The Daily Blog Open Mic – 26th September 2022

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. This from Paul S on Quora – How would NZs rate on the list of features that he likes about the Spanish. I think not too well – not whole-heartedly positive, we’re a bit dour and inclined to be picky, too critical.

    (keywords – Do different nationalities laugh differently?)
    What do you see in Spanish people that others don’t?

    Can’t say what i see but others don’t,,can only say what i see;

    1/ family bonds,,always with their children

    2/ The way the ladies dress,,not dress up’ but their everyday style

    3/ i find Spaniards Confident but not cocky

    4/ They tell you what they think

    5/ Friendly outgoing teenagers

    6/ Old gents( like me) meet up with friends in the mornings and just chat,,

    7/ Make you feel welcome,,especially if you try some Spanish words

    8/ Like to celebrate,, any excuse lol

    9/ seem to like the simple life

    10/ Don’t get mouthy,, unless you upset them about football………lol

  2. New NZ anthem?
    I ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it…
    That’s what gets results.

    Catchy song. Are the words true? Should we do nothing unless it’s guaranteed to meet the goal 100%? They also sing about place and time. So prioritising from a list of activities, with a timeline and where best to start, in a timely fashion. Would that be the message if we sit and think about the catchy little number!

  3. Another link to a talk and book about what makes us tick, and what winds us up to keep ticking… like a clock that tells the right time!

    This is an interesting link; might be the one that opens doors in our mind that have rusted over, got jammed shut. And help us to like people, or feel understanding about, those ‘oddbods’ who have made our lips curl and sneer in the past. Next step is how to bring them down from their heights of mental confabulations eh and us up a little so as to find common working ground!
    In social situations, curiosity is a trusty friend, Robson says – asking another person questions about their lives will not only make them more interesting to you, but you’ll also become more appealing to them as people like sharing parts of themselves.

    And it’s also a trait that can help you keep an open mind.
    Todd Kashdan discovered people who are more curious are more likely to engage with other opinions and question their own assumptions.

    “We don’t really like to challenge our world views because it can be quite threatening to our identity … but for people who are more curious… their desire to know more actually makes them more intrigued when something questions their assumptions. So they’re more likely to engage with that … and update their point of view to a more objective point of view.”

  4. Another millennial thunk’d up idea for a new legal system.

    Its based on the rule of Kangaroo’s msm media news influencing lore.

    If you ‘feel’ there is a better way to humiliate, demean, castrate people you dont like, you can.

    What a fuck’d up generation these wankers are!

    They should all be sent off to the eastern front in the Ukraine to preach that shit!

  5. The frightening feeling that you are all alone although surrounded by others. This woman was being passed around like an unwelcome parcel on a one way system. If she turned round to go back, she probably found the entity closed. This is at Christchurch where their hospital and public systems seem like a petri dish for deteriorating conditions in NZ.

    “After my second infusion, I was suddenly told the dermatologist was no longer working there anymore, and they decided to close the department.
    “I thought to myself I’m going to die?”

    The receptionist on the phone said the public doesn’t know what’s going on, we don’t even know what’s happening, and we’re sitting here with nothing to do. We have no consultants.”

    Karen said she became depressed at the thought of an uncertain future with a huge infection on her face.
    “I thought to myself I’m going to die? I’ve got no one to help me. I was so angry about the fact that they thought it’s perfectly acceptable to close one department.”

    Karen sent a letter to Health Minister Andrew Little, but never heard back.
    Chris Lynch Media approached the minister’s office for comment but was referred to Te Whatu Ora Waitaha.
    Out of desperation, Karen turned up, unannounced at Ken MacDonald Surgery on Bealey Avenue, and pleaded with staff to be seen. Dr. MacDonald managed to see Karen straight away.
    Dr MacDonald told Chris Lynch “this patient had neglected and advanced pemphigus, a complex dermatological condition which has a 99% mortality rate if it is not treated in a timely and effective way.
    Pemphigus causes a terrible death with the loss of skin (like a full body burn) and detachment of the membranes covering the eyes and mouth.”

    Karen said she was extremely lucky. “I take my hands off to those people because they turned my life around. They went above and beyond and were absolutely fantastic.”

    Dr MacDonald said “there is no dermatology service now in Christchurch and no pathway for referrals to other parts of the country.

  6. The frightening feeling that you are all alone although surrounded by others. This woman was being passed around like an unwelcome parcel on a one way system. If she turned round to go back, she probably found the entity closed. This is at Christchurch where their hospital and public systems seem like a petri dish for deteriorating conditions in NZ.

    “After my second infusion, I was suddenly told the dermatologist was no longer working there anymore, and they decided to close the department.
    “I thought to myself I’m going to die?”

    The receptionist on the phone said the public doesn’t know what’s going on, we don’t even know what’s happening, and we’re sitting here with nothing to do. We have no consultants.”

    Karen said she became depressed at the thought of an uncertain future with a huge infection on her face.
    “I thought to myself I’m going to die? I’ve got no one to help me. I was so angry about the fact that they thought it’s perfectly acceptable to close one department.”

    Karen sent a letter to Health Minister Andrew Little, but never heard back.
    Chris Lynch Media approached the minister’s office for comment but was referred to Te Whatu Ora Waitaha.
    Out of desperation, Karen turned up, unannounced at Ken MacDonald Surgery on Bealey Avenue, and pleaded with staff to be seen. Dr. MacDonald managed to see Karen straight away.
    Dr MacDonald told Chris Lynch “this patient had neglected and advanced pemphigus, a complex dermatological condition which has a 99% mortality rate if it is not treated in a timely and effective way.
    Pemphigus causes a terrible death with the loss of skin (like a full body burn) and detachment of the membranes covering the eyes and mouth.”

    Karen said she was extremely lucky. “I take my hands off to those people because they turned my life around. They went above and beyond and were absolutely fantastic.”

    Dr MacDonald said “there is no dermatology service now in Christchurch and no pathway for referrals to other parts of the country.

  7. Dammn I didn’t know that I’d pressed the buttoin twice. Sorry. It is one of the problems of delayed posting.

    I thought that those of the Greens still committed to loving the environment and life forms on it, and others the same, will find this more than poignant. Asia, Amazon – working our way through the alphabet. Better not change our name to Aotearoa, we have a few decades to do something effective!
    …“We’ve seen an enormous loss of species across the Asia Pacific region, and rainforests and certainly healthy batches of forests are getting scarcer and that was one of the driving forces for even starting to listen to forests in this way – was to understand more about how we were damaging them.”…
    The dawn and dusk choruses just aren’t what they used to be, Game tells Lynn Freeman.

    “Many people do have this perception that, oh, you know, we’ve made the world a noisy place full of anthropogenic noises and it’s true to an extent,” he says.
    “But the overwhelming signature that we see in our recordings that we’re making in forests all over the Asia Pacific is that it’s getting quieter, especially those dawn and dusk choruses.

    “We just see that peak of that noise in the morning just gets a little quieter and a little less complex [as forests degrade]. The great silencing of the dawn – it’s probably the saddest thing that we see in this data overall, just how consistent that signature is.”

  8. Internationally nobody truss’s Mini Maggie aka liz truss. “The pound plunged 5% or $1.0327, Reuters data shows, a record low since at least decimalisation in 1971.”

    So the moral of this story is. Let the UK go it alone and NZ needs to cut ties with these bunch of losers.

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