Prison building intentions triple in 2019 – Statistics New Zealand


About three times the value of building work for prisons was consented in the December 2019 year ($229 million) than in 2018 ($75 million), Stats NZ said today.

“The jump in value of building consents for prisons reflects investments signalled by the Department of Corrections for work across New Zealand,” construction statistics manager Melissa McKenzie said.

“It includes new modular prison accommodation at a handful of existing prisons.”

“Investment in prisons peaked in 2005, when consents were issued for work on both existing and new prisons. There were also spikes in investment in 2009 and 2013.”

Construction price rises can impact on the comparability of investment over time. Non-residential construction prices (as measured by the capital goods price index) were 45 percent higher in the September 2019 year than those experienced 14 years ago in 2005. In the latest year, prices rose 5.1 percent.

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Most of the investment in prisons in 2019 was in Waikato, Canterbury, and Wellington regions, following significant investment in Auckland prisons in the previous 10 years.

The total value of non-residential building work consented increased 5.2 percent in 2019, reaching $7.5 billion.

• Visit Building consents issued: December 2019
• See Over 15,000 new homes intended for Auckland
• See CSV files for download


  1. I feel a song coming on. I’d do anything, for your love anywhere, yes I’d do anything, anything for you! or something of that kind. It’s so nice that the gummint and their keymen are winding them up to build nice new modern facilities with welcome mats and all. What about nice new half-way houses, they’ll be next. All this for these privileged people and meantime the ordinary woman, man and child in the street have got nowhere to go except the bushes.

    It’s just not fair and prisoners released should be sent back home where they belong. Oh that’s right there aren’t any homes and they have long ago forgotten where to belong to. I’m a bit confused I think, do you know if there are lots of houses somewhere, and some of that huge bunch of government money is being spent on stuff for ordinary people? If so, please put it down on paper in big black letters, on white, and stick it up in a prominent place with the other posters about live performances and wonders of creation, and we will get down on our knees and worship it.
    (Short piece under the influence of stream of consciousness and automatic writing from some past Labour stalwart like Margaret Thorn.)

  2. As long as they don’t build anymore national will and someone needs to highlight ‘a vote for national is a vote for a multi billion dollar prison. And we all know who will be accommodated in this prison. Another catch cry ‘a vote for national is a vote for more Maori to fill the billion dollar prison$

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