Did alienating woke activism kill NZs Climate Crisis movement?



What the hell just happened?

In 2019, the climate strikes brought 170,000 people to the streets.

What did they bring yesterday?

Thousands of students take part in school strike for climate: ‘We want a future on the planet’


Photos: Hundreds turn out for climate strikes across NZ

…hundreds AND thousands.

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Not hundreds of thousands.

What the hell happened?

As the planet continues to melt in a heatwave that is crippling economies and triggering unprecedented catastrophic weather events, our climate crisis movement has gone backwards partly because of the trauma of Covid, but also partly because of the vicious idealogical knife fights that are now being waged privately inside the leadership movements of these protests where woke activists are cancelling protest movements for crimes against middle class dogma.

Last year, the School Strike 4 Climate Auckland Organization jaw droopingly cancelled themselves!

Ummmm I’m not sure how to tell you this but the Woke just cancelled themselves?? School Strike 4 Climate Auckland Organization disbands because it’s too racist???

I honestly thought this was a parody but apparently it’s true. School Strike 4 Climate Auckland has disbanded because – wait for this – they are a racist organization???

The identity politics cult would eat their own young if they weren’t all vegan.

To disband a youth climate change organization because PoC suffer most from climate change ignores the fact that the planet will burn regardless of your fucking skin colour!!!

To whip themselves into such submission for an intersectionist cacophony of grievances competing for social hierarchy based upon woke dogma that all white people are intrinsically racist as a response to a burning planet is so intellectually bankrupt it’s terrifying.

Pure temple doctrine divides & alienates. Broadchurch universals build solidarity. This is self defeating identity politics madness.

Read it yourself, it’s just so unbelievable…

This level of extraordinary idealogical purity currently gutting protest movements as the Professional Management Class interests merge with middle class identitarians have muted and culled off real popular support for almost all protest.

There is of course a fundamental problem with relying on young people to solve the climate crisis on their own!

If we can’t as adults find ways to change things, how on earth can kids?

Additionally, if we as adults can’t force back woke identitarians from ruining the public debate, how on earth can the kids resist them?

We went from 170 000 on the streets to hundreds and thousands.

It’s reminiscent of the woke coup inside the Pride parade where that went from 30 000 participants to a couple of thousand, and the woke called that a success!

The Right look for recruits, the Left look for traitors and right now for middle class identitarians, everyone less mentally ill than them are privileged and everyone more mentally ill than them is toxic.

I’m not sure that dynamic wins many voters over.

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  1. There wasn’t 170,000 on the streets. That’s made up guesstimate number by a woke activist looking at a picture of no more than a 1000 or two walking down Queen St.

    They need more than cancelling! They need to be sent to some re-education camps!

    • War is primarily a game of skill, it is a contest of minds, matched against minds, and tactics matched against tactics.

      But there is also elements of “chance” in war more suited to games of cards or dice.

      A wise tactician study’s those games as well.

      And learns from them.

      The first lesson of card games is that the cards can not be played in random order. Only when laid down properly, can victory be achieved.

      In this case there was but three cards.

      1. The first was played by the leadership resulting in the failure to gather sufficient resources. Resources have to be gathered first before a protest leadership can be appointed. There are reasons for this I’m happy to go into it but I’ll come back to this.
      2. The secound card was played while protest movements had already begun, the result was a promise of safe passage and non violence.
      3. Was a name. “Gretta Thungburg.”

      To some extent the direction of one’s choosen path automatically selects for the paths that may cross it.

      A warriors path will intersect the path of other warriors, allies, politicians and enemies alike.

      A workers path will intersect the path of other workers.

      And a peaceful protest will intersect the path of other peaceful protestors.

      But as with games of cards or dice sometimes unexpected crossings occur. Some are driven by chance, others by design and others by a change in one’s gaols. Some are driven by malice. Such manipulations can prove effective in the short term but the longer term consequences can be hopelessly difficult to predict.

      The path of JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring, “The Ring of Power,” is one such example. A deep and perspective study of the path of The Ring of Power can serve as a valuable lesson.

      And! as an even more valuable warning.

      The moral of the story being that all opponents are not necessarily enemies. But both enemies and opponents share certain characteristics in common.

      Both enemy and opponent perceive each other as obstacles or threats. Sometimes the threat is personal. Other times it is a perceived violation of standards or accepted norms of society and again I’m describing in my words the path of “The Ring of Power.”

      In the mildest form the attacks of Frodo and Golem on each other was verbal. The warrior (Samwise) had to choose which of those words to stand against, and which to ignore. Often the decisions of a warrior is taken from his own hands by others. In those cases lack of discipline may dissuade an opponent from attack. More often though, the opponent (Golem) may find ways to intensify the attack. It is when the attacks become physical when the warrior must make the most dangerous choices.

      A leader is responsible for those under his authority. That is the first rule of command. He is responsible for there safety, provisions, their knowledge and ultimately there lives.

      Those who are in command are then responsible for their own behaviour and their dedication to “duty.” Any violation of a leaders trust must be disciplined for the sack of the others. But such discipline is not always easy or straight forward. There are many factors, some way beyond Gretta Thungburgs control. Sometimes those complications are in lieu of relationships and other times they are the circumstances themselves that are difficult.

      There can also be politics and outside intervention but failure to act will always bring consequences.

      But sometimes, those consequences can be turned to ones advantage.

  2. Political progress is generally non linear–one step up and two steps back is the classic format. I was going to say an exception was the 80s Nuke Free NZ movement which had a great result–but now we have pressure on NZ because of its 5 Eyes membership, to join AUKUS! So even wins have to be subject to vigilance and active defence.

    At the time I thought WTF as did many other older activists when the School Climate Strike movement did this. The energy of youth is one thing, and political naivety is another, as is the tendency among middle classes to vacillate when the heat goes on.

    Climate Disaster is not going away, so lets just reorganise Climate Strikes and other action with a more resolute ideological core rather than indulge in another anti woke flogfest?

    • Anyone who thinks the climate change issue is neutral regarding all other political issues is hopelessly naive. Yes, it affects everyone. But who sacrifices, and what is sacrificed and what are the circumstances underlying particular sacrifices.

      This is utterly socioeconomic and is a huge class issue. These things have to be sorted out.

      • Pakistan is responsible for 1% of CO2 emissions but is being obliterated by Climate Chaos. Global fossil fuel industry gets subsidised by governments to the tune of trillions every year.

        Fossil fuel industry then buys politicians, science, media to ensure CO2 emissions escalate and the human species goes extinct in a Hot House climate that existed only 10s of millions of years before our ancestors stood up and walked on two feet.

    • Good advice TM – we have to soldier on each of us fighting in their way for the same outcomes and I think that keeps the momentum going while groups form and make impact, but sometimes fall out with each other. Sometimes the paint will peel off, and you have to sand down to basics and apply more coats of the right sort in the right place and time. (I’m getting mixed up with my sadly deteriorating windows, but the analogy is similar.)

  3. According to the approving commentary from RNZNational, it was a great success. At least several hundred judgemental schoolgirls and schoolmarms turned out for it.

    • Yes James, and the interview of one of the judgemental school girl ‘leaders’ by Heather Du Plessis Allen was hilarious. Turns out that, after telling Heather it was ‘not OK’ for her to fly to Fiji for a holiday that this leader had recently been on a family trip to Fiji herself! It is this sort of middle-class sanctimonious clap-trap that is turning people off.

  4. Here is a list of Climate Action solutions for us (not them)
    – No more flights
    – No more petrol – diesel vehicles
    – No dairy and meat
    – Extra taxes on carbon emission industries

    No wonder Kiwis are switching off the Climate Change movement — they are utter dicks

    • What are your solutions? Nothing that will threaten your Me First consumer lifestyle activities. Next time you fly to London, you can flip the Pakistan drowning, starving brown babies the finger as you fly by.

      • I feel sorry for the Pakistan people but perhaps as a country they had spent money on flood control and less on their 120 nuclear weapons not so many would have died.
        It is crazy the money spent on the unnecessary war in The Ukraine that could have been spent on fighting climate change. Covid gave us a brief look at the World were travel and tourism was cut back and I find it hard to believe that people will buy into cut backs in any aspect of our way of life.The solution has to be to mitigate the effects f global,warming in some way .We can get to the moon and back so there has to be away forward

        • That mega flood is a direct result of Climate Catastrophe. Pakistan is only responsible for 1% of CO2 emissions but is taking the brunt of the destruction and human misery (SO FAR).

          Take a look at NZ, multiple “atmospheric river” events destroying regional infrastructure the last couple of years. Repeat hits mean it all gets wiped out again before the repairs are half completed – like in Nelson! You arent going to engineer your way out of Climate Chaos. Large areas of NZ will become impossible to sustain a (fossil fuel subsidised) level of complex society and standard of living we now enjoy.

          In fact I would posit that Nelson, Northland, East Cape, West Coast will have to be abandoned before 2030.

          Tell us all what defense plan you would deploy when sharing a border with a hostile nuclear armed mega-nation which sees you as their “backyard”?

  5. I bet the McDonald’s fine dining restaurants were busy after all these school children finished their protesting….

  6. Good on these kids for protesting, all kids should. But they should also read Jordan Pettersons 12 Rules for Life.

    One rule is to ‘Clean you’re own Room’ meaning tidy up your own act before preaching to others to clean up theirs. This teen generation is the highest energy use of any generation before it. Think air-conditioned schools, mums school runs, schooling out of zone, overseas holidays and plugged into electronic devices 24/7

    Heather interviewed one of them and after lambasting overseas travel she then admitted to recently going to Fiji with her family. Sort of lost the argument straight away.

  7. I was listening to ZB and HDPA had Izzy on the head of the school climate protest for the Wellington area. It was quite funny but embarrassing for her. As she had HDPA is hesterics cause she had flown to Fiji .

  8. It’s the modern world.
    We no longer all listen to the one drum beat. We each seek different bass lines. Uniquely acquired lyrical content. We move to Rythm as free spirits. The algorithm demands it.
    It’s the same with the way we get new information. We aren’t all tuned to RNZ or TvNZ anymore. Nor to TV3, Sky or Mediaworks or whoever it’s called these days. There’s way more options than that now. Some of them are quite insightful. Others not so. Some are dreadful. Some are Crap even.
    Others are here just for the music and the rugby scores

    And who are we to judge others at risk if being judged ourselves?
    It’s over. We have diversity in so many areas now it’s not funny.

    No amount of tinkering will change that nor will casting wads of taxpayers money into attracting the populace back to some shiny new coral of the mindset will do much anymore. The fences were down for some time. They have bolted. There are up on the hill and through to the bush block. They’re Down on the track. Out in the beach. And next door(and we know what he does with them).

  9. Maybe they’ve been watching and reading stuff on the Interwebby about the utter meltdown in Europe’s energy industry with worse to come, and saying to themselves I don’t want to be sitting in cold, blacked-out house?

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