The Daily Blog Open Mic – Friday – 31st January 2020


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Northland gets $100 million for rail restoration.

    A good ‘common sense policy’ that needs to be extended to the East Coast provinces now to mitigate for Gisborne’s loss of rail to restore the Gisborne rail again; – after Steven Joyce as mimnister of transport under the last National Government destroyed our rail deliberately; – by stealing the ‘Kiwirail track maintaineance funding’ and spent it for other regions rail services thereby causing the rail to suffer from a rainstorm blocked drains to then cause washout of the one km of the Gisborne rail then at a cost to repair of four million dollars that National was not preepared to offer to repair the rail service after wards and this obbing of rail funding for other regions’ was disclosed by Phil twyford in 2013.

    AND NOW THIS: CEAC says – NZTA continue lack respect of environmental stewardship Govt’ now must use rail and show environmental stewardship here as ‘NZTA’ refuses to respect environmental stewardship” … More >>

  2. The AirNZ staff volunteering to go to China and pick up the stranded are great, to be applauded. But the Tu spokesperson said they hoped they would not have to go into quarantine. I don’t think this is the time for good ol’ NZ ‘She’ll be right’! That’s what I heard earlier this morning.

    I expect that the government will work with AirNZ and give them funding to ensure that they have a satisfactory sojourn in some premises where they can stay for a fortnight to ensure they don’t carry any bug to their family and the community. So get onto it gummint, don’t be slack and look around thinking SEP! Make it yours.

    And further will help please be extended to the people in the area outside Wuhan who are locked down also, one group is a mother and two children. Also all those people will have to be quarantined somewhere safe, and not just at home with the temptation to slip out. The children are expecting to go to school. They cannot be allowed to until the quarantine period is up. We have been blamed for spreading measles; other countries accept our stance as a developed country but are ignorant of how we are developing – a tendency to be a blot on the landscape! So we must tighten up our act. Soothing words from officials and political leaders will not be enough. Nobody of any perspicacity trusts you any longer.

  3. From Radionz interview:
    author interview
    Roy Baumeister on how we can overcome negativity
    From Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan, 3:10 pm on 29 January 2020
    As humans, we lean into the negative. It’s just how our brains work. Our natural negative bias explains so much; high divorce rates, stagnating economies, and what makes the news and drives politics.
    Overcoming that natural tendency is hard, says social psychologist Roy Baumeister, but possible and he explains how in his new book, The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It.

    Good I am glad some people in the USA are onto their problems. There is a major need for corrective thinking right at the top there. And in this case the trickle down theory might work – if you could correct at the top, the multiplier effect of good would go all the way.

  4. The ‘Ghost House’ problem.

    Is a solution in sight?

    In the midst of a housing crisis there are over 40,000 perfectly good empty homes in Auckland alone. And the problem has only grown worse under this government.

    Good to see that local body and central politicians are finally drumming up their nerve to to address this long standing problem.

    Quibbles about possible breach of privacy are just the sort of typical dust the immoral speculators lobby will try to throw up in politicians eyes to stop them taking clear and much needed action on this.

    But if Vancouver can do it, so can we.


    Do the crime pay the fine

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