There are some weeks the battle of the sexes erupts into open conflict.
This last 7 days felt like that.
The gasp inducing comments by Simon Henry, a rich white male who made millions out of chemicals (every red flag is waving that anything about to come out of his mouth will be offensive in some way) decided to excitedly tell the NBR, “I can tell you, and you can quote me, when you’ve got Nadia Lim, when you’ve got a little bit of Eurasian fluff in the middle of your prospectus with a blouse unbuttoned showing some cleavage, and that’s what it takes to sell your scrip, then you know you’re in trouble.”
The funniest thing about this is that the interview appeared in the NBR last month and has only gotten around to becoming news now.
You send stories to the NBR to put them to sleep.
Simon Henry’s taste in ethno-sexist-racism is charming and has cost him reportedly $84million as people recoil in disgust at his bewildering lack of basic human courtesy or simple norms of respect.
To gleefully take such a racist and sexist dump on someone for the crime of ‘cleavage’ and then demand a direct quote is like Trump lecturing on feminism and advanced string theory.
Wrong, dangerous and totally disconnected from reality.
Don’t try and pretend this is ‘cancel culture’.
This is the rest of society responding completely appropriately to an arsehole who should be shunned for such disgraceful opinions.
This wasn’t a heat of the moment social media post or dredged up comment from a 10 year old tweet, this wasn’t a brain fart during live radio, this was a known set interview and his demand to be quoted clearly shows a premeditated desire to share this pearl of wisdom that had clearly gained him some snorts of mirth at the Northern Club when he tried them out last.
When someone shows you that they have a God complex by referring to other humans in such grotesque disrespect, take them at their word and never call back.
I like Nadia Lim, she has been incredibly gracious during this ugliness and I really like her Food and I am renewing my subscription because I think it’s great kai that I enjoy making and because fuck Simon Henry.
Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp started Amber’s side of the story last week in a social media landscape that is backlashing against #MeToo and forming #MenToo.
The incels are as smug as anti-vaxxers now.
The cultural backlash to the extremes of the #MeToo movement have been building relentlessly.
The B-E-L-I-E-V-E all women mantra connected with 5th wave feminism, non-binary activists, critical gender theorists and critical race theorists to manifest the blancmange of woke dogma we have now that militantly micro aggression polices and cancels anything that triggers them is all epitomised in Amber Heard’s trial.
She is coming across like the Girl who cried wolf at a time when it was social currency to denounce wolves.
She needs to prove that he was physically violent to her, and so far all we have is a lot of evidence that she hit him.
This is not a good case to bet a lot of the B-E-L-I-E-V-E all women mantra on which is disgraceful because for all the Amber Heard’s out there, there are millions of women and children and men who are being assaulted by their partner and are terrified.
But none of that, NONE of that, none of Nadia Lim vs Simon Henry and Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp matters in the context of what is happening in America right now over Roe Vs Wade.
Put aside any schadenfreude of watching the woke quietly attempting to say ‘person’ when ‘women’ keep getting mentioned in this abortion debate and focus on the bigger issue in front of us.
I have to hand on heart tell you I never believed Liberals who claimed Roe vs Wade could ever be overturned!
I thought it was something we told our daughters as a scary joke while tucking them into bed at night, ‘You go to sleep right now or the Republicans will sneak in and take away your basic human rights!”
Every single one of the right wing Judges now preparing to take a massive leap backwards said they wouldn’t change Roe Vs Wade, and yet here the lying scumbags are prepared to betray their promises so their vengeful God can burn abortionists in hell.
Make no mistake this is a far right Christian attack on the rights of women backed by a lunatic fringe of 30% dictating to the other 70% something as intrinsic as basic health services.
This is the true legacy of spite Trump planted and its toxic harvest will literally kill.
This is a man who demanded actual costings for a moat along the US border filled with snakes and alligators working on saving America from the virus led by another man whose religious fundamentalism created a spike in HIV cases.
Their Court appointees are now continuing that work.
Thoughts and Prayers America.
The spectre of back alley abortion clinics raises its obscene head to peer into a future we had promised it could never have!
As men, we must stand shoulder to shoulder with our sisters in all out conflict over this issue.
A State CAN NOT have this level of power over basic autonomy.
Not one man would tolerate this kind of deformed thinking…
…we can not allow the State to interfere with women’s agency in this manner!
Some men will argue this isn’t our fight, fuck that thinking!
No one is safe if the State claims this power over any one of our bodies, women have every right to expect a free abortion with wrap around counselling services if required.
End of story.
The decision is the women’s after consultation with their doctor, no one else’s ever and the State can not be allowed to interfere with that in any way shape or form.
This isn’t a legal ruling by these right wing Christian Justices, this is an evangelical cultural political ruling that seeks to enslave women’s bodies to the State.
It can never be accepted.
Riot like your freedom depended on it.
If this abomination passes, America will be the Enemy of Freedom, not the defender of it.
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Couldn’t care less about Nadia Lim or Simon Henry.
The only people who care are those led around by the nose, by the NZ media.
I’ve been called much, much worse when just walking down the street.
Media manufacturing false outrage.. story belongs in the entertainment section.
Unfortunately its been a distraction from the issue that the main shareholders (Lim, Teresa Gattung etc”) in MFB appeared to “pump and dump” on the public listing, cashing out a large part of their holdings following which the stock price halved.
That seems about correct. I think every sensible male (person 🙂 ) wants to protect the rights of woman. It’s also a bit counter intuitive but any sensible male persons (lolz) would want to nurture children also. Go figure.
We have been seeing this playing out with grumpy old right wing misogynist men especially against Jacinda. I think it is envious or sadness that everything she says labour are going to do they do and it is right. One cat do much when a world war, increased oil prices, a global pandemic, etc are happening at the same time. If NZ followed the rest of the world and right wing rhetoric in NZ we would be in shit street. As it is we have the best performing economy in the world. lowest unemployment, etc. I say to Jacinda just ignore those grumpy old men and other Luxon lovers.
Having low unemployment is the be all and end all because hardly anyone stays in a job longer than 10 years eventually enough people will just give up looking for work, retrain or whatever then boom, unemployment!!!
I digress.
But the approach to morality of the religious right is mostly rules-based, not consequence-based. Having an abortion is against the rules but so are those measures because they could encourage breaking the anti-fornication rules.
Basically, start with a set of immutable rules and only afterwards are you allowed to optimize around the rules as long as you don’t break them. The helpfulness of the rules or the problems with them are irrelevant
If the highly charged matter of abortion rights (which I support) can be set aside to consider the actual legal question at the heart of this, which as I understand it is;
In the US constitution, each state should be able to represent the wishes of their own respective population and this right was effectively nullified by SCOTUS in ‘73 when they determined that the right to abortion specifically was a constitutional right. It’s this that the originalists and religious right have challenged.
Abortion will still be freely available in Democratic states like California, sadly though this won’t help those stuck in the Bible Belt.
It seems to me that those in favour of choice have failed to win the argument, relying instead on a contentious ruling rather than tackling the issue through debate and reason. If abortion can be made legal in Ireland with the broad support of the country as a result of reasoned debate and conversation it can be in the US?
Interesting parallels to the questions around the interpretation of partnership in NZ arising from a relatively recent reinterpretation of an ancient set of legal documents
Alito’s draft opinion quotes 400 year old case law from a man who believed in witches.
Yes, because that 400 year old quote is evidence pertaining to how abortion was treated in pre-Revolutionary common law. If you’re arguing about such things, 300 and 400 year old quotes are the way you win.
in yankland they love the fetus but as soon as the bugger drops they hate it.
Please don’t give Henry any mention. He’s a hick from Rangiora – one of those atrocious Dom-Post or Stuff women is another Rangiora-ite. They make it to a bigger town and think it’s nirvana. Clueless. Possibly worse than Johnsonville where I think Trevor hails from. The Johnsonville- ites who get onto the WCC provide aversion therapy to local politics. Henry’s “ Eurasian” is 1950’s speak, and the speak of ill-educated males trying to appear intellectual, and failing.
Never heard of Amber and had barely heard of Johnny D and wouldn’t follow them when there’s a season of mists and mellow fruitfulness hovering outside my windows, but God help any of us ever caught up with narcissists, they destroy. Roe v Wade, we should have seen coming, but I never thought that Putin would invade Ukraine either. This gender war may symptomatic of the implosion of American society, and a good reason why identity politics in New Zealand must be resisted – biff the Greens out, they’re too deeply imbedded. Henry’s just another example of money not equating with high moral fibre or even commonsense. It happens. Look at Parliament.
What a dork. But If you want to make some serious money then snap up shares in DGL now while the backlash lasts. They will go up yo the same level and beyond because DGL clearly is a successful company. Even if some Kiwisaver fund says they struck him off the list. Funniest part is when prompted how much they actually had tied up in DGL, that kiwisaver manager said None.
PS if chemicals are indeed a red flag then throw away all you blogging devices now. Plenty chemicals involved in making them or did you think they farm them organically?
OMG. You a Waka penny diver.
Depending on howany top tax bracket individuals New Zealand attracts will depend on how many independent operators can be encouraged.
Otherwise the bulk of the heavy lifting will be performed by essential workers moving forward.
What a dork. But If you want to make some serious money then snap up shares in DGL now while the backlash lasts. They will go up yo the same level and beyond because DGL clearly is a successful company. Even if some Kiwisaver fund says they struck him off the list. Funniest part is when prompted how much they actually had tied up in DGL, that kiwisaver manager said None.
The fact is Nadia Lim was obviously trying to sexualise her product, its obvious from the fucking photo, and then she cries foul for having being called out on it.
Not sure why Simon Henry had to apologise at all, for noticing the fact.
The fact that there has been more conversation on this than our blind rush to war against Russian and war mongering diatribes against China speaks volumes of where the Western ‘left’ is now.
OK, if he’d just pointed out the “cleavage”, I could agree with you. But “Eurasian fluff”??
Though I must say … what cleavage?
My thoughts exactly. Not exactly Mae West.
Mark Things are different now. That was not a particularly sexy photo. Fashion is different. Girls now show their bottoms in cut-off shorts at the supermarkets and wear family beach wear down the cbd. The lady in question didn’t have boobs spilling out all over the place, and trying to buy modest tops for people with mammary glands can be a challenge. That wasn’t even a tease. As an aside, I stocked up on cheap tops in a Singapore market, where girls have significantly smaller breasts than me, and I didn’t really fit the algorithm.
I regret the passing of feminine fashion for girls, and I happen to think, wrongly or rightly, that natural modesty is a positive attribute, but we’re a slack society now. There was a time no older gent would have been seen dead in jeans with rolled-up cuffs, or even in jeans. It doesn’t become them. Bill English wears grubby jeans with jandals which is the pits and totally tasteless. Our predecessors threshed wheat in heavy suits and boots. Times change. C’est la vie.
Thing is, folk say things in private which they mightn’t in public, and this moron actually spouting the way which he did, in a formal interview, may be an unwell person and stuck in a time warp, but anybody who thinks that was a sexually provocative picture needs to get out more or go to spec savers.
Mark Things are different now. That was not a particularly sexy photo. Fashion is different. Girls now show their bottoms in cut-off shorts at the supermarkets and wear family beach wear down the cbd. The lady in question didn’t have boobs spilling out all over the place, and trying to buy modest tops for people with mammary glands can be a challenge. That wasn’t even a tease. As an aside, I stocked up on cheap tops in a Singapore market, where girls have significantly smaller breasts than me, and I didn’t really fit the algorithm.
I regret the passing of feminine fashion for girls, and I happen to think, wrongly or rightly, that natural modesty is a positive attribute, but we’re a slack society now. There was a time no older gent would have been seen dead in jeans with rolled-up cuffs, or even in jeans. It doesn’t become them. Bill English wears grubby jeans with jandals which is the pits and totally tasteless. Our predecessors threshed wheat in heavy suits and boots. Times change. C’est la vie.
Thing is, folk say things in private which they mightn’t in public, and this moron actually spouting the way which he did, in a formal interview, may be an unwell person and stuck in a time warp, but anybody who thinks that was a sexually provocative picture needs to get out more or go to spec savers.
Mark you have to be joking or you are a member of the Taliban. It looks like a typical barbecue scene in the summer with someone who is dressed like anyone her age might be. What the hell is sexual about that photo?
She is wearing a summer top. A cotton chami top which women everywhere wear in summer. The guy is atrocious with a nasty, jealous mind. Maybe she is just to successful for him to tolerate.
… sexualize her product?
Not likely. Try Married at First Sight. Sure, many of the ‘brides’ don’t grace the cover of the company prospectus but there’s no mistaking their intentions. Nadia Lim is just a woman at a bbq dressed in casual.
More to the point as Robbie above says, a distraction from the issue.
Ironically, Nadia Lim appears to be relatively modest in that picture.
I heard about the furore about what Henry said and I was expecting something really racist and sexist.
When I found it was was just a line about her being a piece of Eurasian fluff I was like “is that it?”
I’ve been called a lot worse even on here
Exactly! Leftists will call you horrible names, but then get outraged over “Eurasian fluff”
Leave johnny alone! If he wants to shit himself, so be it!
If Amber is sooo unco and can’t catch a fuckn phone!
But, I reckon this is a cunning ploy by them both?? It’s a blockbuster Hollywood movie drama rom-com in the making.
Johnny & Amber get married, then divorced and then go to court and get married again!
LOL. Let’s view the three issues:
1) Henry vs Lim – zero fucks given
2) Heard vs Depp – best ever argument against drugs
3) Roe vs Wade – just another speed bump on the way to the second American civil war.
What will be fascinating is how Roe vs Wade affects the mid terms. If it supercharges the GOP what then? It is surprising how many people don’t understand the federal system and what it means for governance. The US is like 50 mini countries under the umbrella of joint security/economy and movement. It is also surprising how little people understand of the cultural and social views of a large section of these states.
It is possible that the Roe vs. Wade leak could come back to punch the GOP in the dick… you might want to consider that.
If the National party gets in next year , we will have our own version of Roe v Wade because Luxon is a Right wing Christian zealot, he will want all of the recent abortion law changes and other reforms overturned. This will not be a policy for the 23 election but women of NZ be very afraid this will crop up at some stage when he is nicely ensconced with his feet under the desk. The National party fan girl journalists will need to bow their heads in shame at the kudos given to this man and his party but it will be too late. As they say be very careful what you wish for
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