Mike Hosking doubles down on bigotry – the man has all the empathy of a chainsaw on meth


When someone says something inanely ignorant and hateful, (especially right after the nation is still reeling from the violence of a white supremacy atrocity), one would think that those with media platform wishing to at least pretend to look like they are attempting to project some basic empathy would not repeat or support the inanely ignorant and hateful thing.

One would have thought.

Mike Hosking however has managed to make white privilege sound even more ugly than usual…

Mike Hosking: Hats off to a farmer who tells it like it is
To quote him: “They want to redistribute to those they perceive as helpless and needy, but in my opinion … useless.”

Now obviously not everyone on the receiving end is useless.

But we have a growing collection of those who are increasingly receiving without the traditional expectation of then somehow giving back.

… the man has all the empathy of a chainsaw on meth.

Let’s look at the hateful spite a multi millionaire wants to spit on beneficiaries

Firstly however, isn’t it a tad rich for ruddy faced Farmers bitching about beneficiaries when Farmers pollute and steal our fresh water, who contribute enormously to greenhouse gas emissions and who have had the entire economy structured in THEIR favour? The massive subsidisation the entire country pays to give these pricks unending political power and control over the entire economy is one thing, hearing them then complain about bludgers is another.

But I digress, let’s get into Mike’s hate of the poor…

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The jobseeker benefit in this country has grown under this Government by 11,000 and counting.

…yes, that’s to stop people living in the street and is a response t the almost decade long entrenchment of poverty and hardship John Key oversaw. Someone need to explain gently to Mike that his party lost…

The jobseeker benefit is for those who are able to work, but don’t.

…no, that’s the neoliberal label given this payment. Many aren’t capable of work, don’t have the skill set for work or are in a level of poverty where they just fall through the cracks.

They are the ones who fail to turn up to appointments, the ones who remarkably, despite
all the jobs available, can’t seem to find any work — yet this Government is more than prepared to hand out ever-increasing amounts of our money to support their habit of going nowhere fast.

…that’s right because they don’t wish to be as exploited as migrant labour, they somehow deserve extra punishment…

The state house tenancy review has been suspended.

…state housing as a whole is so broken that attacking it for being slightly less cruel is jaw dropping in its audacity…

A large swathe of those in social housing are no longer asked or expected to move out and into their own place when their circumstances allow, thus returning in part to the days where people had social housing for life, no matter whether they needed it or not.

…how dare those living in poverty expect to have community stability! The second they earn a dollar more than absolute poverty, kick them out into the free market so Mike slumlord mates can get rich…

And as those people happily sit in their subsidised accommodation, the line for help grows to a record-breaking 10,000.

…because your slumlord mates make living so hard Mike.

The smugness to spit on beneficiaries when you are a multi-millionaire broadcaster or farmer should be called out for the bitter divisive bullshit it is.



  1. I think it’s human nature watch objectionable material and some people like the Hosk knows it.

    This is anocdotal but I always see these people on Facebook with like a few friends and they post one video of objectionable content like murder or some animal factory and they get a million views and then you see streamers who’ve been cultervating subscribers for a few years barley average 100-200 views. So if it bleeds it leads I guess. Can’t really help human nature. But eventually these one hit wonders retreat back into obscurity, didn’t the Hosk have a couple different show awhile back and now just one.

      • Hosking is the creature thousands of NZ’ers signed a petition asking to have him removed from public airing. Failed. He’s delivering what his pay masters want.

        Currently in NZ, on average, five children a day have to be put into care – that’s about 10,000 over the past five years, and the rates are climbing.

        It is heartbreaking, and it is a national disgrace – as is Hosking and anyone else who objects to our taxes being used not to just stop these kids from ending up disadvantaged in health and education, but also more likely to end up in prison.

        It should be a number one priority to give disadvantaged families all the help and support that we can to help children have decent childhoods, and to have happy childhoods.

        It is not babies’ fault if they are born into damaging families, but I suggest that those who try to resist helping them are moral reprobates, and that includes Hosking.

        Even if some parents are total bloody failures ,we don’t have to be likewise. If we are civilised, we step up whatever help is needed for these little ones, or else we are barbarians. Hosking may choose to be barbaric, but I would like to see him explain himself if he does not agree that every child counts.

  2. Hosking is the creature thousands of NZ’ers signed a petition asking to have him removed from public airing. Failed. He’s delivering what his pay masters want.

    Currently in NZ, on average, five children a day have to be put into care – that’s about 10,000 over the past five years, and the rates are climbing.

    It is heartbreaking, and it is a national disgrace – as is Hosking and anyone else who objects to our taxes being used not to just stop these kids from ending up disadvantaged in health and education, but also more likely to end up in prison.

    It should be a number one priority to give disadvantaged families all the help and support that we can to help children have decent childhoods, and to have happy childhoods.

    It is not babies’ fault if they are born into damaging families, but I suggest that those who try to resist helping them are moral reprobates, and that includes Hosking.

    Even if some parents are total bloody failures ,we don’t have to be likewise. If we are civilised, we step up whatever help is needed for these little ones, or else we are barbarians. Hosking may choose to be barbaric, but I would like to see him explain himself if he does not agree that every child counts.

  3. Mike Hosking, Gary Lin and the Skytower… the potent troika representing everything wrong with Auckowloon and No Zealand…

  4. why dont people just turn the fucker off…I never watch him!…he is a waste of time…he should go back to being the ‘fruit and vegetable’ market reporter on National radio (now RNZ)…he was brilliant at this!

    …really knows his veges

  5. “The massive subsidisation the entire country pays to give these pricks unending political power and control over the entire economy is one thing”

    Can you please expand on your thinking here Martyn? I am a farmer and I really feel pretty much the bottom of the barrel, mate my 17 year old son has just started an apprenticeship on minimum wage at a higher total income than I live on. Where do I go to get this massive subsidy, political power and control of the economy? I thought no one ever listened to me!

  6. If Hosking has any purpose, its to show the darker, more selfish, less intelligent side of the N Z psyche. There are people like him in our towns, our communitues, our streets

    Unfortunarely, the platforms given to bigots like Hosking and othes are given in the name of free speech is not shared with the victims of his vitriol

    Its a 1 way street

    So the myth of the “bene bludger” grows with minimal challenge

    Or the myth of muslim extremism “growing in nz”. That one had lethal consequences

  7. More farmer bashing from an Aucklander that very clearly knows nothing about farms or farmers. Bomber have you ever worked or spent time on a farm in your life? It’s incredibly hard work with very little pay and no holidays (not even weekends off). The vast majority of farmer’s are up to there eye balls in strangling debt – constantly at the whim of exchange rates and commodity prices – budgeting when you no idea what your income is going to be is extremely stressful. It should come as no surprise that farmers have one of the highest suicide rates; does that sound like a sector “who have had the entire economy structured in THEIR favour” would be doing?
    The fact is almost all of New Zealand’s net wealth is generated by agriculture (since this industry exports vastly more than they import), despite the sector being relatively small part of GDP (which comprises mostly of leeches like finance, government and middlemen):

    • Hey farmer guy, they have so much debt because they can access credit from the banks when most other people can’t. Boo hoo. Also fucked up farming practices, lazy environmentally unfriendly ones for decades have polluted our waterways and it will take generations to fix. If ever. Climate change from cow farts. There probably are not generations left for humanity to fix the damage done and keeps being done….by farmers and let’s not even mention irrigation.

  8. Why is he even given a platform? Mike Hoskings’ views are not the opinions of most decent people. He is just as dangerous as the white supremacy websites, inciting hatred and intolerance while displaying so much anger and self importance.

    How he is managing to live in that world without anyone taking him to task? What are the editors of NZ Herald thinking? Its all about click bait I guess. I refuse to read his columns. It’s vitriol poison.

    I would love for Mike to walk in the shoes of those he so despises. He has so much to learn about humanity.

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