$400K for neoliberal work saftey propaganda? 


WorkSafe’s danger-detecting meerkats in latest health and safety campaign cost $400,000 to develop

Digital meerkats featured in WorkSafe’s latest campaign came with a hefty price tag, according to reports – the computer-generated creatures costing the taxpayer $400,000.

Neoliberalism in NZ can’t exist without the never ending perverse cultural propaganda to promote its mythologies.

This ad felt like it’s been brainfarted out by a Wellington Ad agency who sold the Meerkats as some amazing Weta Digital special effects spectacular to justify their outrageous fee.

The reason this Worksafe advert is neoliberal Wellington propaganda bullshit is because the entire way this advert is framed is around the workers responsibility to ensure their work space is safe.

That’s right, this is an advert that justifies the bullshit light weight safety regulations we have in this country and puts the responsibility for ensuring that workplace safety on the workers, not the fucking bosses.

Ever since the Unions were smashed, Governments have watered any real work safety obligations down to an almost voluntary system that only gets punished when there is catastrophe, and even then the bosses tend to walk free.

In this advert, it’s the workers who have to make their work space safe, the fucking bosses aren’t involved at all, and as for the meerkats, I don’t know what the fuck they are doing in this advert. Like I said, it reeks of Weta Digital.

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Let’s have a Worksafe advert where the Meerkats get blown up in a mine and the Boss gets away with it and tell everyone it was the Meerkats responsibility for the explosion in the first place shall we?

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  1. Let me correct one thing for you Bomber:

    “This ad felt like it’s been brainfarted out by a Wellington Ad agency who sold the Meerkats as some amazing Weta Digital special effects shit-tacular to justify their outrageous fee.”

  2. ” Ever since the Unions were smashed, Governments have watered any real work safety obligations down to an almost voluntary system that only gets punished when there is catastrophe, and even then the bosses tend to walk free”
    PIKE RIVER , CTV and Forestry which is an ongoing disaster which the late great Helen Kelly did her best to highlight the evils of the neo liberal approach to the men and women who were making a living and dying at work.
    Corporate manslaughter should carry a severe penalty because the abject denial of responsibility in the name of $$$$ profit at any cost would be strictly enforced in a country that values human life above every other consideration and should never be overlooked on a companies balance sheet.

  3. …” Let’s have a Worksafe advert where the Meerkats get blown up in a mine and the Boss gets away with it and tell everyone it was the Meerkats responsibility for the explosion in the first place shall we?”…


    BINGO !!!

    And of course, the implications here are the Pike River coal mining disaster.

    The Law Works Special – The Upper Big Branch Coal Mine Investigation

    Even the bloody Americans have got more balls in the land of the free market and get right down to who was responsible – and the boss in charge of the above did time for his part in that disaster, though apparently, not long enough by sounds. Same old story, when the money and champagne are flowing, these types are the Lords and Ladies, but when their actions ( or lack thereof ) cost workers their lives, they are nowhere to be seen, aided often by vested interested party’s in govt circles to quietly slip away…

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