ACT: 7%


NZ First: 1%

We will be debating the ramifications of this 7.30pm live tonight on The Working Group with David Seymour the leader of ACT, Stuff columnist Damien Grant and Dr Oliver Hartwich from the NZ Institute.

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    • with 132 billion needed just to fix the plumbing all those asbestos pipes wearing thin i wonder if the tree waters opposition has a alternative other than head in the sand

      • Seems like usual they have no answers Mike, which means council run water operations. And when they have completely destroyed the infrastructure, good people would look back on this day as an opportunity lost., all because of tribal politics and racism.

  1. I feel that this poll is interesting. The major political parties in this country are so close in their ratings that one quite honestly cannot see which one is likely to succeed.

    I do not feel that the majority of the voting population have the sentiment that Jacinda Ardern deserves a third term in parliament along with the rest of the Labour caucus. I do feel, however, that a National led Government with Christopher Luxon and Nicola Willis at the helm is a viable option.

    The minor parties have polled interesting results, too. Personally, I would like more people to vote for NZ First. This is a party which has a lot to offer beyond Winston Peters. As long as they stick to their core values and principles, they can’t go too wrong.

    • Correct Nic, swap Labour and Nationals numbers, ACT on the way down, Greens up, Maori part the king and queen makers.

  2. MAGA!

    “Make Ardern Go Away” and you’ll see a a halt to the decline in their numbers.

    Poll no.18 since 2020 and the loss of 15% of voter support base. And it hasn’t turned up over in the eco terrorist gweens vote neither.

    It’s more than a trend now…its a message.

    Labour are dog tucker. There is no helping them.

    Their Social Engineering Experiment has taken it’s toll on the majority and they’re tired of the Millennial Princess and all of the make-believe nonsense.

    An early election is their only hope at surviving.

    Will they do the dirty and call for one?

  3. Don’t watch TV news if possible – did they give Preferred Leaders results by any chance? Thanks in advance TDBers.

  4. Cannot you bring yourself to put National leading Labour .You better get used to it as inflation bites causing a winter of discontent . Where are the sweet spots ? tThe budget has not drawn any votes as no sector felt they had scored a win.

  5. the predictable swing back to the right – at least all the bitching and moaning will stop. As for better outcomes for New Zealand citizens – meh – I doubt it. Well, maybe for some.

  6. It will be a libertarian love in tonight Martyn, you might need to hire your own police force and gate yourself into your own soapbox.

  7. A year and 3 or 4mths to next election (15-16mths)….and 11% undecided…. interesting.

    The poll rollercoaster will be, well like a roller coaster, dependent on what policy/political headlines are dominating the attention when the polls taken.
    It’s why polls are so subjective, yes.,..I enjoy seeing Labour and the greens going down, but I have also followed politics long enough to know it means nothing….the true polls that show voters leanings/intent only really make sense in an election year.


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