Just so we are clear, these ram raiders are John Key’s legacy


129 ram raids since May, ‘almost of all of them’ committed by people under 18, Police Minister Chris Hipkins reveals

Of 129 ram raids since May this year, “almost all of them” have been committed by people under 18, Police Minister Chris Hipkins has confirmed.

Hipkins told the House today, after questions from the Act Party, that 38 offenders have been either identified or arrested from the raids.

“Almost all of these people are under 18 years old, and their median age was 15,” Hipkins said.

He also said that a further 27 offenders have been seen on CCTV, but police don’t yet know who they are.


Median age 15 you say?


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When was Key in power again? 6 years ago?

So they were born during his time as Prime Minister.

They were the ones living in Cars?

They were the ones thrown out of State Housing when Paula Bennett was Minister using false meth contamination levels?

They had their fathers taken from them during Key’s mass incarceration term?

They were the underclass Key used to get elected and then ignored once in power.

These Children grew up in the shadow of a right wing Government that ignored and compounded their misery, that they have become ram raiding teenagers should be of no shock to anyone.

We planted this harvest of spite and then balk at its burn.

These ram raiders were broken as children by a National Government who now have the audacity to demand more punitive measures!

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    • Ohhhh a piece from Martyn that has John Key in it….well surprise surprise Bert first to post a comment!
      Bert’s posts have been missing from all the threads Martyn’s posted of late decrying Labour/St Jacinda for not delivering on promises….but one that has Key in the photo BANG!!! Bert’s first to post, ohhh you gotta laugh..fuck he must have made a mess of your shorts seeing this post, your mum will have extra nasty washing to do this weekend eh?
      Wonder if Mike Judge will post today, if Michelle will allow him of course. 🙂

      • Bob this is a family show, we should leave Adam and Eve out of it. According to the book of Genesis they had three sons and went on to populate the world? Work that one out. Four males one female? Oh dear

        • Wheel the foul language used by many on this site rules it out from being a family show.
          Foul language useage is testament to a limited vocabulary.

        • You need to read a bit further into the book of Genesis, there is a reference to Cain’s wife in Chapter 4:17 then 5:4 has this
          “And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:”
          Anyone naive enough to believe in evolution has the same problem of starting with a single couple since there is no possibility of multiple breeding humans developing by chance.

          • I find it laughable that someone who believes in the parables of the bible, old or new testaments, calls evolution naive. There is infinitely more evidence supporting evolution than a book of legends.

  1. Martyn is right we should also apportion the increase in gang numbers on Key after all Australia didn’t give him a prestigious award for nothing. And to add to all his good work how many NZers moved to Australia in his term I know a lot of Maori left.

  2. They’re the legacy of successive governments from The Lange govt onwards…

    But a big contributor is that once we locked down due to Covid and they dropped out of the education system completely, probably both parents at work all day as essential workers…

    It’s not going to improve in a hurry given attendance rates are off a cliff and showing zero sign of recovery.

    • I’m waiting for the education minister to announce a huge increase in truancy officers who are going to round up the 40% of kids who are not at school and ensure they do get an education. The only good thing about abuse in state care was most kids knew if they didnt toe the line and go to school they could end up in Epuni, Lake Alice, Levin Boys home etc where in addition to not getting an education they’d get hidings so truancy was low.

  3. I think what you are saying has a lot of truth Martyn. The only problem is Key was more centre than right and he and the current PM have quite a lot in common in reality. There’s more or less a winter energy payment and a years free tertiary education separating them ( which is something I guess).

  4. A long bow to draw. So if there is an increase in cancer diagnosis over the next 15 years we can blame Our Glorious Leader and the current government – right? Right?

    Good luck selling that argument to the sheeple.

    • “So if there is an increase in cancer diagnosis over the next 15 years we can blame Our Glorious Leader and the current government ”

      No Frankie…. Thomas Coughlan will be responsible.

      • Lol Bertie. Tommy C is still salty as he had a story ready to run about big Sam taking a dump in the disabled toilet at parliament.

        Instead he had to run defence for the last few weeks

  5. Can’t help this sorry but with the current numbers sleeping in cars having ballooned out of control under the current Labour Government are we to expect no respite?

  6. We want measures. But we don’t even get that.

    It’s the here and now we are worried about and plenty of us who voted Labour because of Nationals who gives a shit about the underclass policy but what did we get? National Party social housing settings, a lassez faire housing market, record house price rises, plenty still living in cars and a whole new underclass growing up in motels.

    If successive governments are going to run this country like that, they better build more jails!

    • Key was an Aucklander only interested in exploiting the rest of the country to prop up Auckland at their expense – especially the South Island – oops jucinda is an Aucklander too –
      Let’s just cut the cable !

    • Key was an Aucklander only interested in exploiting the rest of the country to prop up Auckland at their expense – especially the South Island – oops jucinda is an Aucklander too –
      Let’s just cut the cable !

  7. In the meantime, here we are. It’s time travel where you go somewhere but end up in the same place. NZ is going nowhere but to the dogs.
    Someone asked me how long have we had Grand Theft Auto? Where kids race and crash cars and ram raid? About 15 years, all of these kids lives. We can get the society we deserve.
    I was pleased to see this article and feel it has a lot of merit.

    Truancy challenge for iwi says Jones
    Former New Zealand First MP Shane Jones says iwi should get involved in getting Māori back to school.

    He says many whanau are reluctant to send taitamariki back to schools because of concern about the spread of Covid, but truancy was a problem even before the pandemic.

    He wants to see a drive to prepare Maori to be part of the workforce of the future – and that means getting to schools to bring up their level of literacy and numeracy.

    He says it’s a more important issue than putting Maori names on government agencies or arguing about co-governance……

  8. Certainly these kids will be the children of generational poverty, welfare dependency, gang culture, absent fathers, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy and low educational attendance.
    While I would love to hang it all on Key the truth is this has been gestating for decades and it will continue to do so until the root causes of these cancerous outcomes are addressed.

  9. How highly you think of politicians that they have any real effect on ordinary peoples lives.

    These kids were born in Keys time, to parents who fornicated in Clarkes. All parties are the children of neoliberalism.

  10. If it’s about the here and now, myself and many others are far better off.
    No doubt about that.

    Take me back to 2008 until 2017, myself and millions of others were worse off. There you go XRAY, you asked the question.
    They better build more jails sounds like a National party slogan.

    The here and now…


    The living wage increased by 90c yesterday, to $23.65 an hour. It is set at the level that is deemed to allow workers to live a full life. What are National and ACTs policies on this…anything…anything at all?

    So XRAY, I know you ALWAYS find fault with labour but any chance, any chance at all that you can do due diligence and agree house prices are falling( due to Labours intervention) I’m not one to provide evidence but it’s better than making shit up!…https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/300674645/were-halfway-through-biggest-house-price-drop-in-decades-asb,

    The underclass are growing up in motels, rather than in cars and under bridges?

    • $23.65 is good news, thats a living wage? wtf. Thats only a bit over $700 a week which is completely shit money. $300 – $400 for rent if your lucky, $100 or more for petrol. Some change to buy a little bit of food. Thats not really living as you would expect in a “first world” country. $30 minimum wage. Create a high wage economy.

        • A high wage economy is something acheived by private enterprise with a spur from a political party with balls. Increase the minimum wage to $30 an hour keep tamping down immigration watch all those kiwi businesses that cant offshore their labour start really investing in labour productivity enhancing capital machinery. Plus watch the explosion of internal demand from better wages and salaries. And the increased tax take for hospitals and more.

          • You are correct Joseph we have to improve our productivity which will be achieved by private enterprise backed by Government.

    • The underclass as you put having exploded number wise under this heartless Ardern Government.
      The most inept Government in living memory.

    • Bert, you really do have rose tinted glasses for Labour.

      House prices are falling thanks to Labour and the Reserve Bank, but only because of unintended consequences. They red lined the economy, flooded it with cheap money, you know, the trillion dollar wealth transfer to the already well off Bernard Hickey wrote about, sent an already severely overheated housing market further into record prices but simultaneously this contributed to sending inflation into the stratosphere too, hence fast rising interest rates. Our housing market is seen globally as the worst, in no small part thanks to the incompetence of this government!

      The Credit laws introduced last year also have had a cooling effect but again have had unintended but easily foreseeable consequences of a credit squeeze and yet these were not aimed at housing, rather at second tier finance providers.

      But throughout this governments tenure the one thing they should have done to alleviate the misery of Nationals housing crisis was building far more social housing like they promised. But they haven’t. John Minto has written plenty of Labour not only sticking with Nationals timid social housing goals, but they’ve sold of public land to finance it, possibly the biggest public asset sales in a generation. Pure neo lib economics that have got us into this mess already!

      Fuck them Bert, all Labour have done is spend hundreds of millions hiding people ruined by our warped housing market in motels instead of building housing for them. Those motels are squalid hell holes and it surprises me not that some prefer cars over them.

      As I said, governments who follow an economic and social model of crushing people into a corner without hope better be ready to wear the consequences for the remainder of the population when those dispossessed bite back!

      • Well put XRAY.
        The most inept Government in living memory are incapable of anything.
        Whoops they have made the wealthy more wealthy.

      • FFS XRAY! Give me something new, the same old bullshit trotted out!
        Give me your wonderful insight on what YOU would do to attempt to cure all those ills you say Labour have failed at. I’m very open to ideas that could work better as with Joseph above($30 an hour minimum wage). Does it matter how employers will pay for that? No, but it’s a solution to the problem you spout. And as a heads up a right-wing Government with its neoliberalism will set us back decades as history shows.
        If crushing people is what you want, then a fucking $2 a week tax cut is your answer.

        If you want rose tinted glasses think bullshit Bobs broken record posts.

        • You’re knowledge of commerce is woefully lacking. How about next term you ask one of your teachers to teach you basic economics.

        • Bert don’t make comments on things you obviously know nothing about.
          Your knowledge of economics and commerce is obviously zero.
          Stick to nursing which I’m sure you’re good at.

    • Gosh that’s complete fiction.
      The wealthy have thrived the poor poorer under this Labour worst in living memory Government.

  11. Bomber that picture is a reminder of the wolf in in sheep’s clothing who sold himself as a Mc McLennan destitute saviour to appeal to the poor mans saviour to enhance his working class credentials and marketing campaign to make him look like he cared for the people he despised but every vote is all that counts.

    The current kindness most transparent government ever is just the same as the Shysters brighter future except the shit on the road you step on voted for #let’s do this !

    Well we are still waiting LINO …………Still waiting.

  12. Bomber that picture is a reminder of the wolf in in sheep’s clothing who sold himself as a Mc McLennan destitute saviour to appeal to the poor mans saviour to enhance his working class credentials and marketing campaign to make him look like he cared for the people he despised but every vote is all that counts.

    The current kindness most transparent government ever is just the same as the Shysters brighter future except the shit on the road you step on voted for #let’s do this !

    Well we are still waiting LINO …………Still waiting.

  13. Both Labour and National share responsivity, hence why I never vote for either of them. I actually feel sorry for the police.

    Kim Dot Com seems to be making murmurs about bringing back the Internet Party – I’m open to hearing their policies.

  14. So in 6 years time we will get Jacinda’s car children .zI believe there are 200 recorded and a wait list of thousands for nonexistent state houses. Labour had 5 years to turn the tide and right the wrongs but what have they done . The parents may not be in prison but they are still doing the crime they are just let off with home D .

  15. Ardern visited the West Coast, home of the Labour Party on Thursday. She was launching a new school’s wellbeing programme. Normally when a PM visits our region they come with trumpets and fanfare. Our current leader is so scared of “protest” she slunk in unannounced and fled before anyone, except a lone photographer who must have been sworn to secrecy, knew she was there. Sheer cowardice!!

  16. The sad thing is that the left is now giving reason to people to defend someone like John Key. But i would like to state that John Key always blamed Helen Clark, and that was also lazy brained as. But i guess it is now ok for both large parties of NZ to put blame to the other party for shit that goes wrong during their term/s. In the end very conveniently for both parties, no one is every responsible for the shit they do.

        • You are finally correct, most dislike him and given he loves the limelight people will always talk about him, just as this column would suggest dumb Bob. 126 posts and counting and what’s so funny, you replying to everything I post.

  17. God forbid people take responsibility for their own actions! On the other hand, blame could equally be laid on the justice system which fails to punish the criminal-adjacent youth early enough, and allows them to see no reason to stop being little shitheads

  18. Never been to a protest in my life. Never want to. Just pointing out that the PM refuses to open herself to public criticism. As an old boss once told me. “You have to take the shit with the sugar.” Ardern only wants the sugar.

  19. “a National Government who now have the audacity to demand more punitive measures!” …And we are surprised that, yet again, the British colonial descendants are more concerned with burying the consequences of their bigotry, greed, and total lack of a social conscience..
    For the same reasons, I refrain from wasting my time “debating” with the generally small minded, and self absorbed commentators on this, and far too many threads dealing with NZs degradation into squalor… With the levels of communication displayed in this country, the swamp starts to look more like a refuge than a danger for what’s left of NZs societal structures…

  20. ” Most National members I know care for others in society just as much as anyone else ”

    Really ? only when political expediency demands they pretend to be human !
    When exactly is that ? Not including the wealthy and upper middle class ?
    Examples please ?

    Waiting with baited breath.

  21. ” Still blaming Sir John Key? How truly pathetic ”

    And that comment shows how parasites like the shyster get let of the hook after financially raping the good people of N.Z and smiling while he does it.

    Right there Mickey is a detachment from the real world not just the make believe one you live in.

  22. ” Still blaming Sir John Key? How truly pathetic ”

    And that comment shows how parasites like the shyster get let of the hook after financially raping the good people of N.Z and smiling while he does it.

    Right there Mickey is a detachment from the real world not just the make believe one you live in.

  23. Just taking a cool rather cynical look. I think Labour were seduced into newliberalism-freemarketism-efficiencyprivatistionism by the idea that it would meet most of National’s goals and if Labour would throw in some social security measures to prevent the nation from cracking apart, they would become the party of choice for a majority of voters.

    If so, if National could now do a big turnaround and do things for the low-income people like reasonable and stable housing and lots of job opportunities, and a living wage for working a 40-45 hour week as an adult, say over 18, mostly in the green economy, food and the arts; all that is needed for a settled and reasonably happy lifestyle, they could become the ‘natural’ party of NZ. People would look to National for ip[holding the nation – ‘making it good, responsible and moral again.’ Hah. Bet they can’t do it, the self-centred churls.

    Some interesting ideas in this report on what makes people vote some particular way. If National encouraged people to join groups with positive beliefs, and people felt happy belonging to that group, they would also be more likely to vote and generally take an interest in being good citizens.
    Politics is personal –
    Research by political psychologists helps to explain why we vote the way we do—and is informing ways to improve democratic elections

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