NZ

      • ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but for what you can do for your country.’ And that’s to vote National and ACT.
        We have a plan to make NZ a world-class free-market economy.

      • They need school cuts because the gLabour Government is paying billions to schools and kids still can’t read, write or do arithmetic.
        An education voucher system will fix the problems, because it will reward higher performing schools.

    • What a nob. Sounds like you are one of the self entitled rich pricks. So the poor bugger on $22 per hour gets $17.60 in his hand plus pays another 20% on his living expenses so he actually has $14.08 to live on. In the meantime every one else gets a pay rise. And the government has to cut services to the bone.
      More dead people because of shit hospitals, roads and so on.
      Don’t forget your caviar next time you go to Farris. Bet you don’t go to PaknSav.

    • This is positive news! It’s will take a generation to undo the damage Labour / Green government have done

      The National need reduce tax personal and company tax, including slashing benefits by 30%
      Bring back to death penalty
      Make it illegal to display gang patches in public. Any property in possession at the time while wearing the patch, will be confiscated,
      motorbikes or cars etc
      Make abortions illegal

    • Upping GST to 20% would be cruel. The last thing ordinary Kiwis need is another increase in the cost of living.

      • No, if you have 20% flat personal income tax, then a 20% GST becomes a tax on those who spend more. There will have to be consideration of removing, or reducing GST on food, so we hope that David and Chris consider this when setting GST rates and flat tax.

        20% rate for business tax is excellent for those of us in business, so bring it on ACT and National. It would be better if business rate was 15%, but whether 15%, or 20% it is time to spend money on the productive sector to make New Zealand right again.

        • The people at the bottom always spend more.

          You crap u spout about gst was spouted by John key.

          As for the flat tax the top 10% will love it . More for their overseas tax haven accounts as they milk the trust accounts laws to spend even less on tax.

          The top 10% pay even less tax than the bottom 50% do now .

          So yours and tops flat tax is bullshit .

          • Your opinions are irrelevant and lyes Geoffrey Lye – it’s in your name buddy.

            20% – 20% – 20% is a thoroughly costed and valid set of economic policies for economic growth.

            Let’s run your left-wing borrow and spend policies up the flagpole and see how they stack up buddy?

            Good luck!

          • But, the top 10% will pay more through 20% GST if the whole tax policy is implemented, which it will when ACT and National are voted in 2023.

            Thanks for pointing out this perceived anomaly Geoffrey. Good to get it ironed out now so that the plebs don’t try and scuttle the grand plan for economic recovery.

    • That would be great, but the IRD says GST becomes ‘leaky’ at higher percentages because of the incentive for fraud – we see lots of revenue lost in ‘cashies’.

      • I have ALWAYS paid cash to tradespeople as a matter of principle. I have always received a good deal/discount and have been high on their list of preferred customers.
        Cash is king.
        When employed in hospitality I lived on my cash tips and saved my wages.
        Cash speaks loudest in any deal project. Fuck the IRD.

        • The “discount” you received included any GST the tradie has to pay. He includes it in your “discount” by adding 15% extra on the quote to make it appear you are getting a “discount” but the truth is you dont..

          IRD are smart. they figure out quite easily what the medium income is for a trade group. The tradie declared earnings will be inside that band otherwise the IRD will come a knocking.

          Another reason your tradie “discount” includes GST is that any purchases the tradie makes to carry out your job will include GST and to claim those back requires a GST rate on your job.

          For any business to claim back the GST on purchases requires an intake of GST from services perfomed.

          Claim to much GST back on purchases from vendors without a healthy GST declared contribution from customers, raises red flags at the IRD.

          It is not worth offering GST free “discounts” on a large scale. Sure a few you might get away with but on a continual bases a tradie will be exposed to the IRD.

        • Please provide the names of these tradies Shona.
          This is defrauding the country and detrimental to the honest businesses in NZ.

          • So, Shona you seem to have gone blogger-turtle?
            We are visualizing fingers in your ears going “Wah-wah-wah!”?

            Judge Judy says when you come into the court of public opinion, you have to have “clean hands”.

            You cannot denigrate ACT and National’s perfectly thought-out tax policies for economic growth, while circumventing the economy by “cashies” – as quaint and “Kiwi” as “cashies” sounds!.

            Business wealth with 20% business tax; personal wealth for workers with flat-tax 20%; and 20% indirect tax to improve personal wealth is sound, costed and economically and socially responsible policy.

            You undermine the moral high-ground by circumventing National and ACT superior economic policies.

            Bye Shona, thatnks for your contribution!

      • You are right Andrew, as you very often are.
        But, there are ways that the policy-makers of the right can appease and/or assuage the fears of the bleating lefties by measures to close up this loophole.
        A minor sticking point in a thoroughly costed and fit-for-purpose tax policy.

    • “ACT and National, will get this country going for business in NZ”

      Exactly, ACT and Nats represent the interests of the 1%. Driving true NZers further into debt and poverty since the 80s.

      • So, you reckon Labour is invested in helping the poor, despite the results they achieve? LOL

        Labour represents university educated apparatchiks but relies on the votes of suckers like you to keep them in office.

        • Says a person who supports the right bloc who will take the country further backwards and represent corporates.

          • Agree with you 120% Andrew. Borrowing to stimulate the economy like Labour and the Greens have is counterproductive, as the falling value of the NZ dollar shows.

            Labour has got it wrong as usual, as they did in 1984 to 1988 when they failed to make the hard decisions towards a truly free-market economy.

            Now, in 2023 with a brave National and ACT alliance, we have the chance to have a world-leading economy which will be the envy of modern 21st century counties.

            20% business tax; personal wealth for workers with flat-tax 20%; and 20% indirect tax to improve personal wealth is the blueprint to move New Zealand forward into the second half of the 21st century.

            We just have to have the politicians with backbone to cut through the local, myopic, self-interest and nambly-pamby-leftie-liberal thinking and think of the people of New Zealand.

            We need an ACT and National coalition that works to get a free-market economy installed.

  2. Here’s a thought. For each month of the next 12 months Jacinda says she’ll do something meaningful and necessary…and she does it! Not the usual, not a a bit, not mostly, but actually keeps her promises.

    Labour erase the bad credibility image and arrest the rot and win in 2023.

    Or … they keep doing more of this and kiss goodbye the Labour Party. Permanently!

  3. This is the perfect time for Labour to announce to everyone in New Zealand that they are ready to apologise for inflicting Rogernomics , free market policies on us all and from tomorrow they will start to systematically unwind the damaging evil legislation they inflicted on us all. Sleeves rolled up and and hands on common sense policy applied to banking , electricity supply , health , law and order and jobs that pay enough where a household can live on one pay packet…remember that….But no…..Labour have more important things to do so it seems …..

    • Totally disagree Robs Nob.
      ACT and National have been symbiotic right-wing parasites for 34 years and have perpetuated ACT’s neoliberal agenda.
      ACT couldn’t get into parliament while Rob Muldoon was PM, so they infiltrated Labour..

      No argument that ACT infiltrated Labour 1984 to 1988….. then

      ACT and National has gone and will go hand in hand with ACT from 1988 to 2022 and will be coalition partners beyond. There were even discussions about David Seymour leading the National Party and beyond! David Seymour put out his 100 – day Coalition Plan for National and ACT:

      ACT and NATIONAL after 1988

      From 1988 on, there is a deliberate and planned symbiotic, parasitic relationship between National and ACT. Neoliberalism goes hand in hand with National and ACT. Their policies are so alike.

      The name ACT comes from the initials of the Association of Consumers and Taxpayers, founded in 1993 by Sir Roger Douglas and Derek Quigley….
      Don Brash National and ACT
      1988 2002 Reserve Bank Governor
      2002–2005 47th List 5 National
      2005–2007 48th List 1 National
      April 2011, still a National Party member ACT Party Leader

      Roger Douglas National and ACT
      2008–2011 49th List MP for ACT

      John Banks National and ACT
      1990–1993 43rd Whangarei National
      1993–1996 44th Whangarei National
      1996–1999 45th Whangarei National
      2011–2014 50th Epsom ACT

      Richard Prebble National and ACT
      Leader ACT from 1996 to 2004….
      1996–1999 ACT
      1999–2002 ACT
      2002–2005 ACT

      How many alliances between ACT and Labour between 1988 and 2022 NONE – ZERO – ZILCH
      How many coalitions will ACT and National and ACT have in 2023 ONE (Again!!)

      Rob’s Nob better get all your right-wing chums at DPHQ (Dirty Politics Head Quarters) to delete all the links between National and ACT, that were clearly shown through a cursory glance of Wikipedia.

    • …and an even more perfect time for ACT and National to announce to everyone in New Zealand that they are ready to apologise for continuing and perpetuating Rogernomics , free market policies on us all and from tomorrow they will start to systematically unwind the damaging evil legislation they inflicted on us all. Sleeves rolled up and and hands on common sense policy applied to banking , electricity supply , health , law and order and jobs that pay enough where a household can live on one pay packet…remember that….But no…..ACT and National have more important things to do so it seems ….. like perpetuating a 34 year neoliberal alliance and getting set for another coalition of neoliberals in 2023….

    • Still waiting for Nacts apology for New Zealand’s destruction from 2008 through 2017 Robs Nob.

      • !988 to 2022 Squeaky…get it right, please!

        I know it must be irritating for the NACT right-wingers to have their neoliberal symbiosis exposed to the voting public.
        National ACT eh, who would have thunk it?

        All this time these neoliberals have been promulgating the “Big lie” that neoliberalism is a Labour Party construct. It’s not.

        It isn’t, as you all here can clearly see.

        Even Wikipedia tells the truth about your beloved ACT and National Squeaky parasites !

        Time to undermine Wikipedia as Fake News righties!

  4. NZF might end up being the king maker and it will cause the right to go spastic. They can’t work with him, they have to attack Winston and the NZF party because they have a spastic irrational hatred for him.
    And why would NZF work with National when they treat Winston with such disrespect.

    • Cause Labour treated Winston with such ‘respect’.
      Seriously, why would NZF ever go to bed with this current lot that runs labour?

      • Bill English tried to destroy Winston, that is why he went with Labour along with Winston denouncing neoliberalism.
        That is why Winston will bed Labour, he has nothing in common with National any longer.

        • well then maybe he should not get in bed with either party then, they both seem to think that third parties are just there to save their days.

        • Labour trespassed him from Parliament Grounds for breaking ranks and talking to the Freedumb Occupation Tinfoil-hatters. Winston’ll hardly forgive and forget that little Mallard.

          And for the record, I think he’ll go back to his roots in a National/ACT/Tamaki Coalition
          David Seymour as Finance Minister and
          Winston Peters as Foreign Minister and
          Brian Tamaki in charge of writing New Zealand’s Constitution/Bill of Rights and
          Maureen Pugh as Minister of Maori Affairs.

          • National didn’t last time he was king maker, Labour did though!
            So National and Labour have history, National = NO…..Labour = HELL YES!

            • National didn’t get to choose genius, it was Winston!
              National weren’t chosen, go back and read the manuscript!!!

              • And what did Winston demand of National?
                YOU don’t know genius, mearly assuming doesn’t mean you know anything.
                Labour gave his party 3 fucking billion dollar slush fund that, after 3yrs practically nothing to show for it…cpl doz jobs or so up in Northland.
                You honestly think National would ever agree to hand over 3billion as a ‘blackmail’ bargaining chip?
                We certainly know Labour would!!

                • Your post is nonsense as your first sentence is an admission National didnt get chosen by Winston, The rest of your post is right wing diatribe and hatred of the left.
                  Go back and see Winstons speech, he denounced National, not the other way around…genius!

                  • @ National are Squeaky Clean -Im right is such a blow-hard believer of his own pseudonym that he thinks he can make any statement and everyone will drop and face Mecca and just agree without question.

                    Just another born-to-rule Tory slater, that slithers out from under his rock when he’s not writing to BFD ( I’ll leave the meaning of the acronym open to personal interpretation)

                    I love the irony of your pseudonym though Squeaky. It’s hard to convince a thick prick like Im right, that he’s wrong.

                    Truth and apostrophes of omission/contraction are at least two concepts he fails to grasp every time he posts.

    • National and ACT don’t need Winston Mikesee and Labour won’t touch him with a disinfected bargepole.

      Luxon said he might work with Tamaki, “Luxon last Tuesday refused to rule out working with Freedoms NZ after Destiny Church leader Tamaki led a protest of about 2000 people to Parliament and announced the party.”,

      then later backtracked and said he ‘ruled out working with Tamaki’

      “If you want me to rule it out I’m happy to do that, but what the issue is I’m not interested in playing a parlour game of rule-in, rule-out – a beltway game about what we think of other coalition arrangements at this point in time.”

      It’s clear Luxon doesn’t think he needs Winston Key must have advised Luxon of that fact:

      Winston revealed in 2011 what John Key said in the teapot tapes:
      “Mr Key referred to NZ First’s elderly constituents as “dying”, Mr Peters said.
      “[Constituents[ are dying is the description Mr Key uses of hundreds of thousands of people who happen to be older.”

      We on the right don’t need Winston Peters FULL STOP.

      Tamaki has a growing base of potential voters on the right of the spectrum.

      Bye bye Winston, National and ACT don’t need your dinosaur and Muldoonist thinking any more, and Rob’s Mob will no doubt agree!

  5. Whoop! Whoop!

    Sticking with it been hung!

    And then they form a Grande Coalition because that’s what they’re like. Neoliberal(s). Through and through and power drunk.
    There is no difference between LINO and the Nats.

    • Have a look up at Will Pedia’s posts above regarding the 34 year “cup of tea” ACT and National’s unholy alliances Tane/Male/Man, not Female/Woman/Thinker.
      And it’s a bit low that you and Mohammed Khan hide behind ethnic pseudonyms to feign that you right-wing a-holes are speaking on behalf of ethnically diverse New Zealanders?

      Is there no level that you Dirty Politics Fockers (ethnically inappropriate Germanic pun (sic.)) won’t stoop?

  6. National has nothing to offer. Labour is failing on a protest vote of punishment.

    National was punished last time, now it’s Te Governments turn.

    • Vote Freedom Party, or don’t vote at all.
      The Freedom movement would love to have New Zealand run by clear-thinking citizens, rather then the stayed old parties of the right and left.
      Let the freedom movement govern New Zealand, by the people, for the people!

  7. I think an ACT / National government lead by Luxon’s the answer alright. Two good buggers doing the true and correct thing is what we need right now. David Seymour’s an intelligent, complex man so teaming him up with Luxon would be a tactically brilliant move and I’m sure it’d be endorsed by their political associates. I wish them well.
    Ba Ha ! Had you going then didn’t I ! I had to rush off and wash my brain, such was the nightmarish visions sticking to it. People will vote for luxon because there are people out there who love short bald dicks and that smirking idiot seymour because daddy used to lock them in the linen cupboard every time aunty came around while mummy was out, so slithering while peering is something they’d be politically comfortable with.
    When I think of a luxon / seymour co- production I’m reminded of that bout of diarrhoea I succumbed to during the movies once when I was a wee kid. There was a terrible gripe then I was suddenly too scared to move then too scared not to, then shitting myself after realising I left it too late while running for it.
    Money grasping psycho-lizard-people are no longer in vogue and our broke back, burning planet is surely evidence of that. If Adern ate a live baby without salt or vinegar then shot a disabled pup in the face with a 12 gauge then sold David Attenborough to the Texans for medical experiments then hung a honey soaked adopted baby sloth over a hornets nest for a laugh then drove her car over a sack of toothless kittens I’d still vote for Labour/Greens because anything, anything at all is better than a coagulation of luxon and seymour arse hairs stuck in the sludge ring around the political bathtub.

  8. How many foreigners has Dumbour and Dumbour given voting rights to now? The Daily Blog commentariat will be gleeful.

    • I see you have moved from ‘civil war’ posts Castro to now being against all foreigners and denying them the vote, unless they are born NZers or naturalised ones.
      The dinner table must be riveting conversation with you there!

  9. You almost have to admire how good a job the regime media do of convincing people to switch between the left and right wings of the uniparty and think they’re getting something different, especially with a right-uniparty brand as toxic as Luxon.

  10. Martyn, this is only a poll.

    A few percent on fringe parties aren’t that significant midterm and it’s likely that voter intentions will consolidate as we get nearer to the election. You read too much into the numbers.

    Secondly, Ardern’s popularity remains high because she gets a lot of free coverage in the media, especially when doing overseas tours. Coming into the election when coverage is evened out by the debates, this will change. Famously Helen Clark had only a 9% personal rating prior to winner the election in 1999.

    Lastly, the trend is more important than the actual numbers. Look at the trend over the last year: Labour steadily losing ground and National gaining.

    • Don’t you realise that Ardern is going nowhere near the public next year. The BS Robertson was shooting his mouth of about MPs being threatened is laying the groundwork for Ardern to run her campaign from Willington next year.

      We can’t have her being asked questions by the unapproved public can we?

      They’ll be increase in the PIJF next year and the media will set up camp in Wellington and they’ll be daily Jacinda puff pieces. Holy cow she had to be shamed into visiting for 3 hours her own constitution last year.

      The Wellington Twitterari love her so she’ll always get a adoring rent a mob there

  11. Not surprising as Labeen seem more interested in wooing big business interests than following their own advisors and seem to think that the middle class will keep voting for a political party that seems to undermine them – it is just the poor and the rich for Labour – the opposite of what Labour used to be, for the working people. aka middle class.

    Do I think National and ACT will be better, nope but I guess people want to redirect Labeen back to supporting people not business all the time.

  12. The surprising result here is that Luxon 41% and Ardern 46% are so close in a 1v1 situation. It shows Luxon has repaired National’s brand and emphasises the swing to National.
    Labour need to sell their achievements way better than they have, particularly re housing. Do people expect their policy changes to work overnight?-well they won’t but they will have an effect in the next few years. Also they need to front foot co-governance. If they get caught on the crease they will be out.

  13. Sounds good to me. National and ACT plus a few others.
    Now we’ll get some progress on reducing personal taxes for everybody.
    – Yeah – don’t bet on that. Polls have been notoriously inaccurate since Trump and his “brand” of politics was released to the world. Another equally possible scenario is that Labour win by a landslide and again can govern alone – something National will never be able to do.
    Time to see GST go up to 20%, personal tax go to down to 20% flat tax with no threshold or tax bands.
    Business tax at 20% to stimulate the economy.
    Another possibility might be GST reduced to 10% (eliminated for fresh and unprocessed foods), personal tax to increase for those ‘earning’ over $150K p/a to 40%, $70-150K p/a 30%, $30-$70K p/a 20% and under $30K p/a 15%.
    Business tax at 25% to stimulate the economy – not that this is currently vital.
    Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) introduced to reduce inequities in the taxation system. Having your investment tied up in capital should NOT allow one to avoid paying their fair share. The exact details of these taxes would need to be debated.

    ACT and National, will get this country going for business in NZ
    – Yeah Nah.

  14. This poll is a worry! What if Labour lose??? We’d be without the best govt since Muldoon. Everything would grind to a halt. Who would make all those speeches at the UN????

  15. The preferred prime minister rating really seals the deal. Luxon being 6% away from an incumbent prime minister is crazy.

    Labour have all the tools they need to actually get stuck in and change the narrative and do some good change but instead they’ve spent the last year twiddling their thumbs with no coherent vision.

    I mean how can this labour party campaign for a third term? They ran out of steam after last year’s budget and have ruled out anything meaningful. They’ve spent two years unable to communicate their own policies.

    How can labour ever campaign in future to be a party of change when people will say you had a sole majority and did nothing.

    The pm hasn’t been able to communicate a policy in her entire career and she stopped being able to communicate with the public and media a year ago.

    They’ve been losing in the polls since March and have done absolutely nothing to fight back all year because they don’t know how and are too arrogant to try.

    Writing is on the wall the best we can hope for is NZf, Maori party or top are needed by the right and that one of those parties keeps act out of cabinet and stops the right from going full Ruth Richardson

  16. You can forget about getting any form of payrise if National gets back in. It will be like 1990-99. Everyone was basically stuck on the same wage all through that decade – worker pay was as flat as a pancake.

    • Course there’s going to be payrises. Unemployment is at 3.5%

      ACT and National need to open up the borders to immigrant workers who are prepared to do the work, insread of those unembloyable bottom-feeders on the dole who sit and watch TV and play Playstation all day, while getting a taxpayer-funded benefit.

      National and ACT’s ideas to make tax simple is a winner – 20% everything – 20% business tax to stimulate business and the economy. 20% flat tax rate for everyone to put more money in your pocket, or for you to save, or Kiwisave or invest. 20% GST with a reduction, or removal for food.

      Winner winner chicken dinner for National and ACT and the New Zealand and immigrant seasonal workers towards the end of 2023.

      • average unemployment is 3.5 %, locally here in Rotorua its 11%.
        And people who don’t get hired because there are no businesses left to hire don’t get pay rises at best they get the dole.

        • Bratwurst, your figures don’t seem to correlate:

          More like 3.9%

          Some Rotoruans and elsewhere don’t get hired because they would rather play Playstation or take drugs that work. Or they can’t be hired because they refuse the drug test component of jobseeking It’s 3.9% unemployed, with about 3.5% of those people unemployable.

          I’m sure National, ACT and the ‘necessary evils of Mr Tamaki and his minor coalition’ can be tolerated. But, the coalition talks between the majority parties and the minor parties will help set a direction for the Rotorua unemployed, whether it be 3.1%, 3.5% or 3.9%.

          Life’s not a Dire Straits song MTV “money for nothing and your chicks for free!” The incentive to get off the dole, is to freeze the dole and have no rises in the dole for inflation rate. Mr Luxon described them as ‘bottom-feeders’ but that was a bit of a faux pas. The incoming coalition of the right will sort this all out in the first 100 days.

      • Winner winner chicken dinner for National and ACT and the New Zealand and immigrant seasonal workers towards the end of 2023.

        But another 9 years without increases for health workers, teachers, supermarket workers and cleaners. So that’s all they will be able to afford under Nact,…chicken dinners!

    • Have you had a look at Germany and its Social Democrat and Green Party + Liberal Coalition? If i were not sure that they were not ‘tories’ i would think they are ‘tories’.

  17. Lbour doesn’t know how to lead its nose out of n especially cheesy cellar. all of their projects but nowt bout the min things, since the focus groups oppose. When there is no long-term you must talk. They can’t since they’ve grown into their sets of power .

    • The Daily Blog is just getting started, 2023 General Election coverage will be–foot to the floor, intravenous meth mandate for writers, quad turbo boost with nitrous mega tanks, 12 wheel last chance power drive–it will make Mad Max Fury Road look like pensioner day at the Countdown carpark.

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