The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday 3rd June 2019


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Martyn wake Sean Plunket up as he was asking you ‘why are we funding rail that cant pay it’s own way?

    According to this study, – yes ‘rail is paying it’s own way and benefiting us all at the same time’.

    Question for Governmment.

    Is the NZ Government legally responsible for protection for the environment climate change emissions, & health, well-being of the communities of all New Zealanders today?

    If so then they need to consider these facts from the study done for rail services to be funded for giving all these benefits for our future.

    • E.Y. study “The value of rail in NZ”- produced for National Government in 2016. The Value of Rail in New Zealand – 2016 For the NZ Transport Agency

    3/ Facts at a glance:

    Rail contributes up to $1.5 billion in often unseen benefits to New Zealand each year.
    The value of rail to New Zealand far outweighs its cost to the taxpayer.
    Using rail reduces the number of deaths and injuries on our roads by a net 271 a year.
    Rail saves taxpayers money on congestion, road maintenance costs, injuries and fatalities and reduced carbon emissions.
    Reducing congestion saves $1.3 billion, the equivalent of 100,000 fewer daily car trips and taking 30,000 trucks off the road for an hour a day.
    Reducing carbon emissions by 488,000 tonnes a year – the equivalent of taking 87,000 cars off the road – saves $8.5 million.
    Improving safety outcomes saves $60 million.
    Reducing road maintenance saves $63 million.
    Rail is also an important and sustainable economic contributor to the regions and links New Zealand to export markets overseas.


    Q: Why was this study undertaken?

    A: The 2016 study was commissioned by NZTA in conjunction with KiwiRail and other agencies as an aid to decision making on policy and to inform stakeholders of the wider benefits of rail that may not be captured within traditional financial statements.

    Q: Has this type of study been done elsewhere?

    A: Yes, this type of study has been undertaken to help further understand the benefits of rail in the United Kingdom, Australia and Scotland.

    Q: Who was involved in developing the study?

    A: General consensus was achieved on the methodology from all stakeholders including; NZTA, KiwiRail, Treasury, Auckland Transport, and Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC). The study was carried out by EY.

    Q: Why is this being released now?

    A: This study is a snapshot of the value of rail in New Zealand at a point in time. It is an important contribution to the transport debate in New Zealand and by providing this information it informs the discussion that is already going on.

    Martyn wake Sean Plunket up as he was asking you ‘why are we funding rail that cant pay it’s own way?

    According to this study, – yes ‘rail is paying it’s own way and benefiting us all at the same time’.

    • All of the private sector profits was them putting maintenance deferral costs of to the governments books and government going hang on didnt we sell those assets.

  2. “Coltan is Venezuela’s Oro Azul or ‘blue gold’. In 2009, President Hugo Chávezannounced the discovery of reserves worth $100 billion of “the blue gold of the 21st century” in the Amazon region of the country.

    The price of this blue gold follows an increasing demand for a high-grade metal known as tantalum, processed from refined coltan. Demand for coltan is so intense, it fetches a higher price on the international market than even gold or diamonds.

    Tantalum is the metal used in capacitors that store energy in modern electronics like smart phones and tablets. Tantalum capacitors are also essential in powering modern military weaponry because the metal resists corrosion and can withstand the extreme temperatures generated by the new military applications. Without it, weapons systems would overheat.

    The US relies on tantalum to build the basic circuitry in guidance control systems in smart bombs, the on-board navigational systems in drones, anti-tank systems, robots and most weapons systems.

    The metal is vital to US defense. Yet, it has no domestic source of coltan. Importing and stockpiling tantalum is its only recourse.”

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