MEDIAWATCH: The latest woke lynch mob cancelling Jimmy Carr & Joe Rogan is why the Left is losing


For fucks sake , the culture war on Comedy continues…

Joe Rogan apologises for repeated use of N-word after footage emerges

Podcast host says sorry for ‘most regretful and shameful thing I’ve ever had to talk about’ but says remarks were taken out of context

Memorial day charity ‘appalled’ at comedian’s remarks about Nazi killings in Netflix special

…Johnathan Pie articulates it best…

The comedy special is called ‘His Dark Material’, it opens with him telling the audience he’s going to joke about some terrible things but joking about the terrible thing isn’t the same as doing the terrible thing!

As for Rogan, his use of that word was in the context of people using the word, not just dropping it randomly into topics for shits and giggles.

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How is it that we on the Left have become such Puritan censors?

Why are we doing the book burning now?

Micro aggression policing trigger thresholds where the quickest to take offence wins in a never ending grim roulette of intersectionist grievance where a cacophony of wounds jockey for social hierarchy.

Wokeness has become a puritanical religion with none of the beauty – it’s not so much the personal virtue signal, we are all dicks at times, it’s the weaponization by algorithms that make it so dangerous and damaging.

Twitter outrage is woke righteousness porn for the middle classes. A puritanical razoring where the self elected morality police publicly shame and cancel anyone for not using the language protocols of the conclave.

The woke lynch mob attempting to cancel Carr & Rogan only serve to create more defectors from the progressive movement and alienate potential allies for nothing more than breaches of Woke dogma & thought policing.

The right look for recruits, the Left look for traitors

Imagine if the woke put as much energy into child poverty, climate change and housing as they do cancelling comedians – how much closer to Utopia would we be then?

Meanwhile the planet is melting. If the woke have finished cancelling everyone for jokes they are triggered by, could we possibly move onto the climate crisis?

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  1. Dead right what you say….The right look for recruits while the left look for traitors… and history shows they always have done. The left folk are at there happiest when they are being miserable.

  2. I’ll say this until I’m blue in the face. Anything that divides the people, didn’t come from the people! This is yet another corporate/ruling class con that needs to be called out for what it is – an act of division.

  3. Could be wrong here but why is cancellation considered only a left issue? Start making more extreme jokes about religion and tell me it will only be left leaning that is doing the cancelling. You can’t even buy a certain book about the holocaust in the state of Tennessee at present. That might be because a bunch of goose steppers are in charge but it’s cancellation none the less. You could say Labour and the hate speech legislation is an example of the left going down the slippery slope….but what is left about Labour?

  4. I’d say this goes beyond the woke, who are increasingly the useful idiots providing moral cover and rent-a-mob for corporate and political special interests. Helping the powerful become even more powerful such as begging big-tech to exercise more control over society.

    Why worry about real issues like poverty, housing, or genuine abuses of power when we can distract people with culture war theatre and redirect activist energy towards policing language and comedy.

  5. I think Jimmy Carr’s joke was offensive, and so unacceptable, because it reinforced a negative racist stereotype. Substitute the word Roma with Gays, (thousands of whom the Nazis also slaughtered) for instance, and tell me if that would be acceptable? Take the same gag and adapt it to another situation and say, for instance, that rising Auckland rents and rates aren’t all bad because they push poor people out of town and so improve the neighborhood, and then tell me if that would be acceptable. Now compound that insensitivity by substituting the phrase “poor people” with one of the many ethnic groups prevalent among the poor, and tell me I’m “Woke” if I say that would be totally unacceptable. In my view comedy, like political cartoons, should speak truth to power, which is where Carr’s joke failed and so was in bad taste, a phrase that exists because sometimes it’s needed. And that people found themselves laughing at it only shows the degree to which we are losing our sense of humanity. But that’s where protest should be left.

    • Formulating comedic jokes is not the same as organising the destruction of minority of rights.

      To even attempt to link the shows how bored you are and how much the left has fallen.

    • I’m of Irish descent so when all those dumb-Irish jokes were popular I thought some of them were hilarious.
      For example: How many Irish people does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: 1390. One to hold the light bulb and 1389 to turn the house.
      The Black and Tans.
      Heard of them?
      The thing with being a human being is that we must always remember that we are human beings. We’re vulgar, uncouth, rude, dangerous, violent, hilarious, creative, beautiful, loving, gentle, generous, wicked, mean and nasty.
      And then there are the arse holes. Arse holes are a sub-group of human being. They’re adept at manipulation and exploitation and as such they’re always looking for an opportunity to take intimate advantage for personal gain. And all the better if that can be done in a mean, cynical and cruel a manner as possible.
      Arse holes become expert at using language and morals to divide and concur to disable us human beings to then feed from us.
      If human, human beings were not afraid of or wary of the nuances of being human, the arse holes would have no ammunition to manipulate and exploit us with.
      That’s why Jimmy Carr and Ricky Gervais are vital and essential.
      That doesn’t mean we should stop punching racists etc. It simply means that we shouldn’t get too obsessed by them either.

      • Most comedians and class clowns have adhd.

        The adhd brain runs a unique program that finds connection and tension between disparate concepts/things, and makes humour AND controversy.

        Getting cancelled for saying the wrong thing to the wrong people at the wrong time, has been happening since day one.

        Many people get killed for this. Court jesters had a very short lifespan due to the king having had a gutsful of the fooking smartarse.

        I suppose a lot get into bar fights and show disrespect, etc, and get dealt with out in the wild too. Probably the sort of person who might try to tickle a hippo.

        So as a self limiting genetic trait, the Darwin button is always a bad joke or ballsy stunt away.

        If not, they would take over the gene pool and be everywhere. They tend to have superior sperm motility and volume, and are quite good at sports and logic.

        But thinking fast on your feet means if unrestrained you might put too much trust in your abilities, and make a grave mistakes.

    • You say in your own summary Carr’s joke was in bad taste, the metric being does it speak truth to power (or does it punch down).

      This is conflating political comedy (where I’d largely agree) for all comedy.
      Jimmy’s joke was not political and structurally a pretty standard piece of misdirection where he plays the ‘worst person in the world’ which he has done with highly sensitive subjects over his entire career. That’s kind of his shtick.

      He is the kind of guy who in a performance to British Forces overseas (Afghanistan?) jokes that people have conflicting views on the war but think of the amazing Paralympic team Britain will have in a few years. Further he does a lot of community work including disabled charities despite or perhaps because, of the jokes he makes about disabled people. So be cautious being offended on other people’s behalf (see Chapelle on his friendship with Daphne Dorman and her views for more on the subject).

      Even if we agree that the joke is extremely bad taste, does ‘unacceptable’ mean it should it be banned? Who will enforce that, Big Tech would be happy to help, as will the purveyors of new Hate Speech laws.

      Carr could have been cancelled thousands of times in his career, the Netflix special has been up for a month. Why we are supposed to be outraged now? Does the upcoming UK Media Bill that would impose sanctions on streaming services have anything to do with the timing?

      Years ago George Monbiot wrote a piece on how the Blair’s governments anti-terror legislation was used far more against the general public than actual terrorists, expect any speech laws to work in a similar way.

      Lastly you say some people found Carr’s joke funny, apparently this means we are ‘loosing our sense of humanity’, instead of perhaps that people laughing at something truly terrible is a release valve. It’s pretty natural, emergency workers do it all the time.

      As Krystal’s says in the piece I posted earlier, if we believe our fellow citizens are the danger and empowering plutocrats is the answer what do you think the outcome is going to be?

      PS: you’re not obviously woke, for that you also need to believe in the collective guilt of the oppressor group (based on intrinsic identity markers).

    • bad taste is in the eye of the fact I believe the term ‘bad taste comedian’ was originally applied to Lenny Bruce the forefather of all modern stand-up

      the answer is simple…you no like, you no buy…

    • Look at it this way, if you asked people who was involved in that WW2 event one answer is very likely, what you’re less likely to hear is Gypsies, the mentally aberrant or the infirm among a number of other groups. Another way of looking at Carrs joke is bringing attention to other groups that were equally impacted but not discussed as often, or at all.

      The joke comes from inverting this idea and subverting your expectations. Does Jimmy Carr actually think what happened to Gypsies was a good thing that Bad Man should be credited with? Or is the very point of his joke ‘no, it is not a good thing, Bad Man is still bad and we should remember this often overlooked minority group’?

  6. If we scratch beneath the surface I think we’ll find the perpetually outraged consist of a tiny group of ugly teenage girls who hate the world because they have no boyfriend and a couple of mentally trannies. This really is not any kind of mass movement and should be ridiculed ruthlessly.

    • Andrew I can’t stand the perpetually outraged either. But if you’re going to stereotype them like that, can you really complain when somebody respond with something like “but you only think like that cos you’re a privileged old white male”?

      • Old and white most definitely! LOL
        Privileged not so much. I was brought up by an invalid solo mum on welfare. So I did what anyone in my position should do: I didn’t wag school and did all my homework.

  7. Criminalising language and using euphemisms such as “the n word” is thoroughly pointless as well as being dishonest.
    The euphemisms disguise nothing and are instantly mentally translated by the listener or reader.

  8. The thing that annoys me most about the Woke movement is the ridiculous notion to them that being offended is the same as being right. It fucking isn’t and we should all push back from that rancid dog shit before it gets any further traction.

  9. The woke have groped their way up the system and sing from the same pomo songsheet to keep their place reserved. Its what social democracy looks like after its been turned into its parts have all been bought off for a sum.

  10. The Left is losing?? Depends how you define “Left” I guess, but wokeism is very much in the ascendancy throughout the Anglosphere. Dems in power in the US, Ardern’s LINO government looks on track to win a 3rd term in NZ, Canada and Scotland are woke basket-cases, Tories are slowly losing ground in the UK.

    • The Left or Right, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that both sides are weakened by concepts that most likely come from the ruling class playbook. You want to weaken the Right, talk up the threat/craziness of the far-Right. You want to weaken the Left, get them hooked on concepts like woke ism and cancellation. Both sides weakened, neither side holds the advantage over the other, both chasing each others tails, neither side ‘collectively’ focused on the powerful – perfect state of play for the ruling class.

  11. it’s really really simple..everyone knows JC is edgy with his humour, that’s why people watch..getting offended when you’ve chosen to watch an edgy comedian is frankly outraged pearl clutching at it’s lowest…it’s actually going out looking to be offended and getting exactly what you sought.

    as my mum always used to say (about tv) ‘if you don’t like it turn it over’ (to another channel)

    on a more theoretical note…all jokes have a ‘butt’, no ‘butt’ it’s not a joke..try to find a genuinely funny ‘woke’ comic…oh yeah there’s ones we dutifully clap but only because we feel we should…genuinely funny means offending someone sometime, and if you don’t like that you don’t like comedy… don’t watch it.

    what’s next? banning Maus, teaching ‘both sides’ of the holocaust?

      • you might BG I fuckin don’t ……
        I laugh, guffaw, choke, cry and piss myself laughing…and that’s just listening to fester
        ….now listening to jimmy carr that’s anyurism territory…but what a way to go.

    • would he good if the holocaust was a subject you could ask questions about without being instantly vilified. Like why is it that for decades after WW2 it was claimed 4 million jews died in Auswhitz but now its scaled down to 1.1 million yet the overall number remains 6m. Seems a legit Q to ask but no its not…

  12. This woke cancel everything nonsense is utterly disrespectful to the minorities they claim to be standing up for. Its insinuating that blacks and gays are so fragile, that even a bad taste joke would see them reduced to tears and needing a therapist.

  13. The Left has pretty much always been Puritanical, apart from in the 60s. All modern leftism is descended from Calvinism via the English Dissenters, Puritanism, Unitarianism, Trascendentalism, and the Progressive Movement. The lefties of yesteryear may appear right wing to us, but when you compare them to the right wingers of the time, you can see who’s who. The Dionysian 60s are over. Neil Young is now an informer for The Party.

  14. Glenn Greenwald puts the US media into context and details the litany of wilful lies and misinformation from establishment sources and how the worst offenders fail upwards in corporate media. These are the institutions and individuals alarmed by Rogan and claim to be combatting misinformation and bigotry.

    This is a manufactured outrage machine.

    • For political or social comedians and commentators, the greats like George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Dave Chapelle, Jon Stewart et al I would agree with Carlin’s sentiment. However that is not the space Carr plays in (except perhaps in a vaguely meta way). His standup style is more deadpan misdirection and playing the ‘worse person in the world’, a release valve kind of comedian, rather than one who articulates the absurdities and injustices of life.

      Carr has been doing this for years, why is he an issue now? This is outrage theatre likely, as in Rogan’s case, to cover or facilitate other agendas.

  15. has anyone seen the full bit?
    he starts his show with what is in effect a ‘trigger warning’ after the somewhat flip joke he deconstructs it for the audience.
    ..basically saying to them.
    ..well you don’t know about the murder of gypsies etc, and maybe you should.

    now the joke was fairly obvious, then he want to the trouble to explain it but still permanently offended got their skiddies twisted..all over a month old show
    ….clearly some people spend all day looking to be offended
    …..come back Rev Bowdler all is forgiven.

  16. The ‘Wokes’ are having a bit of a problem with comedians like Carr and Chapelle and others. Why? Because they’re fucking experts at their craft. Nothing is sacred when it comes to comedy. Only the weak will yield to the mentals.

  17. Joe Rogan recently said that acceptance/tolerance of trans people will lead to the downfall of civilization. I dont think we should be lining up beside this sort of rhetoric.

  18. yeah rogan is loathsome…but if I want kids to be able to read Maus I have to put up with rogans shite.
    .that’s the deal with free speech.


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