Dear Jacinda – you have to rein Trevor in or he’s going to cause an insurrection

Remember, this was going to fall over on Thursday morning right up until Trev started bashing heads and arresting people. 


Parliament protest – Speaker Trevor Mallard plays Barry Manilow, Macarena over loud speakers to deter crowd

Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard has started his next attempt to make life uncomfortable for the protesters outside Parliament, by setting up speakers to boom Barry Manilow, the Macarena, and Covid-19 vaccination messages at them.

This is the Speaker of the House playing petty dictator games with a mob he is inflaming – WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE ADULTS? Why is this moron with anger management issues still allowed to start a riot???

Jesus wept – when will he start playing screaming rabbits on loop!

This is bordering on psychological torture now – why the fuck is the tantrum throwing man child with a long history of anger management issues still being allowed to keep provoking things?

Jacinda, you have to step in now and rein Trevor back in or he’s going to cause an insurrection!

This movement of fringe lunatics had puffed itself all out on Day 2. They had tried to push through the police line, but the Police operated with the highest level of professionalism and pushed them back.

TDB Recommends

3 arrests were made.

That night on Wednesday, the internal factions imploded with the largest faction leaving on Thursday morning!

This entire fiasco was falling over, and then what did Trev do?

After being bombarded by easily triggered middle class staff and mainstream media crying they were frightened by the unwashed, he goes all grumpy protector bear and orders the cops to remove the scum from his precious lawns!

And what happened?

Trev gave these feral lunatics a common enemy and live streamed a 10 hour fucking recruitment video that has seen the crowd swell to 2000!

Dragging people out by the hair for 10 hours tends to radicalise people and that’s what is happening!

What’s been Trev’s response to his strategic clusterfuck? Turning on the sprinklers, floodlights at night and loud music bordering on psychological torture!

These are not Uni students, or middle class woke Wellington activists who can be pushed around! These are the people bearing the economic lash of mandates most harshly and they have nothing to lose!

Jacinda, call your dog off, it’s making things immeasurably worse!

Right now, you are going to either have to allow these feral lunatics to stay or authorise the use of clubs and Police dogs to force them off the Lawn, is that the legacy you want to sum up your time in Parliament?

A violent State crack down because Trevor is being a fuckwit?

That’s the muddy lawn you are prepared to die on is it Jacinda?

Where are the adults and why is Trevor being allowed to provoke an insurrection?

Sure there is American Dark Money involved here.

I’ve been making that argument since they interfered in the cannabis referendum, but Trevor is providing the fucking ammunition for those Steve Bannon and Qanon lunatics to recruit even more to the cause!

Remember, this was going to fall over on Thursday morning right up until Trev started bashing heads and arresting people.

Trevor has provoked a response that is now erupting – we either accept these protestors on the lawn until they blow themselves out or be prepared for a level of violence from the Police that we’ve never seen in modern times – great work Trev.

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  1. Exactly, someone needs to send him home and tell him to come back when it’s all over. He was calling the protesters Neo Nazis last night… he’s an absolute clown.

  2. When parliament eventually sits again, can the people have trust in the speaker? I think Ardern has a real problem. What to do with the bovver boy. If she lets him stay and be speaker (can she force his resignation?) she will be seen to support his petty actions. If she forces him to go she may win the next election. Which way will our, not seen in public for the last week, leader jump?

    This is as much about Ardern and her cloak of invisibility, as it is about the bovver boy.

    • How far would you put your head above the parapet in the face of death threats being made by nutters at your workplace?

  3. “Whenever working-class people do something inconvenient they’re portrayed as feral ingrates or the hapless, uncritical dupes for other sinister forces. This, from middle class types who wet the bed worrying about pronouns and when the supermarket will run out of kale.”

  4. The problem for Ardern is if she intervenes now and stops Mallard, that it raises the question of why didn’t she control him sooner., i.e. he becomes her problem, the occupation is then her problem…

  5. The sprinklers may been a bit childish, but bombarding protestors with loud music throughout the night, is confrontational, and looking for trouble. Mallard is being deliberately provocative and bullying, and if the PM and her merrie men don’t realise that then they should. I couldn’t believe what was happening.

    Mallard, bovver boy reverting to type, trying to resolve a tense situation by further inflaming it, defies reason.

    The PM and co need to consult urgently with intelligent people, like police negotiators – the police are the guys in the front line here, not Trevor and Jacinda; locals fear serious harm being done to brave undeserving young cops, protecting Trevor et al, and if this happens, Trevor and his unbelievably inept colleagues, could be to blame.

  6. Im pretty sure the majority of New Zealanders would regard Mallards ham fisted attempts at removing the protestors as embarrassingly ineffectual which they are.
    The recruiting power of the livestream is miniscule compared to the majority of the population of inconvenienced, outraged and scathing who are urging clearance Red and Blue squad style.

    • There is no way in hell that riot squads will be sent in. Can you imagine proto fascists like Judith Collins asking why head kickers were sent in to clear this rabble, but not sent in to clear the Maori land occupiers at Ihumātao?

  7. Trev, ex liberal; this is you, this is what you and your party have become. Wake up, see what you’re doing.

    “Lifelong activists for justice and inclusion, for the Constitution and human rights and the rule of law — friends and colleagues of mine who are LGBTQ rights activists; the ACLU itself; activists for racial inclusion and equality; Constitutional lawyers who teach at all the major universities and run the law reviews; activists who argue against excluding anyone from any profession or access based on gender; almost all of them, at least on the progressive side of the spectrum (almost all: hello, Glenn Greenwald) — were silent; as a comprehensive, systematic, cruel, Titanic discrimination society was erected in a matter of months in such cities as New York City, formerly the great melting pot, the great equalizer; and as whole states such as California adopted a system pretty much like the apartheid systems based on other physical characteristics, in regimes that these same proud advocates for equality and inclusion had boycotted in college.

    And yet now these former heroes for human rights and for equal justice under law, stood by calmly or even enthusiastically as the massive edifice of discrimination was constructed. And then they colluded. Without even a fight or a murmur.

    And they had their “vaccinated-only” parties, and their segregated fashion galas, and their nonprofit-hosted discussions in nice medically-segregated New York City midtown hotels over expensive lunches served by staffers in masks — lunches celebrating luminaries of the civil rights movement or of the LGBTQ rights movement or the immigrants’ rights movement, or the movement to help girls in Afghanistan get access to schools which they had been prevented from attending— invitations which I received, but of which I could not make use, because — because I was prevented from attending.

    And these elite justice advocates enjoyed the celebrations of their virtues and of their values, and did not seem to notice that they had become — in less than a year — exactly what they had spent their adult lives professing most to hate.”

    • Your post DG, or Naomi’s, is a Nice, scary, horrible, disgusting story. I got lost in it. It had mystery as I didn’t understand it until nearer the end. It evoked many images in my mind.
      Short story of the year nomination.

  8. Yes Mallard is not fit to hold office he clearly is a lunatic.
    I find it hard to believe he is doing this on his own instead I think Jacinda Ardern is right behind him.
    Mallard is unfit to hold office he is clearly a silly person and has demonstrated that on many occasions.
    Jacinda Ardern is involved in these decisions she’s the Prime Minister for heavens sake.
    Don’t ascribe to the American dark money conspiracy.

  9. Mallard clearly feels he has the support of all parties in Parliament. His actions are short sighted and wrong. It will only result in protestors feeling more determined and together against the ……. enemy.

    Watch this backfire on Mallard when normal political service is resumed.

  10. If all you have is a hammer…

    He knows nothing else so sadly I think we may well see the the final outcome being Trev unleashing violence upon all those protesting as it would appear that Labour have determined that these protesters are unpersons in the finest traditions of 1984 and as such do not qualify for equal treatment under the law of the land.

    No wonder they’re still there – Trev and Labour have already lost so any further action will just amplify the anger whilst also helping it spread

    Trev on the balcony was such a terrible own goal – surely he should have considered the optics? It’s almost like he’s trying to fuck everything up.

    • Yeti. Indeed. Trevor watching from the balcony is disgraceful. Nobody should be staring down from that balcony, but Mallard is too big a hoon to even begin to understand how inappropriate his behaviour is, and foolhardy.

  11. Jacinda is in a pickle with this. Essentially these people are upset by ‘overreach’ of govt. Toouch intrusion in people’s lives. This govt has way gone too far. If Jacinda makes Trevor back down, then that would admitting such overreach. Jacinda will never admit to that. She can never be wrong.

        • Bert
          Can you not for once admit that your beloved speaker and your beloved PM are wrong sometimes? No? Never? In the same way we called for Judith Collins to be axed back then. She was shit and had to go. So we called it instead of blindly adoring her. Bert, read all the comments here. These are your leftie compatriots blogging. Surely you must realise that you stand out as the lonely flag waving Jacinda fan on this. Come.on. Get real and call it for what it is. It’s turning in a fucking disaster for your Jacinda.

  12. That man knew there were tents full of children when he decided to weaponise music and bright night lights. The hose sprinkler could have been a hot day decision, but this is a another sickening dimension more akin to the tortures of communist regimes, and a dreadful thing to be doing.

    Key spoke in a disparaging manner once, about protestors down on Lambton Quay. Trevor Mallard is 100 times worse. His arrogance and lack of respect for his fellow citizens suggests that he may no longer be fit to represent them.

      • Jeremy What the NZDF did to the poor subsistence farmers and innocent sleeping children over two nights up in the Tirigan Valley in Afghanistan, was infinitely worse than this, but the ratbags responsible, from PM Key down, continued to represent you, and me, in the New Zealand Parliament, supported by a venal MSM. Their dire deeds would remain lied about, and not accounted for, but for the integrity of two brave and honourable men, but still the whole nefarious bunch continued on their slippery way, and two or three picked up knighthoods, and still you presume to throw stones from an unchanging dirty quagmire, achieving little, if anything, in doing so.

    • My thoughts exactly surely this should be taken to an international authority for consideration,these people whatever their cause have been abused ,turning sprinklers in the evening when their cars were boxed in and they had no alternatives for warm dry accomodation ,wtf,this is beyond mean spirited this is reckless child endangerment and torture ,not acceptable under any regime ,these kind of methods ,sleep depravation and water torture have no place in N.Z

  13. By hand – Open letter from the protestors on the lawn: To all elected Parliamentary members as representatives of NZ people. In particular The Hon JA PM of NZ
    Re: letter of Demand from the NZ people

    We refer to matters of great importance to the people of New Zealand community. We hereby provide the Honourable members with a list of demands that we seek to have addressed by the Honourable members. These issues must be heard and acted upon.

    The Covid-19 matter has divided our nation and it is now time we the people are afforded the opportunity to heal.

    The list of demands as enunciated below represent the key issues we the people believe will move this towards resolution.

    In summary these issues are:
    • End all Covid –Vaccine Mandates.

    • End all restrictive Traffic light systems and ensure the nation as a whole remains open, allowing trade commerce and travel to be absolutely free.

    • Reject any moves for a society based on digital identity

    • Remove all restrictive vaccine passports.

    • Establish an Independent non-biased Investigative body to investigate any public service misconduct during the Covid-19 period.

    • Reinstate and compensate those that have lost their jobs during the Covid-19 period due to vaccine mandates.

    • Ensure there is fully informed consent required by parents and guardians in relation to any medical procedure/decisions/interventions for children.

    • Revoke all Covid-19 related Govt endorsed legislature/acts and laws that erode the peoples sovereign rights and freedoms.

    • A moratorium on the deregistration or prosecution of all registered medical practitioners silencing them from expressing their qualified medical opinion in relation to Covid-19 issues.

    We invite the Honourable members to consider and adopt as enunciated in this open letter without further delay.

    ProFest 22 for Peaceful Change
    We are bringing together people from all walks of life in New Zealand towards a common goal.

    By participating today, each one of us agrees to stand by these values and commit to non-violent action.


    We believe in Unity for Our Community.

    This is a family friendly, drug and alcohol free space. Clarity is necessary.
    We are succeeding and we are remaining peaceful.

    • Where is the line about the right to infect those like me that are medically compromised while I go about my life
      .In life we all make decisions and there are consequences and why should you have the right to be a walking Petrie
      This does not mean I agree with the bullying approach of Mallard to your protest

      • You can catch COVID from the vaccinated you fuckwit.
        Besides, if the price of saving your life is crushing the rights of others, then your life isn’t worth saving.

        • The rights they want seems to be to hang Jacinda and vandalise MP s offices .Nice bunch who you would obviously fit in well with .

  14. Somehow that photo of Trevor on the Parliament balcony is quite reminiscent of an image of old Nicolae Ceaușescu…he even looks the same.

    Also deluded, mad on power and a bully.

  15. Excellent article. Where is the PM? Where is kindness and engagement? A good leader can do these things without losing face. These people deserve to be heard and acknowledgment from anyone in parliament and this may help to de-escalate the situation further. Trevor Mallard needs to be locked in a cupboard with masking tape over his mouth.

  16. I also noted that people who, had until this time had a mild bemusement at best with these convoys and subsequent occupation now had shifted into a decided sense of sympathy for these protesters after the establishments reactions.
    I think this change of heart and outright support for the protests are much larger than the establishment and their MSM would like to admit.
    And after listening to that media explaining the media show that was just on National Radio I wonder how just detachment of the MSM really is to the populace.
    Id like to think I am not by default anti science or anti vax or anti Barry Manilow or Billy Ray Cyrus nor I hope a mindless knuckle dragging buffoon tool of the capitalists or the American nazi party just for mentioning these things. But I do loathe mask wearing and having to walk the length of supermarket carparks to retrieve phones for swiping in the covid app from the Ute. Or for another mask after the elastic breaks on the first one. And having friends volunteer for civil defence duties only to be turned away for not being vaxxed. Or for needy households not being eligible for government funded home insolation for not being vaxxed. Or nephews not being invited to wee friends birthday parties because his parents are vaxxed and birthday boys aren’t. And many others, on both sides falling into rabbit holes, led by people they think really understands them. And who they think speak their language to them while others who are supposed to arent.

    Actually I am Anti Barry Manilow and Billy Ray Cyrus music. I admit that. I loathe that song who’s name I shall not mention.

    • Wouldn’t some kind of copyright law apply to playing this music to a public audience ,surely Mr Mallard should pay for the right to broadcast an artists work to a huge crowd


        Mallard is been reported to ‘APRA’ for copyright! For using artist(s) music without their permission etc … Whats he gunna say to that, “well it’s pretty legal?”

        The duck that keeps giving! This Mallard is done! Needs to be gutted and stuffed and another Mallard could then mount him.

  17. I am unconvinced that the incompetent coup would have fizzled out on Thursday. Mallard admittedly seems fairly petty in his response since the trespass notice was issued, but I do prefer passive to active aggression in this context.
    Is it Monday or Tuesday that Parliament resumes? I have in mind that Monday is more of a prep day for the week in the debating chamber. I assume that there will be more police action and arrests when the buildings aren’t empty.

  18. There is strategic value for LINO in stirring these folk up.
    Funny watching the Nats trying desperately to disengage.
    Great theatre *popcorn*

    Take a peek at Dave Brownz excellent analysis for an overarching appraisal of this contrived circus.

  19. No let him continue. The people of this country are gonna end up voting for Judith fucking Collins and the Hologram because the other option is even more revolting. Let him be on record just how revolting they are.

  20. And maybe you need to ask yourself, what are you not discussing? The business closures? The lack of RATs? the fact that they can not get test results fast enough? The fact that this revolting troupe of useless eaters never had a plan?

    • Just heard that Mahuta is telling any New Zealanders in the Ukraine to leave now…but they can’t come home??? Didn’t think that one through hey?

    • You’re right. Retail in Auckland is suffering, the amount of closed shops is terrible, hospitality dying, major sports brands dying and if this goes on too much longer there’s not going to be a lot left standing.

      Right now we NEED this government to think ahead and fast, daily reviews, lead, not rely on ministries to do their thinking and roll with the punches and adapt. What we’ve got is a delayed Punch and Judy show of bullshit from the PM down reacting way too late to dampen down the clusterfuck they’ve allowed to form.

      There was a popular meme on this and other sites, John Key standing in front of a burned out landscape saying “My work here is done”. The irony is it should be Ardern and Robertson and it would be the truth.

  21. Most New Zealanders will see Trevor’s attempts at removing the protesters as feeble and embarrassing.
    This lot has no political representation even within a system that would allow the most extreme of views.
    There is ample law for removal ranging from trespass and obstruction to flouting the public health act and wilful and criminal damage.
    The will of the people is for the peoples house to be taken back by the state and for the capitol to be handed back to its law abiding citizens.

  22. El Commandante Mussolini el Franco Mallard El Ducko has given the Protesters in Parliament grounds in Wellywood global recognition!

    Good on him.

    He’ll be getting a phone call from his boss, Helen Clark shortly.


    Good question Bomber. I would think that Adern and her colleagues are relaxed about these shenanigans after all as you and others have been saying these people are ” fringe lunatics ” which means that they have been written off early on as being more of a nuisance than a real threat due to them expressing their deeply held opinions and you would think that Mallard after all his years in parliament and presiding as speaker he would have been more attuned dealing with these ” fringe lunatics ” after all parliament has had its share of madness and lunatics and Mallard being one of them.

    That picture of him looking out at the ” rabble ” reminds me of how dictators behave overseas and here but behind closed doors. I don’t remember seeing ant previous speaker of the house behaving in this way and there have been many protest gatherings over the years and its hard to reconcile Mallard , Carter , Smith or Wilson taking this approach over the Hikoi for example.

    Adern will know that public sentiment is on her side here and that there seems very little sympathy for these people and their protest so Mallard the attack duck will remain off the leash as long as it suits Adern and her colleagues.

    • David Seymour:
      “All MPs have chosen to ignore these protesters, except for Mallard who has waved a red rag to them.

      “Trevor Mallard needs to leave the response to Police. It’s not for politicians to interfere with silly pranks.”

      “It’s like he thinks he’s Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone and few silly pranks will scare the trespassers away. What’s next? Placing buckets of water on doors left ajar?

      “He’s even taken to Twitter saying he will take suggestions from the public about what music to play. New Zealand deserves more maturity from the Speaker of the House.

      “Not only are Mallard’s antics immature, not only are the ineffective, they have made a serious situation much worse. His petty behaviour has only encouraged the protesters further.”

  24. if ‘jacinda the spineless’ (not a viking queen) gives in, democracy is over in NZ, and YES it is that fuckin’ simple…and she will, if the spin can get her through 1 more week.

  25. I’m thoroughly enjoying the whole shit fight. Not sure anyone knows what the end game is though, but the whole thing could have been avoided if only everyone had got vaccinated.

    • In a wider context.

      When you have;

      Society Upheaval
      Economic Collapse
      Environmental Collapse
      Poverty Growth
      Unsustainable Homelessness
      Political Disfunction
      Capitalism Collapsing

      All of this is happening globally.

      It’s only a matter of time that all these thing converge, synchronise and then the shit really hits the fan.

      Covid has galvanised/compounded all of these things globally.

      The next 2 or 3 years are going to be doozies! So buckle up ‘Dorothy!’

      It’s all about to hit the fan!

      What happens next is what happens next.

      PS. The learnedred ‘comrades’ are waiting in the wings, because that’s what the doctrine tells them and they tell each other. Time will tell us whether all this study will become reality.

  26. The half-arsed police arrests on Friday were a mistake, however I’m coming around to thinking that garden sprinklers and Barry Manilow are perfect response when dealing with the unhinged, except that I’d have kept it Kiwi and played non-stop Wing albums.

  27. Most New Zealanders will regard Mallards attempts to dislodge the protesters as feeble and ineffectual.
    The have no political or social representation even in an MMP environment that encourages minority views let alone some of the extremest policies of established parties.
    Most of these people were on the fringes before Covid and are not going to be persuaded to be part of a cohesive community that considers a greater good.
    The will of the people is that the peoples house is cleared and that the capital is handed back to law abiding residents and business people.
    The threshold of enforcement action has long been met- obstruction, trespass, vandalism, criminal damage and the breaching of public health orders.
    Allowing a hardcore of illegal campers to be bolstered by day trippers, rubberneckers and supporters is ludicrous.
    End this now with support from the majority.

  28. Does any one seriously still think that vaccinated people can’t catch and transmit c19 just take a look at the latest places of interest- there is heaps of venues that require a vaccine passport I.s pubs and cafes…

    • JS I was surprised to see the stats here in NZ.

      Vaccination status of population and 7 day rolling average of new cases and hospitalisations
      Of new cases Fully vaccinated amount to 79%
      Of new hospitalised 45% fully vaccinated, 35% unvaccinated, and 20% children under 12 (for statistical purposes being classed as unvaccinated). But note these are proportions – at present there are only 32 people in hospital.
      6% of population are unvaccinated, 78% are fully vaccinated, but note how high the rate of hospitalisation for unvaxxed is – the 6% unvaxxed yields 35% of people being treated in hospital.
      So full vaccination lowers hospitalisations and more should have boosters, only 37% have had them so far.

  29. I supported lockdowns, let’s all face it We all new it would arrive. We prepared, supported each other and united as a team.. We actually done well and many lost a lot. I got vaccinated.. hesitantly as most due to the lack of vaccine test history and misinformation. But where do We stand when a government who chose to ignore the voice of the people it serves with a collective belief that a trans Tasman bubble wasn’t worth delta for the minimal happiness of a handful of happy Aussies tourists. Where do We stand when our jobs and basic right of choices are overshadowed in what I compare to blackmail. When would you say no ? What jab number 54 maybe 104. Hang on you can’t, your mandated.. hold out your arm, what your not feeling well. Who cares… How many vaccinated New Zealanders who said they wouldn’t get the jab did. How do feel about it now. What makes your choice any different to your fellow countryman. A prime minister who classify’s anyone who doesn’t do what they want a second class citizen is someone who doesn’t understand Who placed her there. Why create divide over personal choice. We placed you there and We will remove you. I use to think you were genuine, but your true colours show your full of lies and have no backbone to hold your position.

    • Simplifies matters? ‘a handful of happy Aussies tourists.’. We have a tourist-dependent country needing numbers, partly to keep our air transport going for now. And the jobs in tourism, which has always been regarded as a low income earner. But hey it’s a large part of what we have left. People are living in cars and concrete boxes now.

      Government has followed the prescription of Drs Hayek and Friedman and Dr Ricardo and Uncle Tom Cobley and all, and have opened wide so the nice money dentist can inspect to see what standard we attain, good or poor, and the IRD can see if there are any gold teeth they can grab. Bet you didn’t think of all those players waiting for their time on stage Paul.

  30. The police think it’s inflaming the situation and are distancing themselves from parliaments decisions. He’s an angry wind bag well passed his used by date that’s always throwing temper tantrums that blow up in his face and the public has to pay for it. If he had of ignored this it would have died on its own Accord now he’s constantly inflaming the situation.

    I don’t think angry, vindictive, spiteful and muck raking are good traits for a speaker, parliaments most senior position.

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