Yay – National are going to screw Gen Xers on our superannuation!



The first generation of user pays, Gen X, are now going to have to wait longer to get their Super if National win the 2020 election…

National would still raise super age to 67 in 2037 if elected, finance spokesman Paul Goldsmith says

…it’s not enough that Gen Xers had to pay for their own education, it’s not enough that while they were paying that student debt off and Boomers were speculating them out of the housing market, now we are being told that those Boomers are pulling the Super ladder up behind them.

So Boomers speculate Xers out of the housing market, never fucking retire so that Xers can’t progress their careers and NOW they are taking their Super up with them?

Look you Boomers, I know you’ve had it good with your subsided life from cradle to grave, but sweet Jesus there is going to be such a backlash against you the very second Millennials + Gen Y + Gen Xers are a bigger voting black, and that’s predicted to be the 2023 election.

Enjoy it while you can Boomers, and if you are a Gen Xer, you just got another reason not to vote National.


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    • Kiwisaver is not guaranteed and 20% of everyone’s profits goes back to the banks – Kiwisaver is run by private interests who are more likely to go under than the government judging by so many bank failures over the past decades!

      So pensions should be raised and run from the government if you want greater security over that money and not want to be penniless in your old age!

      • Modern banks are more interested in profits than risk and safety and that is what has bought about the GFC which is happening now with increasing regularity and caused by bank greed and lack of regulation to banks from government. If the banks go down, there goes Kiwisaver and everybody’s savings!!


        “Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr aimed another shot at the big four Australian-owned banks, warning that none of them were too big to fail.

        “There’s always been a concept: too big to close,” Orr said.

        “[But] Nothing’s too big to fail”.

        Orr also warned that if one of the big four banks were to close, it would bring the other three down with it. ”

        For those that need a refresher of what happened 11 years ago….

        Banks can and do fail, and within everyones lifetime!!!

      • have look at simplicity its a none profit iam a member i left the bank for simplicity 2.5 years ago and have never re-grated it. not only do we enjoy the lowest fees and some of the best returns 15 percent of the management fee goes to charities like the salvation army life line so not only are we saving for retirement we are putting something back as well.the founder sam stubbs is a bloody good advocate for the members interests. simplicity has all most 30000 members now and 1 billion under management the more members we get the lower the fees will get its a win win situation we dont have to put up with high fees and wanker fund managers simplicity uses passive index funds thats why the fees are so low.

      • Why? Kiwi Saver was designed so that anyone no mater who they are can retire with dignity and not become a burden on the state or there families. It’s got nothing to do with taking someone else stuff.

  1. Has any one worked with someone who is over 65 in a fast paced working environment which is every fucken workplace on the planet. That’s fucken cruel.

    • I sure do. I employed a spritly 72yo only a few weeks ago. That makes 3 gold carders in my team now. We need them for the experience and stability the millennials and Gens just don’t have and sadly some just have no interest in learning.

      ALL ages gave their fors and againsts, those who think otherwise are simply sad arsed fuckwits causing more harm than good.

      • Was at a large retail store chain, and saw an employee who looked past retirement age, he had a team of two millennials. The old guy seemed to be the only one who knew anything or was helpful, one of the millennials was haranguing him to go and get a ‘hot water’ when he politely said, the other millennial was just going to the toilet and to do it after he came back, the millennial just kept repeating but I need a ‘hot water’ to him while he was trying to help the customers! Seriously I felt sorry for the guy who was forced to work with what looked like totally work shy self obsessed people! There are good and bad employees of every age, don’t know older employees because they are old!

        One of the problems with some of the millennials is that with immigration and work safety rules, they don’t get to get to do any part time work anymore, the supermarket/ retail jobs, farm jobs and work that boomers and Gen x did are no longer available to them, with health and safety/kids not able to be left alone until they are 14, it has become the norm for 24 year olds to become used to being babied and not given any responsibility!

        Let our kids do part time work again and take responsibility, that would solve a huge amount of current problems!

        Modern kids are infantilised a lot more than Gen X who walked home from school, got themselves their own snacks, were responsible for baby sitting other siblings and many didn’t see their parents until they got home from work at 5:30! Now that is illegal!

        • It remains to be seen whether or not a 72 year old worker has to work so he doesn’t starve. The first question I have is to what extent does these work need to be done by a 72 year old.

          But let’s assume that this work remains necessary and badly needed to be done. Then the answer would simply be that that work needs to be equally shared among those people who are capable of doing the work.

          Beyond that, if it turns out that these are really tasks that only over 65 year olds will find self fulfilment which I don’t believe at all. There is a good amount of self pride when important work is done and a great deal of pride when complicated work is completed well because it would take a lot of thought and execution to complete.

          Complicated by this is the determination of management to complete the work and what the work is for and what it is worth and what the purposes are for the tasks performed and how satisfied the work force ought to be as dictated by someone who outsources the kinds of skills that anyone would enjoy exercising.

  2. So the current crop of politicians are boomers? I don’t think so sport. There may be a few of the old guard still there but generally the parliamentarians that are willfully screwing everyone over are gen xers. The boomers bullshit is just that. It’s rich vs poor. Always has been, always will be.

  3. Here we have it. No new taxes but get NZers to work longer so they, NZers, are having to pay taxes for a longer period of time whilst at the same time existing taxes eg GST; and levies are being increased.

    That is like moving the goal-post for many NZers and especially low incomes NZers close to retirement age further and further. Quite, if we should say so, unimpressive of National. But also the right way for National to not be voted in ever again. Well done National. No-one will vote for you now. Way to go. Keep up the good work of destroying yourself again and again.

  4. Theres always a reasonable intake of student nurses where I live and theres always a good bunch of them qualifying and not getting any jobs locally because there are no vacancies and yet on my unfortunately frequent attendances at our local hospital I keep finding myself being treated by almost geriatric nursing staff that must be on govt superannuation. If they insist on filling positions and stopping the younger generations from progressing then they should be taxed at a high penal rate to discourage them.

    • Has always been the way, NZ employees and government refuse to invest in young Kiwis and give them employment, and has been on steroids since Rogernomics.

      The would prefer to pay massive agency fees, relocation fees for overseas candidates, free local training, etc to overseas candidates, than spend $1 on a Kiwi and give them a chance at employment.

      Used to be the same for new teachers, they would go on again and again about teacher shortages, and then young teachers would be told they didn’t get the job because they did not have experience and half the teacher jobs were fake, because they were forced to advertise a job when they already had an internal candidate lined up.

      • 30 years of rogernomics it really feels its at the end of the road and a total failure the dancing in the streets never happened

  5. Natz and the neoliberals happy to give super to their donor mates for free, even if they never paid a day of tax in NZ and then make the Gen X kiwis pay for their own super with Kiwisaver, by the time Gen X get old enough there will only be means tested pensions!

    It is one thing to raise the age of superannuation, it is another to have policies with the last decade to overload the pensions that NZ have worked for all their lives with new recipients who may never have contributed or only contributed a fraction, but are green lighted into NZ (along with free health care from day 1).

    Super is apparently worth 1 million dollars per person. So it’s pretty generous on behalf of the NZ government to donate this public money to private individuals.

    Grey power warned against it, in 2011, a decade ago!


    Now those coming in under family visa are also able to get married in 11 days online and a 10k cash payment and NZ government does not seem to have the legal expertise to stop it.


  6. I’m an xer and I am certainly not keen on working past 65 but the reality is that there is no choice.
    Also, boomers did not have it all easy like everyone seems to think they did.
    Fewer than 10% of them went to university and there was no student allowance.
    So for chrissakes stop all the bullshit blaming everything on boomers.

  7. national can fuck off we paid taxes just like the boomers did, we are paying for the boomers retirements
    only to be screwed by fucken national because of there mismanagement its that fucken party who wreaked the 1970s super scheme halted contributions to the cullen fund reduced the employers contribution and the taxed kiwi saver to pay our own tax credit we work our backside off pay taxes to support the boomers blessed lives then get kicked in the teeth when its our turn we need to send a strong message to that party of bluggers.ok nact why should we pay for the boomers ????????if we are not going to get the same.

    • +1 Mike especially

      “only to be screwed by fucken national because of there mismanagement its that fucken party who wreaked the 1970s super scheme halted contributions to the cullen fund reduced the employers contribution and the taxed kiwi saver to pay our own tax credit ”

      If they had not halted the super scheme and the Cullen fund (while over loading it with non tax paying aged recipients from overseas) then there would be plenty of money in the kitty!

  8. And for an extra kick in the guts, boomers are going to vote against legalisation of cannabis

  9. Glenn the national party brought in thousand of foreign nurses why would yo do this and how did this effect our NZ trained Nurse , many couldn’t get jobs after years of training . I think this is why national sabotaged the census they didn’t want us to see the mess including the million foreigners they brought in to push down wages and push up GDP thereby creating a false economy an economy propped up by immigration and a huge cheap pool of labour

    • +1 Michelle – not just the nurses who at least often had real skills, but hundreds of thousands of people on temporary work permits that with marriage/pregnancy/fake job/fake qualifications/right political connections/donations can be converted to permanent residency with a bit of creative paper work or just as of right.

      Even the rich ones they bought in screwed over the NZ taxpayers with sweet deals from government and officials that they would not offer to their own people!

      “A scheme funded by New Zealand taxpayers netted billionaire Peter Thiel tens of millions of dollars while his publicly funded investment partner barely broke even.”


      Note, once Thiel got citizenship in a few days after not bothering to live here (but as a citizen will be able to claim full health care, super and pass on citizenship to his children/spouse if he has any) he bailed out and sold his shares as a sign of good faith. (sarcasm)

      Note billionaires have accountants whose goal in life is to collect every loophole or benefit their billionaire clients are entitled to, so no doubt Kiwi’s will be supporting this billionaire through his retirement if he qualifies for anything under citizenship!)

      Meanwhile they keep saying, work harder, lazy drugged out Kiwi’s and pay more taxes to support a range of corporate beneficiaries they keep adding into NZ!

  10. The first pension change they need to make is that people have to have lived in NZ for 32.5 years aka 50% of their lives to qualify for the pension and new residents and citizens have to contribute at least 20 years of taxable contributions to qualify for each person to get a pension, aka not piggy back off a marriage or relationship to get free money!

    Government also need to abandon the single/marriage status altogether, it is just a can of worms in todays social climate of quick marriages and divorces. Even Winston got caught out, as it is too subjective with modern relationships being fleeting or not fully committed (due to assets also being effected if you are /are not in a relationship).

    The government needs to start those rules immediately because NZ can’t afford to be giving out pensions to people who arrive in NZ for only 10 years and qualify for 1 million dollars of pension, and don’t work or hardly work and produce taxes, while Gen X and everyone who stayed in NZ to work are unlikely to get the same benefits that they paid into!

    It’s yet another way to subjugate local workers and encourage the brain drain and free loaders coming here for the wrong reasons.

    • it not good enough there needs to a claw back on some of the boomers wealth that arguably has come from the future that there not entitled to and lets not forget phil goff asked the boomers to help recapitalizes superannuation they said no took the tax cut that was our super money and gave the rest of us the fingers

      • It would be interesting to see what the voting statistics are because clearly it ain’t just the boomers voting National.

        Labour get more educated women voters voting for them, and with so many low skilled people coming into NZ and fake degrees and less domestic adults going into tertiary education, demographically there are many things going on in NZ that are skewing the demographics. It is simplistic to blame boomers for voting National.

        A poll showed overwhelmingly Chinese vote National and loved Key (with all the zero tax havens and all) and it is probably the same with many nationalities that do not come from a democracy or social welfare country therefore ‘user pays’ is what they know and believe in.

        Meanwhile it sounds like the Brits are leaving because they still have options to go back to, while other nationalities commit crimes and they are wiped so that the criminals can become NZ permanent residents and citizens and commit more crimes under the NZ passport.

        Blame also has to be put on Labour for such out of touch electioneering and failure to understand what is most important for people! Warm dry homes sounds good if you actually had a home to live in, otherwise it is more a Marie Antoinette moment if you are a renter and 2/3 of people in NZ already have a home which may also be damp etc and so it is not relevant to them.

        Statistics showed that the biggest growing group in poverty is actually pakeha families with kids, on wages with a mortgage. There is a lot of sacrifice to get and pay a mortgage off over 30 years which as a group they seem non existent to most politicians and commentators who seem to think just having a house available is enough or the promise of a house. Clearly it isn’t, because you need a well enough secure job to go with the available house. NZ now has less well enough paid jobs and affordable houses.

        Likewise the Greens with their current foray into having the same policies as Labour, warm, dry houses, identity politics and blame of everyone because all local voters are racist/sexist/ etc while any reality seems to be nonexistent (aka Tarrent was a migrant who was in NZ 3 years as of right, and god knows how many more of them are out there or on their way but apparently the CHCH was to do with Pakeha racism, go figure that one out as record numbers of people donated their time and money to help, while being kicked in the face by some of our politicians).

        it’s got so bad, suicide levels are skyrocketing in NZ because without the prospect of social mobility, the growing drugs scene in NZ and dysfunctional families being encouraged here, poor quality education that seems more aimed at making money from foreign students that enriching local students, it is all leading to a feeling of helplessness.

  11. It won’t be the well off Boomers who suffer though will it – it’ll be the poor ones.
    There is no generational war going on – just the usual story of rich people making off with the loot.

  12. Goldsmith and the rest of these Nasty Natz are doing great and will never have too worry about when too retire or whether they might starve when they do.

    I am heartily sick of these self serving wankers playing around with superannuation while they are protected with their parliamentary entitlements.

    Goldsmith is a heartless , void despicable individual who will continue the National party tradition of promising too look after the ” kiwi family ” while he supports and enacts cruel policies that do anything but.

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