BREAKING: NZ is now in Lockdown level 4


Getting my vaccination tomorrow – ha ha sucks to you Covid – wait what’s this news alert?


A case of Covid in the Community in Devonport Auckland. Assumption is that it is Delta.

NZ is now in Lockdown level 4.

Plague, war in Afghanistan and now the power grid?

The 4th horsemen of the apocalypse must be stuck in an Uber somewhere.

Kia kaha folks. We’ve got this.

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Go hard or go to Australia.

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  1. Two major power outages because of insufficient generation in two weeks? WTF?

    I thought Meagan Woods was on to it?

    • X-ray
      Something with coal maybe? Something about not having imported enough while having closed down our own sources? But don’t worry, Ideology will provide enough fuel to power those generators!

    • Ahem. So a CEO of an electricity utility on over a million a year and your instinct is to look at Megan Woods like an absolute cunt.

      • Yep !my oath! lack of reform of the electricity sector was long overdue when Labour were in Coalition with Winston. We got the gratefully received winter payment and nothing else cos it’s just too hard to write and ram thru effective policy. That requires people in government who know how to do stuff not just talk shit!

      • Not every comment about me, is important.

        Perhaps the economy does need to change to one that has more central control.

        Another reason that comments about myself is less important is that it is written by a community of people, deeply embedded in the age of hopelessness. That’s how to recognise a incrementalism.

        There for Ministers have no authority to shift the economy other than incrementally.

        The big changed that should have happened, should have happened in the first hundred days after the 2017 election. Bomber said a thing or two about what to do. It wasn’t done. Now here we are nearly 6 years later.

        Now if anyone is leading a New Zealand corporation, when it comes to financial reviews like swaps, corporate governance, or what to do next, The Daily Blog is really the only place that covers this stuff. You can go to places like the herald or the spin off, but they just get it way too wrong, way to often.

        So Megan Woods with her hands tied thanks to ministerial responsibilities now has to go back on 6 years working with in her authorised responsibilities and comment about how hopless the cards she’s been dealt by the house, the electricity providers. And this conflict of interest goes right around to every Minister.

        Even though a minister has supervisory responsibilities, in policy terms they are completely subordinate to corporate NZ.

        At this point.

        And if the radical left continues to deny Jacinda there support.

        The only way to get major structural change into the economy is when NZ superannuation pool ticks over one hundred billion dollars.

        Do if we hold our nerve. Do what we are good at and I mean strengthen super contributions, we may just might survive this attempted corporate take over of The Labour Partys image.

    • Like Max Bradford and the Nats were on to it when they sold the lot off to private investors where the prime motivator is profit, not the customer. Yeah, right!
      Those profits/benefits NEVER ‘trickled down’ to customers!
      Meagan Wood IS on to it – way, way ahead of Bradford.
      At least the PM has given pensioners some some help with a $700 pa extra to pay for their exorbitant power costs.
      Thanks Labour! It’s not the ‘trickle down’ the Nats promised but it’s gratefully received.
      Now bring electricity generation, supply and distribution back to pre-Bradford days. Please!

    • Even coal carrying OZ has battery back ups now. Even Auckland has battery storage as well, so they didn’t have to upgrade their underground lines.

      I guess when you have an dinosaur culture in electricity around most of NZ and the government think ‘business’ will do their research for them, Transpower and WEL somehow missed the boat. Oh and our government not learnt any lessons from Enron about how electricity companies like to profit and manipulate pricing.

      Apart from that, at least NZ has Labeen in power, they may be hopeless on many things, but with Covid lockdowns they at least do the right thing. Lets hope Labeen learn from this community outbreak, and don’t listen to business braying about opening the borders. It is clearly worse for business when relaxing border controls with OZ and Rarotonga then lead to a community case and now a lockdown.

    • It was nothing to do with insufficient generation.

      North Canterbury has had gale force North Westers for days on end here.
      I have not seen these winds for a long time.

      What happened was one of the cups carrying the cables broke and the and the cable came down.
      These cables are very heavy and would have been tested the last few days in these kinds of winds.

      Nothing Megan Woods could have done about that.

    • When National sold off 50% of the power companies it created a market share value to the governments own holding.

      The higher the power price the higher the value of the asset on the governments books – if the government, say via “Onslow” provided extra power supply (in dry hydro years) this would lower the power price (as would closure of the smelter) and share value – which would worsen the government books.

      National’s move was designed to further bind the government to the interests of the profit making by these companies.

  2. All we had to do was refuse entry to dicks who were outraged that their right to return to NZ may be denied after living in London since ’96 . . or wankers who were similarly outraged they couldn’t go to the Goldie for a week.
    Rest of the world will be laughing their asses off . .

    • Jay11, Please just follow the rules for all our sakes – or like Martyn says ‘go to Australia’.

    • Jay11 and fans
      We need to applaud the govt here. For once they are NOT fucking around with pissy little Half measures. This is the right move. You really need an answer why the whole country? Wait a few days and see where the cases pop up and you’ll get your answer.

    • ‘ Cos sometimes Aucklanders escape southwards, or outwards, and they carry their bugs with them unbeknowing.

      Another Ingmar Bergman sort of night. Hoping not to live on rice cakes like last time, I strove to stock up on bread tonight, but passed hordes of people ferrying phenomenal amounts of lavatory paper all around the neighbourhood. Countdown was almost cleaned out of it – and totally cleaned out of bread, and with equilibrium- challenging queues, but nice humans personning all the checkouts.

      New World had much shorter queues, but only a few gut churning white loaves, so once again, no bread. Long life milk is on special though, and not having a freezer, I’ve been stocking up on cans, and I almost know how to open them without an opener. I make great soups incorporating the neighbours’ puha and dandelion leaves, unwashed NW spuds are $1.00 a kilo cheaper than Countdown’s, and at this stage it’s all the best to all those carers of kiddies crammed into small and unsuitable spaces, and hoping that they stay happy and healthy – it’s not easy.

    • Yep, you don’t mess around, better a sledgehammer to be sure than a tack hammer and later regrets! Full marks to the govt. Their hard core attitude has saved us from being a Brazil.

  3. Maybe it’s time to revisit some of the hydro schemes on the West Coast cancelled over the past decade or three here on the West Coast.

    This is exactly what those pushing for these projects said was going to happen.
    They had a saying here that went along the lines of “Dam [insert name of river power project] so the Jafas don’t freeze in the dark along with the greenies”.

    But on a more serious note, are they allowing the Covid shot program to proceed? Just I’m booked in for mine tomorrow as well.

  4. At the same time as Europe opens up and premier league stadiums are full we lock down for 1-case…….who is winning the covid war dare I ask?

    • Went to the countdown supermarket tonight to get , among other things, some Beer. 95% of people, including Asians, were not wearing face nappies. People have learnt more about microbiology vis a vis personal research in a mere 18 months, have become veterans and the Kiwi’s walk freely- which cannot be said for all those overseas nations where covid has massively affected their mode of existence.

      You see their mass gatherings?- all wearing face nappies. All doing the social distance thing despite their vaccinations. We owe a lot to this govt despite other failures.

  5. …’Go hard or go to Australia’….


    Hahahaha… and we trounced those folk across the ditch in the Bledisloe Cup wonderfully and gave back their Christmas Island racism, their mistreatment of tax paying NZers in Auss, their deportment of the 501’s, their Aussie banks stealing our wealth, their USA inspired imperialisms in full measure.

    If there’s one thing I have confidence in this govt in, its in their treatment of the covid19 pandemic. They have failed miserably in housing, wages (Though much excitement regards the Fair Pay discussions and compulsory unionism yet to come !) and U.B and the dangerous anti democratic hate speech shenanigan’s,…and many others,… but THIS Labour govt is the govt of our times!

    I say we can work with these people.

    We need to keep them on. They are teachable,… in part at least.

    We are fortunate to have them. God bless our country ! Its Godzone after all despite any neo liberal secular detractors!!!

  6. Taking this course of action, by immediately implementing a lock down then counting back from level four, is a bloody good strategy.
    It’s a much better course of action, to perhaps over react now, than to try to apologise to grieving families and friends later.
    Big Up’s ( As they say ) to Adern and Bloomfield.
    The electricity thing is a spite attack against the collective us. React accordingly by simply re nationalising the grid then sacking the various electricity boards/hangers on/share holders/CEO’s and Exec’s.

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