Stolen land, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and human rights abuses



  1. Apartheid Israel is a colonial project where it was and still is supported by the mother of creating colonial states England. Hasbara trolls paid and unpaid will BS to the ignorant and make outrageous claims that Jews are an individual chosen race (Supremacy) and are the real indigenous people of Palestine-Israel but cant really explain without more BS why this exceptional race of people are ethnically different, color, Mannerism, nationality even language. And what’s more troubling is that our FM Nanaia Mahuta an indigenous person of NZ is supportive along with her Maori political colleagues of indigenous aspirations (He Puapua) but are willing to disregard another indigenous population plight and self-determination. Any Maori person that supports an Apartheid Israel without understanding the colonial structure even noted by their zionist founder Theodor Herzl is not only sad but also does a disservice to the memory of their own ancestors demise at the hands of its own colonial oppressor England.

    • Well, you really nailed the BS there. Jews returning to Palestine as immiserated refugees came from numerous countries and had no colonial sponsor. They were never seeking to exploit anyone just looking for sanctuary and hard work in their ancient homeland.Arabs were the colonisers from Arabia as their name suggests. Doh.You conveniently ignore of course the fact that Britain, pandering to Arab racism and violence, halted the Jews’ immigration in 1939 with the White Paper trapping them in Europe and leaving them easy prey for Hitler. Pretty bizarre colonialism. Accusing today’s Israelis of ‘Zionism’ is as David Collier aptly put it “like trying to abort the baby after it’s born.”

      • I’m assuming this is Gaby the unpaid Hasbara troll? In 1917 Arthur Balfour an anti-Semitic ardent Zionist wrote up a fake declaration and named it after himself what a guy?? In his haste he decided to promise someone else land to strangers without telling the owners. The European Jewish community was in it infancy at the time but rich Europeans like the Rothchild family were purchasing land and already had the first Kibbutz from 1910. If this Jewish family were indigenous to Palestine why were they buying land?? And if we are to take your revisionist seriously that the Arabs colonized Palestine who did they colonize??? And the Bible if we are to take the content seriously from a historical lens then didn’t the Jews immigrate from Egypt? and wasn’t Abraham the father of the Monotheistic religion born in Mesopotamia?
        The Europeans genocided the European Jews not the Arabs and when the Arabs warred against the newly Apartheid Jewish state its because of Zionism and its genocidal policies towards the Indigenous Palestinian.

      • You stuffed up your argument the moment you wrote, “Jews returning to Palestine….”. The bulk of Israeli Jews have absolutely no genetic attachment, so could not be ‘returning’. It’s like claiming that all immigrants returned home to the countries they settled in, even though they have no genetic markers pertaining to the country they migrated to and never left or severed their attachment to their adoptive homeland.
        You haven’t indicated who David Collier is but his argument sounds pretty much like a sick justification for the doctrine of ‘facts on the ground” or like thieves claiming that “possession is nine tenths of the law’. Self-serving!
        You are right about Britain’s despicable duplicity in its handling of European Jews but they weren’t alone. (Of course I realize that people you ignorantly regard as anti-semites shouldn’t see things that way). Its colonialism and sense of entitlement has screwed over much of the world, similarly to the US in more recent decades.
        Try thinking that through with a non-Israel centric mindset – if you can.

  2. Nanaia demonstrating hipocracy? Or just plain ignorance when it comes to Tikanga?
    She is unwilling to apply the very values she believes in to others.

  3. Dear dear poor Gaby today the report from Amnesty International has come out saying that Israel is an apartheid state. I’ve already heard mutterings of the likes of Gaby that AI is antisemitic. The thing is Gaby you should be able to give us an example of calling out Israel / criticising it without being antisemitic because that is what is used all the time.

    The major human rights organisations now say that Israel is an apartheid state.

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