Corrections Staff Shortages Endangering Prisoners – Social Justice Aotearoa


Social Justice Aotearoa is speaking out in support of Corrections Association of New Zealand president Floyd du Plessis saying, “Corrections staff were “leaving in droves”, but is heating up the discussion by claiming prisoners’ safety is also at high risk.

CEO Jackie Foster said, “There has been multiple deaths of inmates over the last four years, not to mention countless vicious assaults, which is totally unacceptable”.

Why is Prime Minister Ardern not taking a closer look at what is actually happening within Corrections especially after corrections staff were considering a vote of no confidence in Minister Kelvin Davis only last year.

“Clearly Minister Davis is out of touch. The safety and support of all Corrections staff is vital, but just as much is the safety of the inmates in their care. Staff shortages have been attributed to a lot of issues in Corrections and it must stop” Foster said.

Social Justice Aotearoa will be in contact with Corrections Association of New Zealand, to show support and discuss where they can assist.


  1. Neither Jacinda Ardern or Kelvin Davis will do very much if anything at all.
    They simply don’t know what to do.


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