Winston Vs Simon Bridges in Budget number death match


Cue the death match theme music

Sweet Jesus, that escalated quickly.

Simon Bridges is running around trying to pimp a leak from the budget but is refusing to describe it as a leak???

Bridges is framing it as a ‘Winston Budget’ and is trying to sow discord with the striking teachers and nurses by insinuating Jacinda is buying military hardware and not settling with striking public servants.

No sooner was Simon trying to ignore why he won’t call it a leak, big Winston Peters comes out and slams the numbers as wrong…

Winston Peters told the Herald that every figure used by Bridges was “utterly fake, false, and will be proven so on Thursday”.

“His credibility is utterly shot by these sorts of statements.

“He’s got them all wrong, you name it and I’ll tell you which one’s wrong,” Peters said.

…someone is lying and we are going to see who it is come Thursday.

If Simon isn’t lying then he has caused a coup upset and reframed the welfare budget in a devious and malicious way. It would also be a serious blow to the credibility of Winston.

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If Winston isn’t lying Simon Bridges will be the hapless fop who has once again over egged and zigged when he should have zagged. If the Euthanasia legislation passes before the 2020 election, Bridges leadership would surely be the first candidate.



  1. You would’ve thought Bridges would’ve learnt his lessons on leaks, if in fact this is what has happened. Now either the man is a moron or just a plain bonehead. Either way, he’s being played here. It may be time for Winston to bring out that Simon and Garfunkle song and play it again.

  2. What does Bridges even mean about “buying military hardware.” We have to replace the C-130s and some ships and the defence estate hasn’t had an upgrade since World War 2. That’s hardly a scoop.

    This is weird. Teachers and nurses get the largest pay increase in 10-20 years and defence is just meant to carry on… What kind of Bridge building is that?

  3. Are we still the laughing joke when it comes to our military they use to say ‘join the NZ army bring your own boots’ we cant send our soldiers out there to do peace keeping with sticks and stones and antiquated weapons.

  4. This is Simon’s gotcha coalition moment. This is about supposedly Labour giving NZ First what they want as part of their coalition agreement. Really?
    Isn’t this just about good fiscal management.
    I mean didn’t National give the Maori party millions for Whanau Ora? Didn’t National National give ACT millions for Charter schools. Bridges claiming a victory by way of a leak is a little hypocritical, we need an inquiry.

  5. I’m sure Winston has the smarts to not jeopardize his credibility and that of NZF, through adamantly stating publicly that the figures Simon Bridges is braying about are fake and he personally knows which figures are correct and those which are wrong. Winston might be a lot of things, but he is not stupid.

    Could be someone from somewhere or anywhere (perhaps with some insider knowledge), might have created a fake “budget” with the intention of setting up Simon Bridges through a “leak”, in an attempt to trip him up big time.

    As Grant Robertson stated earlier, some of the figures Simon has been espousing with great gusto to media are correct, while others are wrong, some of which it has been said by other sources, come from the 2018/19 Budget, which are already in the public domain.

    Seems to me to be a bit of a mish mash “Budget leak” to be genuine somehow. However if it is proven to be a true leak, then the person(s) responsible must be reprimanded and severely!

    We can only wait until Thursday to find out, when all will be revealed.

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