The Dire Need for Counseling in 2020


2020 will forever be known as the year of the great pandemic. This worldwide crisis has hit every single one of us, with people from all over the world fighting the same enemy – the COVD-19 virus. Dealing with the consequences of the pandemic constitutes a major trauma, one that we have all been exposed to and one that we are all responding to. So, in 2020, the world needs doctors to heal, but the world also needs counselors! We must heal our bodies, but must also heal our minds to make it out of this crisis!

The World Needs Counsellors

With the increasing demand for mental health counseling, the world needs therapists. Those looking to pursue a career in this industry have online counseling courses to turn to. This is not only the safest way to start or continue studies, but also the most convenient option. Students can personalize their schedules, as well as their learning process.

With online lectures, they can pause if they want to take a break and, most importantly, they can rewind and replay to hear certain parts of the lectures again to clarify certain notions they may have had trouble understanding. This creates a much calmer atmosphere that is targeted on learning.

Newcomers will get to experience a wide variety of cases, as well as a world-wide response to a collective trauma, which is a unique opportunity in the mental health field. This opens up an immense opportunity for research. As for the research material, that will consist of the multitude of cases that they will get to work on during the pandemic and after it will become only a memory.

The World Needs Counseling

In 2020, each and every one of us has to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. We have to cope with its effects on us, as well as the people around us. Additionally, we have to deal with the rest of our problems as well. Just because we are dealing with a worldwide crisis, it does not mean that the issues we were dealing with before this happened have magically disappeared.

On the contrary, the pandemic has had a negative impact on people dealing with mental health issues. Depression cases have gotten more severe as people have had less and less contact with their friends and loved ones. Some people have even had to go through these times all alone, which is extremely difficult to do, especially when fighting depression. Solitary confinement takes its tow after a few weeks and people need help to adapt.

Other people have found themselves trapped inside the house with partners or friends they were having issues with prior to the pandemic. With no more buffers between them like the time spent at work, numerous conflicts have surfaced making the atmosphere in the house difficult to deal with. For people who were already struggling with depression or other mental health problems, this period has been excruciating.

However, the people who have had it the worst in 2020 were those who have come closest to the virus. Those who have had loved ones infected with the virus or have been infected themselves have had to deal with an enormous trauma. Working with therapists is paramount for people in recovery after COVID-19 infections, as well as for those caring for the victims of the pandemic.

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2020 has upped the need for counseling immensely. With people dealing with intricate personal matters, confinement depression, phobias, and so many other issues, people need to talk to professionals. There is a way out of this crisis and we have to come out stronger!

The Silver Lining

It was during the pandemic that many people started therapy for the first time. Many were putting it off before 2020, some others didn’t even know that they could benefit from counseling, but the great silver lining is that this year, people have sought help in their personal matters. Moreover, many of them will continue to see their therapists even after the new normal fades into the old normal, which is a very important step.