The war against MSD begins – how domestic terror powers could be abused (again)


‘Senseless, malicious’ arson attack closes Kaikohe MSD office

The Ministry of Social Development office in Kaikohe has been closed for an unknown duration after an arson attack described by a fire investigator as “senseless, deliberate and malicious”.

The attack means clients in need of help in the Kaikohe area will have to contact MSD by phone or online.

Any that need to meet staff face-to-face may have to drive long distances at a time when petrol prices are sky-high and many families are struggling financially.

The Kaikohe Fire Brigade was called out to the government agency’s service centre on Memorial Ave, not far from the Far North District Council chambers, just after 2.30am on Monday.

One of the reasons why the Government’s wage subsidy was just a page long document that bypassed MSD was because MSD is building to be as obtuse and vile as humanly possible to stop desperate people from accessing anything.

The last thing the Government needed in the middle of a pandemic was middle class people dealing with the spiteful malice of MSD staff. Beneficiaries know this horror well, but they have no voice or power in society, where as 10 000 Karens all screaming at Jacinda on Twitter would expose MSD to widespread criticism.

The malice of MSD staff is well documented and the degrading manner in which they make beneficiaries repeatedly crawl over broken glass to get anything is established fact and with the extra pressures of the looming economic recession expect arson attacks against MSD to become a favourite new hobby of the desperate.

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Watch how domestic terror laws become abused the second torch an MSD building becomes the new trending tictoc dance.

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  1. middle management and up at MSD needs to go, another thing LINO failed at, no actually ‘failed’ is wrong..they had no intention to do anything in the first place.

    • My wife earns over 46k a year, that is what Labour set as what a partner can earn before you lose support, it used to be 53k but even with inflation every year for some reason Labour put that down rather than up.
      They talk up that beneficiaries got a winter energy payment and an extra 20 bucks but what they didnt add in was they then took that 20 bucks out of other things beneficiaries were getting.
      A review into poverty had a bunch of recommendations and Labour has sat on all of it.
      I dont really see any of them worth voting for anymore, if you arent already well off nobody in govt is interested in helping you.
      In some ways Im gladd I dont have to deal with the level of BS at WINZ but it would be nice to be recognised that I have a disability and need help even if my wife does earn too much. Sorry just doesnt cut it.

  2. WINZ/MSD need to be abolished and replaced with a LIVEABLE Universal Basic Income, tough on social welfare ideologues are empowered by a resentful middle class who pay taxes yet don’t ‘get anything’ because of means testing and other conditions, thus painting beneficiaries as this undeserving ‘other’.

    • I don’t know the numbers TOW, but I’m inclined to agree. If we add what they pay out to what it costs to administer, a universal wage that the disadvantaged can live on, is likely to not cost much more. Governments tend to have a mental block when considering this stuff. They would prefer the public donate to the city missions and the problem stays off the books.

  3. MSD is out of control and one example of how we have no control over the way the country is run. The government has been turned into a system of self-governing agencies. There are instructions, documents setting out what they should do. Presumably they set some level of behaviour but after that the politician and any other person supposedly responsible can be bypassed and only bad outcomes can result in pressure brought to bear on the agencies’ memes. The system broke quite a while ago and how do we fix it.

    I remember the old age pensioner in Northland I think who couldn’t get satisfactory answers from social welfare to his questions. So he set off in his motorised buggy from home to the office. There have been other notable disastrous occasions what should have resulted in cleaning out of the Augean stables.

    We must note this behaviour because it reflects the dominant behaviour that will continue as we become more controlled by technology and are less socialised to be humans and use our human brains to control
    and promote our own positive lives. If we want to be proud of being a hu

    The PTB are screwing us and diminishing us and we need to avoid the prosperity church and excessively moral approach or the prime way to succeed is to have everything – the materialist way. I don’t know if we are up to it but people who can talk to each other and discuss our society and ourselves is a good start. But we have to notice what goes on and work out the reason for it. We lack an accepting way to others in society, and getting worse at understanding and caring about others and believing that everyone has gifts, and may need help to be a full person – instead people are judged losers or drop-out dads or sleazy sexy solo irresponsible mums (which seems to be a chronic approach to blameworthy mothers who haven’t organised their fertility effectively).

    I think we have to set up ‘intentional communities’ and watch that they don’t develop into woke centres, social dictatorships with a few dominant personalities demeaning others’ individual autonomy and depressing ideas (maybe tending towards Centrepoint – (note stuff writing item – should be read by all and not criticised as poor choice of journalism) or the Amish idea as adopted by Gloriavale (see USA Jones , Waco, etc. but not just in USA) where people are encouraged to aim for an idea of purity and easily cowed because few can achieve the standard). In this way we can support each other and reduce the interaction with MSD and have a general advocate to help with their depredations.

  4. New Zealand already has capital gains taxes, inheritance taxes, asset taxes and wealth taxes. They just apply to those on MSD/WINZ benefits.

  5. ” Beneficiaries know this horror well, but they have no voice or power in society, where as 10 000 Karen’s all screaming at Jacinda on Twitter would expose MSD to widespread criticism ”

    No voice no power ! The all inclusive society at work , the society of kindness is just another neo liberal marketing myth to make the LINO party members , Karens and Caleb’s conscience a little more settled.

    Bomber all voices should be represented and heard in a free democracy.

    This is not a democracy nor is this freedom for many whose only crime in a lot of cases is being poor.

  6. Grant reckons the winter energy payment was enough welfare for low income families, who won’t receive the cost of living payment. But doesn’t that mean that the government now gives welfare to everyone, so essentially the baseline poverty levels must have stayed the same, or if the middle class now need welfare then things must have gotten much worse for low income households?

  7. yes ethan but try telling them that….actually they know full well but just get their jollies victimising those who can’t fight back….and yes I seriously think there is an element of that in LINO policy….I used to only attribute such ‘perversion’ to ayn rand libertarian nutbars but LINO is changing that view.

  8. I ask myself – do we have to bite the bullet and vote for Mana or NZ First or ? if we don’t want to vote for Labour, Greens or National or Fascist lite. Sure bad things will happen but these lumpenpoliticians need to get off their lazy arses and find some of their old values they have left out in the damp garage. Open up the trunk, haul the instructions and papers and declarations out, dry them off in fresh air, scrape the mould off them, and build a better house of cards.

    Nothing can be firm and solid these days but we can live in treehuts built on the plantations of foreign owners for peppercorn rentalsm ready to reshape everything with changing circumstances. Just let us get on with living Labour and you take a break and do some thinking. We will get on just as well without your pathetic posturing thought up by people who are social contortionists turning themselves and us inside out (ooh it hurts) and who should hire themselves out as busking performers.


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