Oh come on folks, this is petty even for the most angry sensible sentencing trust lynch mob, There should be no surprise or tantrums thrown aboutĀ Karel Sroubek gaining residency.
Come on…
National wants answers after convicted drug-smuggler Karel Sroubek granted residence
Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway needs to explain why he has granted residence to a Czech man with gang associations in prison for drug-smuggling, National says.Lees-Galloway used his power of “absolute discretion” to cancel deportation liability and grant residence to Karel Sroubek, also known as Jan Antolik.
It means Lees-Galloway does not have to explain why he made his decision but National’s immigration spokesman Michael Woodhouse, a former immigration minister, said that was not good enough.
“Serious questions need to be answered by the Minister about his decision. The information I have on this case does not come close to any threshold where special consideration should be given by the Minister,” Woodhouse said.
…firstly, let’s be clear why National are beating this up and why the media are playing along, and then secondly let’s spell out why he’s been given clemency.
National are making this a huge issue because…
- They desperately need attention shifted from their role in sectioning one of their own dissident MPs who was about to dish damaging dirt on them
- It plays to National’s bullshit tough on crime crap that has whipped voters into a maelstrom of spite and helped introduce the counter productive social policy that sees our prisons become double bunked rap pens.
- The media are playing along because stories like this rate and get everyone angry
…so let’s not take anything National has to say aboutĀ Karel Sroubek as anything more than raw meat dog whistling for their death penalty loving voter base.
Which brings us to why the Minister has allowed a criminal like Sroubeck to stay here, which is annoying because it seems screamingly obvious as to why he’s been allowed to stay.
It’s in the last two sentences of the news story…
Sroubek was also previously acquitted of committing an aggravated robbery with two members of the Hells Angels.
…the Hells Angels. The alpha gang of organised crime in NZ, juts above the Headhunters (if you don’t count the Russian Mafia, who are like a world of violence unto themselves, but they don’t have much of a footprint here). So Sroubeck had links to the Angels, links to one of the most difficult to infiltrate organised crime gangs in NZ.
Do you need it spelled out? Really?
No one can see an outcome of the NZ Police cutting a deal on his immigration status for information on the most difficult to infiltrate organised gang in NZ?
If he has provided intel to the Police in return for residency, it is a fairly mature deal that real power wields for the wider good.
This is a beat up, it’s tedious and eye rolling.
This is grown up land, where grown up decisions get made, now turn all that misplaced rage where it deserves to be – like this bullshit revelation that Kiwibuild is for the children of the middle classes.
I dont think Ecstasy is that bad or harmful in the scheme of recreational drugs either
…Fentanyl and other opioids which doctors prescribe regularly are potentially far more addictive and deadly
‘US drug overdose deaths rose to record 72,000 last year, data reveals’
‘Doctors accused of prescribing killer drug fentanyl to patients who didn’t need it’
‘Prince’s death drug prescribed to New Zealand’s elderly’
Of far more concern to me is this:
Did the Catholic Church give any donations to any political parties before the last General Electionā¦in particular the Labour Party
I am concerned that the Commission of Inquiry into sexual abuse of children in New Zealand is going to exclude abuse committed against children in the Catholic Church institutions and other religious institutions
Given the record of sexual abuse of children by the Catholic Church it seems to be incomprehensible and a corruption that they will be exempt from this Commission of Inquiry into sexual abuse of New Zealand children
At least the Australian Commission of Inquiry into sexual abuse of children has investigated the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church is still reluctant to accept changes to prevent abuse of children
It’s “the optics”, Martyn. Numerous sad stories of apparently decent people denied, and then a foreign drug-running crim given special consideration. Doesn’t play well. Even Winston falling into line, forgetting, on this occasion, to put NZers First.
for once the readership seem to be using their brains, Scarlet.
This has clearly back fired, badly, never rush to make a stand like this.
Bridges demands for ILG’s resignation, generally reserved as the nuclear option for opposition politicians who want to make a point against a particularly dodgy government minister, was hillarious and it just cheapened it.
Did Ian try to bury a $100k donation into a multple attack politics accounts? No
Did he consider giving a list seat to a Chinese candidate for $100k. No
Did the Minister consider that one Chinese donor linked MP was worth two Indian versions. No
Did Ian condone womanizing while his chief whip was doing dirty work for him. No.
Did Ian refer to Maureen as #”fucking useless” . Probably not but he might have thought it!
What did Ian do that was so bad then? Clearly swallow a dead rat for the greater good or for non political humanitarian reasons. .
Simon, you are a cock!
…and Radio NZ Guyon Espiner gave Simon Bridges about 10 minutes non stop on this, this morning
…Pathetic RNZ…
…where is the coverage of the Nactional Party corruption allowing Chinese to buy MP list places in the New Zealand Parliament ?!
…there absolutely needs to be an overhaul of RNZ Morning Report!
( Simon Bridges and Guyon Espiner need to be called to account and go imo)
…so where was the investigative journalism by RNZ? ( as usual not there)
…instead of a rolling out non stop propaganda by Simon Bridges
and blame gaming of a Labour Minister of Immigration …Guyon et al should have been able to have ferreted out the truth that it was two Nactional Ministers who initially authorised the residency several years earlier
…and it was Nact Minister Coleman who had reason and should have deported Karel Sroubek years ago on the basis of a false passport
… the new Labour Minister of Immigration has inherited the problem and was left to carry the can
…lets have a bit more investigative journalism and professionalism instead of bias and non stop propaganda and poor research from RNZ
…it took Delamere to come forward and flush out the truth about the former National Party Ministers involvement ( although you wouldnt know it from reading the headline here…RNZ is still putting the blame on a Labour Minister)
The new information thing is interesting. A bit more of INZ setting up their Labour minister up – not the first time. They really need a clean out of that department and employ people who can do the job.
An excellent theory Mr Bradbury. Just as well Mr Sroubek is not incarcerated in some institution where Hells Angels have a strong presence and can introduce him to a shank when news of this perfidious behaviour becomes available. Let’s hope they don’t read your blog.
Beat me to it Ricardo…
Been scanning ATs posts in case that happens and if does suspect was organised on Nat watch anyway..
Woodhouse also needs a reminder of his meeting with a Chinese donor whose you scratch my back I’ll build a ..except he didnt ‘friendship’ already cost one National MP his job..
What is Williamson up to these days?
S MC ing tasteless gigs at Sky City and freelancing as a go between between Hi-rollers and other authorities ?
How many people in NZ actually are exiled/hidden here through international police protection exchanges?…ie in exile for legitimate protection reasons
If this is such a case and as Bradbury states:
“National are making this a huge issue becauseā¦
They desperately need attention shifted from their role in sectioning one of their own dissident MPs who was about to dish damaging dirt on them…
RNZ has not only fallen for the Nact red herring diversion, and heaped the blame on a Labour Minister …but at the same time exposed someone who could be resident in NZ for legitimate reasons and this decided under Nactional’s watch.
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